Function A Social Assistance

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College “Mihai Eminescu”, from Soroca

at the discipline
Foreign language (English) applied in
Specialty “Social Assistance”

Teacher: Guțu Svetlana

Student: Dragalin Iulian
Function a social assistance

Social Assistance Functions in Contemporary Society

It is to be admired how social assistance behaves in contemporary society.

Today, social assistance is geared towards achieving the following functions:

 Identification and registration of the population segment that is the subject

of social assistance activities
 Diagnosing issues of a different order with which vulnerable or high-risk
groups may be confronted within a certain period of time, and under certain
social, economic and cultural conditions
 Developing a coherent system of programs, measures, professional support
and protection activities
 Developing their own programs by those in risk situations
 Identifying the various sources of funding for support programs
 Establishment of specific rights and modalities of access to specialized
social assistance services through knowledge of the legislative -
institutional framework
 Support through counseling, individual or group therapy in order to restore
beneficial integration capacities in society
 Promoting strategies to prevent underprivileged situations
 Development of a scientific research program at national and local level on
the size of the problems of those in special situations.

The role of social assistance

It is especially important to understand the role of social assistance and what it

offers. Social assistance provides those in need with knowledge and access to
specialized social protection services, guides them towards the understanding and
use of the social protection legislative framework, mobilizes the community,
people and groups in difficulty to actively influence social policies. Social
assistance provides financial, material, moral, psychotherapy and counseling to
those in need. Social assistance programs also include activities to prevent
unbalanced, stressful economic, cultural, psychological or moral life situations
for individuals or groups, which may often be less costly than the actual therapy.
Types of Social Assistance

Social welfare program

Any of a variety of governmental programs designed to protect citizens from the economic risks and
insecurities of life. The most common types of programs provide benefits to the elderly or retired, the sick or
invalid, dependent survivors, mothers, the unemployed, the work-injured, and families. Methods of
financing and administration and the scope of coverage and benefits vary widely among countries.
Medical Care Programs
These are the most complex and controversial of welfare and security programs. Benefits may include
indemnification for lost wages in addition to medical treatment. Coverage ranges from universal down to
only those employed by participating employers.
Unemployment Benefit Programs
These are common in industrialized countries, less so in developing countries. They usually provide
50 to 75 percent of base wages to workers who are normally employed and have become unemployed
through no fault of their own and who are willing and able to work. Benefits are provided for limited periods
and are financed typically from compulsory insurance payments made by employers or employees or both,
sometimes supplemented by government funds.

Family Allowance Benefits

These are benefits provided by governments to families with a specified minimum number of children.
The benefits may be open to all families, in which case the program is a step in the direction of a guaranteed
family income, or they may be provided as supplements to other assistance, especially unemployment

Work-Injury Compensation
This is the oldest and most widespread social welfare program. Such programs usually cover all
employees of firms above a specified size and are financed by employer contributions to some form of
insurance plan. Benefits include medical payments, wage restoration, special indemnities for permanent
bodily injury, and death benefits. Acceptance of work-injury or worker’s compensation benefits precludes
recovery of damages by suits at law.

Public Assistance
This is a residual program designed to provide assistance to various classes of needy persons not
covered by other programs. Typical classes of beneficiaries include the aged not covered by the
employment-related programs mentioned above, the blind, the disabled not covered by work-injury or other
employment-related programs, and impoverished families with dependent children.
The services provided

Community services
Community social assistance services aim at all the social problems of the community:
1. solve problems that fall within the limits of their competence,
2. Calls for support from specialized systems for cases that go beyond the scope of competence,
3. follow the evolution of social cases, support the decision making to protect the persons in the area
they are responding to, based on the social investigation.
Specialized services
In addition to community-based territorial, community-based social and territorial assistance services that
are territorially and globally oriented, specialized social work services are needed to work on population
segments, types of problems, but with the collaboration of territorial community services.
Local social services must have a financial fund for determined support based on a social diagnosis and may
be of two types depending on the state of fact:
- Emergency services made up of relatively modest sums to solve problems that can not be delayed:
food, clothing, medicines and is addressed to families or people who are in extreme difficulty and
- Occasional, punctual services for resolving critical family issues: those who come to solve a
punctual problem highlighted by the social ache.

Specialized services aim at maintaining, restoring or developing individual capacities to overcome a social
need situation.

The social-medical care services are:

a) social services,
b) medical services and
c) related services.
Social services are organized at the community level, depending on the needs identified, the number of
potential beneficiaries, the complexity of the situations of difficulty and the degree of social risk.
Social-medical care services are a complex of activities that are provided within an integrated social and
medical system and aim at maintaining the autonomy of the person, as well as preventing the addiction
situation from getting worse.
Social care services can be classified into the following categories:
1) basic services: help for body hygiene, dressing and disembarkation, elimination hygiene,
nourishment and hydration, transfer and mobilization, inward movement, communication;
2) support services: aid for preparing food or delivering it, shopping, housekeeping, accompanying in
the means of transport, facilitating traveling abroad, company, management and management
activities, leisure activities;
3) health care services ;
4) rehabilitation and rehabilitation services, related to the medical and social field: physical therapy,
physiotherapy, occupational therapy, psychotherapy, psychopedagogy, speech therapy, podology and
the like;
5) Rehabilitation and adaptation of the environment: small arrangements, repairs and the like.

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