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STATICS : Scope, Tube, Airway devices, Tape, Inducer (stylet), Connections, Suction

Preparation is mandatory for all airway management scenarios. The following equipment is routinely
needed in airway management situations: • An oxygen source • BMV capability • Laryngoscopes (direct
and video) • Several endotracheal tubes of different sizes • Other (not endotracheal tube) airway
devices (eg, oral, nasal airways) • Suction • Oximetry and CO 2 detection • Stethoscope • Tape • Blood
pressure and electrocardiography (ECG) monitors • Intravenous access

Butterworth, J.F. 2013. Morgan & Mikhail’s Clinical Anesthesiology . New York. Mc Graw Hill Education.
Page : 314

2. LEMON :

LEMON airway assessment method (fig. 3) The score with a maximum of 10 points is calculated by
assigning 1 point for each of the following LEMON criteria: L = Look externally (facial trauma, large
incisors, beard or moustache, large tongue) E = Evaluate the 3-3-2 rule (incisor distance-3 finger
breadths, hyoid-mental distance-3 finger breadths, thyroid-to-mouth distance-2 finger breadths) M =
Mallampati (Mallampati score > 3). O = Obstruction (presence of any condition like epiglottitis,
peritonsillar abscess, trauma). N = Neck mobility (limited neck mobility) Patients in the difficult
intubation group have higher LEMON scores Fig. 3 : LEMON airway assessment method ; 1 = Inter-incisor
distance in fingers, 2 = Hyoid mental distance in fingers, 3 = Thyroid to floor of mouth in fingers

Gupta, S. 2005. Airway assessment : predictors of difficult airway. Indian j. Anaesth

3. MOANS : Mask seal, Obesity/Obstruction, Aged > 55 Years, No teeth, Stiff lungs.

Parthasarathy.S. 2012. Assessment of airway the MOUTH concept. J Anaesthesiology Clinical

Pharmacology. 28(4): 539. 4. Difficulty in intubation can be classified according to the view obtained
during direct laryngoscopy into 4 grades. These 4 grades of laryngoscopic views were defined by
Cormack and Lehane (1984)14 (fig.4).

Gupta, s. 2005. Airway assessment : predictors of difficult airway. Indian j. Anaesth

5. The Macintosh and Miller blades are the most popular curved and straight designs

Butterworth, J.F. 2013. Morgan & Mikhail’s Clinical Anesthesiology . New York. Mc Graw Hill Education.
Page : 323

6. Tracheal tube size guidelines and cut length

Butterworth, J.F. 2013. Morgan & Mikhail’s Clinical Anesthesiology . New York. Mc Graw Hill Education

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