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Here are the most powerful theories that try to explain and solve the mysteries.

1. Methane Gas Theory

Large amount of methane gas is known to exist below the ocean floor trapped in
the sediments in form of methane hydrates. If such gas finds its way out and starts
rising through the water, it can significantly reduce the density of water in that
area. And ships passing over that area can sink in no time. Such gas release can
also create explosions and saturate the atmosphere with methane gas causing
planes to crash.

2. The Sargasso Sea

Sargasso sea is a strange area within Bermuda Triangle that has no shores but
bounded by ocean currents on all sides. This has been the trap for many sailing
vessels in the past. Many sailing boats and ships are believed to have become
completely motionless while passing through this area and later found in derelict
conditions without a soul on them. Dense seaweed on water surface and
exceptionally low winds have been the main cause of making vessels motionless in
this area.

3. Hexagonal clouds forming Air Bombs

Scientists have noticed formation of strange hexagonal shaped clouds with straight
edges on Bermuda Triangle. This is a strange and rare phenomena. Meteorologists
confirm from other such formations of cloud at North Sea and evidences shown by
satellite images that they are like air bombs. The air bombs can blast and send out
winds to the ocean beneath at speeds of up to 170 miles per hour which can be
dangerous for aircraft or ships passing through it

4. Electronic Fog: A Hutchison effect

It has been heard several times that ships and aircraft get engulfed in some kind of
electronic fog and the fog keeps moving along with the ship or the plane. And
eventually, all the electronic equipment and other instruments start malfunctioning.
Then the ships and airplanes either disintegrate or disappear without a trace.
Vancouver based scientist John Hutchison through his experiments has shown
occurrence of Electronic Fog that causes some strange phenomena.

5. The Treacherous Underwater Reefs

The Bermuda Island, also known as the 'Isle of the devils', forms one corner of the
triangle and is located about 650 miles off the east coast of the US. It is a well
known fact that the island is almost completely ringed by numerous shipwrecks that
lie at the ocean floor near its shores. In fact there are more than 300 ships that
wrecked within 200 square miles of water area surrounding Bermuda.

6. The Whirlpools and the Blue Holes

A strange phenomenon has been noticed in Bahamas which is located at the
western corner of Bermuda Triangle and about 50 miles off the coast of Florida.
There are whirlpools here with very strong tidal currents flowing in and out of them.
Any ships passing over them can easily get sucked in and into the endless depths

7. Gulf Stream
The Gulf Stream is an ocean current that originates in the Gulf of Mexico, and then
moves through the Straits of Florida, into the North Atlantic and passes through
Bermuda Triangle area. It is like a river with warm water within an ocean and can
easily carry floating objects down its flow. A small plane making a water landing on
the Gulf Stream or a boat having engine trouble will be easily carried away.

8. Compass Variation
Do you know that magnetic and absolute North are not the same. Which means
that the north where a compass points and the absolute geographic north which is
the north pole are different. So ships need to make adjustment for this difference to
keep to the right direction. But in Bermuda Triangle, there is a narrow strip where
both these North's become the same. Some claim that such Compass Variation
could have been the cause for fatal accidents as ships failed to determine the
correct direction.

9. Strange Weather & Hurricanes

At times there are violent storms in the Bermuda Triangle area. These short but
intense storms can build up quickly and go away so fast that even a satellite can't
detect them properly. But these storms are strong enough to destroy ships or
planes completely. There are also waterspouts seen in this area. A waterspout is
like a tornado at sea that sucks water from the ocean thousands of feet into the

10. Freak Waves

Very large waves can appear suddenly even in calm seas. One such rogue wave
caused the Ocean Ranger, then the world's largest offshore platform to capsize in
1982. Research has shown that freak waves up to 30m high & capable of sinking a
large ship within moments, can and do happen. Although these are very rare, in
some areas ocean currents indicate that they happen more often than normal.

11. Unusual Seafloor

The seafloor in Bermuda Triangle area is also found to be quite strange. The
technology of Sonar Mapping (using sound waves) has been used by the scientists
to understand the depth of the seafloor at various places in the triangle. Some
unusual formations have been found. At various places from a gentle slope the
seafloor takes a sudden deep drop. In fact, some of the deepest trenches in the
world are found in this area. Ships or planes that sink into these deep trenches will
probably never be found as they are virtually inaccessible.

12. Human Error

Human mistakes can not be ruled out in this area. More so because the vast water
area in Bermuda Triangle has so many islands that look so similar. It is easy to
make a mistake confusing one with another. And in such confusion if the captain
takes a wrong turn or direction, then he can slowly but surely get to such water
area where it would be too late to turn back and reach a land to refuel. And then
eventually it'll be a question of how long the ship can sustain the foul weather.

13. Supernatural Theories

There are also explanations based on some supernatural theories like the lost city
of Atlantis, UFOs and Aliens. Check out Supernatural Theories to know about such
explanations that try to explain the disappearances.

14. Skeptic's Theory

And like in any other subject, there are skeptics and critics here who do not believe
that Bermuda Triangle area has any mystery to be solved at all. They say there is
nothing unusual about all these disappearances... it's nothing different from any
other ocean area where such incidents also take place in similar numbers, and most
can be explained with science or some logic.

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