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It was a great pleasure to be given this last semester project in Skill For
Leadership. This provided me a oppurtunity to create my own cook along with my
own recipes. I am just a 18 years kid who is truly passionate in culinary world and
want to pursue my dream of cooking career. Conducting this cookbook, there are
both successes and failures during the process. In term of success, I did express
clearly all the exact methods in each dish like I am doing it. The steps are properly
written which would help readers to recognize and understand what to do in the
kitchen. I did provide the picture of each menu per page, showing what the result is
supposed to be. Furthermore, before the last slide, the cooking tips provide
important facts and techniques by Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) that everyone
could surely apply them after reading it. Rather than referring to mistakes, I intended
not to provide what the specific amount of each ingredient is needed to be used.
Why? I aim that to be good in cooking, habitude and experience are the main keys of
success. I want readers to keep experiencing on their own ways but make sure that
the result of their dishes are slightly relating to the prototypes that I have given. I also
want people who use my recipe, cooking by depending on experience and gut
instead of numbers. For my strength, as a learner, there are things I know that I do
not know. Therefore, I use internet as a source to gather what I information I needed.
This simply implies that I am willingly to keep learning new things or going to deep to
what I already I have known. In the meantime, my weakness is as a learner is my
writing skill. There are some statement in my recipes that I did not have any idea to
express out my purpose distinctly. I have learned about myself as a learner that I
enjoy reading anything relating to about food so that I could apply new knowledge to
my daily life. I also learn about myself as a person that how much I am passionate in
food and willingly to be a chef.

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