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Vectors, Tensors, and the Basic Equations of Fluid Mechanics Rutherford Aris Regents’ Professor, University of Minnesota DOVER PUBLICATIONS, INC. New York Copyright © 1962 by Rutherford Aris All rights reserved vinder Pan American and Inter: national Copyright Conventions Published in Canada by General Publishing Company, Ltd., 30 Lesmill Road, Don Mills, Toronto, Ontario. This Dover edition, first published in 1989, is an unabridged and corrected republication of the work frst published by Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, in 1962, Manufactured in the United States of America Dover Publications, inc, $1 ast 2nd Street, Mineola, N.Y. 11501 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Ais, Rutherford, Vectors, tensors, and the basic equations of fluid smechanies / Rutherford Aris, ISBN 0-486-66110-5 1. Fluid dynamics. 2. Caleulus of tensors. 3. Vector analysis. 1. Tite. QASIT AGO 10R0 S32~de20 89:23501 cP To Pat whose good humor is as perfect 4s her typing Preface “What! another book on vectors and tensors?” The ery goes up alike from the student searching the bookstore for a beginning text as from the savant who learned his stuff years ago from some tome on der Ricei Caleul. “What conceivable reason can this fellow have for inficting another book on us?” First let it be said that this is a text intended for the engineering scien- ist, for the physicist of applied mathematician perhaps, but wot for the differential geometer or pure mathematician. Second, itis an introductory text, intended for a reader with some acquaintance with the calculus of partial differentiation and multiple integration but nothing more. There- fore, being for a reader with interest in the physical warld, it sets out to show that the calculus of tensors is the language most appropriate to the rational examination of physical field theories. Of these theories I have selected the theory of fluid mechanics as being of central importance and wide appeal. The idea behind this treatment is to use the physical theory to motivate the thorough study of the mathematical subject and, con- versely, to show haw the mathematical thenry can give a truer insight. into the physical situation, ‘The day is quickly passing when it is necessary to make any apology for giving engineers the ‘straight stuff” in mathematics. It is realised ‘increasingly that his knowledge of mathematics must go beyond a nodding ‘acquaintance with its notions and notation. Even if mathematies is to remain merely a tool for him, he will never be its master until he has under- toad why it ie en formed end ie practiced in ite manipilations T have attempted therefore to keep the presentation both elementary and physi- cally motivated but at the same time not to shun the more dificult ideas or applications. Some of the topies introduced are close to the present frontiers of research and itis hoped that the development of tid mechanics “ that has been followed is thoroughly in accord with the best current understanding In the last. decade there has been a renascenee of interest in rational mechanics in the mathematical world. Tt has been fairly widespread and attracted the attention of many mathematicians whose abilities are of the first order. If one name is to be singled out, it is probably not unfair to the others to selec! that of Truesdell, whose deep scholarship and extensive ing have been of great influence. The work that has been done, and is still proceeding, on the foundations of continuum mechanies will be the basis for future advances in the engineering of eontinuous media and the sooner the engineer becomes aequainted with it the better. He should not, be put off by a certain astringency of aside or hawleur de mathématicien ‘which sometimes marks the style of this work. It is not easy reading, nor would one wis it Lo be, but if this introduction makes the iverature appear less formidable, one of its:chief purposes will have been fulfiled. If it whets the reader’s appetite for more substantial fre, I shall be more than content. Many applied mathematical toxts treat onlv of Cartesian tensors since these suffice for the principal applications. More purely mathematical texts will properly regard Cartesian tensors as a special case. For certain appliea- tions of current importance, Cartesian tensors are not sufficient, and since ‘the understanding of tensors is intended to serve the student in fields other than fluid mechanics, I have not hesitated to treat. them generally. How- ever, the ideas are first introduced in the Cartesian framework and then redeveloped more generally. Though this may appear to involve duplica- tion, it is a sound pedagogical principle* to introduce the basic ideas in their most elementary form and to go over the ground again building on the ‘understanding that has been gained. This has the effect of dividing the book into two parts and the first six chapters form a complete course in themselves, which may be suitable at an undergraduate level. The whole book is founded on a course of lectures given to graduate students, and, in as much as theit knowledge of matrix slgcbra is sometimes in need of refreshment and to make the book more self-contained for the independent, reader, a short appendix gives the necessary background. The last chapter ‘may be read after Chapter 6, since it in no way requires the intervening ‘chapters. Indeed itis less permeated with the ideas of tensor analysis and is topie whose foundations are still being strengthened. The treatment, Thave attempted is therefore not a very deep one, but in a book emanating * Tin in some sort converse of “Ockhamn’s razor” and might be called “Io's ears” Like ite more famous predeceaor it ean now be stated in impeccable Latin. "‘Inmitte tatu in altaram aaricnlam, dit. “Age?” (Brom the hook Winnie Tile Puc A Latin Version of A.A. Milne’'s Winnie the Pooh, translated by Alexander Lenard. Reprinted by permision of E. P. Dutton & Co,, Ine.) been unpardonable. To have gone further and treated of relativity and magnetohydrodynamies would have been to enlarge the book beyond the bounds of an introduction. ‘The exercises, few of which are at all difficult, are an integral part of the text. They provide practice in manipulation and extensions of the preceding sections. Results which are to be used Inter are frequently given as exercises and they are not to be regarded as less important than the equations of the text. They are always obvious, in the technical sense of lying right in the way, and are the type of minor hurdle that has to be cleared in reading the literature. am indebted to many colleagues for helpful suggestions, but partiou- larly to L. B. Scriven for his careful criticism and timely insistence that vector is a vector is a vector. I am particularly grateful to J. Serrin, whose lectures at this university first really showed me the structure of ‘uid mechanies. It is good that the substance of his lectures is available to avwider public in the Handbuch der Physit article referred to frequently below. As usual I have received most valuable encouragement from N. R. Amuindeon, T need hardly add that the hook's faults are entirely my own Only those who have typed such ® manuscript as this will properly appreciate the care and patience of my sister-in-law, Mrs. A. Blair, who penetrated my scribbling and scratchings to produce a first rate typescript. Ferhaps only the wives of authors will understand that growing irasei- bility which mine has had to tolerate and her relief at finally secing the thing in print. 1e compositors who work on a text so burdened with affixes deserve the gratitude of an author even if they are unknown to him: they certainly have mine, I would also like to thank Mr. D. Yesberg for his valuable help in proofreading and in compiling the index. ‘Ruraenrorp Anis Contents 1. Introduet 11, Mathematical theories and engineering tiencr, 1. 1.2, Scalar, vectors, ‘and teuors, 3.1.3. Preview, 6. 2. Cartesion Vectors ond Tensor Their Algebre 2.11, Defition of a sector, 8. 2.12. Bzamples of rectors, 10. 2.18. ‘Scalar malliplicaion, 11. 2.21, Addition of veclors —Coplanar vectors, Ll. 2.88. Uniteectors 13, 228, A basi of non-coplanar eeclors, 18. 2.31. ‘Scalar product — Orthogonality, 18. 2.32. Vedlor product, 18. 2.83. Ve- locity due to rigid body rotation, 17. 2.34. Triple scalar product 18. 2.5. Triple sector product, 19. 2.38. Reciprocal bate systems, 20. 41. Second order tensors, 21. 2.42. Bzamplesof second order tensors, 22. £43. Scalar ‘multiplication and addition, 23. 2.44. Contraction and maltipication, 28 2.45, The vector of an antisymmetric tensor, 2.2.5. Canonical form of a somnatric lower, 25. 261. Higher urler lena, 28. 2:62. The quien, rile, 29, 2.7. Twoeopic tensors, 30. £81. Dyadic and other notations, 24 282. Axial vetors, 36, 3, Cortesian Vectors and Tensors: Their Coleus ‘2.14, Tensor functions of a time-Hke variable. 38. 9.12. Curves in enact, 2 ‘3.18. Line integrals, 42. 3.14. Surface integrals, 4. 3.15. Volume inte- rls, 48. 5.16. Change of variable with mulliple introls, 0. 8.81 Vector felds, 51. 3.22, The veclr operator V — Gradient of a sealar, Bl 3.88. The divergence of a econ feld, 3. 8.84. The euslofavectorfeld, 55, 3.31. Green's theorem and some ofits variants, 8, 3.32. Stokes! dharem, 61 "

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