Bank Loan Proposal

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Applicant :
Mr. Muhammad Muslih
Mangan Healthy Food
Tebet, South Jakarta


Lender: BRI Bank

Mrs. Ina Kusuma
Account Officer - BRI Bank
Jenderal Sudirman Street
Central Jakarta

Re: Loan Request for IDR 100.000.000

Dear Mrs. Kusuma,

Nowadays people more concerned about healthful food, every year the consumption of organic
foods increased due to bigger health and obesity concerns among consumers. This food industry
is evolving, healthy food market expected to grow. Food brand and manufactures have to change
their strategies to sell healthy food, that the reason we created Mangan Healthy Food.
We have been in food industry for more than two years try to bring healthy food without synthetic
additives with cheap price for office worker and college student in DKI Jakarta. Because study
found office worker and college student just have poor food choices with high in sodium, sugar
and bad fats. And we know that office workers have very little physical activity, not surprising that
they tend to have dietary problems.
Loan Request
Our budget for the booth is IDR 150.000.000. We already have investors that willing to give us
fund IDR 50.000.000, so we need IDR 100.000.000 to launch our booth.
The money we are requesting from BRI Bank will go toward the following needs:
a. Rent Cost, IDR 50.000.000 (for 2 years) : We choose to opening our booth in Tebet, South
Jakarta. Tebet is strategic area and has demographic profile that match with our market,
also accessibility and image of the site are convenient for opening food booth. The
competition for healthy food in that area is quite low.
b. Kitchen Equipment , IDR 30.000.000 : We believe quality food comes from good products.
We need to purchase general cooking utensils, tableware and silverware, and refrigeration
c. Food , IDR 20.000.000 : We have contract for 2 years with organic food vendors that sell
vegetables & fruit without using fertilizers, or pesticides and organic meat and dairy.
We are asking BRI Bank for a loan of IDR 150.000.000 to be repaid over two year at a rate of
12.5% interest and making payment 7.812.500 monthly.
Our estimates for revenue are an average of IDR 1.000.000 per day over 30 operational days per
month for a total revenue stream of IDR 30.000.000 a month. After factoring in staff costs of IDR
10.000.000 per month and operational costs of IDR 5.000.000, we are left with enough money to
comfortably repay a loan under those terms.
Market research studies showed us on the health and natural food industry will help you stay
competitive and grow in this market. Because people now more responsibility to manage their own
health and more consume healthy food on their dietary regimen. Beside that our company give a
new food concept for customers because our mission is to improve food choices for customers to
get a healthy life.

Attached to this loan request are personal and business financial statements (includes income and
cash flow projection) for MANGAN HEALTHY FOOD.


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