GDD1P DocVersion

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GAME TITLE Story & Characters


Game Analysis This is where you present a story synopsis, and discuss how the story
will unfold as the player makes his or her way through the game.
Include information on the key characters in the game, including
Introduce the game. Present
descriptions, abilities, characteristics, how they fit into the story, how
information on why this game
they affect gameplay, what the player will learn from them, etc.
will be fun, the purpose oft the
game, what the player does,
and so on. This is meant tob e
a quick analysis oft he game
and what you can expect from
it. Shouldn’t be more than 1-2


In 1-2 sentences, explain the

game as if you were pitching it
to potential players. This should
be very intriguing. It typically Gameplay
includes the title, genre,
platform, and brief idea of what List the Key Gameplay Feautres (selling features) oft he game.
the player does or hast o Present more details on how the gameplay will motivate the player to
overcome. propgress through the game. Discuss rewards and penalties and the
difficulty level. Includes how characters move in the game, what
gameplay actions are available, item inventory and attributes, and how
the game progresses from levelt o level.

List or describe the game’s



List or describe the platforms

the game will be made for.

Target Audience

Provide information on the

audience the game is targeted Level Design
Control Scheme Discuss the levels. How many level will the game have, what will be
included in each level. Include overall look and feel, hazards the level
Describe the control setup fort presents, difficulty, objectives, etc.
he game. Does your game use
touch input, a controller, or
mouse&keybaord? Discuss the
functionality of each
button/touch. It may help to
insert a diagram/pic to help
explain the actions.

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