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Respected Sir/Madam,

Sub: Agriculture Department – ATMA – SSEPERS 2018-19 – B2(a)

Interstate Training for Farmers – Jalgaon – Batch Ticket Booking
– Concession – Req – Reg

Ref: 1. Project Director (ATMA) / Joint Director of Agriculture,

Nagercoil Proceedings No : KKM/SSEPERS/ATMA/129/18-

As per the references sited above Agriculture Technology Management

Agency (ATMA) of Boothapandy block is instructed to take 20 farmers along
with a ATMA staff to Jalgaon to train them on Micro Irrigation Practices under
B2(a) Interstate Training for Farmers under Support to State Extension
Programs for Extension Reforms (SSEPERS) 2018-19. I am sending the list of
bonafide farmers who are all attending the training herewith. I request you to
allot tickets for the farmers and the concern staff along with concession.

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