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Federal Agency Help | Apr 06 2019 03:04:28 | Welk, Heather - 1 of 2

1961 Stout Street

Suite 12-300
Denver, CO 80294
PHONE: (303) 391-5777

Thank you for filling out this help request form. Please print and sign this form below. To return
the form you have two options:
1. Mail the form to Senator Gardner's office in Denver:

1961 Stout Street

Suite 12-300
Denver, CO 80294
2. Fax your printed and signed casework form to our Denver office at (202) 228-2599.

Your Information

Ms. Heather Jean Welk
2101 w Cornell ave
Englewood, CO 80110
Email: Phone Number: 7204143407

Additional Information

Which Government Agency/Agencies Have You Been Working With?

Social services
Have You Contacted Another Congressional Office?
Which Office: When:
Governor Colorado at time 2008-2012

Your Request

What Do You Need Help With?

I believe that i was railroaded and bamboozled by social services. They had allowed my then 12
year old daughter to make an adult decision to stay with her now adopted parents and not come
home to me. At 22yrs old she will tell you how it was a bad situation. They still have my other
daughter now 14yrs old he is being verbally abused. I won 2 cases with this agency the third they
made sure I wasn't going to get them. You shouldn't have to fear an agency whose mission
statement is " to keep families together". They did everything to tear us apart. I'm going to start
pursuing this quest on changing the way this agency runs. It's based out of the UK. I think it
should be a locally operated and privately ran organization. Please help me on this venture.
Thank you for taking your time out of your busy day to consider my request. Heather
Is There Anything Else That Senator Gardner Or His Staff Should Know
Hickenlooper gave me the brush of. Please don't be like him.
Federal Agency Help | Apr 06 2019 03:04:28 | Welk, Heather - 2 of 2

I am aware that provisions of the Privacy Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-579) may prohibit the
release of information in covered agency files without my consent. I hereby consent to the
release of such information to the Office of United States Senator Cory Gardner and/or
members of his staff in connection with my case or claim.

Signature: _________________________________________ Date: _____/_____/_____

Please sign, and mail to my office:
U.S. Senator Cory Gardner
1961 Stout Street, Suite 12-300
Denver, CO 80294

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