The Lead Generation Guide at Jump - Work:: First Step: Account Generation

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The lead generation guide at Jump.


First step: Account Generation:

This step is about creating a list of companies that are suitable for us to sell them our

1. Go to Linkedin Sales Navigator and press advanced search for accounts

2. Enter Industry: Legal Services and Law Practice.
3. Enter geography: United Kingdom
4. Enter headcount: 20-200
5. Take the names of the companies and put it into Excel file (the only thing
you need to do is enter on the linkedin page of the company and confirm
the company is actually of 20 to 200 employees). In the second column,
next to the name of the company, put the number of employees (from
Linkedin). In the third column, put the location.
6. Double check: enter the website of the company, confirm it is a legal firm
(they have lawyers/solicitors).
7. Enter the career services into the website and check if they have the
following vacancies: secretary, personal assistant, assistant, administrative,
paralegal. If any of these roles exist as a vacancy, count them and put the
number in the fourth column. In case there are no such vacancies or you
cannot find them, write NA in the fourth column.
8. Keep on repeating till you have 100 accounts.

Note: is there is no information about the company on linkedin, please visit the
website of the firm and extract the data directly from the website.

Second step: Account enrichment:

This step is about adding relevant information (revenue of the company, profit/loss) to
the list previously created on step one.

1. Go to the tool and check the revenue of the

companies from the previous list
2. Add the revenue of the companies in the fourth Coolum of the excel file.
3. Profit/loss in the fifth column
Third step: Lead generation and enrichment

This step is about adding 3 leads (people) in each account (company). For that
purpose, we need a new excel sheet. In this sheet the information is divided in
columns: first name, surname, email, company (from the account list)

For each account (company) we need 4 leads: 2 partners from the company and 2
people from HR.

For the partners

1. Go to the sales navigator page of the company.

2. Press employees
3. Filer: Seniority level: Partner
4. Try this 4 filters as keywords: growth, digital, intellectual property and
technology. (Read note please).
5. Add the name and surname of the partners that appear in the excel file.
6. Add the seniority level of the partner (number of years of this person in the
firm he/she actually working at). This would be the third column.
7. Once you have the name, surname and company (from the account file),
you need to get the email of that person from and put it on a
fourth column.

Note: if there is no partner with the previous 4 keywords (growth, digital, intellectual
property and technology), try these two (“HR”, “employment”) and if they don’t
appear, this “Commercial”.

8. We need to write into the fifth column the source of the partner. So we will
write “1” for the keywords “growth”, “digital”, “intellectual property” and
“technology”. Then “2” for “HR” and “employment” and “3” for

For the HR people:

1. Go to the sales navigator page of the company.

2. Press employees
3. Filter: Function: Human Resources
4. We need the most senior people here. In order of importance: Head of HR,
HR director, HR manager, HR consultant/advisor, HR assistant. You have to
take 2 people, the head of hr (in case there is no head of hr, take HR
director) and then take a HR manager (in case there is no manager, take
someone one level below, hr advisor/consultant. Take the name and
surname of these two people as well as the company (from the account
5. Then you need to get the mail of these two from
Note: in case you don’t find any HR people, look for “Practice Manager” (write those
words in the kewords filter).

Fourth step: email validation

1. Take ALL of the mails from the leads generated.

2. Copy all of the mails to a new excel file.
3. Save the excel file as a .csv file.
4. Push “add list” and upload the .csv file to the website.
5. Click “analyse my list” then “clean my list” and then “download”.
6. Read the archive you have just downloaded, it tells which mails are valid.
7. With this tool you are able to double check that the mail you have
generated are valid mails, in the case you have generated invalid mails, you
have to research to find the valid mail with

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