Of Facts In: Modeling Power System Studies

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Modeling of FACTS in Power System Studies

Dussan Povh
Siemens AG, System Planing (EV NP)
P.0.Box 3220, 91050 Erlangen. Germany

Abstruct4n complex interconnected power systems, system performance. This can be predicted through the
technical problems in load flows and stability can be proper simulation of FACTS controllers, including their
expected, and these problems are aggravated by the controls, in a detailed representation of the system.
requirements of a liberalized energy market. Extended
interconnected systems experience stability problems and
inter-area oscillations, which can lead to system
interruptions. Furthermore, long distance ac transmission 11. SIMULATION
requires reactive power compensation, introducing
stability constrains that limit transmitted power. These Programs for the simulation of power systems that
conditions can be improved by the use of FACTS allow to model new technologies such as HVDC and
controllers. These improvements can be predicted by the FACTS have become very efficient (e.g., [ 3 ] ) . At the
proper simulation of FACTS controllers, which include all same time, coniputcrs have become rather fast and have
controls and a detailed representatinn of the system. large storage capabilities. Hence, it has become possible
Hence, this paper discusses FACTS controller models used
to simulate speedily and accurately the dynamic
through various analysis and design steps on FACTS
projects. Examples of application studies of these behavior of very large systems. On the other hand, the
controllers are also presented. modeling has been improved and verified by actual field
measurements. By combining the improved simulation
programs with adequate engineering skills, i t has
1. INTRODUCTION become possible to predict the behavior of the system
by computer siniulations alone.
The typical problems encountered in large Fig. 3 depicts the fields on which simulation is
interconnected transmission systems are described in typically used. I n system planning, the future
Fig. I . For these conditions, FACTS controllers can be performance of the system and possible technical
used to improve the situation. Thus, shunt or series bottlenecks can be readily analyzed. For complex
connected controllers, or both, can be used to solve technologies such as HVDC links and FACTS
some of these problems. controllers, where control plays a very important role,
The bases of the different kinds of FACTS dctailcd simulation arc a prerequisite to determine the
controllers and their use are described in various IEEE performance of any future schetncs.
and ClCRE documents [ 1,2]. Fig. 2 lists the most
i mportant FACTS controllers today.

lnterconneded System Long Distance Transnission


e LoadflOWCOntrd e Vdtagecontrd

@ Voltage stablllty (h Reacbvepowercmtrd

@ System osciltmom @ Steady state stabdity

@ Inter-area os~ittations mnicstabild

Fig I Technical probleiiis in ac sysreins

Fig. 3. Powcr syscrins siinulnrions.

Simulation of FACTS controllers is mainly done i n

thc lollowin2 two ways.
a) Dctailcd calculations i n 3 phase systclns. In this
case, all clcmcnts ol’ a FACTS controller
(translhrtncr, cotivcrters, capacitors) are
represented in detail. including its nonlinenritics
and stray capacitances. The control is represented
i n great detail, including the firing p ~ l s e sof the
The use of FACTS controllers i n the system tlcpcncls cot1vcrtcrs.
thc application ancl must be justil’iccl. as Ihc i n \ ’L\I l l l C n t

must be cv~iluatcd i n tertns of tlic iriiprovcmcnt oil

0-7803-5935-6/00/$10.00(c)2000 IEEE 1435

The goal of this simulation is to study, in steady
state and transient conditions, all stresses and
harmonics in the equipment and the interaction
between the FACTS controller and the system. In
these studies, the system is represented as an
equivalent that adequately represents the system
response for these types of studies.

b) Steady state and stability analyses, which include

power flow, transient stability and eigenvalue
computations. In this case, the objective is to
analyze the steady state and transient behavior and
interactions between the system and the FACTS
controllers for frequencies well below the standard
operating frequency. FACTS controllers are
represented with simplified models that capture the
correct response of the controller at the frequencies
of interest. The controls should have all the
functions that are relevant for these types of I STAIWOM MODEL
analyses. A full system representation can be used
Fig.4. STACOM (a) structure, (b) static operating
i n this case, which includes a large number of characteristics, and (c) model.
generator, lines and loads.
B. Static Syrrclzrotious Series Compeirsator (SSSC)
The program NETOMAC [3] offers unique
advantages for the design and analysis of systems and For the SSSC, the GTO-based converter is i n serizs
FACTS controllers. Using the same database, with the line, as shown i n Fig. 5. The operating diagram
calculations can be made for either 3-phase system shows that the voltage UT is perpendicular to the line
studies or stability studies, including eigenvalue current, with the advantage of being independent of
computations. If the control is sirnulated in great detail current magnitude. The model is represented by a
for 3-phase system applications, it can be used controlled voltage source and includes also a
:,utomatically for stability and eigenvalue calculations. coordinator (Fig. 5.c), which forces the in.iected vdtage
phasor U, to be perpendicular to the line current. These
coordinator also assures numerical stability wher: fast
111. MODELSOF FACTS CONTROLLERS FOR changes of load flow polarity occur.
Id1 (hl
Thyristor-based FACTS controllers (Fig. 2) can be
represented in stability programs either by controlled
susceptances or controlled impedanccs. The susccptance
or impedance value in this case is determined by the
output of the control system. This model is typical for
SVC and TCSC [4]. VSI-based FACTS controllers, on
the other hand, are represented by vdriable voltage
and/or current sources. A discussion on how the latter
are represented follows.

A. Static Conipetrsator (STA TCOM)

Some sclicmatic and operating diagrams of a
STATCOM arc: shown in Fig. 4. The controller is
modeled using a controlled current source, as shown in
Fig. 4.c; the operating limits are accounted for in the
control system.
The STATCOM current should be perpendicular to
the bus voltage UN.This condition is achieved in the
model by the STATCOM coordinator, which ad.justs the
phase of the current source 1 so that the current is
always perpendicular to the STATCOM tcrmi nal

Pi?. 5. SSSC ( a ) SIJII~IIJIC, ( h ) sta~icolx"';itrng

ciial-actei-istics.and ( c ) iiiotlcl.

0-7803-5935-6/00/$10.00(c) 2000 IEEE 1436

C. Unified Power- Flow Controller (UPFC) through the current source IT. The current source 1,
takes only reactive power from the system, as
The UPFC consists of parallel and series transformer
previously explained for the STATCOM. This reactive
branches that are interconnected by two dc voltage
power and the reactive power injected into the system
controlled power converters with turn-off capabilily, as
by the series branch are generated internally. All limits
shown in Fig. 6. The UPFC is able to directly control
are enforced by the UPFC coordinator.
the amplitude and phase angle of the voltage UT i n the
series branch, and the magnitude of the terminal voltage
U, of the shunt branch by using the reactive power
control of the shunt GTO-based converter. The IV. FACTS APPLICATION
operating diagram is shown in Fig. 6.
A. Long Distance Trclnsrnissioti
(a) (b)
The use of the models and controls described in the
paper to enhance the performance of a power system are
demonstrated here using the long distance transmission
system example depicted in Fig. 7.
A 3-phase fault of 100 ms duration, followed by a
line disconnection, was simulated in the test system.
The generator can be assumed to be a large power plant
or an equivalent representation of a subsystem. The
lines were modeled by series connected PI sections (one
section for every 100 km).

200 k m 400 k m U1’1 c

Fig. 7. Test sysrem

Fig. 6 UPFC (a) structure, (b) static operating The generator and the excitation control are
charcterisitc. and ( c ) inotlel.
modelled in detail. The turbine and the governor are not
The series branch in.jected voltage can modelled; hence, a constant niechanical power is
theoretically be in any phasc with respect to U,, and can assumed. The FACTS controller models discussed in
have any magnitude from 0 to a maximum value the paper are located in the system as shown in Fig. 7.
Hence, the steady state operating area is limited Without taking additional measures, the system is
basically by a circle of radius The phasor UT (and close to its stability l i m i t for a fault duration of 75 ms.
thus the phasor U,) can take any position inside this For a longer fault duration (100 m s in the givcn
area. The operating point can then bc continuously example), the system becomes unstable. The study
changed by changing the phase and magnitude of UT. basically consists on determining the “size” of the
The component of the voltage UT that is in phase different FACTS controllers required to assure stability
with the current lR represents the real part of the injected for the given fault.
power, which is provided by the UPFC parallel branch Fig. 8 shows the damping of the first swing and the
(current IT).On the other hand, the component of the subsequent oscillations for the test system with the
voltage U,,. that is perpendicular to the current 11, STATCOM connected at BUS2. The quantities plotted
represents the reactive power component. Thus, the are the generator speed dcviation, the rotor angle
injections of real and reactive power by the series difference, the active power of the generator at BUSI,
branch of the UPFC are directly related to the voltage and reactive power of the STATCOM; the reactive
U.r in.jcction.
- current of the STATCOM is also plotted.
Assuming that the UPFC is not connected directly to
a stiff voltage source, the voltagc of the UPFC shunt
transtornicr terminal can also be controlled via the
reactive parallel branch current 14. In this case, the
actual UPFC operating area is dcl’ined by the series
branch operating circle, shifted AU by thc input
terminal voltaze U,, and in phase with U, (Fig. 6).
Thc UPFC coordinator balnnccs [lie 1wa1 powcr o f
the device by calculaling IIIC UPFC wries branch
ii!jcctccl real po\vcr and raking i t lion1 rhc aystcr11

0-7803-5935-6/00l$10.00( c ) 2000 IEEE 1437

B. FACTS Arinlysis iri the Frequeric~Doriiniri
In large interconnected power systems, undesirable
inter-area oscillations can occur. Such problems can
negatively affect the operation of the system. It is
possible to damp these power oscillations even in
complex systems using FACTS controllers. The
- 15c7. problems of finding a suitable location in the network
and the determination of the type of FACTS controller
to be used can be solved with the help of modal analysis
as shown in the following example. For the calculations
shown here, the same types of FACTS models with their
controls have been used.
II A map of the power supply system in South Africa is
shown in Fig. IO. The analysis of this specific case
-1500 shows that a weakly damped 0.3 Hz oscillation occurs
in the link between South Africa and Zimbawe. The
......-....__ oscillation, however, can be damped with the help of a
.. TCSC. This can be seen from the mode shift in the
hA/.scak=l .
modal analysis and from the corresponding time domain
simulations depicted in Fig. 1 I .

Fig. 8. Test sysiciii stability enhanceinent using a STATCOM V. CONCLUSIONS

Various models for evaluating FACTS controller

performance in large systems are presented in this
paper. The accuracy of the results obtained with these
models is sufficient to predict the response of the
FACTS controllers and to judge the improvements on
the system performance. Current available simulation
tools and the skills of the engineers who use them allow
to adequately predict the performance of FACTS
controllers in a power system, to justify their use and to
facilitate the design of the actual equipment and its

UPFCINJEC- . , , . I

IPU/ . , . , , . ,

Fig. 9. Tcst systciii eii1i:inceiircnt hy UPFC

Fig. 9 shows the results o f using an UPFC in the test

system. I n addition to the system valucs plotled in Fig.
8, the UPFC iii,jcctcd voltage ancl (lie susccpt;incc o l thc
shunt branch arc given. Ohscrvc that the oscillation
damping a n d thc reduction of the first swing arc inuch
more cl'lcctivc with the UPFC than will1 the

0-7803-5935-6/00/$10.00 ( c ) 2000 IEEE 1438

- I -I ::: a .

e,,,: :.E * ‘
I.. 0

E 2.. ~ *O

m =.

I .
.- *.

,I. with fixed series compensation

-1 .!I with TCSC includino POD control

0 5 10 15 W 25
thl Time domain results: Power oscillations on the line Matimba-lnsukamini

Fig I I. Damping o f the line oscillation between lnsukamini and

Matiiiiba using a TCSC.

1I ] “ F A C T S Overview.” IEEE Brochure 95 T P 108, 1999

121 “Load Flow Control i n High Voltage Power Systems Using

F A C T S Controllers." ClGRE Brochure. January 1996

131 X Lci. E. Lerch. D. Povh. and 0. Uuhlr. “A large Integrated

Power System Software Package-NETOMAC.” I’OIVERCON
98. Hcijing. China, 1998.
[4] D. Po\h and U. Mihalie. ”Siiiiul:ition of Power Electronic
Equipiiicnt,” EPRI Workdiop. I994

( c ) 2000 IEEE
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