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Being a business consultant

A business consultant works with clients on strategy, planning and problem solving, and
helps clients develop business skills and knowledge. These topics range from designing a business
model or marketing plan, to determining which marketing techniques to use and how to use them.
You'll often help clients learn how to plan and implement projects. A business consultant
gives advice, teaches skills, and brainstorms with the client to produce practical results and
enhance strategic thinking.
A business consultant helps clients to create success by focusing on personal development:
time management, self-sabotaging behavior (like procrastination and distraction), finding clarity,
decision making, and getting into action. When you put on your coaching hat, you don't give
advice. Instead, you help the client find the answers from within themselves.
Whatever you will call yourself, a consultant, advisor, mentor or coach, most clients will
understand that it means you'll help them solve problems and grow their business. You must pay
attention to the outcomes the clients seek.
You need both consulting skills and coaching skills in order to be effective and provide
real value.
Clients ask for practical advice and brainstorming. In the search to find solutions and to
map out a strategy, the business owners will stumble unless they do both the personal development
work and the business development work that leads to success.
Also, as a business consultant you should commit to an ongoing and serious process of
introspection and skill inventorying before marching into your next job interview.
The more convincingly and honestly you can answer questions about why you are across
the table from the interviewer, the better you will do. To say nothing of long-term personal
happiness. After all, making a difference in a career that you enjoy is an important part of life.
Doing a good job today in finding a career that matches your values and skill set is an
investment that will pay off for many years to come. It's very easy to see the time you're planning
to spend exploring careers get taken up with other more immediate priorities. It's absolutely vital
that you not let this happen.

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