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This chapter presents the background, statement of the problem,

significance, scope and limitation of the study. To familiarize the readers with the

terms used in the study, operational definition of terms is also delineated in this


Since manual operation started, the users find out that this kind of process

is prone to errors and it consume a lot of time in processing especially in enrolment

which take time in waiting for another student to finish the process in order to

proceed to another. The Enrolment system is useful for an institution that has a

highly numbered student, it controls the delays of the process for student in

registration and billing and it also provides accuracy of information entry.

Nowadays, in everyday practices, the manual operation is evolving in to a

computerized operation which is helpful in the environments by the means of time

management, accuracy of entries and reports and it is less efforts. Philippines is

on progress in transforming manual operat3ion into computerized.

Most of the ventures who owned private institutions and establishments

used computerization to provide the needs of both clients and the management

and it is also the factors of improving the city by the use of newly discovered

technological systems. The schools, stores and markets are mostly using

automated system which provides good benefits on both clients and owners. The

immense aid of computerization has been a large factor in growth of these


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In General Santos City, most of the establishments especially government

agencies use computerized system to provide them an efficient process to work

easily and avoid delay and errors. Using the computerized-based system, the

aspect to control man power and time consumed can be lessened. The help of

these systems will give benefits in both the owner and the customers.

One of the institutions is the Maranatha Christian School Academy, Lagao,

NSLA Road, General Santos City. Ever since the institution started, they have been

experiencing problems regarding record management and retrieval of records; this

is often resulted from manual operation caused by human errors.

At present the procedures at Maranatha Christian School Academy is

manual based. It creates a lot of problems due to wrong and time consuming as

the school has a highly numbered students every year. Manual processing causes

error in checking of student records, fee, and teacher’s assigned schedule and

sections. This was what the researcher have found out during interview with the

school head. This has caused the latter to accept the researcher’s proposal to

develop and implement an Enrollment System to ensure accuracy of operation.

Furthermore, the researcher has been motivated to pursue with the study

of converting manuals operation into computer-based system.

Statement of the Problem

Based on the conducted interview and observations, the researcher found

out about the problems being encountered by the institution.

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 Unorganized record keeping which leads in misplacement and loss of files

 Time Consuming in recording transactions and student information due to

manual operation

 Crowded applicants due to manual registration

 The reports are often outdated and having delays in generating collection

and financial reports

 Confidential reports like Financial and collection are unsecured

 No proper record for Book Charges which lead to unpaid accounts of


 Conflicts in teacher schedules and advisory

 Discounts are manually computed

Project Context

The Maranatha Christian School Academy is a school that is located on

Lagao, NSLA Road, General Santos City. They are accepting enrollees in preschool,

elementary and high school, they are also accepting transferees from any level in

the mentioned enrollees. Each level has its fixed subjects such as English, Filipino,

Mathematics, Science s with its fixed schedules. The fixed schedule and teacher

start in pre-school until grade 3 and in grade 4 until high school, there are different

teacher every subject with different schedule.

Objectives of the Project

In accordance to the problems existing in the enrollment operation, the

researcher should provide as following:

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 To provide a safe database which store files, transaction and information

 To provide a system that can store transaction and student information in

the fastest way

 To provide a network-based system where a highly numbered student can

be catered in a moment and by the use system it makes it easier, faster

and reliable.

 To produce an updated report which easily retrieve reports in a minimum


 To create a user and admin access limitation

 The system provides book charges connected to the student accounts to

avoid unpaid balance

 To create a system that assign teachers schedules and advisory

 To create a system that computes discount automatically

Scope and Limitation

The study was focused on converting manual processes that is causing the

problems to last unto computerized system. In this section the scope or coverage

of the new system is discussed along with the limitations: The new system will

record all necessary information of students.

Specifically, the new system will include:

 Registration/Admission

- Student Records

- Teacher Records

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- Room Records

- Fees

- Schedule

- Advisory Records

- Section records

- Subject Offering

 Enrollment

- Section Assigning

- Assessment of payments

 Billing

- Student account monitoring

- Statement of Account

- Acceptance of payment

- Posting to ledger

- Discount

- Book Charges

 Grading System

-Teacher encodes grade per grading period system and generates

weighted average on finals

 Printing

- Exam Permit

- Statement of Account

- Ledger

Page 5 of 100
- Student Master List

- Teacher Tracing Schedule

- Teacher’s Load

- Ledger

- Financial/Collection report

- Transaction Report

 Network- based system


 Printing of Certificates of Completion

 No DTR for Employees

 Grading query are not online

 Credit Card as mode payment are not allowed

 Automation of certification

 Curriculum development

 No Payroll for Employees

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Chapter II. Review of Related Literature

This chapter presents the list of related studies and literature that serve as
guidelines to the proponents to pursue their topic entitled “Online-Based
Instructors Scheduling System”. The proponents do not own any of the study listed
and the researchers will not copy any of this works.

Related Literature

According to Dr. Dibon (2010), a study on a report on the Impact of

Workload on Teachers and Student’s stated that Teacher’s expressed concern that

higher level of frustration and stress due to a lack of assigned time to prepare

classes can negatively impact on their interactions with students. The lack of

preparation time can also result in classes that are not planned/prepared as well

as they could be. Further, when a teacher doesn’t have time to properly assess

student work, in a timely fashion, and has little time to provide tutorial classes,

remedial work for students who need extra help is often compromised. Having

adequate preparation time is a critical factor to a teacher satisfaction.

The need for a computerized system is very much essentials to establishments,

especially schools. It provides a great help when it comes to organizing and

speeding up process of work in offices such as registrations.

Enrollment system is a powerful tool designed to help create school’s master

schedule. The system created by the enrollment system can be analyzed, adjusted

and rerun an unlimited number of times until the desired results are achieved. The

power of Enrollment system will greatly reduce the time it takes to create school’s

registrations. (Gordon Smith, 2007)

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It is important to have a system or software that is efficient, reliable and can adapt

to different environment. Faculty loading and student registration done manually

is time consuming. In today’s society, the use of modern technology is widely used

to conserve time and energy. The use of computerized enrollment will reduce the

time in registration and scheduling a faculty workload.

A school has a limited number of classrooms, labs, and lecture halls to hold courses

in. Many full-time professors have only specialized areas of expertise within which

they can teach and have limits to how many classes they can take on. Courses

tend to have differing sizes, room requirements, lengths, credits, and even some

restrictions on which other classes cannot be taught at the same time. (Kevin

Soule, 2007)

A faculty loading software should have inputs of the faculty information, their field

of specialization, as well as the number of students and classroom where the

course should take place. Every course that is offered has a set of parameters

required to be assigned for it to be placed inside a schedule.

Local Studies

According to Bacala and Reano (2010) An Online schedule System was

proposed to replace the manual searching in Cavite Maritime Institute in order to

advance an organized flow of transaction and an ease of work concerned on how

the manual searching performs throughout the institution’s operations. The

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Administrator has the right to update, add and delete records at the same time,

tracing the constraints and evaluation of then manual system essential. Online-

based schedule system also provides the users to view their schedule as long as

the user or the student is enrolled in the institution and also connected through

the internet.

Based on Harvent School (2011), Harvent School in Dagupan City,

composed of elementary and High school level. The school puts premium top

system. The Scheduling process is the initial stage in gathering bon fide accurate

student information necessary to establish student permanent records. The system

provides the access to the students to see their school records such as students’

personal information and grades. The system will work only in their facility; the

school principal serves as the admin and the school also provides their top security

system to avoid information leakage.

According to Aquino (2011), Importance of computer application is

increasing day by day. In the latest decades of the millennium winning organization

are those which are willing to integrate business strategy and computer

information technology in plying their respective trades. The use of computer

information technology results for them to be able to develop products fast and

make decisions fast, ability to have fluid organization structures, able to cope with

the demanding work force and external environment by the rapid development of

innovative approaches and lastly using information system confirms the company’s

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mission vision. The school use the information systems in the way of implementing

a scheduling system. This results for them to search more accurately and easy.

Based on Bohol island State University (2012-2013), Study tested the

functionality of Automated class scheduling system in terms of speed, data

handling, security , Scheduling , stability and adaptability in making class

schedules. This study was conducted in Bohol Island state University Main Campus,

Tagbilaran City during the second semester of school year 2012– 2013. The

respondents of this study were the 6 expert instructors in the field of computer

programming. They tested and evaluated the functionality of the program in terms

of its design, and accuracy, data handling security, stability and adaptability of the

software. Separate set of questioners were given to two groups of respondents.

The study concluded that the manual and the automated system is more functional

because of its extra features which solve primary problems in creating class


Based on the researcher (2011), a web based-schedule viewing system for

VERITAS Parochial School (VPS) in Manila was developed to help its students

search in a more efficient way without hassles. It is with the web-based viewing

schedule system for VPS that this style of searching may be achieved. This new

type of system offers its students new option for searching at VPS. By logging on

to VPS website. One can register and search the information of the faculty for a

school year. With these the student has the right to view his/her room, subject

and instructor, because the user created an account via registration. Only the

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school-admin can create their student account, the registration of accounts is only

created inside the school.

Foreign Studies

Information Systems are a tool to support information management.

Information systems are increasingly being used in organizations with the

objective providing competitive advantage. The information system used by

organization can be grouped into different types such as schedule viewing system,

management information system, decision support system, executive information

system, expert systems and office information system. Information system is used

specially on companies and schools to provide information about the school faculty

and company employees. The information society may be virtual society. A

Schedule system helps and provides efficient and reliable services to the students,

enrollment personnel and administration. Moreover, this system improved the

process of searching of rooms and subject schedules.

According to Graysail (2010), For the past several years, the official of the

faculty senate have struggled with defining teaching loads at Gustavus for the

purposes of determining overload situation and staffing allocations. Several ad hoc

committees have looked into the matter, without resolution. At least since the

1992-1993 school years, the Registrar has tabulated “Faculty Load” data by

department, including number of sections (or contact hours) taught full time load

(as determined by the department), enrollment, and enrollment per faculty. (C.F.

Niederriter, 2007) Faculty overloading has been a known and documented problem

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since as long as the 1993 – 1992 school years, this fact adds to the teacher’s work

burden as well as their availability for fruitful interaction with the students. Our

proposed software will alleviate this burden and allows the teacher more time

teaching and interacting with the student. This will allow the teacher to feel more

job satisfaction as well giving the student the feeling of a more personalized

education within the system. Open standards Appointment Scheduling System is

primarily designed for Institutions of Higher Education (IHE) but can easily being

corporates into web solutions for a variety of business lines. The core functionality

of the system allows designating faculty and staff to set schedule of availability

and designate individuals enter the system and schedule appointments as needed

with the faculty and staff. Software with automatic scheduling for teacher’s

workload that can be easily access by faculty members will be handy to everyone.

According to John Hop kin’s University (2011-2012) Homewood (John Hop kin’s

University S.Y. 2011-2012) prioritize enrollment system resource to be used as

fully efficient as possible. The enrollment system provides equitable access to a

variety of rooms, time management and faculty information, as well as to provide

the students to search more information on their own.

As described in the previous article in this issue by Trotti et al, there have been

major changes in the philosophy and scope of the new National Cancer

Institute comprehensive grading system for treatment-related toxicities, Common

Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events version 3.0 (CTCAE v3.0). The most

prominent changes are the merging of early and late effects criteria into a single

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uniform document and the development of criteria that cover all treatment

modalities. In this article, we briefly outline the biological support for the new

grading system in the context of our current knowledge base. The clinical

consequences of radiotherapy in normal tissue have been classically grouped

temporally, into early and late effects, using a somewhat arbitrary dividing line, 90

days after commencement of radiotherapy. This definition was developed in an

era of standard fractionation used alone or in simple sequential programs involving

other modalities. However, most patients are now managed with multiple highly

integrated modalities, often augmenting tissue injury and limiting our ability to

ascribe any given effect to a particular modality. The use of complex concurrent

or hybrid (concurrent/sequential) schedules also undermines the usefulness of a

simplistic temporally defined early-late construct. Moreover, there is growing

recognition that chemotherapy and surgery produce inherent long-term biologic

and clinical effects as well. Our basic understanding of the roles that surgery,

chemotherapy, and radiation play in normal tissue response has expanded over

the last decade because of vastly improved molecular techniques. The original

biologic paradigm viewing acute and late tissue injury as a continuum of response

and repair has been strengthened by these additional laboratory investigations.

The expression of toxicity over time has been shown to be caused by a variety of

cellular, tissue, environmental, and host factors. We continue to elucidate the roles

of DNA damage, cytokines, chemokines, and associated inflammation, which lead

in some cases to perpetuation of the wound-healing response, progressive

tissue fibrosis, and vascular compromise. The continuum model of tissue injury

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supports the recent changes in the common toxicity grading system. It also

provides insights into potential targets and strategies for modulating response,

which may in turn lead to effective interventions for altering the therapeutic ratio.

Based on Southern California Community College (2012), The Southern

California Community College Long Beach City College has gone live with a Cognos-

enrollment system that was designed by Irvine, CA-base professional services firm

e2e Analytics. Prior to installing the new system. LBCC, which has two main

campuses and multiple satellites that support nine schools and 34 departments.

The enrollment system budgeting and planning up to three months to compile,

consolidate, and implement. Updating and checking of faculty and students

Information was inspired by the advancement of modern technology. The

researchers gathered data necessary in the scheduling system for the success of

the study providing benefit of the employees and students so they can have access

and have access and have the ability to manage information directly and


Based on the study of Los Angeles College (2013), Before the new semester of

2012 School Year, The Southern California Community College and Long Beach

City College has gone live with a Cognos-Based faculty and students schedule

management system that was designed by Irvine, The schools schedule

management system planning and implement and updating and checking of

faculty and students Information was inspired by the advancement of modern

technology. The schedule system management is also used to view and give the
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access to the students search their rooms, subjects and faculty members in the



The Information System in the year 2010 is similar to the developed system

wherein it provides efficient and reliable services to the students and

administration. This system improves the process of searching, retrieving and

viewing of subject schedules.

The Scheduling System of Graysail in the year 2010 is similar to the developed

system where it allows designating faculty and staff to set schedule of availability

and designate individuals enter the system and schedule appointments as needed

with the faculty and staff. Software with automatic scheduling for teacher’s

workload that can be easily access by faculty members will be handy to everyone.

The Enrollment System of John Hop kin’s University (2011-2012) is a developed

system because it is intended to provide equitable access to a variety of rooms,

time management and features to address instructional needs of credit courses as

well as to provide the students to search more information on their own. An easy

access helps students to search faster than manual searching.

The Cognos-Based Enrollment management system (2012) is also similar to

the developed system wherein updating and checking of faculty and student’s

information was the primary role of their developed system. It also benefits the

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instructors and students to have the ability to have access in managed information

directly and conveniently. The only difference of this system to the developed

system of the proponents is that the Admin is the only one can that is capable of

updating information for the instructors. Students and instructors are for viewing

and searching.

The developed system was also similar to the Schedule System of Los Angeles

College (2013) and Long Beach City College where its stores information about the

schedule and it can locate teachers by means of searching to the said system.

Inputs like the first name and the last name of students and the student number

is required to search for their record. Schedules of instructors and room schedules

and it do not produce reports to show grade timetable for students. It uses

instructors USN, his/her first name and last name and for room schedule it requires

the room number as an input coming from users/viewer

The Scheduling System on Harvent School in the year 2011 is similar to the

developed system because the scheduling process is the initial stage in gathering

bon fide accurate student information necessary to establish student permanent

records. The difference is that the developed system uses teacher’s serves as the

admin, and the students can view their own information and also the school also

provides their security system to avoid information leakage about their school.

The Scheduling System of Aquino in the year 2011 is also similar to the

developed system wherein the schools use the information systems in the way of

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implementing a scheduling system. This results for them to search more accurately

and easy.

The Automated Class Scheduling System of Bohol island state University in

the year 2012-2013 is similar to the developed system wherein the study tested

the functionality of the said system in terms of speed, data handling, security,

scheduling, stability and adaptability in making class schedules. It is more

functional because of its extra features which solve primary problems in creating

class schedules. The difference of this system is that the proponents are the one

who tested first its accuracy and how it is capable enough to restore info not only

for a class schedules but also with room schedules.

Lastly, the developed system is similar to a Web-based-Schedule viewing

system for Veritas Parochial School in Manila (2011) wherein it was developed to

help its students search in a more efficient way without hassles. By logging in to

their website, one can register and search the information about their subjects,

instructors, and rooms that do not take more than a few minutes to accomplish.

The system stores it records in the school database for future reference.

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Chapter III - Technical Background

This chapter discusses about the technicality of the project by which it

describes the development of the project functionalities.

Technicality of the Project

The researcher conducted interviews with Maranatha Christian School

Academy personnel, and they are presently using a manual system in which they

use paper-based registration and billing and keeping their records and transactions

through Microsoft Excel.

This study aimed to develop a computerized system which is the enrollment

system to help the establishment to have efficient and reliable process and to

ensure student satisfaction

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How the project will work

Student Copy

Student Grade


User Students Grade
Fill Up Form Details


Subject Fees Room Schedule Periodic

Details Details Details Details Details


Student, Teacher, Section,

Financial Reports

Figure 1: How the project will work

This figure shows how the system works, the first requirements are the details of

the subject, fees, room, schedule and after encoding all the entries the project will

create a section which store all the information of the first entries and also here

the students will automatically be assigned together with the teacher for the old

students. Upon enrollment the student is required to present school requirements

for the new student and transferees while the old student will automatically be

assigned to a section by the use of registration payment entry. The user will be

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the direct interaction with the system which, the user records all the entries from

the student, the system will generate reports for the admin and generates master

list for the teachers. That’s how project will work’s

Details of Technology to be used

This section discusses the technologies and software used in the proposed system

and explain how the researcher used these technologies and software.

 XAMPP – stands for Cross Platform (X), Apache (A), Maria Db (M), PHP (P)

and Pearl (P). It is a simple lightweight Apache distribution that makes

extremely easy for developers to create local web server for testing and

deployment purposes. It is used only for development to allow web

programmers to test their work on their own computer without accessing


 VB.NET - .NET uses statements to specify actions. The most common

statement is an expression statement, consisting of an expression to be

evaluated, on a single line. As part of that evaluation, functions or

subroutines may be called and variables may be assigned new values. To

modify the normal sequential execution of statements, VB.NET provides

several control-flow statements identified by reserved keywords.

 MySQL – is an open source relational database management system. It is

based on the structure query language (SQL) which is used for adding,

removing, and modifying information in the database. It is popular choice

of database web application

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 Modem - a combined device for modulation and demodulation, for

example, between the digital data of a computer and the analog signal of

a telephone line, which was once the most popular way to access the

internet, the modem converts data between analog and digital formats in

real time for two-way network communication. In the case of the high-

speed digital modems popular today, the signal is much simpler and doesn't

require the analog-to-digital conversion.


 Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) - is a device that allows a

computer to keep running for at least a short time when the primary power

source is lost. It also provides protection from power surges.

 Router - is a networking device that forwards data

packets between computer networks. Routers perform the traffic directing

functions on the Internet. A data packet is typically forwarded from one

router to another router through the networks that constitute

an internetwork until it reaches its destination node.


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This chapter entails the research locale, to where the study has been

conducted along with the population and the system design.

System analysis is the basic requirement before any system, manual or

automation can be designed for the development. This involves the analysis

gathered during the previous interviews with the subject personnel diving the data

gathering phase.


The researcher conducted an interview to Maranatha Christian School

Academy, the assign staffs/teachers handle the registration and billing manually

and, They are presently using a single computer unit and printer, Microsoft excel,

and Microsoft word were installed in the unit which often used upon encoding of

student information after manual enrollment.

Locale of the study

The study was conducted at is Maranatha Christian School Academy they

accept pre-school, elementary and high school student. They allow transferees

students. The manual operation/registration process is in the main office which

they receive enrollees and record it in excel and student fill-up forms were keep in

a filing cabinet.

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Population of the study

Maranatha Christian School Academy has 500 (Five Hundred) – 600 (Six

Hundred) students per enrollment including pre-school, elementary and high

school and 100 (One Hundred) faculties and staff depending on the number of



The research was conducted at Maranatha Christian School Academy located at

Lagao, General Santos City are manually operating in terms of student registration,

enrollment, billing and also the grading system

This is where Maranatha Christian School Academy is located.

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Actual Photo of Maranatha Christian School Academy

The school is a two-story building with Five (5) wide rooms, wherein, in the

ground floor, there are five(5) rooms

on the ground floor there are 20 divisions for academic tutorial, the

Registration and Billing are located there. a dance studio for dance tutorial were

located in the second room, a wide field for modelling, a room for Piano and

Singing, a room for painting and drawings and last, a room for taekwondo tutorial.

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The new system will be installed in the first floor where the manual system was


Organizational Chart


Jeraldine Magno
School Head

Teacher Teacher

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Figure 4: Organizational Chart of Multiple Intelligence Playhouse and Tutorial


The admin is the access for all the financial reports and enrollment upon in his

absence any of the two teachers could replace temporarily in her position.

System Feasibility

The aim to objectively and rationally uncover the strengths and weaknesses

of an existing business or proposed venture, opportunities and threats as

presented by the environment, the resources required to carry through, and

ultimately the prospects for success. In its simplest terms, the two criteria to judge

feasibility are cost required and the value to be attained. As such, a well-designed

feasibility study should provide a historical background of the business or project,

description of the product or service, accounting statements, details of the

operation of the management, marketing research and policies, financial data,

legal requirements. Generally, feasibility studies precede technical and project

implementation and what the system possible to do.


Operational Feasibility

The system proposed by the researcher will have its friendly interface and

manageable design; it contains simple words that will be easily understood by the

user. It provides menu that will serve as a guide to the user and everything are

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provided for the user to easily access other application. User will be oriented on

the operations of the system.

The researcher believed that the computerized system will be a beneficial

to the chosen establishment. In line with this, a computer tutorial will be performed

for the user to be knowledgeable in the use and manipulation of the new system

so that for any problems and bugs they will encounter, they can easily solve it with

their own thus whenever there are issues that the user cannot handle, they shall

the contact the developer through he contact details herein provided.

a. Fishbone Diagram

A fishbone diagram is useful in brainstorming sessions to focus

conversation. The design of the diagram looks much like a skeleton of a fish.

Fishbone diagrams are typically worked right to left, with each large "bone" of the

fish branching out to include smaller bones containing more detail.

Method Process

Files were kept in Paper based

a Filing cabinet reports and

Loss of files
Excel Based Lack of record
Record keeping management

Software People

Figure 5: Fishbone Diagram – Loss of Files

Page 27 of 100
Method Material

Unnecessary files in
Manual recording
the filing cabinets
of transactions
Manual recording
of information

Time consuming
in recording
information Excel Based Lack of record
Record keeping management

Software People

Figure 6: Fishbone Diagram – Time consuming in recording information

Method Process

Manual labelling
of reports

Outdated reports

Outnumbered staffs
for producing reports

Material People

Figure 7: Fishbone Diagram – Outdated reports

Page 28 of 100
Method Process

Keeping records
Manual retrieval
in a open file
of reports

Slow process of
generating reports
reports Lack of record
Excel files are not
password secured management

Anyone can access


Software People

Figure 8: Fishbone Diagram – Unsecured confidential reports

Method Process

Manual Manual
registration documentation

Slow registration

Excel Based Lack of record
Record keeping management

Paper based Outnumbered staffs

registration for registrations

Material People

Figure 9: Fishbone Diagram – Crowded Applicants

Page 29 of 100
Method Process

Manual Charging Slow process of

of book accounts generating reports

Unrecorded book
Paper-based Lack of record
records management

Material People

Figure 8: Fishbone Diagram – Unrecorded book charges

Method Process

Manual checking of Manual inputs of

Schedule schedule
Paper based

Conflict in teacher
schedule and
advisory Misidentification cause
records human errors


Material People

Figure 10: Fishbone Diagram – Conflict in teacher schedule and advisory

Page 30 of 100
Method Process

Manual assessment Computation in

in discounting calculator

Paper based inputs of


Discount are
computed Lack of record
records management


Material People

Figure 10: Fishbone Diagram – Discounts are manually computed

b. Functional Decomposition Diagram

The purpose of the Functional decomposition diagram is to show on a

single page the capabilities of an organization that are relevant to the

consideration of an architecture. By examining the capabilities of an

organization from a functional perspective, it is possible to quickly develop

models of what the organization does without being dragged into an extended

debate on how the organization does it. Once a basic functional decomposition

diagram has been developed, it becomes possible to layer heat-maps on top of

this diagram to show scope and decisions. For example, the capabilities to be

implemented during the different phases of a change program.

Page 31 of 100
Record Management Registration Reports
Billing Printing

Student Enrollment/
Information Registration Student
Enrollment Copy Financial

Teacher Charging Tuition

Information Fees Class
Roster/Master Teacher's Report
Courses/Tutorial Assessment of
Information Accounts
Student List Student' Report

User Information

Fees Information


School Year

Teacher's Load



Figure 11: Functional Decomposition Diagram

Technical Feasibility

To implement this system, the establishment should have computer. The

hardware and software components are requirements in running the system. This

system will help the establishment in making their operation flow easier and faster.

The researcher plans to show the user how to do the precautionary action and

maintenance of the system for the operations to be more satisfactory.

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In implementing this proposed system, testing and securing its function will

determine if the system is precise and the flow of its transactions are capable

enough to cover all of its function, for reliable outcome of this system checking of

the components is highly considered necessary. It is the system that can be used

easily, or it is a user-friendly system. The environment of this can easily be

understood by the user particularly, the flow of this system.

The proposed computerized system is technically feasible since the system

is suited for Multiple Intelligence Playhouse and Tutorial Center, Alcain Building,

Salvani St., Block 8 City Heights, General Santos City for the purpose of performing

faster processes and system’s hardware and software are available in the market.

The place is ventilated so computers will work efficiently.

Compatibility checking

The development of the proposed system is compatible with the

resource present in the organization. The current system they are using

are manual system for recording student enrollees and Microsoft Excel

in Billing. The proposed system has full support for importing and

exporting huge amount of data to maintain their previous records. The

proposed system supports report presentation in HTML and CSS format.

The hardware requirements for clients is available and should not be a


Page 33 of 100
Relevance of the technologies

The proposed system will be developed using VB.Net , which is the

standard when developing computerized system alongside with the

MYSQL as it back ends, the top database storage management to

provide a secure and robust application

Schedule Feasibility

The development of this proposed system is feasible in terms of schedule.

The researcher was given ample period of time to comply and finish the proposed

system for Maranatha Christian School Academy. The researcher was given three

semesters (3) period or eighteen (18) months in the school year 2018-2019 to

complete entire system, therefore, this was enough time to complete the


Gantt Chart

Page 34 of 100
Economic Feasibility

The proposed computerized system is believed to be economically feasible. The

benefits of the proposed system exceed to its estimated cost. This is shown in next

pages that which describes the cost of the operating with the current system

against the projected expense once the new system will be implemented. The first-

year operation expenses are quite larger than the existing system’s cost, it is

shown that the following years of implementation, the projected operating

expenses will gradually and will out weight the operating cost of the existing

system because it is only in the first year of operation that the institution will invest

for the new system

Existing System Cost

a. Stationeries and Supplies


Bond Paper Long 210 REAM 5 1,050 12,600
Bond Paper Short 180 REAM 5 900 10,800
Ball Pen 7 PCS. 2 14 168
Stapler 180 PCS. 1 180 2,160
Staple Wire 30 BOX 8 240 2,880
Official Receipt 10 PAD 8 80 960
Kraft Folder Long 8 PCS. 10 80 960
Kraft Folder Short 7 PCS. 10 70 840
Correction Pen 20 PCS. 2 40 480
Envelope Short 7 PCS. 10 70 840
Envelope Long 8 PCS. 10 80 960
HP CBA315A (900
55 BOX 3 166 1,992
HP CBA315A (900
360 BOX 3 1,080 12,960
Paper Clip Small 10 BOX 2 20 240

Page 35 of 100
Paper Clip Medium 11 BOX 2 22 264
Binder Clip Small 3 PCS. 25 75 900
Binder Clip Medium 4 PCS. 30 120 1,440
Total Stationeries and Supplies 51,443.88

b. Utilities Cost


Internet and Landline 1299.00 15588.00
Computer Set 3568.00 42816.00
Total Utilities Cost 58404.00

c. Hardware Cost


Printer 3500 3500
Computer Set 15,000 15,000
Total Hardware Cost 18,500.00

d. Maintenance Cost


Excel Formulas
1,000 2,000
Printer Maintenance 1,000 2,000
Reformat 700 1,400
Total Maintenance Cost 5400

e. Personnel Cost


3 Personnel 4,200 50,400
Total Personnel Cost 50,400

Page 36 of 100
f. Summary

a. Stationeries and Supply 51,443.88

b. Utilities Cost 58,404.00

c. Hardware Cost 18,500.00
d. Maintenance Cost 5,400.00
e. Personnel Cost 50,400.00
Total 184,147.88

Total Yearly Cost: 184,147.88

Existing System Cost

a. Stationeries and Supplies


Bond Paper Long 210 REAM 5 1,050 12,600
Bond Paper Short 180 REAM 5 900 10,800
Ball Pen 7 PCS. 2 14 168
Stapler 180 PCS. 1 180 2,160
Staple Wire 30 BOX 8 240 2,880
Official Receipt 10 PAD 8 80 960
Kraft Folder Long 8 PCS. 10 80 960
Kraft Folder Short 7 PCS. 10 70 840
Correction Pen 20 PCS. 2 40 480
Envelope Short 7 PCS. 10 70 840
Envelope Long 8 PCS. 10 80 960
HP CBA315A (900
55 BOX 3 166 1,992
HP CBA315A (900
360 BOX 3 1,080 12,960
Paper Clip Small 10 BOX 2 20 240
Paper Clip Medium 11 BOX 2 22 264
Binder Clip Small 3 PCS. 25 75 900
Binder Clip Medium 4 PCS. 30 120 1,440
Total Stationeries and Supplies 51,443.88

Page 37 of 100
b. Utilities Cost


Internet and Landline 1299.00 15588.00
Computer Set 3568.00 42816.00
Total Utilities Cost 58404.00

c. Hardware Cost


Printer 3500 3500
Computer Set 15,000 15,000
Total Hardware Cost 18,500.00

d. Development Cost


Excel Formulas
1,000 2,000
Printer Maintenance 1,000 2,000
Reformat 700 1,400
Total Maintenance Cost 5400

e. Personnel Cost


3 Personnel 4,200 50,400
Total Personnel Cost 50,400

f. Summary

a. Stationeries and Supply 51,443.88

b. Utilities Cost 58,404.00

c. Hardware Cost 18,500.00

Page 38 of 100
d. Development Cost 5,400.00
e. Personnel Cost 50,400.00
Total 184,147.88

Total Yearly Cost: 184,147.88

Cost Recovery Scheme

a. Cost and Benefits Analysis

1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year
Total Cost of
184,147.88 368,295.76 552,443.64 736,591.52
System 920,739.40
Total Cost of
141,071.92 282,143.84 423,215.76 564,287.68
system 705,359.60
Accumulative 129,227.88 258,455.76 430,759.60 646,139.4
Table 14: Cost Recovery Scheme – Cost and Benefits Analysis

-The table shows how proposed system is beneficial in term of cost, the researcher

measures it through 5 years expenses, the researcher compares existing and

proposed system and the researcher concluded that the proposed system is

economically feasible.

Total Yearly Cost 141,071.92

Cost and Benefits Analysis

Page 39 of 100
Cost Benefits Analysis (CBA) is significant in this study to identify the cost and

benefits factors of the given institution. It is a process to determine the feasibility

of a project plan by quantifying the cost and benefits

Benefits are expected from the proposed system and compare

expected to spend on development of the system.

The researcher has proven that the proposed system is economically

feasible. The existing system of the institution is very much expensive rather than

the proposed system. In the first year of existing it is really visible that it’s better

to have computerized system rather than manual System the institution will benefit

from this since their expenses would be lessened.

Requirements Modelling

During the requirement analysis phase, the researcher must have to identify

and describe all system requirements. The system Requirements Checklist

presents the input, process, outputs, performance and controls.

Input – the data that had been input by the user and stored in the database

Process- the response for all the data storage and actions for specific, add, edit,

delete and view are the most common process

Output – the process data, it will display all the information

Performance – trapping of errors

Controls – shortcut keys are used to manipulate screen

Page 40 of 100
Record Management

Students’ Table

Input student’s identification code,

student last name, student first name
, student middle name, birthday,
gender, home address, city, contact
number, telephone number, zip code,
grade level, father’s name, father’s
home address, father’s occupation,
father’s contact number, father’s
home phone, father’s email, mother’s
name, mother’s home address,
mother’s occupation, mother’s contact
number, mother’s home phone,
mother’s email, Username, password
Process Create, update, view student

Output Displays student information

Performance No Errors, No duplicate of student id,

required box should be filled

Table 15: Record management – Student Table

The table shows the requirements of the student so that the information will
recorded in the safe database

Admins’ Table

Input admin’s identification code, admin’s,

last name, admin’s first name, admin’s
, middle name, birthday, gender,
home address, city, contact number,
telephone, zip, elementary,
secondary, degree, description
Process Create, update, view admin

Page 41 of 100
Output Displays admin information

Performance No Errors, No duplicate of admin id,

required box should be filled

Table 16: Record management – Admin Table

The table show admin information and it will be recorded to the admin database.

Users’ Table

Table 17: Record management – User’s Table

Input user’s identification code, user’s last
name, user’s first name, user’s middle
name, birthday, gender, home
address, city, contact number,
telephone, zip, elementary,
secondary, degree, description
Process Create, update, view user information

Output Displays user information

Performance No Errors, No duplicate of user id,

required box should be filled

The table show user information and it will be recorded to the user database.

Category Table

Input category name

Process Create, edit, view sub-category names

Page 42 of 100
Output Display sub-category name

Performance No duplication of sub-category name

Table 18: Record management – Category Table

The table shows the category, to be able to sort and easy to search specified data

Sub Category Table

Input Sub-category name

Process Create, edit, view sub-category names

Output Display sub-category name

Performance No duplication of sub-category name

Table 19: Record management – Sub-category table

The table shows the sub-category, to be able to sort and to easily to search

specified data.

Schedule Table

Input time, day

Process Create, edit, View schedule

Output Display schedule

Page 43 of 100
Performance No duplication of schedule

Table 20: Record management – Schedule Table

The table shows the schedule for each subject.

Courses/Tutorials’ Table

Input subject’s identification code,

, subject name, subject description,
subject level, subject unit
Process Create, update, View tutorial table

Output Display Tutorial Information

Performance No duplication of tutorial table

Table 21: Record management – Tutorial Table

The table show the Tutorial table which contain all the information of the subjects.

Class Table

Table 22: Record management – Class Table

Input class identification code , subject’s
identification code, time, day

Process Create, Update, View Class


Output Display Class Information

Performance No duplication of class id

The table shows the class table which contain Subject name, subject units,
Available schedules and the day of class.

Page 44 of 100
Rooms Table

Input room identification code , room name

Process Create, Update, View Room


Output Display Room Information

Performance No duplication of room id

Table 23: Record management – Class Table

The table shows the room records.

Fees Table

Input Fees Identification code, amount

Process Create, Update, View Fees


Output Display Fees Information

Performance No duplication of class id, amount will

be subtracted to the subject units

Table 24: Record management – Class Table

Page 45 of 100
The table shows the payments, fees of students such as the per unit payment and
miscellaneous fees.

School Year Table

Input Schoolyear

Process Create, Update, View School Year


Output Display School Year Information

Performance No duplication of School year

Table 25: Record management – School Year

The table will be responsible for storing student record in a specific school for easy
retrieval of reports

Teacher Load Table

Input teacher’s identification code, class

identification code, user’s identification
Process Add, Edit, Update Teachers Load

Output Display and Teachers Load

Performance No duplication of class id

Table 26: Registration management – Teacher Load Table

Page 46 of 100
The table shows the teacher’s load where contain all subjects assigned from

Registration Management

Registration Table

Input teacher’s identification code, auto

increment, teacher’s last name,
teacher’s first name, teacher’s middle
name, birthday, gender, home
address, city, contact number,
telephone number, elementary school,
secondary school, degree status,
Process Add, Edit, Update Teacher Information

Output Display Teacher Information

Performance No duplication of teacher id

Table 27: Record management – Teacher Table

The table shows teacher information.

Student Accounts

Input student’s identification code, auto

increment, other payments, total
Process Add other payments, view total

Output Display Student account

Performance no duplication of student id

Table 28: Registration management – Student Account Table

Page 47 of 100
The table is responsible for holding all student accounts.

Student Load Table

Input student’s identification code, auto

class identification code, auto
user identification code, auto
Process View student load, rescheduling of load

Output Display student load

Performance no duplication of student id

Table 29: Registration management – Student Load Table

The table show student load, complete subjects information with schedules


Transaction’s Table

Input billing’s identification code, auto

student’s identification code, auto
cash tendered
total accounts
updated account
date of billing
user’s identification code, auto

Page 48 of 100
Process Create, View Billing Information

Output Display Class Information, Cash return

and update in student account

Performance No duplication of billing id, no null

value of cash rendered, automatically
sum up total and cash return

Table 30: Billing – Billing Table

The table shows the transaction, in order to detect user, involve and to create

financial reports.

Data and Process Modelling

I. Context Diagram

Context Diagram (and a DFD for that matter) provides no information

about the timing, sequencing, or synchronization of processes such as

which processes occur in sequence or in parallel.




Page 49 of 100
Statement of
Account, Receipt,
Student Copy,
Student Grades
Student Details, Information, Book
Payment Charges
Student Student

Teacher Details, Class Master list,

Student Grade Teachers Loads,
Teacher Details Class Advisory Teacher
Enrolment System for
Maranatha School
Academy Class Master list,
Teachers Loads,
User Details Class Advisory,
User User
Room Details, Reports, Book
Schedule Details, Charges Reports,
Fees Details, Student Enrollees,
Admin Admin
Subject Offerings, Teachers Loads,
Section Details, Student Grades,
Book Details User History
Reports, Accounts

Figure 12: Data and Process Modeling – Context Diagram

Enrolment System for Maranatha School Academy

The figure shows the context diagram of the proposed system. The

rectangles in the left side of the circle are the entities involved in the

system and the sources of data needed in the system. The entities in

the right are the end users and the recipients of the information and

output of the system. The flow lines with a description of data indicate

the flow of data, where it is coming from and going to.

Page 50 of 100
II. Data Flow Diagram – Level 0

Schedule Information

Room Information

User Subject Information

Category Information
User Details Category
Teacher Details Book Information
Teacher Books
Student Details Management School Year
Information School Year
Room Details,
Student Schedule Section Information
Details, Fees Section
Details, Subject
Details, Section Fees Information
Details, Book
Admin Student Information Student

Teacher Information

2.0 User Information

User ID
Student Section, Teacher ID
Student Schedule Student ID
Teachers Loads Fees ID
Section ID
School Year ID
Teacher ID, Section ID,
Subject ID Teachers
Student ID, Section ID Student
Fees ID, Student ID,
Section ID Accounts


Accounts ID, Student ID

Payment Payment/ Books ID
Receipt, Statement of Billing
Transaction ID Transaction

Teacher ID

Student ID
Grade Information
Grading Section ID
Student ID, Section ID Student

5.0 Student Grades Information

Statement of
Account, Receipts Transaction History
Student Accounts
Reports Student Section
Reports, Book
Charges Reports, Teachers Loads
Student Enrollees,
Teachers Loads, User History
Student Grades, Teacher Information
User History
Student Information
Reports, Accounts

Figure 13: Data Flow Diagram: Level 0

Page 51 of 100
The figure shows the systematic flow of inputs and outputs in the system


User Details Information
User Schedule
1.1 1.5 1.9
Add/Edit/ Add/Edit/ Add/Edit/
Delete/ Delete/ Delete/ Room
Teacher Details Information
Teacher Udate Update Update Room
Schedule Books Students

1.2 1.6 1.10 Subject

Student Details Add/Edit/ Add/Edit/ Add/Edit/ Information Subject
Delete/ Delete/ Delete/
Update Update Update
Room Details,
Room School Year Teacher Grade Level
Details, Fees Information Grade Level
Details, Subject 1.3 1.7 1.11
Details, Section Add/Edit/ Add/Edit/
Details, Book Delete/ Delete/
Delete/ Book
Details Update Update
Update User Information Books
Subject Section

1.4 1.8 School Year

Add/Edit/ Add/Edit/
Information School Year
Delete/ Delete/
Update Update/
Grade Level Fees
Information Section

Fees Information

Student Information

Teacher Information

User Information

Figure 14: Data Flow Diagram: Level 1

Page 52 of 100

Courses 2.1 2.3
1.1 1.1
Assign teacher
Create/Add to courses,
course offering subjects,
school year
offering offering
Rooms information

2.2 1.4
1.1 2.4 Load
Teacher Teachers'
Create load
Assign fees to
schedule per

Figure 15: Data Flow Diagram: Level 1

Page 53 of 100
Figure 16: Data Flow Diagram: Level 1

Page 54 of 100
Figure 17: Data Flow Diagram: Level 1

Page 55 of 100

5.1 5.3
1.1 1.1
Assign teacher User
offering course Accounts
Create/Add to courses,
offered + SY course offering subjects, recievable. course
school year offering, subject
loads, collection
report, student list
Ledger Account_id
5.3 5.4 Subject Load,
5.3 5.4 Class roster/
Collection Class masterlist
OR number
Assign fees to
schedule per
teachers load Student
Student schedule
copy, statement of
5.5 5.6 account
Enroled 5.3 5.3
student_id _
Assign fees to Assign fees to
subjects,rooms subjects,rooms

Figure 18: Data Flow Diagram: Level 1

Page 56 of 100
Fees Charges
Course List Subject List Teacher Details Student Details

Record Management

Charges/Fee Course Subject Student

Teacher Info
record offered record Record


Register/Enroll Enrolled
Subject Student List Teacher Load
student student

Student Student Enrolled
schedule Ledger Student

Collection Statement of Account

Report Account Receivable

System Flowchart – Existing

Figure 19: System Flowchart - Existing

The figure shows how data flows in a manual operation and how decisions are

made to control events.

Page 57 of 100
System Flowchart – Proposed

Figure 20: System Flowchart - Proposed

The figure shows how data flows in a proposed system and how decisions are

made to control events.

Page 58 of 100
Program Flowchart

Figure 21: Program Flowchart - Login

The diagram shows use a set of standard graphic symbols to represent

the sequence of coded instructions fed into a computer, enabling it to perform

specified logical and arithmetical operations. It is a great tool to improve work


Page 59 of 100
Figure 22: Program Flowchart –Dashboard - User

Page 60 of 100
Figure 23: Program Flowchart – Dashboard - Admin

Page 61 of 100

Display Record

Select Menu

If Student Yes G


If Teacher Yes H


If Subject Yes I


If School Yes J


If fees K


If Room Yes L


If Yes M


Back A

Figure 24: Program Flowchart – Record Management

Page 62 of 100

Display Enrollment

Select Menu

If Registration Yes N


If Assessment Yes O


Charging P



Figure 25: Program Flowchart – Registration and Enrollment

Page 63 of 100
Figure 26: Program Flowchart – Billing

Page 64 of 100

Display Manage

Select Menu

Add user Yes Q


Edit user Yes R


History S



Figure 27: Program Flowchart – User Management

Page 65 of 100
Figure 28: Program Flowchart – Record Management - Student

Page 66 of 100
Figure 29: Program Flowchart – Record Management - Teacher

Page 67 of 100
Figure 30: Program Flowchart – Record Management - Subject

Page 68 of 100
Figure 31: Program Flowchart – Record Management –School Year

Page 69 of 100
Figure 32: Program Flowchart – Record Management – Fees

Page 70 of 100
Figure 33: Program Flowchart – Record Management – Room

Page 71 of 100
Figure 34: Program Flowchart – Record Management – Subject Offering

Page 72 of 100
Figure 35: Program Flowchart – Record Management – Add Student

Page 73 of 100
Figure 36: Program Flowchart – Record Management – Room

Page 74 of 100
Risk Analysis

Risk analysis is the process of defining and analysing the dangers to

individuals, businesses and government agencies posed by potential natural and

human-caused adverse events. In IT, a risk analysis report can be used to align

technology-related objectives with a company's business objectives. A risk analysis

report can be either quantitative or qualitative.


Risk Management

Risk management is the process of identifying, assessing and controlling

threats to an organization's capital and earnings. These threats, or risks, could

stem from a wide variety of sources, including financial uncertainty, legal liabilities,

strategic management errors, accidents and natural disasters. IT security threats

and data-related risks, and the risk management strategies to alleviate them, have

become a top priority for digitized companies. As a result, a risk management plan

increasingly includes companies' processes for identifying and controlling threats

to its digital assets, including proprietary corporate data, a customer's personally

identifiable information and intellectual property.

Risk Assessment

A risk assessment is a process to identify potential hazard and analyse what could

happen if hazard occurs. A business impact analysis (BIA) is the process for

determining the potential impacts resulting from the interruption of time sensitive

or critical business processes.


Page 75 of 100
Risk Table

Risk Category Probability Impact RMMM

Risk Mitigation
System lag TE 15% 3
 Open only one
at a time.

Risk Monitoring

 perform system
check once a week
 Defragmentation
after store hour.
 Scan for virus
Risk Management

 Restart the unit.

 Call the Developer.

Risk Mitigation
Virus TE 15% 3
 Not to save
unnecessary file.

Risk Monitoring

 Perform the
following once a
1. Update virus
2. Scan all drives.

Risk Management

 Delete all
unnecessary files that

Page 76 of 100
maybe cause of
 Scan the anti-virus.

Risk Mitigation
Malfunction TE/BU 15% 3
software  Secure the installed
 Secure the UPS
power supply)

Risk Monitoring

 Perform the
following once a
1. Update virus
2. Scan all drives

Risk Management

 Shutdown the unit

 Call the Developer
Reinstall the
Risk Mitigation
Corrupt TE/BU 10% 2
files  Shutdown properly
 Create multiple back

Risk Monitoring

 Perform the
following once a week
1. Update virus
2. Scan all drives

Page 77 of 100
Risk Management

 Create a backup
files, delete all
unnecessary files that
maybe the cause of
 Call the Developer

Table 30: Risk Table


 Category

a) PS – Project Size Risk

b) TE – Technical Risk

c) BU – Business Risk

Impact Values

 1 – Catastrophic

 2 – Critical

 3 – Marginal

 4 – Negligible


Page 78 of 100
a) Output and User-Interface Design

b) Data Design

Entity Relationship Diagram

An entity-relationship diagram (ERD) is a data modeling technique that

graphically illustrates an information system’s entities and the relationships

between those entities. An ERD is a conceptual and representational model of data

used to represent the entity framework infrastructure.



user_id Schedule_id

User Creates


Assign Teacher Add to Enrolls Ingnite to


Fees Assign School Year Student Accounts

pays OR_number





Figure 37: ERD

a. System Architecture

Page 79 of 100
Systems Architecture is a generic discipline to handle objects (existing or

to be created) called "systems", in a way that supports reasoning about the

structural properties of these objects and is a response to the conceptual and

practical difficulties of the description and the design of complex systems.


Data Dictionary

A data dictionary is a collection of descriptions of the data objects or

items in a data model for the benefit of programmers and others who need to refer

to them.


Student Table

System: Record Management Date Created: 04-04-2018

Primary key: studentid

Organization: Descending
student_id int 10 student’s identification code,
Auto increment
lname varchar 50 student last name
fname varchar 50 student first name
mname varchar 50 student middle name
bday datetime birthday
gender varchar 20 gender
homeadd varchar 20 home address
city varchar 40 city

Page 80 of 100
cn Int 15 contact number
tel Int 15 telephone number
zip Int 10 zip code
gradelvl varcha 20 grade level
fhname varchar 70 father’s name
homeadd varchar 50 father’s home address
occup varchar 20 father’s occupation
fcn Int 20 father’s contact number
hh Int 20 father’s home phone
email varchar 30 father’s email
mhname varchar 70 mother’s name
homeadd varchar 70 mother’s home address
occup varchar 20 mother’s occupation
mcn Int 20 mother’s contact number
homephone Int 20 mother’s home phone
email varchar 50 mother’s email
uname varchar 50 Username
pword varchar 50 password
pstn varchar 20 position
Table 31: Data Dictionary- Student Table

Teacher table

System: Record Management Date Created: 04-04-2018

Primary key: teacherid

Organization: Descending
teacher_id Int 10 teacher’s identification code,
auto increment
lastname varchar 50 teacher’s last name
firstname varchar 50 teacher’s first name
middlename varchar 50 teacher’s middle name
bday datetime birthday
gender varchar 20 gender
homeadd varchar 20 home address
city varchar 40 City
contactnumber Int 15 contact number
telephone Int 15 telephone number
elementary varchar 40 elementary school
secondary varchar 40 secondary school
degree varchar 40 degree status

Page 81 of 100
description varchar 150 description
Table 32: Data Dictionary- TeacherTable

Tutorial table

System: Record Management Date Created: 04-04-2018

Primary key: subjectid

Organization: Descending
subject_id int(10) 10 subject’s identification
code, auto increment
subname varchar(30) 30 subject name
subdesc varchar(150) 150 subject description
subjlvl varchar(30) 30 subject level
unit int(10) 1 subjeci unit
Table 33: Data Dictionary- Tutorial Table

Time Table

System: Record Management Date Created: 04-04-2018

Primary key: none

Organization: Descending
time varchar(20) 20 Time range
Table 34: Data Dictionary- Category Table

System: Record Management Date Created: 04-04-2018

Page 82 of 100
Primary key: none
Organization: Descending
year varchar(20) 20 Year range
Year_rate Varchar(10) 20 Rate for year
Year Table

Table 35: Data Dictionary- Sub-Category Table

Schedule Table

System: Record Management Date Created: 04-04-2018

Primary key: none

Organization: Descending
schtime datetime time
schlegend varchar 1 day
Table 36: Data Dictionary- Schedule Table

Class Table

Table 37: Data Dictionary- Class Table

System: Record Management Date Created: 04-04-2018

Primary key: classid

Organization: Descending
classid int 10 class identification code,
auto increment
subjectid int 10 subject’s identification
code, auto increment
schtime int time
schlegend int 1 day

Student Load Table

Page 83 of 100
System: Registration Management Date Created: 04-04-2018

Primary key: studentid

Organization: Descending
studentid int 10 student’s identification
code, auto increment
classid int 10 class identification code,
auto increment
ttlrate float 30 rate
userid int 10 user identification code,
auto increment
Table 38: Data Dictionary- Student Load Table

Student Account Table

System: Registration Management Date Created: 04-04-2018

Primary key: classid

Organization: Descending
studentid Int(10) 10 student’s identification
code, auto increment
otacc 10 other payments
ttlacc float(30) 30 total account
Table 39: Data Dictionary- Student Account Table

Teacher Load Table

System: Registration Management Date Created: 04-04-2018

Primary key: teacherid

Organization: Descending

Page 84 of 100
teacherid int 10 teacher’s identification
code, auto increment
classid int 10 class identification code,
auto increment
userid int 10 user’s identification code,
auto increment

Table 40: Data Dictionary- Teacher Load Table

Student Billing Table

System: Billing Date Created: 04-04-2018

Primary key: billingid

Organization: Descending
billing_id int 10 billing’s identification code, auto
studentid int 10 student’s identification code,
auto increment
cashten float 30 cash tendered
ttlacc float 30 total accounts
change float 30 change
updacc updated account
dp date date of billing
userid int 10 user’s identification code, auto
Table 41: Data Dictionary- Student Billing Table

User Table

System: Record Management Date Created: 04-04-2018

Primary key: none

Organization: Descending
uname varchar 40 Username
pword varchar 40 Password
position varchar 30 Position

Page 85 of 100
Table 42: Data Dictionary- User Table

User Information Table

System: Record Management Date Created: 04-04-2018

Primary key: userid

Organization: Descending
userid Int 10 user’s identification code, auto
lastname varchar 50 user last name
firstname varchar 50 user first name
middlename varchar 50 user middle name
bday Date birthday
gender varchar 20 gender
homeadd varchar 20 home address
city varchar 40 city
cn Int 15 contact number
telephone Int 15 telephone
zip Int 10 zip
elementary varchar 40 elementary
secondary varchar 40 secondary
degree varchar 40 degree
description varchar 150 description
Table 43: Data Dictionary- User Information Table

Admin Information Table

System: Record Management Date Created: 04-04-2018

Primary key: adminid

Organization: Descending
adminid Int 10 admin’s identification code, auto
lastname varchar 50 admin’s last name
firstname varchar 50 admin’s first name
middlename varchar 50 admin’s middle name
bday Date birthday
gender varchar 20 gender

Page 86 of 100
homeadd varchar 20 home address
city varchar 40 City
cn int 15 contact number
telephone int 15 telephone
zip int 10 Zip
elementary varchar 40 elementary
secondary varchar 40 secondary
degree varchar 40 degree
description varchar 150 description
Table 44: Data Dictionary- Admin Information

System Requirements Specification

Specification of the requirements for a certain system is needed for it is

useful in the identification of the hardware and software used to run system.

Hardware and Software serves as the heart and brain of the computer in order to

run the proposed system.

The following are the minimum requirements for the hardware and software

of the proposed computerized Registration and Billing for Multiple Intelligence

Playhouse and Tutorial Center.

Software Specification

The software are specified below:

 Sublime Text 3.0 3143

 WAMPP Server – MySQL – PhpmyAdmin 2007 or highest version

 Browser – Mozilla / Google Chrome 67.0

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 Printer Driver canon IP2770 Driver

 Windows 10 | 64 bit Operating System

 Anti-VirusESET Remote Administrator 6.x:

Hardware Specification

The hardware required specified below:

 14’’ monitor | System resolution : 1366 X 178 pixel

 Keyboard and Mouse

 CD-ROM and Diskette drives

 1 Terabytes (TB) of available hard disk space

 Printer Canon ip2770

 800MHZ Microprocessor Pentium 4

 8 Gigabytes (GB) of RAM

Windows 10 is a personal computer operating system developed and

released by Microsoft, as part of the Windows NT family of operating

systems. It was released on July 29, 2015.] It is the first version of Windows

that receives ongoing feature updates. Devices in enterprise environments

can receive these updates at a slower pace, or use long-term support

milestones that only receive critical updates, such as security patches, over

their ten-year lifespan of extended support.

Program Specification

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The proposed system should do the following:

 Selected users can view, create and update from this tables

1. Student Information

2. Teacher Information

3. Subject/Tutorial Information

4. Fees Information

5. School Year Information

6. Schedules Information

7. Manage Student Accounts

8. Manage Teacher Load

9. Assessment of accounts

10. Charging of Tuition Fees

 Users can access billing

 Admin can access all entries

 Only admin can access Reports

 User can manage student’s records, which here user can update subjects,

change schedules, change teacher assigned.

 User can manage cancellation of class

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Programming Environment

This section introduces the programming environment of the proposed system. It

gives summarize description of the programming environment that the

researcher implemented and what was the system is using.

1. Computer – A unit is used to be flexible and increase mobility while using

the system.

2. Compiler – Wammp was implemented as a package to build web

application, client side and server side.

3. Text Editors – Sublime text was used as the researcher main coding


4. Operating System – To code the system, operating system is needed,

the environment was Windows 10.

5. Browser –Google Chrome was used, to check the connection between

server side and client side

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Development Diagram


Install Anti Virus

Developer Windows 10

Database SQL
Student Registration and


Install Printer Devices and


Figure 38: Deployment Diagram

The figure shows how will the researcher deploys the computerized system

The system developer will first back-up the files in the existing computer

after the backup and then reformat to remove viruses in the computer, installing

windows 10 package together with antivirus, WAMPP as the server the printer and

last the system will be executed and now the system is ready to use but before

implementation test should be implemented so that the user will use the system

efficiently and effectively

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The interfaces between the following subsystems will be tested:

1. Record Management

2. Enrolment

3. Billing

4. Reports

Test plan Description

The proposed system will be tested by

Unit testing letting them use it for almost 1 week using
their personal computer or laptop.

It is also required to have a hardware

Hardware testing testing to check if the hardware
requirements. Such as; printer, mouse,
etc. is functioning or not.

While having the unit and hardware

Software testing testing, the software is also required to be
tested in which, they will be given a week
to use the proposed system. Then after
the allotted time, the researcher will get
some feedback if the software that the
developer used is really functioning and
doesn’t cause so much trouble during their

Before all these testing will happen, first

Human testing and for most, the researcher must
conduct training to the people who are
involved in the manual transaction to

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know and to have knowledge on how to
use the proposed system.

Table 45: Testing

Performance Testing

Unit testing

Unit testing is test where individual units/ components of a software are tested.

The following unit test should be implement:

 Network PC will be tested

 Client-side and Server-side will be tested

 Observe units for bad weather or in absence of ventilation

 Observe units in recovery in such uncalled interruption or not responding


Integration Testing

Integration testing is the phase in software testing in which individual

software modules are combined and tested as a group. It occurs after unit

testing and before validation testing.

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Compatibility Testing

The system will be tested if its software ensures the compatibility of the

system. But as the researcher assures that the proposed system is compatible

because it has the given requirements in terms of software development. It is

required that the Multiple Intelligence Playhouse and Tutorial Center must have a

hardware and software that has a higher version or specs to prevent problems

while running the system during testing.

The following should be performed:

 Check printers are compatible with the system

 The system should operate in Windows operating system.

 Open application on different browsers.

Stress Testing

This is test is determine the ability of a computer, network, program or device

to maintain a certain level of effectiveness under unfavourable conditions

 Check internet connection interruption while performing activities

 Observe system in a long run processing

Load Testing

This test is putting a simulated demand on software, an application or website

in a way that tests or demonstrates its behaviour under various conditions.

Listed below are the things what the proposed system can do while

having the load testing:

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 Check if the data will not be lose in case of data overload

 Continuously accepting data from the users

 The data can be retrieve after sudden power interruption

 The data can be retrieve after sudden internet interruption

Should there be issues/errors or feedback from the prospective user after

(testing), the developer will then address the problem through creating program

instructions that will resolve the software issues. However if the said users find

the system's performance acceptable, they can then decide whether to

adapt/use the system or not.

System Testing

The following system test should be performed:

 The interaction for dashboard should be displayed clear and well

 The system should accurately accept data to store in database.

 The system should retrieve data in a minimum time

 The system should provide accurate computation of payments

 The system should generate reports

 The system can manage student, teacher and others operation

 The system should be password oriented

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Alpha Testing

This test should have performed to identify all possible issues/bugs before

releasing the product to everyday users or public

 Password should not be displayed while typing it could change other


 Check antivirus to avoid unwanted activities in the system

Recovery Testing

This is performed in order to determine how quickly the system

can recover after it has gone through system crash or hardware failure.

 Check if user should its access to any admin sites

 Make sure connection is stable in retrieving data from to client server to

avoid corruption

Restart system if something unwanted approaches to avoid virus attack

Volume Testing

This test is a testing done on high volumes of data.

 Check data loss

 Check the data stored is accurate

 Check if some date is edited by some unknown users

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Performance Testing

This test is a process of determining the speed or effectiveness of a computer,

network, software program or device.

 After conducting the performance testing, if there were problems, the

developer will address and fix the error immediately. Verify response time of

the browser both client-side and server-side.

Acceptance Testing

Acceptance Testing will be conducted after the system testing. In this

testing phase the users will decide whether to adopt the new system or not. This

is based on conformities to the recommendations during testing system, and to

ensure efficiency upon implementation.


As the researcher conducted interviews and observations, the researcher

found out that the existing manual system of the establishment will cause more

trouble to track the student accounts, delay in transaction and data loss which will

cause dissatisfaction, and trouble for both user and students. Thus, the proposal

has been conceptualized and therefore materialized to address the said problems.

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The researcher strongly recommends for the use of the computer-based

Registration and Billing System, thus to improve the way of managing student

accounts, keeping the files to avoid data loss and delay of transaction. To achieve

their goal and maintain its good services to the students, hence, save more time

and effort, this should be implemented.

Implementation Plan

An implementation plan is a management tool designed to illustrate, in

detail, the critical steps in developing and starting a project. It is a guide or map

that helps program staff be proactive rather than reactive in developing their

program and identifying any challenges along the way.

Question Answer Comment

1. Users are computer


2. Users are ready to

use the system

3. The establishment
has a computer

4. Computers in the
establishment is
compatible with the

5. The system has

been tested by the

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6. The system can
produce reports

7. The new system’s

design and contents
conform to the needs
of the user
8. The system is
acceptable to the
Table 46: Implementation Plan



Project Implementation Plan

 Train the employee or the assigned worker to use the system for 1 week

 For the application to run, the proposed system and the software

requirements are needed

Project Implementation Checklist

This implementation checklist will be given to the owner/assigned staff to

fill in the given questions to determine if the proposed system can be acceptable

in their establishment.

Implementation Contingency

This is to describe exactly how the system will be implemented, and to

provide contingency plans should implementation be delayed

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 If the computer is unavailable, it is advisable to buy a

unit for their use.

 If error/issues occur during installation, it is advisable that the researcher

must provide a packaged file that will install all the required software


 Developer must have a backup file.

Figure 39: Implementation Contingency –Backup files

Infrastructure and Deployment

The infrastructure of the system is only a computer and the database. The

deployment of this only needs to install the system to the computer as well as the


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