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Listening Comprehension
1. Interpret the information listened to Item #1
2. Reflect on the sides of the speaker Items 2 & 3
3. Extract important information from Item 4
the text
4. Judge the relevance of the Item 5
content/idea of the content.
Reading Comprehension
1. Compare and contrast information Item 6
from the text
2. Determine the mood being convey Item 7& 8
in the passage
3. Determine what literary device is Item 9
Vocabulary Development
1. Familiarization with the technical Items 10-15
vocabulary for drama and theatre
1. Determine the sensory image Items 16-20
2. Identifying the literary device used Items 21-30
Grammar Awareness
1. Using the correct form of verb Items 31-40
2. Changing direct statements into Items 41-45
indirect statements
Writing Compositions
1. Use words to express evaluation Items 45-50
(Observing tense consistency
inside the campus)
The Battle of Chancellorsville
The Battle of Chancellorsville, one of the most famous battles of the Civil
War, took place in Virginia in the spring of 1863. For months, the two armies had
been staked out on opposite banks of a narrow river. The Confederate troops were
led by perhaps the most revered military tactician in American history, General
Robert E. Lee. The Union soldiers were led by "Fighting" Joe Hooker.

In appearance, personality, and lifestyle, these men were nearly perfect

opposites. Lee, an older man in poor health with a gray beard, had a somber,
measured demeanor. Hooker was a blond, strapping young man whose vanity over
his appearance was but one aspect of his egotism. Whereas Lee was devout and
principled, Hooker was known for his rollicking enjoyment of both women and

Despite the fact that the Confederacy had won the last four major battles and
the Union soldiers were famished, exhausted, and demoralized, Hooker
proclaimed, "My plans are perfect. And when I start to carry them out, may God
have mercy on Bobby Lee, for I shall have none." Why, aside from a propensity
for narcissism, was Hooker so confident?

Hooker had used spies, analysts, and even hot air balloons to compile a vast
amount of intelligence about Lee’s army. He had discerned, for example, that Lee
had only 61,000 men to Hooker’s own 134,000. Buoyed by his superior numbers,
Hooker covertly moved 70,000 of his men fifteen miles up and across the river,
and then ordered them to sneak back down to position themselves behind Lee’s
army. In effect, Hooker had cut off the Confederate soldiers in front and behind.
They were trapped. Satisfied with his advantage, Hooker became convinced that
Lee’s only option was to retreat to Richmond, thus assuring a Union victory.

Yet Lee, despite his disadvantages of both numbers and position, did not retreat.
Instead, he moved his troops into position to attack. Union soldiers who tried to
warn Hooker that Lee was on the offensive were dismissed as cowards. Having
become convinced that Lee had no choice but to retreat, Hooker began to ignore
reality. When Lee’s army attacked the Union soldiers at 5:00 p.m., they were
eating supper, completely unprepared for battle. They abandoned their rifles and
fled as Lee’s troops came shrieking out of the brush, bayonets drawn. Against all
odds, Lee won the Battle of Chancellorsville, and Hooker’s forces withdrew in
Department of Education

Fourth Diagnostic Test in English

SY 2018- 2019

Name: __________________________________ Grade & Section: _________________

1. The teacher will read a passage. Listen carefully and answer the following questions
below after.
1. Based on information in the passage, it can be concluded that Hooker lost the
Battle of Chancellorsville mostly because of his:
A. vanity
B. ignorance
C. overconfidence
D. faulty information
E. vices
2. Based on its use in paragraph 3, it can be inferred that the word propensity belongs to
which of the following word groups?
A. fondness, partiality, affection
B. flaw, fault, shortcoming
C. distaste, aversion, dissatisfaction
D. tendency, inclination, predisposition
E. confidence, self-assurance, certitude

3. In paragraph 3, the author quotes Hooker as saying, “My plans are perfect. And when I
start to carry them out, may God have mercy on Bobby Lee, for I shall have none.” The
author most likely includes this quote in order to:
A. demonstrate Hooker’s belief in his own infallibility
B. provide an example of the way language has changed since 1863
C. reveal that Hooker was a deeply religious man in spite of his lifestyle
D. foreshadow Hooker’s defeat at the hands of Lee’s army
E. portray Hooker as a merciless general who was compelled by his hated
of Lee

4. How many men did Hooker position behind Lee's army?

A. 61,000 B. 70,000 C. 73,000 D. 134,000 E. 158,000
5. The contrast drawn between Lee and Hooker in paragraph 2 is intended to:
A. showcase the different backgrounds and personal histories of these two
enemy soldiers B. provide support for the idea that Lee was a more
virtuous person than Hooker, and therefore a better military commander
B. prove that two men with very different values could end up in similar
positions of power of 3
C. suggest that if Hooker had been more devout and principled, he might
not have been outwitted by Lee
D. imply that these men fundamentally differed in their approaches to
nearly everything, including battle

II. Directions: Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions. Write the correct

The days do wear us down; Not in strength and energy, though they do―
But in ambition.
There comes a day when each of us must face
That we can’t―and won’t―have
Everything we want
Because we want it.
The world is not a fruit
Soft, ripe, and waiting for us to pluck it;
Or it is―
But just as often it is hard as stone
Immature, unyielding;
Or else past ripe
Flavorless and rotting.
Timing is everything In harvest and in life― And disappointment rife.

6. What does the author used as the symbol of the world?

a. Pear
b. Fruit
c. Apple
d. Stone

6. What is the feeling the author conveys?

a. Annoyed
b. Pessimistic
c. Optimistic
d. Sympathetic
7. What does the author wants to tell the reader?
a. Life is full of problems.
b. Not everything goes as you wish
c. There are downturns in every one of us
d. Everything is not easy at it looks like

8. The passage is:

a. Descriptive
b. Informative
c. Persuasive
d. Narrative

9. What kind of Literary device did the author use on the 10th line?
a. Onomatopoeia
b. Simile
c. Metaphor
d. Alliteration

Elements of Play:
10. A type of play that doesn’t always have a happy ending, the main characters suffers from a
problem on or before the story happens.
a. Comedy
b. Drama
c. Tragedy
d. K-drama

11. It is given the director to the technical staff to do something for the play.
a. Instructions
b. Cue
c. Technical Mechanics
d. Order

12. Interaction between characters during a play.

a. Action
b. Script
c. Dialogue
d. Words

13. A long speech given by a single character to give emphasis to one’s point of view or to
show what the character’s true feeling.
a. Monologue
b. Soliloquy
c. Scene
d. Act

14. It is a raised platform where actors perform during a play.

a. Stage
b. Set
c. Props
d. Scenery

15. Drama came from a Greek word “dran”, which means to-
a. to sing
b. to perform
c. to act/do
d. to portray

A Dream Deferred by Langston Hughes

What happens to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun
Or fester like a sore - And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over - Like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags like a heavy load.
Or does it explode?

16. In the line “Does it stink like a rotten meat?” what sensory image is used?
a. Sight
b. Touch
c. Smell
d. Hearing

17. What is the term used by author to represent the sense of taste?
a. Raisin in the sun
b. Stink like a rotten meat
c. Like a syrup sweet
d. Or crust and sugar over

18. What sensory image used in the line “Does it dry up like a raisn in the sun?”?
a. Touch
b. Seeing
c. Smell
d. Sight

19. What is being compared in the text with all of the sensory image used?
a. Life
b. Dreams
c. Hardship
d. Love

20. How can one say something exploded, like in the last line?
A. Through hearing
B. Through taste
C. Through touch
D. Through seeing

Determine what is the literary device used in each number, write the correct letter.

21. Wendy is a walking encyclopedia

a. Idiom
b. Hyperbole
c. Simile
d. Personification

22. The wind moaned outside the window.

a. Personification
b. Alliteration
c. Simile
d. Hyperbole
23. You cried a bucket of tears just because of a guy?
a. Rhyme
b. Hyperbole
c. Metaphor
d. Idiom
24. Henry waddled like a duck as he walked onto the field
a. Simile
b. Personification
c. Metaphor
d. Imagery
25. Six silly sisters all saw the swan.
a. Alliteration
b. Simile
c. Rhyme
d. Imagery
26. “Meow,” the cat announced as he entered the room.
a. Onomatopoeia
b. Simile
c. Imagery
d. Personification
27. The dark night seemed to whisper its secrets to the forest people.
a. Hyperbole
b. Personification
c. Simile
d. Imagery
28. The darkness was filled with a cold so bitter it seemed to freeze the air.
a. Imagery
b. Personification
c. Simile
d. Metaphor
29. I’m so hungry I could eat a horse.
a. Alliteration
b. Simile
c. Hyperbole
d. Idiom
30. His pointed nose, red eyes, and thin colorless lips scared the child.
a. Imagery
b. Personification
c. Hyperbole
d. Idiom

Choose the correct form of verb.

31. The boy said that he ................. very busy then.

a. Is
b. has
c. Been
d. was
32. The mother asked the girl where ........................ going?
a. she was
b. .was she
c. Either could be used here
d. Is she
33. The teacher asked the students if they ........................... their homework.
a. had done
b. did had
c. done
d. did
34. She said that she .......................... her job.
a. finished
b. has finished
c. had finished
d. finishing
35. He said that his father ........................... working in the garage.
a. is
b. was
c. has been
d. had been
36. I said that I ......................... the examination.
a. have passed
b. had passed
c. was passed
d. passed
37. The man said that the horse ........................ in the night. dies
a. has died
b. had died
c. did die
d. died
38. He told me that he ............................. me.
a. doesn't believe
b. didn't believe
c. don't believe
d. will not belive
39. I told him that I ....................... believe him.
A. don't
B. didn't
C. haven't
D. doesn’t

40. He says that he .................... glad to be here in this evening.

a. is b. has been c.had been d. was

Change the following direct statements into indirect statements:

41. ‘My Lord, is any of your silver missing?’ the Sergeant said to the Bishop.

42. ‘Did you see the exhibition?’ the teacher said to me.

43. ‘My son, when will you come back?’ said the mother.

44. ‘Can I get supper and lodging here for a night?’ said Jean Val Jean.

45. ‘I am a humble servant ready to obey the orders,’ said Madame Magloire to the Bishop.

For items 45-50,write a short essay on your observation about the use of tense consistency
inside the campus.

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