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FUNDAMENTALS OF STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS 3" Edition Kenneth M. Leet, Chia-Ming Uang, and Anne M. Gilbert SOLUTIONS MANUAL CHAPTER 4: TRUSSES 4.1, Classify the trusses in Figure P4.1 as stable or unstable. If sabe, indi cate if determinate or indeterminate. If indeterminate, indicate the degree of indecerminacy ‘Number of bars Number of bars Number of reactions "Number of reactions ‘Number of Joints [Number of Joints (+r=14)>@a=12) (ot =16)>@n=14) 2 Indeterminate 2 Indeterminate Number of tars Number of bars Number of reactions Number of resctions Numba fom ‘amber of Joints Qerei3)>Ga-14) @+r=18)>Gn=16) (eal ‘2 Indeterminate = Number of bars Number of bars [Number of reactions ‘Number of rections Number of Joints Namie fi (17223) >Gn=22) (+= 10)=Qa= G Geomerically Unstable. Reactions constinte aconcuret force sytem, Number of bars Number of reactions Number of Joins @tr=1)=@=14) Determinate Page_4-{ P42. Classify the trusses in Figure P4.2 a8 stable of unstable. If stable, indicate if determinate or indeterminate. If indeterminate, indicate the degre. Z f w OR +171 Feng = 22 UNKNONNS BR +14 Foug IT UMKTHUS 2656 x 10 ute = 20 oe 2O6 x81 = Iu EE AIMOLE) INvET. 2° ano, warer tt t SR4 (0 Feag = 16 UNKNOWNS AR +19 Fogg = 1 DUKLONS 2666 x9 16 = 16 ESE Zee x dry = 16 C9 ainee, ver. UNeTABLE 4 Rb O Fong = 1d UNKNOWNS 264e x5514 + 10 HE Btame , Ger. AR + © Fag = 12 UNINOWINS 200€ x Git = 12 65E mane, ver. G) ARE U Fogs 10 UNKNORNS 2E5E 2 9 59> 10 OE APPARENTLY Get. , BUT (> UNSTABLE. ie. PETERMWE ZERO DAK FORLEY, THEN APPLY LOMO" OTN. f Page_4-2

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