Scribd Gibberish

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Gibberish, jibberish, jibber-jabber, and gobbledygook refer to the Speech or the

use of a Language, that is not commonly spoken/written by the normal population.

1.?otal nonsense talk, unintelligible or foreign language. !."ommunication using
#arious noises, illegitimate words, nonsense or sounds. $. Sentence, phrase or
general communication not making sense, sometimes induced by se#eral days of
smoking crack or other substance.1."rack-heads all speak gibberish. !.%ohn &oward
talks gibberish. $.'rug lo#ing hippies bopping down in a stone bearded %ohn (arry )o#ember !*, !**+$??1$$?ug icon?he ?rban 'ictionary ?ug?
ne side has the word, one side has the definition. ?icrowa#e and dishwasher safe.
Lotsa space for your li0uids.(?? ?&2 ??G!Gibberish3 language game that people learn
with their friends in the intent to talk about people in front of them or tell
secrets. "ontrary to what most people think, peoplecan carry on con#ersations in
gibberish and they '? understand what the other person is saying. Gibberish can be
#ery annoying to people who can4t speak it.Gibberish5 &uhthgi muhthgi nuhthgame
uhthgis muhthgar-ruhthgy 2nglish5 &i my name is ?ary6pig latin6jibberish6language
game6double dutch6talkingby 7osegirl %une !1, !*1!$*??ug icon?he ?rban 'ictionary ?
ug?ne side has the word, one side has the definition. ?icrowa#e and dishwasher
safe. Lotsa space for your li0uids.(?? ?&2 ??G$gibberishrhyming it with d4s and g4s
after each syllablehi-da-guy how-da-gow ar-da-gare you-da-goo88 99 &i how are you
gi-da-gib-ber-da-ger-i-da-gish 99gibberish sa-da-ga ra-da-ga9 saraby sa da ga ra da
ga %une *!, !**:1?11$1?ug icon?he ?rban 'ictionary ?ug?ne side has the word, one
side has the definition. ?icrowa#e and dishwasher safe. Lotsa space for your
li0uids.(?? ?&2 ??G+gibberishn. a nonsense language based on english that an
infamous serial killer in the 1?;*sin#ented to help torture his #ictims<dagi
lidagike tidagoo spidageak gidagibidageridagish- < like to speak gibberish6pig
latin6jibberish6serial killer6speech impediment6gby <an =orthley 3ugust 1*, !**;1!

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