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8 training style workshop:


Improving GHG calculations

8th workshop style training, 26-28 February 2019, Ankara

“Technical Assistance for Developed Analytical Basis for Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) Sector”
Project identification no. EuropeAid/136031/IH/SER/TR
Purpose of the training

 Common understanding of modelling, calculations and use of algorithms for carbon

stock changes in carbon pools, and overall emissions and removals, including adequate
use of algorithms for assessing GHG for all land categories and all 5 pools for Tier 2 and
Tier 3
 Estimation of GHG emissions/removals which take place from changes in land use, and
the amount of carbon sequestrated in soil, dead wood, wetlands and grasslands
 Overview of adequately determining above- and below-ground carbon sinks and
sources, for all land categories and sub-categories, and conversions of land use
 Greenhouse gas emission and sink calculations for all (sub-)sectors
 Using appropriate activity data and emission factors in GHG calculations for all land
 Analysis and further enhancement of EF used
Day 1
Session 1.1 (0.5 hour)
Overview on IPCC land representation approaches and methods for area estimation

Session 1.2 (1.5 hours)

Understanding the improved GHG inventory stratification of territory: administrative regions, eco-zoning, soil
type, age class, soil management types – progress

Session 1.3 (1.5 hours)

Spatial-tracking of land use categories area
Practice 1.3: participants tracking activity data flow in TRK_matrix (excel spreadsheets) for a) specific location
in the country in a specific year, b) specific type of land use

Session 1.4 (1.5 hours)

Time-tracking of area of the land use categories
Practice 1.4: participants tracking data flow in excel spreadsheets/TRK_matrix for a) check time dynamic
of area from the base year to nowadays (examples: arable land in 1990)

Session 1.5 (1 hour)

Defining QA/QC rules in activity data
Practice 1.5: Trainer and participants defining checks to be implemented in excel
Day 2
Session 2.1 (0.5 hour)
Overview on Tier 2 methods (vs. Tier 1) for estimation of CO2 emissions and removals

Session 2.2 (1.5 hours)

Tier 2 estimation of CO2 emissions and removals from changes in land use for living biomass
Practice 2.2: participants tracking flow of CSC data input in TRK_matrix and calculation of CO2 emission or
removals for: subcategories of CL, GL, WL, SL and OL (excel spreadsheets/TRK_matrix)

Session 2.3 (1 hour)

Tier 2 estimation of CO2 emissions and removals from changes in land use for dead organic matter pools

Session 2.4 (1.5 hours)

Tier 2 estimation of CO2 emissions and removals from changes in land use for living biomass
Practice 2.4: participants tracking flow of CSC data input and calculation of CO2 emission or removals for:
subcategories of CL, GL, WL, SL and OL (excel spreadsheets/TRK_matrix)

Session 2.5 (1 hour)

Defining QA/QC rules for CO2 inventory
Practice 2.5: Trainer and participants defining checks to be implemented in excel
Day 3
Session 3.1 (0.5 hour)
Overview on Tier 2 methods (vs. Tier 1) for estimation of non-CO2 emissions and removals

Session 3.2 (1.5 hours)

Estimation of non-CO2 emissions from mineral soils in land conversions and soil management
Practice 3.2: participants tracking flow of CSC data input and calculation of CO2 emission or removals for: subcategories
of CL, GL, WL, SL and OL (excel spreadsheets/TRK_matrix)

Session 3.3 (2 hours)

Defining QA/QC rules for CO2 inventory
Practice 3.3: Trainer and participants defining checks to be implemented in excel spreadsheets/TRK_matrix

Wrap-up and buffer time for more practicing on excel spreadsheets/TRK_matrix

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