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6-2. Consider Table 6-2.

All duration estimates or estimated times are in days, and the network
proceeds from Node 1 to Node 9. (Note that you can easily change this table to create multiple

A. Draw an AOA network diagram representing the project. Put the node numbers in circles
and draw arrows from node to node, labeling each arrow with the activity letter and
estimated time.
B. Identify all of the paths on the network diagram and note how long they are, using Figure
6-8 as a guide for how to represent each path.

C. What is the critical path for this project and how long is it?
D. What is the shortest possible time needed to complete this project?

D=4 G=6

1 2 3 7 8 9
A=2 E=2 J=1 K=2
4 6


Path 1: A-D-G-J-K Length = 2+4+6+1+2 = 15 days

Path 2: A-B-E-I-J-K Length = 2+2+2+5+1+2 = 14 days
Path 3: A-B-E-H-K Length = 2+2+2+2+2 = 10 days
Path 4: A-C-F-I-J-K Length = 2+3+3+5+1+2 = 16 days
Path 5: A-C-F-H-K Length = 2+3+3+2+2 = 12 days

c. Since the critical path is the longest path through the network diagram, path 4, A-C-F-I-J-K,
is the critical path for the project.

d. Even though the critical path is the longest path, it represents the shortest time required
to complete a project, so the shortest possible time needed to complete this project is 16
6-3. Consider Table 6-3. All duration estimates or estimated times are in days, and the network
proceeds from Node 1 to Node 8. (Note that you can easily change this table to create multiple

A. Draw an AOA network diagram representing the project. Put the node numbers in circles
and draw arrows from node to node, labeling each arrow with the activity letter and
estimated time.
B. Identify all of the paths on the network diagram and note how long they are, using Figure
6-8 as a guide for how to represent each path.

C. What is the critical path for this project and how long is it?
D. What is the shortest possible time needed to complete this project?

H=8 K=8
4 6 7

C=6 L=10
G=4 I=6

1 3 5 8
B=12 J=12

A=10 D=4


Path 1: C-H-K-L Length = 6+8+8+10 = 32 days

Path 2: C-G-I-K-L Length = 6+4+6+8+10 = 34 days
Path 3: C-G-J Length = 6+4+12 = 22 days
Path 4: B-F-H-K-L Length = 12+6+8+8+10 = 44 days
Path 5: B-F-G-I-K-L Length = 12+6+4+6+8+10 = 46 days
Path 6: B-F-G-J Length = 12+6+4+12 = 34 days
Path 7: A-D-F-H-K-L Length = 10+4+6+8+8+10 = 46 days
Path 8: A-D-F-G-I-K-L Length = 10+4+6+4+6+8+10 = 48 days
Path 9: A-D-F-G-J Length = 10+4+6+4+12 = 36 days
Path 10: A-E-I-K-L Length = 10+8+6+8+10 = 42 days
Path 11: A-E-J Length = 10+8+12 = 30 days

c. Since the critical path is the longest path through the network diagram, path 8, A-D-F-G-I-
K-L, is the critical path for the project.

d. Even though the critical path is the longest path, it represents the shortest time required
to complete a project, so the shortest possible time needed to complete this project is 48
6-6. Create a scenario and schedule for a 6-month or 12-month project. Include the five process
groups, but focus on key tasks for executing the project. For example, you could develop a
schedule for starting a business, renovating a house, developing an app, or writing a book. Give
only your scenario information to a classmate to work on, and compare the results. Create a
schedule based on your classmate’s scenario. Write a short paper summarizing the similarities and
differences in what each of you created and the challenges you faced.

You have been asked to determine a rough schedule for a six-month developing an online billing
system app project as part of your job is a consultant of Walmart stores. Walmart system was
written only for physical stores and website for computers not for smartphones. The new system
will run on an IOS or Android application.

Task Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun

Develop project charter
Meet with stakeholders
Create detailed WBS and schedule
Estimate project cost
Create project team
Create communication plan
Organize a comprehensive project plan
Award and mange contract for software
Install new software on servers
Install new hardware and software on IOS
and Android servers
Test new billing system
Train users online on new system
Maintenance and feedback updates

I think that the big difference between projects is often the schedule issues because many people
are juggling many different tasks, both related to their jobs and their personal lives. It is difficult
to schedule good meeting times for all project stakeholders, and face-to-face meetings are still
important in various aspects of projects. Many people also underestimate how long things will
take and the degree to which certain tasks depend on other tasks being completed. People do not
like wasting time, and poor time management often wastes time.

Other thing that make the difference is the activity definition because you cannot determine
activity sequencing or develop good activity duration estimates unless you have a good
understand of each activity, so you need to perform activity definition first.

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