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Throughout the ages, being fluent in more than one language has been appreciated and

multilingual people were highly sought after. Learning a new language has been proved to be very
beneficial not only when finding a job, but also in the development of the brain. Without further do,

First of all, when venturing into learning a new language, most learners state that there is a
lot more to it than just memorising grammar rules and vocabulary. In the process of learning, people
tend to open themselves more to the different culture and history of the native speakers, even if it is
just to make understanding the language better.

Second of all, learning a language can prove beneficial in landing a better paid job. In the
globalised world we live in it is hard to imagine that there might be a company that does not have
any relation with foreign companies and clients. Therefore, most employers would highly appreciate
having a multilingual person in their team which usually leads to a salary increase.

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