Flexible Timeframe in The Pyp

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My headline summary for this section:

PYP discovery: learning-time continuum exists

in various types; student and teacher agency

Flexible time frame means...

Units can be continually developed throughout the year
What aspects of PYP does a flexible time
frame supports? Units may be revisited once, or several times during the year

Uninterrupted opportunities for concept- Units may have a discrete beginning and ending
focussed, inquiry process/ playful inquiry in An additional unit may be introduced alongside an ongoing unit
the early years

Inclusion of all learners, their interests,

cultural diversity and variability in learning

Implementing a curriculum that suits the

school community context PYP Learning and Teaching (pp 61-62)

Length of an inquiry
FLEXIBLE TIMEFRAME in the PYP Teaching teams have the discretion to decide an
appropriate starting point and time frame for the length of
each unit of inquiry in order to ensure they are age-
appropriate and fit for purpose. An inquiry into a central
idea considers the breadth and depth of the learning;
therefore, a minimum duration of 3–4 weeks is
**Supporting recommended for each unit of inquiry.

PRACTICES Pedagogy **

The school implements a schedule that allows The Learning Community (p 28)
for the requirements of the programme(s) to be
met. (0201-03-0100) PYP schools commit to and support
Leadership and governance collaboration to improve the
PYP The Learner (p 11)
PYP: The school implements a schedule that transdisciplinary learning experiences and
provides for the development of the required student outcomes.
number of transdisciplinary units of inquiry. What does learning look like in the PYP early
(0201-03-0111) years? Teachers collaborate within and beyond
year-level teams, the school and the
The school plans and implements a coherent Move away from: Predetermined time learning community about learning that
Coherent Curriculum curriculum that organizes learning and teaching structures and routines takes place both inside and outside of the
within and across the years of its IB programme(s). Move towards: Flexible timeframes and programme of inquiry.
(0401-01) routines that are responsive
to the needs of the students Students demonstrate agency, and their
Students identify and foster healthy relationships, an capacity to take action for their own
Students as lifelong learners understanding of shared responsibility, and the learning, by collaborating with teachers and
ability to collaborate effectively. (0402-03) peers.

Collaborative teaching practices between

Teachers promote effective relationships and
year-level and subject-specialist teachers
Approaches to Teaching purposeful collaboration to create a positive and
dynamic learning community. (0403-04) come in different forms, and include co-
constructed, supported and stand-alone
learning experiences.

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