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350 (minimum) – 400 (maximum) words total, use lot of adjectives.

Paragraphs (Escribir tres párrafos)


Hacer una breve introducción de: Where am I? Where is this place?

1. Use present tense, describe what you can see, feel, hear; what’s happening around you.
(Ex: I’m sitting in somewhere where are people and it’s happening something) 40% of
the redaction.
2. Past tense. Yesterday, we saw, we went to... 40% of the redaction.
3. Future. What are you planning to do in the next few days? 20% of the redaction.

Marta Patricia Jiménez Piquer





Now I’m in Egypt, Africa. I’m sitting in the main stairs of Abu Simbel’s Temple surrounded by
tourist, taking pictures of the place. This is so annoying; I wish I could be alone here to really
feel the mystic atmosphere that this place has. It’s dawning right now, the tourist guide has
decided to bring us at this time because you can see Abu Simbel’s Temple in all its glory, and
indeed, it’s incredible. The most impressive thing from here are the fourth giant statues in the
front door, they are like twenty meters tall and all of them represent Ramses II. Near to these
statues there are other smaller statues, and they represent family member of Ramses II like
Nefertari, Tuya, Bakemut, Bintanat...
Yesterday we were in the most famous pyramids in the world: Cheops, Kefren and Mitherinos.
Paying fifteen euros you could enter to one of the burial chambers in there, and it was an
unique experience, because you’ve to walked through very narrow aisle, climbing stairs, and
with the whole hot in there, it was so difficult to get to the chamber, then we went for a walk in
camel. I thought this would be like riding a horse, but nothing further from reality, it was totally
different and funnier because of the movement of the camel and of course for the fact you
cannot ride a camel each day. They brought us from Cheops to the famous sphinx.
I’ve left three more days here yet, and I think that tomorrow we’re going to the main “zoco” in
Cairo, and as I have been told, there are so many things to see there: spices, cloths and food
colorant, so many traditional food, carpets, juice stores, etc. The last day before we will take the
flight back home we will visit the most biggest and famous museum of Egypt emperors of the
whole history of Egypt. I’m very excited about that, because I love so much museums and this
one in particulars is one of my favourites because we will be able to see Tutankhamen’s mummy
and his famous coffin.

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