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NAME: Rummann vohra

STUDENT ID : 61426




Rashid Memorial Welfare Organization (RMWO) was set up by a group of retired
PAF officers in 1998 in memory of Flt. Lt. Rashid Ahmed Khan, who embraced
'Shahadat' on Dec 13th, 1997 when his Aircraft caught fire above a densely
populated area. In a struggle to save thousands on land, he maneuvered his Mirage
away from population but in the effort sacrificed his own life. In the same spirit,
we set up RMWO to dedicate and give to others what is not ours –or life through
the spirit to help those who need it the most. With an initial donation of only Rs.
15.0 million by the Trustees, land was acquired gradually and then construction
started as per funds poured in. RMWO is managed by Board of Trustees who are
all friends with a mission to change and uplift the rural under privileged. We are
thankful to all our friends and donors from all over Pakistan and abroad for
supporting us in this noble cause. The names which need mention are: Infaq
Foundation, Rajby Trust, I-Care Foundation, Aloo Dinshaw Trust, Mustafa
Benevolent Trust, General Traders, Meezan Bank, Efroze Chemicals, Marjan
Feeds, Sind Feeds, Civil Aviation Authority, State Life Corporation, DMKM
Welfare Fund, Paramount Dist., Sameera & Khurram, and Friends of RMWO from
all over Pakistan.

Sir Wali Mughni took students to Rashidabad on 14th April 2019 on one night
stay. there they had different activities like paragliding and others. I did not visited

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