SNAP Analysis

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SNAP Analysis

Texts Author
1 The Barking Dog Kenneth J. Harvey

2 Presenting Miss Gorilla Legs Lisabeth Jackson

The Question: In paragraph form and with reference to the text:

If there’s been no “question” assigned by your teacher, then you can make your own question. Start
with your two chosen texts and ask yourself “Why do they have in common?” Your answer should then
be the “question” that you will answer.

Step 1: The Introduction (you are allowed to preplan and write your introductory material):

Theme (what main theme from the texts will you be using to look at connections & comparisons):

Shaping of identity.

The theme will be explored in the following way (choose one)

 As it emerges in the texts (NARROWING
 How the authors/poets present this theme (METHOD)
 How is it significant and why should we care? (MERIT)


The question will be answered because you have proven that:

In the short stories, “The Barking Dog” and “Presenting Miss Gorilla Legs”, a key theme is the shaping
of one’s identity by one’s surroundings and the effects it has on one’s life.
SNAP Analysis
General Idea Quotations Significance
Idea: Identity shaped by In both stories, significant life
whom and effect. choices are strongly influenced
by those around the characters.
Text 1: The Barking Dog “there is no point to life unless you In “The Barking Dog”, it’s the
have children.” (2) coworkers influencing his
decision to have children and in
“Presenting Miss Gorilla Legs”,
her mother’s carnival work
Text 2: Presenting Miss “Ella the Bearded Lady” (2) causes Marnie to work in the
Gorilla Legs carnival also.

Idea: Feeling of needing a Society has instilled in both

job – whether you like it or characters a feeling that they
not. should be working in order to
make money, but not necessarily
Text 1: The Barking Dog “At work, Andrew performs with be happy. Andrew performs
efficiency but without exception.” (1) “with efficiency but without
exception” relating to a lack of
passion in his field. Similarly,
Marnie despises her job because
Text 2: Presenting Miss “I'm a complete monster!” (1) it makes her look like a
Gorilla Legs “complete” monster. However,
they both continue working
because that is what society has
shaped them to do.
Idea: Confrontation of Though people formed by
their own true identities society do not necessarily have
to change, Andrew and Marnie
Text 1: The Barking Dog “face to face with remorse and confront their true identities
finality” (5) even if doing so is difficult. The
barking dog symbolizes Andrew’s
true identity which he had
neglected. He finally confronts it.
Text 2: Presenting Miss Marnie tells her mom that she’s
Gorilla Legs “as long as I have hairy legs.” (5) quitting because she’ll never be
happy as long as she has hairy
Stylistic Devices highlighted Impact
SNAP Analysis

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