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In my first version I did not add the catch-

phrase which plays a big part in the message

being put across to the audience. Every front
cover needs to have a catchphrase to help con-
vey a certain message or to give an extra bit of
information as a result I changed that and add-
ed a catchphrase to give the magazine cover
more emphasis

I had to make my coverline straight and in line but

My header was not in line which made my front
cover look messy as things looked to be all over
the place and gives the sense of disorganization. If
I didn't change the positioning it could've lowered
the effect as organization is a key feature for a
good front cover. For that reason I used the ruler
tool to add myself some guidelines to help with
getting everything straight and in line

By using the front cover example I had, it had a small pro-

motion, and usually in every front cover magazine it has a
promotion which attracts attention showing the viewer
what they could potentially win by buying the magazine.

In my first piece I did not add a barcode to my

front cover which made the bottom right corner
look very plain and empty. Adding a barcode made
the magazine cover look a lot more original and
authentic. I also added small details to it such as
the date and the price to make it look more certi-

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