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Principles of CAD/CAM/CAE

Individual summary of course and project
Kerim Hadzic (3820181106), Beijing Institute of Technology

1 The Course
Course duration was acceptable in terms of the given lectures. The course helped me greatly and
gave me the knowledge needed for deeper understanding of the matter at hands. Starting from
the mathematical basics that are used in every part of the CAD/CAM/CAE. Before this course,
I was not familiar with CREO and the course enabled me to understand the working principles of
the program. Special fact that I would like to point out is the amount of emphasis the Professor
put on the sections of geometric modelling. Other sections were presented just as an introductions
to the fields and subjects that are awaiting us in the next semester. During the whole duration
of the course we were obliged to work in a group which I believe is one of the most important
parts, especially speaking from the standpoint of an international student as the cooperation with
domestic students is very, very important, for now, and even for later. In cooperation with my
group, we decided to design breaking system of a car, which we presented twice prior to the final
presentation. On the Figure 1 one can see the whole system which my teammates and I designed
and analyzed.

Figure 1: Our project

2 Description of the work that I did
My group was making a breaking system and we all got different assignments, out of which I got
the making of U-Part of the breaking system and simulating, i.e. optimizing the part. Also, as
we all were, I was actively a part of making of the presentations and other kinds of preparations.
The making of U-Part was partially presented in the Mid-Term presentation, and as I am not/was
not/will not be present on the final presentation, therefore, I will explain the processes in this
report. I have to mention that the design process was done in CREO, as required, and the since
the analysis program was not specified, the analysis was carried out in ANSYS. On the Figure 2
the part I designed in CREO is shown.

Figure 2: My Part

As it is obvious from the Figure 2, the main processes that I did in CREO, ofcourse, besides
sketching my part were extrusion and rounding. I will not list the dimensions in the report because
I believe it is redundant and therefore if there is a need that I show them, I can provide them
upon request. As it can be seen on the Figure 1, two U-Parts are needed. The reason lies in the
function of U-Part. Namely, U-Part passes the load that is applied to the braking pedal to the
master cylinder. From that one can derive that the U-Part is a very important part. Also, it can
be concluded that the part should have certain properties to endure the load. Having that in mind,
the material I selected for the part was Aluminum 7075. Aluminum 7075 is an aluminum alloy with
zinc as the primary alloying element. The strength of the material can be and is often compared to
some steels. Also, it has relatively good corosion resistance. Main mechanical process with which
we obtain the U-Part is milling.

Exactly how it is mentioned, good strength needs to be ensured, and therefore the analysis of
this part for strength was conducted. As it is previously mentioned, the analysis was carried out in
ANSYS because I am more familiar with ANSYS in terms of simulation, I worked with CFX and
Fluent on many occasions during my studies.

In the report, I will put 4 pictures of different outcomes of the simulation for the U-Part, and it
can be observed where the biggest stress occurs, which is completely expected, so that part should
be provided with more strength and flexibility.

Figure 3: Results of analysis

Figure 4: Results of analysis

All pictures presented are for different conditions. Two more pictures of analysis. The part is
well designed, and does not require too much of optimization. The good design and optimization
of the part is required because the U-Part requires a lot of material and therefore is very expensive.

Figure 5: Results of analysis

Figure 6: Results of analysis

3 Conclusion
To conclude, I can say that whole subject (course) was very useful and helpful to me as a growing
engineer. Lectures were good and the overall atmosphere was great. Group project was demanding
but I consider it being a new experience which will help me in the context of my profession.

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