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Evelyn 22 April 2019

Creative Director Ronny Reader
CEO, Penguin Random House
ㅡ 321 Berkeley Road
Indianapolis, IN 46250
Evelyn Suarez
123 Sesame Street Dear Ms. Reader,
Happy Town, AZ 12345
123.456.7890 I have known about your company for many years, and when I saw that there was a job opening to be a Publishing Operations Assistant at your
company, I immediately wanted to contact you to ask you to consider me
for this position. I thoroughly believe that I have all the qualifications you
are looking for in a candidate, and that I would be a beneficial addition to
your company.

On the application website, it says you require a candidate to have

strong communication skills and the ability to work on multiple projects
while paying attention to detail and following deadlines. Thanks to all the
work experience I have gathered over the years in a variety of different
environments, I have developed the communication skills you are looking
for. I have worked in professional environments such as school offices
and libraries, and in more informal settings such as food banks, so I can
communicate effectively with a large demographic of people.

In terms of the technology requirements on your application website, I

am also skilled in all of the programs your company uses frequently. I
have had substantial experience with Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and
Excel, so there would be little to no training necessary for me in that
regard. In fact, I have a website that I created that showcases my skills in
a variety of different programs, called eszreading. I hope that you take
the time to skim through it, as it shows to what extent my technological
intelligence reaches.

Thank you for taking me into consideration for this job position. As a fan
of your company for years, it would be an honor for me to assist in
growing your company by using the skills I described above. I hope to
hear from you soon.


Evelyn Suarez
Evelyn Suarez

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