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Republic of the Philippines


Lingayen, Pangasinan

Master of Arts in Education major in Educational Management

Second Semester, 2015-2016
Course EDF 212
Course Title: Program/Project Planning

I. University Vision

To become an ASEAN Premier State University by 2020

II. University Mission

The Pangasinan State University, through instruction, research, extension and

production, meeting the needs of industry, public service and civil society.

III. University Strategic Goals

1. Excellent student learning and career development

2. Strong research culture and technology transfer
3. Good governance
4. Sustainable social responsibilities
5. Quality human resources management and development
6. Efficient management of assets and finances
7. Responsive to Globalization and Diversity
8. Customer-focused

IV. University Outcomes

The Pangasinan State University Institutional Learning Outcomes (PSU ILO) are
the qualities that PSUnians must possess.

These outcomes are anchored on the following core values: Accountability and
Transparency, Credibility and Integrity, Competence and Commitment to Achieve,
Excellence in Service Delivery, Social and Environmental Responsiveness, and
Spirituality – (ACCESS). Anchored on these core values, the PSU graduates are able

1. Demonstrate through institutional mechanisms, systems, policies, and processes

which are reflective of transparency, equity, participatory decision making, and
2. Engage in relevant, comprehensive and sustainable development initiatives
through multiple perspectives in decisions and actions that build personal and
professional credibility and integrity.
3. Set challenging goals and tasks with determination and sense of urgency which
provide continuous improvement and producing quality outputs leading to
inclusive growth;
4. Exhibit life-long learning and global competency proficiency in communication
skills, inter/interpersonal skills, entrepreneurial skills, innovative mindset,
research and production initiatives and capability in meeting the industry
requirements of local, ASEAN and international human capital market through
relevant and comprehensive programs;
5. Display, socially and environmentally responsive organizational culture, which
ensures higher productivity among the university constituents and elevate the
welfare of the multi-sectoral communities and;
6. Practice spiritual values and morally upright behavior which promote and inspire
greater harmony to project a credible public image.

V. Course Description

This a three-unit course which deals with the theories and approaches required
for middle-level program or project management that is a critical element in successful
organization management in the educational system. This concerns planning,
implementation and evaluation processes which shall prepare present and future

VI. Course Objectives

The course shall prepare present and future administrators in the education
sector in the planning, implementing and evaluating of programs or projects derived
from the comprehensive or major plans, institutional strategies, policies and priorities of
their organizations.

At the end of the course, the student should be able to:

1. understand comprehensively the concept of modern program/project

management with emphasis on planning and evaluation;
2. explain the concept of planning and strategic management;
3. develop a program/project proposal;
4. develop an analytical understanding of evaluating progress and performance of
programs and projects;
5. evaluate programs and projects of the Department of Education presented in the
class; and
6. discuss the leadership qualities of program/project managers necessary for
successful program/project planning.

VII. Course Content

1. The Concept of Modern Program/Project Management

a. The Concept of a Program/Project
b. The Importance of Program/Project Management
c. Program/Project Management Today: An Integrative Approach
2. Planning and Strategic Management
a. Overview of Planning Fundamentals
b. Levels of Planning
c. Strategic Planning
d. Risk Management Planning

3. Developing a Program/Project Plan

a. Parts of Program/Project Plan
b. Presentation of Program/Project Plan

4. Progress and Performance Measurement and Evaluation

a. Structure of a Program/Project Monitoring System
b. Project Control Process
c. Evaluation of Department of Education Programs and Projects
1. Secondary Education Development Project (SEDP)
2. Secondary Education Development Improvement Project (SEDIP)
3. Philippines-Australia Project in Basic Education (PROBE)
4. Basic Education Assistance for Mindanao (BEAM)
5. Third Elementary Education Project (TEEP)
6. Child-Friendly School System (CFSS)
7. Science and Technology Education Plan (STEP)
8. Accreditation of Public Elementary Schools
9. High School Bridge Program
10. Every Child A Reader Program (ECARP)
11. National English Proficiency Program (NEPP)
12. Strong Republic Schools-Distance Learning Program (SRS-DLP)
13. Brigada Eskwela
14. Adopt-A-School Program
15. Schools First Initiative
16. Schoo-Based Management
17. Library Hub Project
18. Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda (BESRA)
19. Redesigned Technical-Vocational Education Program (RTVEP)

5. Program/Project Planning Leadership

a. Managing Project Stakeholders
b. Leadership Influence
c. Social Network Building
d. Ethics and Program/Project Planning Leadership

VIII. Course Requirements

1. Accomplishment of the activities and evaluative exercises in the module

2. Oral participation
3. Individual presentation of assigned topic
4. Midterm and Final Examinations
5. Individual program/project proposal
6. Individual program/project evaluation

IX. Utilization of Instructional Materials

1. Module
2. PowerPoint presentation
3. LCD projector
4. Reference books
5. Additional handouts and study guides

X. Evaluation Scheme

1. Examinations 30%
a. Midterm examination (15%)
b. Final examination (15%)
2. Course requirements 70%
a. Module activities
and exercises (15%)
b. Oral participation (10%)
c. Individual presentation (15%)
d. Program/project proposal (30%)_____
Total 100%

XII. References

Corpus, Crispina R., Personal and Human Resource Management, Rex BookStore,

Manila, 2000.

Daniels, John D. and Lee H. Radebaugh, International Business Environments

and Operations Eight Edition Asie Pte Ltd., Singapore, 2000

Jain, N. C. and Ms. Saakshi, Management Theory and Practice, AITBS

Publisher & Distributors, Delhi, India, 2005

Fajardo, Feliciano R., Management, Rex Printing Co. Inc., 1997

Griffin, Ricky W., Management, Houghton Company, Massachusetts,

USA, 1987

Prepared by:


Subject Instructor



Executive Director

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