Math Lesson Reflection 3

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Math lesson reflection 3

The lesson was about focusing on how to model fractions to decimals. This
lesson was for grade 4studnts. The lesson takes place in the grade 4 math
classroom. My goal was working on time management to achieve my goal I time
myself when the lesson starts I put15 min timer front of me, also during the
activity I put a timer in each group so the students will know when the time
finish, they have to stop. First teacher recap what they token last class because
the lesson with following what they take in the last lesson, in the last lesson was
about fractions so I do a quick review about how fraction look like and how to
write fractions, the whole it will denominator and numerator my parts. I draw
one fraction, students will be able to write the fraction from me. I Introduce the
lesson I tell them today we going to learn new thing how to model the fractions
and decimals. Then I model the lesson for them I show them how we going to
model the fractions to the decimals by using the my modeling I use
learning models, first I do they watch me when I model the lesson. Then I do
they help me, I call on students to help me to complete an example for example
I find out the fraction and ask the students if I am in right, after that they do I
help them I call to students to come and I show them two different charts and
they have to do three steps to model the fraction and decimals. During the
activity, I observe them are they understand and complete the work our they
need assistance. the last stage of learning models they do I watch them and
without help, In the formative assessment I give students A5 paper and show
them to charts on the tenth chart and one Hundredths chart and I ask students
to do three steps find the fraction and decimal, to check their understanding
and then decide if the topic needs re-taught, I found that students able to
answer it and write the fraction and decimal, but few students do not write all
three step they write the fraction only, so next time when I teach this lesson I
will focus on two things, first in the modeling I will show them one example with
mixed fraction so they will know the differences between whole and parts in
decimal point, for example the 56/10 the decimal will 5.6 while in normal
fraction 6/10 the decimal will be 0.6 because we did not have a whole so we put
zero. The other thing I want to focus on if I teach this lesson again in formative
assessment writ step on step two, step three so the students will not forget to
do all three steps.

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