Design Document For Social Studies Lesson Plan

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Design Document for Lesson Plan

Name: ​Michaela O’Leary

Grade Level: ​3rd Grade
Concept/Topic: ​Culture in North Carolina (Part 1)
Length of Lesson (in minutes): ​30 minutes

Learning Objective​:
Students will be able to explain how diverse cultures are visible throughout North Carolina.

3.C.1​ ​Understand how diverse cultures are visible in local and regional communities.
● 3.C.1.1 Compare languages, foods and traditions of various groups living in local and
regional communities.
● 3.C.1.2​ ​Exemplify how various groups show artistic expression within the local and
regional communities.
● 3.C1.3 Use non-fiction texts to explore how cultures borrow and share from each other
(foods, languages, rules, traditions and behaviors).

Key Tasks/Activities​:
● Read book ​This is How We Do It ​by Matt LaMothe
● Launch lesson with Foods of NC Powerpoint
○ We will be bringing in Krispy Kreme Donuts for all of the students.
● Mapping NC Culture Jigsaw Activity
○ Students will be split into 5 groups to become experts on a certain topic about
culture in NC. Students will then share out their topic and add it to a map of NC.
■ Sports
■ Dialect
■ American Indians
■ Folktales/Stories
■ Piedmont Region

Rationale (Why do these Key Tasks/Activities meet the learning objectives):

● Reading Book ​This is How We Do It ​by Matt LaMothe
○ This will be used to demonstrate culture around the world and many different
aspects of culture such as where you live, how you learn, what you eat, etc.
○ Although the book talks about students from different countries, it is still a great
launch into talking about NC culture because students will have a better
understanding of diverse cultures and how they can be visible in NC (or around
the world)
● Lesson Launch
○ This launch will be used to engage students and make them curious about the
culture and history that makes NC what it is today.
○ Students will be learning about common foods grown in NC, foods native to NC,
and famous foods/brands from NC; specifically Krispy Kreme.
○ This launch meets standard 3.C.1.1 while also increasing student interest in
culture by starting off with something they are most likely all familiar with.
● Mapping NC Culture Jigsaw Activity
○ This activity will give students the opportunity to learn about culture through a
series of nonfiction texts. The students will be split into 5 small groups allowing
them the chance to become an expert on their topic. They will then be able to
come back and share with the class what they learned as well as add it onto a
large map of NC. This should help them move forward in being able to explain
how diverse cultures are visible throughout NC.

Anticipating Students’ Responses​:

Prior Knowledge/Conceptions:
When conducting student interviews, I asked them what the word culture meant, what makes up
a culture, and asked them to describe their own culture. All three students I interviewed were
able to give me a decent definition of culture, examples of what culture looks like, and some
traditions from their culture. I feel comfortable saying students know what culture is and what it
looks like but many of the examples of NC culture may be new to them. This may be the first
time they are explicitly learning about dialect or even learning that Krispy Kreme is native to NC.

Approach to the task:

I think students will be able to approach these tasks confidently. Often in their classroom they
are assigned to partner read or individually read articles and books about science or social
studies content. Students are able to take on the role of time keeper or recorder and should not
struggle reading the articles or looking through the pictures or whatever is given to them. The
teacher will also be able to walk around during the task to provide help when necessary.

Responding to Students’ Responses:

This activity should be able to meet the needs for all students. In my classroom I do have some
ELL students and struggling readers. To allow success for all students, they will be working in
groups of four where there will be a mix of students of all ability levels. Also, because all of the
students will be working in groups at the same time, this will give me plenty of time to circulate
throughout the classroom and provide additional scaffolding to students when necessary. If
students are able to read the article, and fill out their index card with important information, I will
ask them to use an ipad as a group to find one more piece of information on their topic that they
didn’t already read in the article and then share this with the class.
Development of Practices among Students​:

Culture​ → Students will be learning about the diverse cultures that are visible in North Carolina

People, Places, and Environments​ → Students will be learning about people from different
countries, people and places that are found in North Carolina, and about the different
geographical regions/environments of North Carolina

Individuals, Groups, and Institutions​ → Students will be learning about the culture of different
individuals and groups as well as how institutions differ throughout the state and internationally


At the end of the two-part lesson, students will be asked to fill out an exit ticket. The exit ticket
will ask: Explain how diverse cultures are visible throughout North Carolina. Think back to the
articles you have read and everything that has been added to the map in the past two days.

The exit ticket will serve as a formative assessment to allow us to see if the students have met
the objective or not. By collecting their written responses, we will be able to determine if the
student can fully explain how diverse cultures are visible throughout North Carolina while using
what they learned during the lesson, or if they still need extra instruction to meet this objective.

Vocabulary/Language Function​:

Summarize → t​ o give a brief statement of the main idea or main points of something
Culture → ​customs, arts, and behaviors, achievements of a particular group
Diverse → ​showing a great deal of variety, very different
Dialect ​→ form of language particular to a specific region or group
Folklore​ → the traditional beliefs, customs, and stories of a community; often passed through
generations by word of mouth.

Classroom Management Plan​:

For classroom management, I will use the typical practices of the CT. Students complete
something called ALL block every day and the organization is similar to that of my lesson. In
each group, I will ask students to assign themselves as a reader, writer, time keeper, or
illustrator. Giving students jobs will help to ensure that all students are contributing to the
completion of the task. Before students are split into these groups, they will be reminded of the
usual group expectations the CT has for them. I will be able to walk around during the Jigsaw
portion of the activity to remind students of expectations when necessary. I will also supply all
materials and have stations set up before the lesson has even started to ensure smooth and
efficient transitions.

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