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 Zaid bin sabit (R.A):
Zaid bin sabit (R.A) was the principal scribe of Holy
Prophet p.b.u.h. He belonged to the Khazraj tribe. He had
accepted Islam before the migration of Holy Prophet
p.b.u.h to Madinah. He was only 11 when he accepted
Islam. He was not allowed to take part in Battle of Badr
because he was only 13 at that time. He did take part in
Battle of Trench and Tabuk expedition. Zaid was a very
learned person who could speak many languages. The
Holy Prophet p.b.u.h chose him to learn Hebrew so that
he could correspond with the Jews. He was placed
among those knowledgeable companions who were
scholars and jurists. Prophet p.b.u.h appointed Zaid to
write down the revelations received by him. Zaid
memorized the whole Quran during the life of Holy
Prophet (P.B.U.H). When most of the hafiz were martyred
in the battle of Yamama, Hazrat Abu Bakar R.A entrusted
Zaid bin Sabit R.A with the task of collecting the verses
of the Holy Quran and compiling them in a book form.
Zaid Bin sabit r.a was the first Ansar to swear allegiance
to Hazrat Abu Bakar R.A as the Khalifa. During Khilafat
of Hazrat Umer R.A Zaid was appointed as the Qazi of
Madinah. Zaid was very knowledgeable about the
commands of distribution of inheritance.

 Abu Hurairah R.A

Abu Hurairah was born in Banu Daws tribe from the
region of Tihamah on the coast of the Red Sea. His
name at birth was Abd- al-Shams ("Servant of the Sun").
Abu Hurairah was a companion of Prophet Muhammad
(S.A.W). He narrated about 5,374 hadiths. He could not
read and write. He spent 4 years in the company of
prophet (SAW) Abu Hurairah embraced Islam through
Tufayl ibn Amr the chieftain of his tribe. He spent most
of his time teaching hadith at medina. For a short period
of time he was a governor of Bahrain during the reign of
Umar (RA). Some companions also believed that he
was blessed with an unfailing memory, especially for
ahadith, as a miracle bestowed upon him by God after
Muhammad prayed for him. They also depict him as a
man living an ascetic and humble life, cherishing
knowledge and worship.
Abu Hurairah died in 681 or 59 AH at the age of 78 and
was buried at AL-BAQI.

 Abdullah Bin Masood R.A

He was one of the most favorite companion of Holy
Prophet pbuh and was well known for his adherence to the
Messenger of Allah. He is known as Sahabi bin Sahabiya
because his brother and mother belonged to the earlier
companion of the Prophet pbuh. He faced persecutions
upon accepting the Islam. After embracing Islam, he gave
up all the other business and was present all the time for
the service of Holy Prophet pbuh. He learnt the Quran with
great fondness and attention and is said to be the first to
recite Quran in Makkah. He took part in Battle of Badr and
killed the greatest enemy of Holy Prophet Pbuh, Abu
Jahal. He knew Quran very well because of his close
association with the Prophet pbuh. He was the one named
by Prophet PBUH as one from whom the others should
learn the Quran. After the death of Holy Prophet pbuh. he
was regarded as an expert on interpretation of the Quran.

 Aby Bin Ka’b R.A

He was one of the main scribes in Medina, who wrote
down the revelations of Holy Quran, He was one of the
distinguished companions of Holy Prophet R.A and a
person of high esteem in the early Muslim community.
He belonged to the Khazraj tribe and had pledged
allegiance to Holy Prophet p.b.u.h. at Aqabah. He was
the first person to accept Islam in Yesrab. He served as
a scribe to the Holy Prophet p.b.u.h. and wrote letters
for him. The last verse of the Holy Quran revealed in 10
AH is said to be written down by him. Holy Prophet
p.b.u.h encouraged his companions to learn Quran from
Aby bin Ka’b. He died in 29 AH during the Khilafat of
Hazrat Usman r.a

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