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1. Cookies are best when they’re freshly baked.

This recipe makes a dozen,

but if you won’t need that much, you can always just make half a dozen and
keep the batter in the fridge. You can keep it for up to a week—just take it out
and pop some in the oven every time you need freshly baked cookies.

2. Cookies are actually really easy to make—but the baking time is super
important. If the oven is hot enough, like if it’s at 175 degrees Celsius, you
only need 6 to 7 minutes to bake the cookie. Seriously. Even if it doesn’t look
baked yet, trust me, you can take it out of the oven and it will keep baking
still. I discovered that 6 to 7 minutes is the perfect “chewy cookie” baking

But that 6 to 7 minutes might be different for you, cause ovens are different and
also bigger cookies will need a little more time. What I did is I started with
three cookies, really observed them in my oven, and after trying different
baking times, I came up with 6 to 7 minutes for most of the regular-sized
cookies and 9 to 10 minutes when it’s bigger. Again, don’t wait for it to look
brown in the oven, cause then it won’t be chewy anymore. 🙂

3. Cookies taste extra nice when they’re personally made. So aside from
actually baking the cookies, I also decided to make my own packaging that’s
tailor-made for whoever was going to get it. For my sis-in-law Anne, because
she owns BLK Cosmetics, I made Boompanes Luscious Kookies (BLK). Haha,
get it?

Lol I never thought I would have this many things to say about cookies.
Anyway, guys, try it and enjoy and let me know what you think!

Cookies by #SolennCooking Recipe

Makes a dozen cookies


– 2 cups flour
– 2 tsp cornstarch
– 1 tsp baking soda
– 1/2 tsp salt

– 3/4 cup butter (room temp)

– 1 cup brown sugar
– 1/2 cup white sugar
– 1 egg + 1 egg yolk
– 1 Tbsp vanilla extract

– 1 cup unsweetened choco chips (or whatever you want to put! I made four
different batches with dark choco chips, white choco chips + macadamia,
Toblerone + Davao cocoa nibs + almonds, white choco chips + cranberries +
flax seeds)


1. In a large bowl, mix together butter, brown sugar, and white sugar until
creamy. I used a mixer and this took about 1 to 2 minutes, but you can mix by
hand too.

2. In the same bowl, add egg and extra egg yolk. Add vanilla extract. Mix.

3. In another bowl, combine flour, cornstarch, baking soda, and salt.

4. Slowly pour dry ingredients with the wet mixture.

5. Add the choco chips or your add-ons of choice.

6. Cover up your batter and leave it in your fridge for about 2 hours or more.

7. After a couple of hours, heat the oven at 175 degrees Celsius.

8. Use 2 spoons to create cookie balls, and place them on a tray lined with
baking paper.

9. Pop them in the oven and bake for about 6 to 9 minutes, depending on the
size of cookies you make. Don’t forget about my tip about carefully observing
the cookies and letting them bake outside the oven!

10. If you’re giving the cookies as gifts, add a personal touch to the packaging.

Et voilà! You can find more of my recipes on Instagram when you search the
hashtag #SolennCooking. 🙂

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