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“Wireless Data acquisition system of single phase
Induction motor using MATLAB”

Submitted to:
Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University for
Partial Fulfillment of the Degree of “Bachelor’s of Engineering in
Electrical Engineering”

Submitted by:
Mr. Rajat Choudhary Mr. Shubham Thombre
Mr. Pawan Chute Mr. Satish Patle Mr. Akash Bagade

Prof. Pratik Ghutke



This is to certify that investigation described in this project entitled,“ Wireless Data acquisition
system of single phase Induction motor using MATLAB”2018-19 was carried out by Mr.
Rajat Choudhary Tulsiramji Gaikwad-Patil College of Engineering & Technology, Nagpur
under my supervision and guidance in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of
Bachelor’s of Engineering in Electrical Engineering of R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.
This work is the own work of the candidate, complete in all respect and is of sufficiently
high standard to warrant its submission to the said degree. The assistance and resources
used for this work are duly acknowledged.

Prof. Pratik Ghutke Prof. RadhaRaman Shah

(Guide) (Head of the Department)

Harshawardhan Mahawadiwar Sandeep Gaikwad

(Dean Academics) (Principal)

Date: ---/----/2019



I hereby declare that this project titled “Wireless Data acquisition system of single phase
Induction motor using MATLAB” is bonafide and authentic record of the work done by me
under supervision of Prof. Pratik Ghutke during academic session 2018-19.
The work presented here is not duplicated from any other source and also not submitted
earlier for any other degree/diploma of any university.
I understand that any such duplication is liable to be punished in accordance with the
university rules.
The source material, data used in this research have been duly acknowledged.

Place: Signature of Student



With profound feeling of immense gratitude and affection, I would like to thank my guide
Prof.Pratik Ghutke, Department of Electrical Engineering for his continuous support,
motivation, enthusiasm and guidance. His encouragement, supervision with constructive
criticism and confidence enabled me to complete this project.
I also wish to extend my reverences to the Head of Electrical Engineering for providing
necessary facilities to complete our project.
I am also thankful to all the faculty members and all non-teaching staff of the department
& college for their cooperation throughout the project work.
I also put forth my deepest sense of gratitude towards the Principal, TGPCET for constant
motivation and providing necessary infrastructure.


Rajat Choudhary
Akash Bagade
Satish Patle
Shubham Thombre
Pawan Chute








Certificate i
Declaration ii
Acknowledgement iii
Publication based on the present work iv
Award for project presentation iv
Certificate(s) for project presentation v

Overview of Present Work 1-10

1.1 Background of Present Work 1

1.2 Scope of Present Work 4
1.3 Programs 8

Literature Review 6-8

Formulation of Present Work 23-30

3.1 Basic construction 23

3.2 Basic working 24
3.3 Block diagram (at transmitter & receiver side) 26


Design of Experimentation 31-35

4.1 PCB Design specification 31

4.2 PCB manufacturing process 32
4.3 Steps taken while preparing the circuit

Design of Experimental Set-up & Instrumentation 36-

5.1 Circuit diagram 36

5.2 Components 37

Conduct of Experimentation 41-57

6.1 Basic Data Acquisition System 41

6.2 Graphs 43

Analysis of Results 90-141


Conclusion 244

Suggested Further Work


References 151-152

Appendix “A” 153

Appendix “B” 154


Table Index
Table 5.13.1 Arduino NANO pin details
Table 5.14.1 LCD 16X2 pin details


Figure Index
Fig 3.3 Block diagram
Fig 4.1 PCB design specification
Fig 4.2.1 PCB
Fig 4.3.1 General Purpose PCB
Fig 4.3.2 Single Sided PCB
Fig 4.3.3 Double Sided PCB
Fig 5.1 Circuit diagram (project)
Fig 5.1.1 Wooden Board
Fig 5.1.2 Three pin socket
Fig 5.1.3(a) Single phase I.M.
Fig 5.1.3(b) Single phase I.M.
Fig 5.1.4 Phasor diagram
Fig 5.1.5 Centre tapped transformer (12-0-12)
Fig 5.1.6 Bridge rectifier
Fig 5.1.7 Full wave rectifier with smoothing capacitor
Fig 5.1.8 1000 micro Farad smoothing capacitor waveform
Fig 5.1.9 Diode 1N4007
Fig 5.1.10 Aluminum electrolytic capacitors
Fig 5.1.11 voltage divider circuit
Fig 5.1.12 Carbon Film Resistor
Fig 5.1.13 IR sensor hardware details
Fig 5.1.14 IR sensor interface with Arduino
Fig 5.1.15 Temperature sensor DS18B20
Fig 5.1.16 ACS712 functional block diagram
Fig 5.1.17 ACS712 pins
Fig 5.1.18 Arduino NANO pin layout
Fig 6 LCD 16X2 block diagram
Fig 15 Serial data communicator
Fig 16 Adapter

Fig 6.1 Basic DAQ



Overview of Present Work



Overview of Present Work

1.1 Background of present work:
In the current era automation has become a basic need for the Industries. Induction
Machines are the nerves of Industries. Hence automation is a demand for their reliable
and safe operation.
Data Acquisition is the sampling of real world data. Data Acquisition system is an
instrument which measures the physical data and convert that data into digital form.
Our project proposes a wireless monitoring system for an induction motor based serial
communication protocol for safe and economic data communication in Industrial fields
where the wired communication is expensive or not possible due to physical conditions.
A transducer and sensor monitors the parameters of induction motor and transmit the
data through one-way serial communication. A microcontroller based system collects data
of motor parameters through computer interface developed with serial communication.
By using different sensors, parameters of induction motor is to be measured on MATLAB.
The digital form is calculated by transducer/other sensor, processed, analyze, and display
the acquired data with the help of MATLAB.
Data acquisition applications are usually controlled by software programs developed
using various general purpose programming languages.

1.2 Scope of present work:

1.The proposed work can be made IOT based and the motor parameters can be
monitored on the mobile phone around the globe.
2.If there are serious issues of speed of motor which can cause monetary loss of the
textile mills, this system will help the person incharge to get notified if we use GSM
technique to get text message when the speed, temperature ,voltage and current increase
beyond specified limits.

3.By using data saving programs this system can be made to save the motor parameters.
This will help the personnel to analyse the motor dynamics.
4.The same concept can be used in refrigeration and air-conditioning to monitor the
temperature of the equipment as used in aerospace and rocketry.

1.3 Program
#include <OneWire.h>
#include <DallasTemperature.h>

#include "ACS712.h"
#define rpm_pin 8
#define volt_pin A5
#define I_pin A0

#define ONE_WIRE_BUS 9
OneWire oneWire(ONE_WIRE_BUS);

DallasTemperature sensors(&oneWire);
ACS712 sensor(ACS712_05B, I_pin);
LiquidCrystal lcd (7,6,5,4,3,2);// RS,EN,D4,D5.... D7
void setup() {
sensors.begin(); // temp

lcd.print("Gayakwad Patil");
sensor.calibrate(); // CURRENT
int a=0;
int rpm_count=0,sec_count=0;
void loop() {




void send_data()

float I = sensor.getCurrentAC();
int V=analogRead(volt_pin);
int temp= sensors.getTempCByIndex(0);

V=map(V,0,658,0,235);// lower val, high, val, Targ_lVal,Tar _HIg val


lcd.print("VAC Temp:");

lcd.setCursor(0,1); // POS , LINE


lcd.print("Amp RPM-");




Literature review


Literature review
1.Authors- Hao Yu, Jili Zhang,Liang Zhao,Xiuming Li
Title: W.D.A. for HVAC system.
Year: 2015
Eliminating the physical cabled connection between a data acquisition system and the data
processing unit brings flexibility and robustness to every system, especially when located
in an industrial environment thus this system is used.

2.Authors- ChandraShekar Besta, Anil Kumar Kastala, Prabhaker Reddy Ginuga, Ramesh
Kumar Vadeghar.
Title: Real-time Implementation of a Fuzzy Logic Controller
In this work, the design and evaluation of a fuzzy logic control of liquid flow process is
analyzed experimentally using MATLAB package. MATLAB is a widely used software
environment for research and teaching applications on control and automation


3.Authors-Amey Bachuwar, V.D., Shaligram, A.D. Deshmukh, L.P


This work presents an offshore pipeline scour monitoring sensor network system based on
active thermometry. The system consists of thermal cables, data acquisition unit, and data
processing unit. As the thermal cables emit heats,digital temperature sensors record
temperature information over time. The scour-induced exposure and free spanning can
be identified by analyzing the temperature curves.

4.AUTHORS- Silvio Ziegler ,Robert C.Woodward, Herbert H.C.

Title : W.I.D.A.S for agriculture.
Year: 2013
Automated irrigation systems for agricultural purposes are becoming increasingly
important and popular due to the scarcity of water resources and increasing demands of
food production. Data acquisition is one of the most important aspects in the automated
systems in agriculture sector. This paper presents a low cost system for data acquisition.



Formulation of present work



Formulation of present work

3.1 Basic construction:
All the components are mounted on wooden plate.The circuit consists of resistors,
capacitors, transformer, sensors, wireless serial port communication module, adapter,
LCD, microcontroller, 3-pin socket and PCBs.

3.2 Basic working:

Wireless data acquisition will be done using wireless serial port communication modules
like HC12. A microcontroller will be the heart of the system. Different parameters of
single phase induction motor will be monitored by different sensors connected to arduino.

RPM will be sensed by IR sensor, Voltage will be sensed by voltage transformer of 6V,
Current will be sensed by using current sensor ACS712, and temperature will be sensed
using DS18B20 temperature sensor. All these parameters will be transmitted to
MATLAB using wireless sensors.

On receiver side wireless receiver will receive data and serial to USB convertor will give
data to Computer (MATLAB installed). MATLAB will read data from communication
port and accordingly plot the graph on different parameter’s respective axes.


3.3 Block diagram:

Transmitter side

Receiver side

Fig 3.3 Block diagram



Design of Experimentation



Design of Experimentation

4.1 PCB Design specification:

Fig 4.1 PCB design specification


4.2 PCB manufacturing process:

Fig 4.2.1 PCB

A PCB is used to connect electronic components electrically. This is done by making

conductive path ways for circuit connections by etching tracks from copper sheet
laminated onto a non-conductive substrate.

A PCB consists of a conducting layer that is made up of thin copper foil. The insulating
layer di-electric is laminated together with epoxy resin prepreg. The most commonly used
PCB type is the FR-4. Boards may be single sided or double sided. Double sided PCB can
be used to connect electronic components on both sides through through-hole plating. This
is done by copper plating the walls of each hole so as to connect the conductive layers of
the PCB.


Advantages of PCB over Bread-board

1. You can get a much higher density board with PCB.

2. You will find the PCB design to be more reliable than the one made on a bread board.
The circuit will look neat without any wires popped up and will not fall apart.
3. You can have very precise control over the circuit component you are using, and you
can comfortably fit in odd shaped components that are difficult to fix on a bread
4. For production of large volume of circuit boards, the costs become less and the
soldering can be done by fully automated machines.

For PCB fabrication, some basic steps have to be followed. The detailed description on
how to make PCB is explained below.

4.3 Steps taken while preparing the circuit

PCB Etching Process

All PCB’s are made by bonding a layer of copper over the entire substrate, sometimes on
both sides. Etching process has to be done to remove unnecessary copper after applying a
temporary mask, leaving only the desired copper traces.

Though there are many methods available for etching, the most common method used by
electronics hobbyists is etching using ferric chloride ir hydrochloric acid. Both are
abundant and cheap. Dip the PCB inside the solution and keep it moving inside. Take it
out at times and stop the process as soon as the copper layer has gone. After etching, rub
the PCB with a little acetone to remove the black colour, thus giving the PCB a shining
attractive look. The PCB layout is now complete.

PCB Drilling

The components that have to be attached to the multi-layered PCB can be done only by
VIAS drilling. That is, a pated-through hole is drilled in the shape of annular rings. Small

drill bits that are made out of tungsten carbide is used for the drilling. A dremel drill press
is normally used to punch the holes. Usually, a 0.035 inch drill bit is used. For high
volume production automated drilling machines are used.Sometimes, very small holes
may have to be drilled, and mechanical methods may permanently damage the PCB. In
such cases, laser drilled VIAS may be used to produce an interior surface finish inside the

Conductor Plating

The outer layer of the PCB contains copper connections (the part where the components
are placed) which do not allow solderability of the components. To make it solderable, the
surface of the material has to be plated with gold, tin, or nickel.

Solder Resist

The other areas which are not to be solderable are covered with a solder resist material. It
is basically a polymer coating that prevents the solder from bringing traces and possibly
creating shortcuts to nearby component leads.

PCB Testing

In industrial applications, PCB’s are tested by different methods such as Bed of Nails
Test, Rigid Needle adaptor, CT scanning test, and so on. The basic of all tests include a
computer program which will instruct the electrical test unit to apply a small voltage to
each contact point, and verify that a certain voltage appears at the appropriate contact

PCB Assembling

PCB assembling includes the assembling of the electronic components on to the

respective holes in the PCB. This can be done by through-hole construction or surface
mount construction. In the former method, the component leads are inserted into the holes
drilled in the PCB. In the latter method, a pad having the legs similar to the PCB design is
inserted and the IC’s are placed or fixed on top of them. The common aspect in both the


methods is that the component leads are electrically and mechanically fixed to the board
with a molten metal solder.

PCB board types:

Different Types of Printed Circuit Boards-

PCBs have copper tracks to connect the holes where the various components are located
They are specially designed for each and every circuit and build construction very easy.
Though, making the PCB necessitates special tools. The different types of printed circuit
boards mainly include the following

 General purpose zero PCB

 Single Sided PCBs
 Double Sided PCBs
 Multilayer PCBs
 Rigid PCBs
 Flex PCBs
 Rigid-Flex PCBs

General Purpose PCB or Zero PCB or Dotted PCB or Perfboards

General Purpose PCB's or Zero PCB's or Dotted PCB's or Perfboards are perfect for quick
prototypes, but can also be used to build long-lasting circuits. This is a fact that’s easily
forgotten in times of cheap commercially manufactured PCBs, although there are still
people building amazing stuff using only General Purpose PCB and insulated wire.
The advantages of General Purpose PCB's are clearly the low price, short design time,
instant results, and the possibility of changing the circuit at any time without much

Fig 4.3.1 General Purpose PCB


Single Sided PCBs

This single sided printed circuit board includes just one layer of base material or substrate.
One end of the substrate is coated with a thin layer of metal, usually copper because it is a
good electrical conductor. Generally, a protecting solder mask be seated on the peak of the
copper layer, and a last silkscreen coat may be applied to the top to mark elements of the
board.This PCB consists of various circuits and electronic component on the only single
side. This kind of module works most excellent for easy electronics, and beginners often
design and build this type of board first. These boards tend to cost less to mass-produce
than other types of boards. But although this low cost, they’re used rarely because of their
intrinsic design limitations.

Fig 4.3.2 Single Sided PCB

Double Sided PCBs

This type of PCBs is much more familiar than single-sided boards. Both sides of the
board’s substrate include metal conductive layers, and elements attach to both sides as
well. Holes in the PCB let circuits on a single side to attach to circuits on the other side.

Fig 4.3.3 Double Sided PCB


These kind of circuit boards used to connect the circuits on every side using
one of two techniques: through-hole & surface mount technology. Through-hole
technology engages feeding small wires, called as leads through the holes & soldering
every end to the suitable component.

Surface mount technology is different from through-hole technology, it does not utilize
wires. In its place, many little leads get soldered straight onto the board. Surface mount
technology permits many circuits to be complete in a lesser space on a board, meaning the
board can execute more functions, typically at a lesser weight and at faster speeds than
through-hole boards let.



Design of Experimental Set-

up & Instrumentation



Design of Experimental Set-up &


5.1 Circuit diagram:

Fig 5.1 Circuit diagram (project)


5.2 Components:

1. Wooden board

2. Three pin socket

3. Single phase induction motor

4. Centre-tap transformer (12-0-12)

5. Bridge rectifier

6. Diodes 1N4007

7. Electrolytic capacitor

8. Potential divider

9. Carbon film resistors

10. IR sensor

11. Temperature sensor DS18B20

12. Current sensor ACS712

13. Arduino NANO

14. LCD

15. Serial data communicator HC12


16. MATLAB 2017

17. Adapter

1. Wooden board:
 A 41x38 cm wooden plank has been used to accommodate all the instruments of the

Fig 5.1.1 Wooden Board

2. Three pin socket with switch:

A 3 pin socket for supplying single phase induction motor is used on the wooden plank.

Fig 5.1.2 Three pin socket


3. Single phase induction motor:

The single-phase induction motor can be made to be self-starting in numerous ways. One
often-used method is the Split Phase motors. Another method is the Capacitor Start
Induction Run Motors.

We know about the activity of a capacitor in a pure A.C. Circuit. When a capacitor is so
introduced, the voltage lags the current by some phase angle. In these motors, the
necessary phase difference between the Is and Im is obtained by introducing a capacitor in
series with the starter winding. The capacitor used in these motors are of electrolytic type
and usually visible as it is mounted outside the motor as a separate unit.

Fig 5.1.3(a) Single phase I.M.

During starting, as the capacitor is connected in series with the starter winding, the
current through the starter winding Is leads the voltage V, which is applied across the
circuit. But the current through the main winding Im, still lags the applied voltage V
across the circuit.Thus more the difference between the Is and Im, better the resulting
rotating magnetic field.


Fig 5.1.3(b) Single phase I.M.

When the motor reaches about 75% of the full load speed, the
centrifugal switch S opens and thus disconnecting the starter winding and the capacitor
from the main winding. It is important to point out from the phasor diagram that the phase
difference between Im and Is is almost 80 degrees as against 30 degrees in a split-phase
induction motor. Thus a capacitor-start induction-run motor produces a better rotating
magnetic field than the split-phase motors. It is evident from the phasor diagram that
thecurrent through the starter winding Is leads the voltage V by a small angle and the
current through the main winding Im lags the applied voltage. It is to be appreciated that
the resultant current I, is small and is almost in phase with applied voltage V.The torque
developed by a split-phase induction motor is directly proportional to the sine of the angle
between Is and Im. Also the angle is 30 degrees in case of split-phase motors. But in the
case of capacitor-start induction-run motors, the angle between Is and Im is 80 degrees. It
is then obvious that the increase in the angle (from 30 degrees to 80 degrees) alone
increases the starting torque to nearly twice the value developed by a standard split-phase
induction motor. The speed-torque characteristics curve is exhibiting the starting and
running torques of a capacitor-start induction-run motor.


Fig 5.1.4 Phasor diagram

4. Centre-tap transformer (12-0-12):

Fig 5.1.5 Centre tapped transformer (12-0-12)

12-0-12 Centre Tapped Transformer Specifications

Step-down Centre tapped Transformer

Input Voltage: 230V AC at 50Hz

Output Voltage: 24V, 12V or 0V

Output Current: 1A


Vertical mount type

Low cost and small package

Other Transformers
Step-up Transformers, Secondary Transformers, Pulsating transformers, Auto

Where to Use Centre Tapped transformer

A centre-tapped transformer also known as two phase three wire

transformer is normally used for rectifier circuits. When a digital project has to work
with AC mains a Transformer is used to step-down the voltage (in our case, to 24V or
12V) and then convert it to DC by using a rectifier circuit. In a center-tapped transformer
the peak inverse voltage is twice as in bridge rectifier hence this transformer is commonly
used in full wave rectifier circuits.

How to use Center Tapped Transformer

The operation and theory behind a Center tapped transformer is very similar to a normal
secondary transformer. A primary voltage will be induced in the primary coil (I1 and I3)
and due to magnetic induction the voltage will be transferred to the secondary coil. Here
in the secondary coil of a centre tapped transformer, there will be an additional wire (T2)
which will be placed exactly at the center of the secondary coil, hence the voltage here
will always be zero.

If we combine this zero potential wire (T2) with either T1 or T2, we will get a voltage of
12V AC. If this wire is ignored and voltage across T1 and T2 is considered then we will
get a voltage of 24V AC.


5. Bridge rectifier :

Fig 5.1.6 Bridge rectifier

Power Diodes can be connected together to form a full wave rectifier that convert AC
voltage into pulsating DC voltage for use in power supplies.

The Full Wave Bridge Rectifier

This type of single phase rectifier uses four individual rectifying diodes connected in a
closed loop “bridge” configuration to produce the desired output.

The main advantage of this bridge circuit is that it does not require a special centre tapped
transformer, thereby reducing its size and cost. The single secondary winding is connected
to one side of the diode bridge network and the load to the other side.


Full-wave Rectifier with Smoothing Capacitor

Fig 5.1.7 Full wave rectifier with smoothing capacitor

The smoothing capacitor converts the full-wave rippled output of the rectifier into a more
smooth DC output voltage.

Fig 5.1.8 1000 micro Farad smoothing capacitor waveform

The blue plot on the waveform shows the result of using a 1000uF
smoothing capacitor across the rectifiers output. Previously the load voltage followed the
rectified output waveform down to zero volts. Here the 1000uF capacitor is charged to the
peak voltage of the output DC pulse, but when it drops from its peak voltage back down to

zero volts, the capacitor cannot discharge as quickly due to the RC time constant of the

This result in the capacitor discharging down to about 25 volts, in this example,
maintaining the voltage across the load resistor until the capacitor re-charges once again
on the next positive slope of the DC pulse. In other words, the capacitor only has time to
discharge briefly before the next DC pulse recharges it back up to the peak value. Thus,
the DC voltage applied to the load resistor drops only by a small amount. But we can
improve this still by increasing the value of the smoothing capacitor as shown

6. Diodes 1N4007

Fig 5.1.9 Diode 1N4007

Average forward current is 1A

Non-repetitive Peak current is 30A

Reverse current is 5uA.

Peak repetitive Reverse voltage is 1000V

Power dissipation 3W


A diode is a device which allows current flow through only one direction. That is the
current should always flow from the Anode to cathode. The cathode terminal can be
identified by using a grey bar as shown in the picture above.

Applications of Diode:
Can be used to prevent reverse polarity problem

Half Wave and Full Wave rectifiers

Current flow regulators

7. Electrolytic capacitor
An electrolytic capacitor is a sort of capacitor that utilizes an electrolyte to obtain greater
capacitance than the other type of capacitors. An electrolyte is a gel or fluid in which
concentration of ions is very high. Electrolytic capacitor is a general term used for three
different capacitor family members:

Aluminium electrolytic capacitors

Tantalum electrolytic capacitors

Niobium electrolytic capacitors

Fig 5.1.10 Aluminum electrolytic capacitors


Almost all the electrolytic capacitors are polarized which means the voltage of
anode must be always higher than the cathode. The ability of large capacitance makes
them highly useful for sending low-frequency signals. They are extensively used for noise
filtering or decoupling in power supplies. The advantage of large capacitance comes with
few drawbacks as well. Drawbacks include leakage currents, equivalent series resistance
and a limited lifetime.

A special type of electrolytic capacitors with capacitances of hundreds and thousands of

farads are known as supercapacitors. They are also known as double-layer electrolytic


Used to reduce voltage fluctuations in various filtering devices.

Used in output and input smoothing to filter when DC signal is weak with AC component.

They are extensively used for noise filtering or decoupling in power supplies.

They are used for coupling signals between amplifier stages and also to store energy in
flash lamps.

8. Potential divider
A Voltage or Potential Divider Circuit is commonly used circuit in electronics where an
input voltage has to be converted to another voltage lower than then the original. This is
very useful for all analog circuits where variable voltages are required, hence it is
important to understand how this circuit works and how to calculate the values of the
resistors required to make a voltage divider circuit to output the desired voltage.

Voltage divider circuit is very simple circuit built by only two resistors (R1 and R2) as
shown in the circuit diagrams. The required output voltage (VOUT) can be obtained across


the resistor R2. Using these two resistors we can convert an input voltage to any required
output voltage.

Fig 5.1.11 voltage divider circuit

Applications of Voltage Divider Circuit

Voltage or potential divider circuits are frequently used in various projects and
applications. Below are some circuit examples where a potential divider concept is used:

1.Arduino digital voltmeter

2.Light Intensity Measurement
3. Raspberry Pi ADC
4.Arduino Ohmmeter
5.Darkness Detector
6.Raspberry Pi Emergency lamp

9. Carbon film resistors

Carbon Film resistors contains on an insulating material rod or core made of high grade
ceramic material which is called the substrate. A very thin resistive carbon layer or film
overlaid around the rod. These kinds of resistors are widely used in electronic circuits
because of negligible noise and wide operating range and the stability as compared to
solid carbon resistors


Fig 5.1.12 Carbon Film Resistor

Advantages and drawbacks
Carbon film resistors are a significant improvement on carbon composition. However, in
comparison to metal film and metal oxide film, the commercially available range steadily
decreases. Metal and oxide film are not more expensive to produce, and have overall
better properties.

Carbon film resistor applications

Typical use for carbon film resistors is in high voltage and temperature applications.
Operating temperatures are up to 15kV with a nominal temperature of 350°C. Examples
are high voltage power supplies, radar, x-rays and laser.

10. IR proximity sensor:

The Multipurpose Infrared Sensor is an add-on for your line follower robot and obstacle
avoiding robot that gives your robot the ability to detect lines or nearby objects. The
sensor works by detecting reflected light coming from its own infrared LED. By
measuring the amount of reflected infrared light, it can detect light or dark (lines) or even
objects directly in front of it. An onboard RED LED is used to indicate the presence of an
object or detect line. Sensing range is adjustable with inbuilt variable resistor.

The sensor has a 3-pin header which connects to the microcontroller board or Arduino
board via female to female or female to male jumper wires. A mounting hole for easily
connect one or more sensor to the front or back of your robot chassis.

5VDC operating voltage.

I/O pins are 5V and 3.3V compliant.

Range: Up to 20cm.

Adjustable Sensing range.

Built-in Ambient Light Sensor.

20mA supply current.

Mounting hole.

Hardware Details :

Fig 5.1.13 IR sensor hardware details

Interface to Arduino:
Now let’s we build simple object counter using IR Proximity Sensor that’s counts the
Number of objects.Connect Silicon TechnoLabs IR Proximity Sensor to your arduino
board as shown in below image.


Fig 5.1.14 IR sensor interface with Arduino

11. Temperature sensor DS18B20

General Description

The DS18B20 digital thermometer provides 9-bit to 12-bit Celsius temperature

measurements and has an alarm function with nonvolatile user-programmable upper and
lower trigger points. The DS18B20 communicates over a 1-Wire bus that by definition
requires only one data line (and ground) for communication with a central microprocessor.
In addition, the DS18B20 can derive power directly from the data line (“parasite power”),
eliminating the need for an external power supply.
Each DS18B20 has a unique 64-bit serial code, which allows multiple DS18B20s to
function on the same 1-Wire bus. Thus, it is simple to use one microprocessor to control
many DS18B20s distributed over a large area. Applications that can benefit from this
feature include HVAC environmental controls, temperature monitoring systems inside
buildings, equipment, or machinery, and process monitoring and control systems.


Fig 5.1.15 Temperature sensor DS18B20

 Thermostatic Controls
 Industrial Systems
 Consumer Products
 Thermometers
 Thermally Sensitive Systems


12. Current sensor ACS712:

Fig 5.1.16 ACS712 functional block diagram

The ACS712 provides economical and precise solutions for AC or DC current sensing in
industrial, commercial, and communications systems. The device package allows for easy
implementation by the customer.Typical applications include motor control, load
detection and management, switched-mode power supplies, and overcurrent fault
protection.The device consists of a precise, low-offset, linear Hall sensor circuit with a
copper conduction path located near the surface of the die. Applied current flowing
through this copper conduction path generates a magnetic field which is sensed by the
integrated Hall IC and converted into a proportional voltage. Device accuracy is optimized
through the close proximity of the magnetic signal to the Hall transducer. A precise,

proportional voltage is provided by the low-offset, chopper-stabilized BiCMOS Hall IC,

which is programmed for accuracy after packaging. The output of the device has a
positive slope when an increasing current flows through the primary copper conduction
path which is the path used for current sensing. The internal resistance of this conductive
path is 1.2 mΩ typical, providing low power loss. The thickness of the copper conductor
allows survival of the device at up to 5× overcurrent conditions. The terminals of the
conductive path are electrically isolated from the sensor leads (pins 5 through 8). This
allows the ACS712 current sensor to be used in applications requiring electrical isolation
without the use of opto-isolators or other costly isolation techniques.

Typical Application

Fig 5.1.17 ACS712 pins

The ACS712 outputs an analog signal, VOUT . that varies linearly with the uni- or bi-
directional AC or DC primary sensed current, IP , within the range specified. CF is
recommended for noise management, with values that depend on the application.


13. Arduino Nano:

Arduino Nano Pin Layout

Fig 5.1.18 Arduino NANO pin layout


Table 5.13.1 Arduino NANO pin details


The Arduino Nano can be powered via the Mini-B USB connection, 6-20V
unregulated external power supply (pin 30), or 5V regulated external power
supply (pin 27). The power source is automatically selected to the highest
voltage source.


The ATmega328 has 32 KB, (also with 2 KB used for the bootloader. The
ATmega328 has 2 KB of SRAM and 1 KB of EEPROM.

Input and Output

Each of the 14 digital pins on the NANO can be used as an input or output, using
pinMode(), digitalWrite(), and digitalRead() functions. They oper ate at 5 volts.
Each pin can provide or receive a maximum of 40 mA and has an internal pull -up


resistor (disconnected by default) of 20-50 kOhms. In addition, some pins have

specialized functions:

Serial: 0 (RX) and 1 (TX). Used to receive (RX) and transmi t (TX) TTL serial
data. These pins are connected to the corresponding pins of the FTDI USB -to-
TTL Serial chip.

External Interrupts: 2 and 3. These pins can be configured to trigger an interrupt

on a low value, a rising or falling edge, or a change in value. See the
attachInterrupt() function for details.

PWM: 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, and 11. Provide 8-bit PWM output with the analogWrite()

SPI: 10 (SS), 11 (MOSI), 12 (MISO), 13 (SCK). These pins support SPI

communication, which, although provided by the underlying hardware, is not
currently included in the Arduino language.

LED: 13. There is a built-in LED connected to digital pin 13. When the pin is
HIGH value, the LED is on, when the pin is LOW, it's off.

The NANO has 8 analog inputs, each of which provide 10 bits of resolution (i.e.
1024 different values). By default they measure from ground to 5 volts, though is
it possible to change the upper end of their range using the analogReference()
function. Analog pins 6 and 7 cannot be used as digital pi ns. Additionally, some
pins have specialized functionality:

I2C: A4 (SDA) and A5 (SCL). Support I2C (TWI) communication using the
Wire library.



The Arduino NANO has a number of facilities for communicating with a computer,
another Arduino, or other microcontrollers. The ATmega328 provide UART TTL (5V)
serial communication, which is available on digital pins 0 (RX) and 1 (TX). An FTDI
FT232RL on the board channels this serial communication over USB and the FTDI
drivers (included with the Arduino software) provide a virtual com port to software on the
computer. The Arduino software includes a serial monitor which allows simple textual
data to be sent to and from the Arduino board. The RX and TX LEDs on the board will
flash when data is being transmitted via the FTDI chip and USB connection to the
computer (but not for serial communication on pins 0 and 1). A SoftwareSerial
library allows for serial communication on any of the Nano's digital pins. The
ATmega328 also support I2C (TWI) and SPI communication. The Arduino
software includes a Wire library to simplify use of the I2C bus. To use the SPI
communication, please see ATmega328 datasheet.


The Arduino NANO can be programmed with the Arduino software. Select
"Arduino Duemilanove or NANO w/ ATmega328" from the Tools > Board
menu. The ATmega328 on the Arduino NANO comes preburned with a
bootloader that allows you to upload new code to it without the use of an
external hardware programmer. It communicates using the original STK500


A liquid-crystal display (LCD) is a flat-panel display or other electronically modulated

optical device that uses the light-modulating properties of liquid crystals. Liquid crystals
do not emit light directly, instead using a backlight or reflector to produce images in color


or monochrome. LCDs are available to display arbitrary images or fixed images with low
information content, which can be displayed or hidden, such as preset words, digits, and
seven-segment displays, as in a digital clock. They use the same basic technology, except
that arbitrary images are made up of a large number of small pixels, while other displays
have larger elements. LCDs can either be normally on (positive) or off (negative),
depending on the polarizer arrangement. For example, a character positive LCD with a
backlight will have black lettering on a background that is the color of the backlight, and a
character negative LCD will have a black background with the letters being of the same
color as the backlight. Optical filters are added to white on blue LCDs to give them their
characteristic appearance. LCDs are used in a wide range of applications, including LCD
televisions, computer monitors, instrument panels, aircraft cockpit displays, and indoor
and outdoor signage. Small LCD screens are common in portable consumer devices such
as digital cameras, watches, calculators, and mobile telephones, including smartphones.
LCD screens are also used on consumer electronics products such as DVD players, video
game devices and clocks. LCD screens have replaced heavy, bulky cathode ray tube
(CRT) displays in nearly all applications. LCD screens are available in a wider range of
screen sizes than CRT and plasma displays, with LCD screens available in sizes ranging
from tiny digital watches to very large television receivers.

Fig 6 LCD 16X2 block diagram


Table 5.14.1 LCD 16X2 pin details

15. Serial data communicator HC12

Fig 15 Serial data communicator

 Wireless sensor
 Community building security
 Robot wireless control
 Industrial remote control and telemetering
 Automatic data acquisition
 Container information management

 Wireless acquisition of gas meter data

 Vehicle keyless entry system

 Long-distance wireless transmission (1,000m in open space/baud rate 5,000bps in the
Working frequency range (433.4-473.0MHz, up to 100 communication channels)
 Maximum 100mW (20dBm) transmitting power (8 gears of power can be set)
 Three working modes, adapting to different application situations
 Built-in MCU, performing communication with external device through serial Port.
 The number of bytes transmitted unlimited to one time
 Update software version through serial port.

16. MATLAB R2017a:

MATLAB (matrix laboratory) is a multi-paradigm numerical computing environment and
proprietary programming language developed by Math-Works. MATLAB allows matrix
manipulations, plotting of functions and data, implementation of algorithms, creation of
user interfaces, and interfacing with programs written in other languages, including C,
C++, C#, Java, Fortran and Python.

Although MATLAB is intended primarily for numerical computing, an optional toolbox

uses the MuPAD symbolic engine, allowing access to symbolic computing abilities. An
additional package, Simulink, adds graphical multi-domain simulation and model-based
design for dynamic and embedded systems.

As of 2018, MATLAB has more than 3 million users worldwide.MATLAB users come
from various backgrounds of engineering, science, and economics.

Cleve Moler,the chairman of the computer science department at the University of New
Mexico, started developing MATLAB in the late 1970s.He designed it to give his students
access to LINPACK and EISPACK without them having to learn Fortran. It soon spread


to other universities and found a strong audience within the applied mathematics
community. Jack Little, an engineer, was exposed to it during a visit Moler made to
Stanford University in 1983. Recognizing its commercial potential, he joined with Moler
and Steve Bangert. They rewrote MATLAB in C and founded MathWorks in 1984 to
continue its development. These rewritten libraries were known as JACKPAC.In 2000,
MATLAB was rewritten to use a newer set of libraries for matrix manipulation,
LAPACK.MATLAB was first adopted by researchers and practitioners in control
engineering, Little's specialty, but quickly spread to many other domains. It is now also
used in education, in particular the teaching of linear algebra and numerical analysis, and
is popular amongst scientists involved in image processing.

17. Adapter
An (electrical) adapter or adaptor is a device that converts attributes of one electrical
device or system to those of an otherwise incompatible device or system. Some modify
power or signal attributes, while others merely adapt the physical form of one electrical
connector to another.

Travel adapter
Countries with ties to Europe use 230 volt, 50 cycle power plugs and sockets. While many
countries use the same 230 volt systems, there are a variety of different connectors used.
Difficulty arises when moving an electrical device with a unique plug to another country
with a different socket. An electric power adapter sometimes called a travel plug, may
enable a plug from one region to use a foreign socket in another region. When traveling to
and from continents that use 120 volt 60 cycle power, using a travel adapter is a safety
hazard, check on the list of voltage by country.

Fig 16 Adapter


Computer port adapters

For computers and related items, one kind of serial port adapter enables connections
between 25-contact and nine-contact connectors, but does not affect electrical power- and
signalling-related attributes.



Conduct of Experimentation



Conduct of Experimentation
6.1 Basic Data Acquisition System:

Fig 6.1 Basic DAQ

The experiment was carried on MATLAB and all the parameters were plotted wirelessly
A single phase supply was given by the 3 pin socket, and this supply was taken to the
centertap transformer which was of (12-0-12)V. The arduino works on 5Vor less thus we
took 2 wires from centertap transformer and obtained 12V.This 12V was given to the
bridge rectifier for rectification to make it DC.An electrolytic capacitor was placed for
smoothing the AC to obtain pure DC as capacitor allow only DC to pass through it.Thus
capacitor was used for filtering process.


Further this supply was reduced to 2.11V DC with the help of Potential divider.
Potential divider consists of 2 resistors of values 22K ohm and 4.7K ohm. We obtained
the output from 4.7K ohm resistor.
This supply was given to Arduino NANO. Arduino NANO is a 30 pin microcontroller.
A0 is comnnected to the output of current sensor.
A5 is comnnected to the output of potential divider.
GND and Vin are given supply through adapter.
D8 is provided with output of the IRsensor.
TX1 pin is provided with the output of serial data communication port.

The microcontroller acts as the brain of the circuit.It synchronizes the operation of the
circuit.The LCD of 16x2 segments is connected to the microcontroller pin as follows

MATLAB is used for plotting real time graph of the motor parameters such as
spped,temperature,voltage and current. The wireless serial data communication port is
used for the for transmitting one way data to the PC in which MATLAB is installed. The
transmitter I is placed on the circuit board and the receiver is connected to one of the ports
of the computer.
In this way the motor parameters are transferred to the MATLAB interface.
The LCD helps in viewing the parameters as well as it shows all the parameters real time
value on the screen.
The antenna on the transmitter and receiver helps in transmitiing data without any
distortion and harmonics. Antennas are required by any radio receiver or transmitter to
couple its electrical connection to the electromagnetic field. Radio waves are


electromagnetic waves which carry signals through the air (or through space) at the speed
of light with almost no transmission loss.

The following graphs were obtained during the performance of the experiment.

6.2 Graphs:

1.When we just started the motor.

2.When the motor was running at rated speed.


3.When the motor was turned off

This graph was obtained due some error when the pin was left open.



Analysis of Results



Analysis of Results

We have tested this circuit in laboratory,and found that the project is in proper working
condition and all components were working in proper order.
Project during experiment was able to simulate the real time graphs of the motor
parameters viz. speed,temperature,voltage and current without any hassle.
Monitoring the parameters of the motor is very important in industries and we
successfully conducted this experiment.






Thus we concluded that by using the above circuit we can monitor the motor parameters
in a flexible manner and this circuit in its future versions can be applied in industries
where wired inverters are being used.
This circuit can be modified to control the speed of the motor to control the processes
associated with the motor.



Suggested Further Work



Suggested Further Work

Further we will modify this circuit to control motor parameters in real time and we will
also try to make it IOT based so that control is also possible from any part of the world.

This circuit can be modified in a way to give alarm indication to the personnel incharge if
the motor is on the verge to get burn due to some internal defects.

We will modify the system to control 3 phase induction motor as all the industrial motors
are 3 phase.






The various applications of proposed system are as follows:
 Industries,
 Home and building automation,
 Automatic control,
 Monitoring and control of agricultural area,
 Hospital and other fields,
 Colleges.




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