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Aazib Sultan

Class 5c

Pakistan Resolution Day

Pakistan Resolution Day, 23rd March 1940, is one of the most significant
and instrumental days in the history of Pakistan. This is a day to remember
the struggles undertaken by the Muslim leaders of the subcontinent. Today,
the citizens of modern day Pakistan commemorate this day to immortalize
its significance and value in their history.

Respected Sir and all my fellows:

After the Lahore resolution was passed, Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali
Jinnah became the most important Muslim leader of the whole
subcontinent. Muslims recognized Quaid as the shepherd that will lead the
Muslims to their own separate nation. He became a nationwide inspiration
for Muslim to wake up from their reveries of a sunken past, and begin
striving for complete and total independence from the Hindus and the

Respected All,
Pakistan Resolution, passed in Minto Park of Lahore, gave Muslims a
rational, reachable and desirable goal: the creation of Pakistan . It served
to release the fire of Independence in the hearts of the Muslims, who were
all eager to make their contribution in achieving a free Muslim
state, Pakistan.
That day, Quaid-e-Azam provided Muslims with a clear-cut and well-
defined goal that was understood even by the simplest and most naive of
Muslim minds. The call to independence was answered by a unanimous
awakening that altered the course of history, and the geographic structure
of the subcontinent.
When we look back at 23rd March speech of our Quaid Muhammad Ali
Jinnah, we are reminded of the fact that it was this day that the great nation
we live in today was created in the minds of our forefathers.

In the ending lines, I would like to urge all Pakistanis to remember

the spirit, the message of 23rd March 1940 when our forefathers vowed to
achieve Pakistan, a separate country for Muslims. Now it becomes our
responsibility to be united, serve and save Pakistan.
Thank you.
Pakistan Paindabad

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