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channel JFET is such

ch that there is

JE- 2017--18 a. zero current flow

voltage bias
ow at zero input
Duration :75 minute Max.Mar
ark : 200
b. current flow onlyly when
whe a positive
input threshold voltage
tage is crossed
c. Current flow onlyly when
whe a negative
input cut-off voltagee bias is crossed
Mob : 99335975
975914 d. no cut-off input voltage

Q03- At 250C, thee collector-emitter

voltage drop of a silicon transistor at
saturation is approximate
a. 0.1 V b. 0.3 V
c. 0.5V d. 0.7V

Q01-. ON Q04- The reverse bias breakdown

b of
high speed silicon transist
ransistor is due to
a. avalanche breakdown
own mechanism
m at
-VBO both the junctions
VBO b. Zener breakdown wn mechanism
m at
both the junctions
c. Zener breakdown wn mechanism
m at
base collector junction
d. Zener breakdown wn mechanism
m at
The above graph depicts base-emitter junction
a. drain characteristic off a MO
b. drain characteristic off an IG
IGBT Q05- The conductiv ductivity of a
c. volt-ampere characteristic
ristic oof a triac semiconductor crystal stal due to any
d. volt-ampere characteristic
ristic of an current carrier is NOT
OT proportional
pr to
SCR a. mobility of the carrier
b. effective density y of states in the
Q02- The output currentnt vers
versus input conduction band
voltage transfer characteristic
teristic of an n- c. electronic charge
d. surface states in the semiconductor
c. A larger leakage current
Q06- The Haynes-Schockley d. Twice the value of cut-in voltage
experiment enables one to determine
the Q10- Assume ni = 1.45 x 1010/cm3 for
a. diffusion coefficient of majority silicon. In an n-type silicon sample,
carriers the donor concentration at 300K is 5 x
b. effective mass of the minority 1014/cm3 and corresponds to 1
carriers impurity atom for 108 silicon atoms.
c. mobility of the minority carriers The electron and hole concentrations
d. Lifetime of the majority carriers in the sample will be
a. n = 5 x 1014 / cm3 p = 4.2 x 105/cm3
Q07- The change in barrier potential b. n < 5 x 1014 / cm3 and p > 4.2 x
of a silicon p-n junction with 105/cm3
temperature is c. n > 5 x 1014 / cm3 p < 4.2 x 105/cm3
a. 0.0025 Volts per degree C d. n < 5 x 1014 / cm3 p < 4.2 x 105/cm3
b. 0.0250 Volts per degree C
c. 0.0030 Volts per degree C Q11-In switching diode fabrication,
d. 0.0014 Volts per degree C dopant is introduced into silicon
which introduces additional trap
Q08 The reverse current of a silicon levels in the material thereby reducing
diode is the mean life time of carriers. This
a. Highly bias voltage sensitivity dopant is
b. Highly temperature sensitive
c. Both bias voltage and temperature a. Aluminium b. Platinum
sensitive c. Gold d. Copper
d. Independent of bias voltage and
temperature Q12-The light emitting diode (LED)
Q9-A combination of two diodes emits light of a particular colour
connected in parallel when compared because
to a single diode can withstand a. it is fabricated from a fluorescent
a. Twice the value of peak inverse b. transition between energy levels of
voltage the carriers takes place while crossing
b. Twice the value of maximum the p-n junction
forward current
c. heat generated in he diode is a. Indeterminable due to inadequate
converted into light data
d. The band gap of the semiconductor b. zero c. 4 A d. 8 A
material used in the fabrication of the Q16- 245. Which one of the
diode is equal to the energy hv of the following photo-detector does not
light photon provide gain?
a. Photo- transistor
b. Photo conductor
Q13- The Gunn diode is made of
c. Avalanche photodiode
a. Silicon b. Germanium d. p-i-n photodiode
c. Gallium Arsenide d. Selenium
Q17-244. On which bands, do the
Q 14- The internal resistance of a optical fibres operate?
current source used in the model of a 1. Ultra violet band
BJT while analyzing a circuit using 2. Ultra high frequency band
BJT is: 3. Visible light band
4. Infra red band
a. Very high b. very low c. zero
Select the correct answer from the
d. Of the order of a few mega-ohms codes given below:
a. 1 only b. 1 and 2 only
Q15- Velocity of light traveling in an c. 1,2 and 3 d. 1,3 and 4
optical fibre is
a. Equal to C Q18-247. what was the first
b. Greater than c by a few percent commercial geostationary
communication satellite?
c. Less than c by a few percent
d. Much greater than c, approaching c. INSAT- 1A d. SPUTNIK
the magnitude of c2
Q19- An audio signal is to be
Q15- For the circuit shown in the transmitted digitally. Which is the
figure, the current ‘I’ is system best suited for good fidelity?
I a. 8bit PCM b. 13bitPCM
c. 32bitPCM
+ d. PCM system with non-uniform
Q20- The special range of a band pass
signal extends from 10MHz to
10.4MHz. what is the minimum
sampling frequency required for
a. 20MHz b. 20.8MHz c. By increasing the number of
c. 20.4MHz d. 0.8MHz quantization levels
d. By sending sloping pulses
Q21-An amplitude modulated signal
occupies a frequency range from Q25- which junction has least
395KHz to 405 KHz It can be junction capacitance?
demodulated by which of the a) alloy b) grown
following? c) Diffused d) point contact
a. Using an envelope detector and
filter Q26- Which of the following does not
b. Multiplying with 395 KHz local show non-linear V-I characteristics?
signal a) Schottky diode
c. Multiplying with 405 KHz local b) Tunnel diode
signal c) Thermister, at a fixed temperature
d. Low pass filtering with cut off at d) p-n junction diode
400 KHz
Q27- which one of the following
Q22- Duct propagation of microwave oscillators is well suited for the
occurs due to which one of the generation of wide range audio-
following? frequency sine waves?
a. Variation of refractive index with a) RC phase-shift oscillator
wavelength b) wein-bridge oscillator
b. Variation of refractive index with c) Col-pitts oscillator
length d) Hartley oscillator
c. Variation of refractive index with
height Q28- which one of the following type
d. None of the above of negative feedback increases the
output resistance of amplifier?
Q23 A balanced modulator, is used in a) Current series feedback
the generation of which of the b) current series feedback
following? c) Current shunt feedback
a. DSB-SC signal b. FM signal d) Voltage shunt feedback
c. PM signal d. PAM signal
Q29- 219. which of the transistor
Q24-How can the quantizing noise be models is most preferred for the
reduced? analysis of a transistor circuit both at
a. By using de-emphasis circuit mid-band and at high frequencies?
b. By using RF amplifier in the
receiver a) h-parameter model
b) y-parameter model Q35- A mod-5 synchronous counter is
c) s-parameter model designed using J-K flips flops. The
d) hybrid –π model number of counts it will skip
(a)2 (b)3 (c)5 (d)10
Q30- which one of the following
circuit is used for converting a sine Q.36 The out put frequency of a
wave into a square wave? mod-12 counter is 6KHz. Its input
a) Astable multivibration frequency is
b) Monostable multivibration (a)6KHz (b)500Hz
c) Bistable multivibration (c)24KHz (d)72 KHz
d) Schmitt trigger
Q.37 The output of a clocked
Q31- A 16X5 ROM stores sequential circuit is independent of
(a)4 words of 16 bits each the input. The circuit can be
(b)16 words of 5 bits each represented by
(c)16 words of 4 bits each (a)Mealy model (b)Moore model
(d)5 words of 16 bits each (c)either Mealy or Moore model
(d) neither Mealy nor moore model
Q.32 Four ROM chip of 16 X 4 size
have their address buses connected Q.38 A finite state machine
together. This system will be of size (a)is the same as a clocked sequential
(a)64 X 4 (b)16 X16 circuit
(c)32 X 8 (d)256X1 (b) consists of combinational logic
circuits only
Q.33- The race around condition (c) consists of electrical motors
occurs in a j-k flip- flop when (d) does not exist in practice
(a)both inputs are 0
(b)both inputs are 1 Q.39 Moore type of outputs are
(c)the inputs are complementary (a)independent of the inputs
(d)any one of the above input (b)dependent only on the inputs
combinations is present (c)dependent on present state and
Q.34 Dynamic shift registers are (d)dependent on type ofb hardware
made up of used implementation
(a)dynamic flip- flops Q.40 The slowest logic family is
(b)MOS inverters (a)TTL (b)IIL (c)MOS (d)CMOS
(c)MOS NAND gates
(d)CMOS inverters Q41- The ratio and phase angle errors
in potential transformers may be
reduced by
(a)Increasing the exciting current (a)Maximum demand
(b)Increasing the resistance and (b)average maximum demand over
leakage reactance in the transformer specified period of time
(c) by not employing turns (c)Maximum energy consumption
compensation. (d)all of the above.
(d)None of the above.
Q46- VAb metering can be done by
Q42- Capacitive potential using:
transformers are used (a)a ball and disc friction gearing
(a)for primary winding phase (b)trivector meter
voltages above 100 KV (c)bridge connected Rectifiers
(b)for Keeping the value of (d)all of the above
transformation ratio constant
irrespective of the burden by making Q47- A phase sequence indicator
certain adjustment rotates clockwise for phase sequence
(c)because they are cheaper than of RYB. If the phase sequence is
electromagnetic transformers above a changed to BRY it will rotate
certain voltage range (a)anticlockwise (b) clockwise
(d) all of the above. (c) clockwise or anticlockwise
(d)none of the above.
Q43- The power in ad.c. circuit is .
measured with the help of ammeter Q48- from the point of view of safety,
and a voltmeter. The voltmeter is the resistance of earthing electrode
connected on the load side. The power should be:
indicated by the product of reading of (a)low (b)high (c)medium
two instruments (VI) is: (d)The value of resistance of earth
(a)the power consumed in the load electrodes does notn affect the safety
(b)The sum of the power consumed Q49- Standardization of
by load and the voltmeter potentiometers is done in order that
(c)The sum of the power consumed they become
by load and the ammeter (a)accurate (b)precise
(d) none of the above. (c)accurate and direct reading
Q44- In the single phase induction (d)accurate and precise
meter, in order to obtain true value of Q50- In order that the a.c bridge be
energy, The shunt magnet flux should balanced
lag behind the applied voltage by (a)I1=I3 and I2=I4
(a)90˚(b)45˚ (c)0˚ (d)none (b)Z1Z4=Z2Z3
(c) ∠θ1 + ∠θ 4 = ∠θ 2 + ∠θ 3
Q45- A Merz price Maximum (d)all of the above.
demand indicator indicates:

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