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The Foundation School

August 2018
Revision Worksheet
Class: II Sub: EVS
Name: ________________________ Date: _________________

Q1. Solve the following riddles:

a) I cannot stand straight because my stem is weak. I need support to climb up. ________________________
b) I am a plant- eater. I store water in my hump. I am known as the ship of the desert. _______________
c) I am a very small plant with a soft green stem. I only live for a few months. ________________________
d) I am a flesh-eater. I live in a jungle. I am the national animal of India. _________________________
e) I am a big plant with a thick, brown and woody stem. I live for many years._________________________
Q2. Give two examples for each of the following:
a) Animals who eat the flesh of dead animals. _______________________ _______________________
b) Things made with jute. _______________________ _______________________
c) Animals that give us milk. _______________________ ______________________
d) Plants whose roots we eat. _______________________ _______________________
e) Wild Animals _______________________ _______________________
f) Plant- eating animals _______________________ ______________________
Q3. Complete the series, one is done for you:
a) Silk: __Silkworm______ b) Nectar: _________________ c) __________________ : Wax

d) Wool: _________________ e) _______________ : Rose f) Kidney beans: _____________

Q4. Write True or False and correct the false statements:
a) A material made from the skin of dead animals is called cotton.

b) Potato, honey and bread are examples of body-building food.


c) Dogs and Cats carries the loads for us are called beasts of burden.


d) Streams, rivers and lakes are sources of underground water.


e) The wood of willow tree is used to make cricket bats.

Q5. Differentiate between shrubs and herbs. Give two examples of each.
Shrubs Herbs

Q6. Observe the picture carefully and answer the following questions:

i) Why are trees important in our life?







ii) List any three ways to save trees.







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