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The research used an intrusive direct participatory observation where the people involved in the
study were from the researcher’s immediate family. The researcher’s topic is focus on how does
kids prepare for gift giving and receiving during Christmas.

The gathering that was observed by the researcher consist of only two families where there are a
total of five (5) kids ages ranging from nine (9) years old to twelve (12) years old. The first
family, the Gilera family, has a 10 year-old and 9 year-old girls while the other one, the Untalan
family, has a 12 year-old and 10 year-old son and an 11 year-old daughter.

Preparation for gift giving.

Gilera Family

 The 10 year-old daughter from this family was very excited for the gift giving/receiving
part on Christmas day that she was able to finish wrapping gifts for everyone, including
her friends, a week before the actual holiday. She excitedly asked her mother to buy
specific gifts for everyone in her own list. Her mother helped her wrapped each gift and
write the name of the person who they’ll give the gift to.


“ Excited ako kasi, bibigyan ko sila ng regalo. Saka, at least may mabibigay ako sa kanila kasi
Christmas naman. Saka ”

 The 9 year-old actually just go with what the older one did but she didn’t have a list like
her sister. She only suggests some good gifts to go with what her older sister plan to give
and also help with wrapping the gifts. She’s also too excited for the Christmas gift giving
that she constantly checks if all of the gifts are ready to be given away already.

Untalan Family

 The 12 year old son from this family didn’t do anything. He just went out to play with his
friends and didn’t actually bother to prepare any gifts for anyone.
 The 10 year old son did the same and didn’t prepare any gifts for anyone. He just went
out with his older brother and their friends.
 The 11 year old daughter from this family in fact has her own saving to spend in buying

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