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Virtual Field Trip

Lesson Plan: Day 1

Teacher Candidate’s Name: Priyanka Gandhi

Tentative Date: April, 2019
Lesson Title: Seeds
 Grade Level/Subject- Pre- K - Science

 Disability Categories represented- Students with learning disability require special

services for like speech, OT and PT ( ADHD and Autism)

 Type of classroom (continuum of placements) - Integrated with two Paraprofessionals.

 Describe UDL integration (into anticipatory, procedure, guided practice, and


The teacher procedure, guided practice, and assessment and learning goals mentioned at
beginning of the lesson and discussed in details.
The teacher is providing various choices for activities associated with learning strengths such
as verbal choices, productive choices, traditional choices, and tech choices.
The small groups and its activity will be created keeping in mind the diversity of students so it
could be differentiated. The frequent informative assessment is given to students through the
activity by teacher's observation, class participation, oral responses, 70% accuracy of
completion of given work.
Extra resources will be available for students to explore like nonfiction books, fiction books
digital text, and picture books,

 Collaborative methods used to enhance the lesson (e.g., families, community

resources, school resources)


Home connection- In the Monthly Newsletter the information will be shared about the
upcoming topics that students will be learning and activities that parents can do with their child
at home.
(See the appendix) Smart board and iPads

Central Focus:

Students will use a virtual field trip to learn about plants and seeds including how different fruits
and vegetables have different shape and sizes of seeds.

Essential Questions:

1. What is inside the seeds?

2. Where do we find the seeds?
3. How do seeds gets around?

NJCCCS Standards:

SCI.PK.5.1.1 - [Indicator] - Display curiosity about science objects, materials, activities, and
longer-term investigations in progress (e.g., ask who, what, when, where, why, and how
questions during sensory explorations, experimentation, and focused inquiry).

SCI.PK.5.1.2 - [Indicator] - Observe, question, predict, and investigate materials, objects, and
phenomena during classroom activities indoors and outdoors and during any longer-term
investigations in progress. Seek answers to questions and test predictions using simple
experiments or research media (e.g., cracking a nut to look inside; putting a toy car in water to
determine whether it sinks).

SCI.PK.5.1.3 - [Indicator] - Use basic science terms (e.g., observe, predict, experiment) and
topic-related science vocabulary (e.g., words related to living things [fur, fins, feathers, beak,

bark, trunk, stem]; weather terms [breezy, mild, cloudy, hurricane, shower, temperature];
vocabulary related to simple machines [wheel, pulley, lever, screw, inclined plane]; words for
states of matter [solid, liquid]; names of basic tools [hammer, screwdriver, awl, binoculars,
stethoscope, magnifier]).

SCI.PK.5.1.4 - [Indicator] - Communicate with other children and adults to share observations,
pursue questions, make predictions, and/or conclusions.

SCI.PK.5.1.5 - [Indicator] - Represent observations and work through drawing, recording data,
and “writing” (e.g., drawing and “writing” on observation clipboards, making rubbings,
charting the growth of plants)

SCI.PK.5.5.1 - [Indicator] - Identify and use basic tools and technology to extend exploration in
conjunction with science investigations (e.g., writing, drawing, and painting utensils, scissors,
staplers, magnifiers, balance scales, ramps, pulleys, hammers, screwdrivers, sieves, tubing,
binoculars, whisks, measuring cups, appropriate computer software and website information,
video and audio recordings, digital cameras, tape recorders).

Learning Goals: Students will be able to

 Examine a seed and distinguish the parts and their uses

 Identify where seeds can be seen
 Examine and differentiate seeds by size and color
 Learn how seeds travel
 Predict and recognize what seeds need to grow

With the accuracy of 80%


Academic Language:

Examine the learning goals to complete the chart below. Plan supports for at least 2 identified

Identified Language Demands Planned Language Supports

Vocabulary (Parts of seeds) Seed coat, food store, new leaf, and soil

Language Function Students will be shown how they can

open the seeds and see inside the new leaf.
The teacher will assist the students and
help them correctly use the words and say
their sentence in a complete sentence.( I
see the new leaf, The seed has a coat)


Discourse (Small group and large group) The teachers will constant watch and pay
attention what the students are saying to
each other. If they needs any assistance
expressing or explaining their thoughts to
their peers.


Examine the learning goals, essential questions, and NJCCCS Standards to complete the chart

Duration Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks Assessment


 Overall  Include anticipatory set, procedure, guided practice,  Include

time independent practice, and closure. formative
for  Use evidence-based practices AND cite sources (in-text and
each citations with reference list under materials section) to summative
section support why you chose to do, what you chose to do.
of the
5- 10 Opening Group: Class
Mins. participation
Before the Lesson, The Teacher will ask the students about the
and oral
seeds and pose the question if they know anything about the
seeds and what is inside the seed? The T will accept all the
responses from the students.

15-20 Guided Practice:

The Teacher will give a dry pinto bean, a paper plate, and a Class
magnifying glass to each student. (The T will remind the participation
students not to put seeds in their mouth or nose). The T will and oral
ask students what they think it is. Responses may be, It is a responses
bean or a seed. The T will explain to them that it is a bean,
which is a kind of seed. The Teacher will ask the students What
they think is the Job of a seed? (accept all the responses )

The Teacher will tell students, today we will discover the job
of a seed. We will explore, or open up, the seeds and look
inside. Ask students to open their seeds. A few minutes, ask if
anyone has opened their seed. Probably no one. Ask students
what they wear when it is cold outside (a coat). Tell students
that a seed has a coat covering it until it is ready to grow. Right
now it is asleep, waiting to wake up. It may sleep for a week, a
month or even a year until it has the right amount of water and

warmth. The seed will need water, and the soil must be warm
enough for it to grow.

Give every student the soaked pinto beans. Ask them to

compare them to the dry one. Inform students that these pinto
beans have been soaked in warm water to imitate the warm soil.
Invite students to try to open these seeds and observe what is
inside using their magnifying glasses. Most will see a new plant
growing. If they do not find one, give them another bean.

After the activity Students will watch a small Video on Seeds.

15-20 Small group and Independent Practice: Class

mins participation,
In a small group, students will work with the teacher, and she
will ask what they saw inside the seed. She will pick a student
responses, and
and will tell him/her to draw what they observed on the chart
completion of
paper. The T will help he/she to label the parts of the seed for
given work
with lines extending from the three parts: seed coat (the outer
area), food (inside the bean), and the new plant.

Later students will draw a picture of the inside of their seed,

label its parts and paint them.

15-20 Closure: Call all the students and ask them what they learned Class
Mins. about Seed and the new plant they saw inside their seed. participation,
The T will ask students what they think the new plant will do
responses, and
(grow). The will ask students again: what is the job of a seed?
completion of
(To grow into a plant).
given work

“The job of the seed is if we plant the seeds we can get a plant
or a tree, and from that, we get fruits, vegetables, and flowers”.


Include adaptive and assistive tech/software/web-supported learning with specific skill areas.

Identified Support for …… Specific Planned Accommodation(s)

(ELL, advanced student, struggling These are the changes to
student, student with IEP or 504). “how” the student learns the
content. The student achieves
Put one student per box below.
the learning goal of the lesson.

ELL No ELL students N/A

Jaden with ADHD Strength; Jaden is a While teaching Jaden the

very energetic and teacher will give lots of Visual
and verbal cues.
happy young boy.
Break down a task into small
Need: Easily get parts.
distracted, Prompting
• Preferential sitting, Next to
to stay focused on the
the teacher.
task. Jaden will
require one step • Allow extra time to
simple direction. complete the independent
hands-on activates.

• The teacher will frequently

be checking for understanding.

Jason with Autism Strength: Jason is a Break down a task into small
very sweet and parts.
independent boy.
Needs: However, has • Given small breaks where
difficulty Jason can play a game on the
transitioning between
one tasks to the next.
Require redirection
• A student can work in a
and direction to
complete the given small group.
• Allow extra time to
complete the independent
hands-on activates.

• The teacher will frequently

be checking for understanding.

Modifications for Students with Disabilities:

None may be needed so just state that in the “planned modifications” section.

Identified Support for …… Specific Planned Modification(s)

(see list above and include These are changes to “what” the student
ONLY those with learns. The learning goal is changed to
disabilities) meet the learner’s strengths or needs.

Put one student per box


Not Required

Materials / Use of Instructional Technology:



Day 1

Each student will need-

 Magnifying glasses
 Paper plates
 Dry pinto beans
 Water-soaked pinto beans
 Chart paper and markers
 Drawing paper
 Black pens/ crayon /marker
 Watercolor paints and brushes
 Technology- Smart Board and iPad

Lesson Plan: Day 2

Teacher Candidate’s Name: Priyanka Gandhi

Tentative Date: April, 2019
Lesson Title: Seeds

 Grade Level/Subject- Pre- K - Science

 Disability Categories represented- Students with learning disability require special

services for like speech, OT and PT ( ADHD and Autism)

 Type of classroom (continuum of placements) - Integrated with two Paraprofessionals.

 Describe UDL integration (into anticipatory, procedure, guided practice, and


The teacher procedure, guided practice, and assessment and learning goals mentioned at
beginning of the lesson and discussed in details.
The teacher is providing various choices for activities associated with learning strengths such
as verbal choices, productive choices, traditional choices, and tech choices.
The small groups and its activity will be created keeping in mind the diversity of students so it
could be differentiated. The frequent informative assessment is given to students through the
activity by teacher's observation, class participation, oral responses, 70% accuracy of
completion of given work.
Extra resources will be available for students to explore like nonfiction books, fiction books
digital text, and picture books,

 Collaborative methods used to enhance the lesson (e.g., families, community

resources, school resources)

Home connection- In the Monthly Newsletter the information will be shared about the
upcoming topics that students will be learning and activities that parents can do with their child
at home. Smart board and iPads

Central Focus:

Students will use a virtual field trip to learn about plants and seeds including how different fruits
and vegetables have different shape and sizes of seeds.

Essential Questions:

 What is inside the seeds?

 Where do we find the seeds?
 How do seeds gets around?

NJCCCS Standards:

SCI.PK.5.1.1 - [Indicator] - Display curiosity about science objects, materials, activities, and
longer-term investigations in progress (e.g., ask who, what, when, where, why, and how
questions during sensory explorations, experimentation, and focused inquiry).

SCI.PK.5.1.2 - [Indicator] - Observe, question, predict, and investigate materials, objects, and
phenomena during classroom activities indoors and outdoors and during any longer-term
investigations in progress. Seek answers to questions and test predictions using simple
experiments or research media (e.g., cracking a nut to look inside; putting a toy car in water to
determine whether it sinks).

SCI.PK.5.1.3 - [Indicator] - Use basic science terms (e.g., observe, predict, experiment) and
topic-related science vocabulary (e.g., words related to living things [fur, fins, feathers, beak,
bark, trunk, stem]; weather terms [breezy, mild, cloudy, hurricane, shower, temperature];
vocabulary related to simple machines [wheel, pulley, lever, screw, inclined plane]; words for
states of matter [solid, liquid]; names of basic tools [hammer, screwdriver, awl, binoculars,
stethoscope, magnifier]).

SCI.PK.5.1.4 - [Indicator] - Communicate with other children and adults to share observations,
pursue questions, make predictions, and/or conclusions.

SCI.PK.5.1.5 - [Indicator] - Represent observations and work through drawing, recording data,
and “writing” (e.g., drawing and “writing” on observation clipboards, making rubbings,
charting the growth of plants)

SCI.PK.5.5.1 - [Indicator] - Identify and use basic tools and technology to extend exploration in
conjunction with science investigations (e.g., writing, drawing, and painting utensils, scissors,
staplers, magnifiers, balance scales, ramps, pulleys, hammers, screwdrivers, sieves, tubing,
binoculars, whisks, measuring cups, appropriate computer software and website information,
video and audio recordings, digital cameras, tape recorders).

Learning Goals: Students will be able to

 Examine a seed and distinguish the parts and their uses

 Identify where seeds can be seen
 Examine and differentiate seeds by size and color
 Learn how seeds travel
 Predict and recognize what seeds need to grow
With the accuracy of 80%

Academic Language:

Examine the learning goals to complete the chart below. Plan supports for at least 2 identified

Identified Language Demands Planned Language Supports

Vocabulary - Parts of seeds, fruits Sizes, shapes, and core,

Language Function ( descriptive ) Students will be shown how they can open
the fruit and see inside the fruits. The

teacher will assist and help them correctly

use the words and say their sentence in a
complete sentence. (Describe the fruits-
Apple is red from outside. Apple is white
from inside …. )


Discourse (Small group and large group) The teachers will constant watch and pay
attention what the students are saying to
each other. If they needs any assistance
expressing or explaining their thoughts to
their peers.


Examine the learning goals, essential questions, and NJCCCS Standards to complete the chart

Duration Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks Assessment

 Overall  Include anticipatory set, procedure, guided practice,  Include

time for independent practice, and closure. formative
each  Use evidence-based practices AND cite sources (in-text and
section citations with reference list under materials section) to summative
of the support why you chose to do, what you chose to do.
5- 10 Opening Group: Class
Mins. participation
The T will call all the students and sit in a large group on the
and oral
rug and ask what we learned yesterday. The students will recall
what they did with the seeds. The T will ask them, Do they

know where do seeds come? She will take all the answers given
by the students.

15-20 Guided Practice:

The T will show kids the basket full of fruits and vegetables. class
She will explain to then that seeds can be found in flowers and participation,
vegetables. The T will let students use their senses to examine oral
the vegetables and fruits. The T will ask students where they responses, and
think the seeds are Then asked if they can tell you where the completion of
seeds are located. Then she will explain that Maximum seeds given work
will be inside the fruits and vegetables, but some (corn and
strawberries) can be seen outside. Then the T will cut the fruits
and vegetables to show students where the seeds are. The T
will let students investigate using their senses.

Later the students will watch the video on the seeds and plants.

15-20 Small group and Independent Practice: class

Mins. participation,
In a small group, students will be working with their partners.
The T will give out paper plates, magnifying glasses, half an
responses, and
apple, and half an orange to each pair. She will keep the halves
completion of
together so the pairs can "open" them. Each student will get
given work
their half a piece of fruit to explore. The T will encourage
students to study with their magnifying glasses and notice the
seeds in the fruit. The T will ask them to count the seeds they
find. Next, the T will give paper, pens, and watercolors to
students. She will ask students to draw the apple and orange
half on their paper. The T will support TS to write “apple” and

“orange” next to their drawings. Then students can paint their

drawings. When the paint is dried, the students can glue some
of their seeds on their paintings where they were found.


The students will sit together, and the T will ask them to
explain what was unique in the apple and the orange seeds.
The T will take all the responses (seeds, sizes, and shapes).


Include adaptive and assistive tech/software/web-supported learning with specific skill areas.

Identified Support for …… Specific Planned Accommodation(s)

(ELL, advanced student, struggling These are the changes to
student, student with IEP or 504). “how” the student learns the
content. The student achieves
Put one student per box below.
the learning goal of the lesson.

ELL No ELL students N/A

Jaden with ADHD Strength; Jaden is a While teaching Jaden the

very energetic and teacher will give lots of Visual
and verbal cues.
happy young boy.
Break down a task into small
Need: Easily get parts.
distracted, Prompting
• Given small breaks where
to stay focused on the
he can play a game on the
task. Jaden will
require one step
simple direction.  Using the timer to keep
him on task/assignment.

• Preferential sitting, Next to

the teacher.

• Allow extra time to

complete the independent
hands-on activates.

Jason with Autism Strength: Jason is a Break down a task into small
very sweet and parts.
independent boy.
Needs: However, has • Given small breaks where
difficulty Jason can play a game on the
transitioning between
one tasks to the next.
Require redirection
• A student can work in a
and direction to
complete the given small group.
• Preferential sitting, Next to
the teacher.

• Allow extra time to

complete the independent
hands-on activates.

• The teacher will frequently

be checking for understanding.

Modifications for Students with Disabilities:

None may be needed so just state that in the “planned modifications” section.

Identified Support for …… Specific Planned Modification(s)


(see list above and include These are changes to “what” the student
ONLY those with learns. The learning goal is changed to
disabilities) meet the learner’s strengths or needs.

Put one student per box


Not applicable

Materials / Use of Instructional Technology:


Day 2

Each student will need-

 Different Types of fruits and vegetables (apples, oranges, strawberries, pepper, corn, guava,
and avocado
 A large basket
 Apples and oranges, one of each per pair of students
 Magnifying glasses
 Paper plates
 White cardstock or art paper
 Black pens
 Watercolor paints, brushes
 Glue

 Technology- Smart Board and iPad


Lesson Plan: Day 3

Teacher Candidate’s Name: Priyanka Gandhi

Tentative Date: April, 2019
Lesson Title: Seeds
 Grade Level/Subject- Pre- K - Science

 Disability Categories represented- Students with learning disability require special

services for like speech, OT and PT ( ADHD and Autism)

 Type of classroom (continuum of placements) - Integrated with two Paraprofessionals.

 Describe UDL integration (into anticipatory, procedure, guided practice, and


The teacher procedure, guided practice, and assessment and learning goals mentioned at
beginning of the lesson and discussed in details.
The teacher is providing various choices for activities associated with learning strengths such
as verbal choices, productive choices, traditional choices, and tech choices.
The small groups and its activity will be created keeping in mind the diversity of students so it
could be differentiated. The frequent informative assessment is given to students through the
activity by teacher's observation, class participation, oral responses, 70% accuracy of
completion of given work.
Extra resources will be available for students to explore like nonfiction books, fiction books
digital text, and picture books.

 Collaborative methods used to enhance the lesson (e.g., families, community

resources, school resources)

Home connection- In the Monthly Newsletter the information will be shared about the
upcoming topics that students will be learning and activities that parents can do with their child
at home. Smart board and iPads

Central Focus:

Students will use a virtual field trip to learn about plants and seeds including how different fruits
and vegetables have different shape and sizes of seeds.

Essential Questions:

 What is inside the seeds?

 Where do we find the seeds?
 How do seeds gets around?

NJCCCS Standards:

SCI.PK.5.1.1 - [Indicator] - Display curiosity about science objects, materials, activities, and
longer-term investigations in progress (e.g., ask who, what, when, where, why, and how
questions during sensory explorations, experimentation, and focused inquiry).

SCI.PK.5.1.2 - [Indicator] - Observe, question, predict, and investigate materials, objects, and
phenomena during classroom activities indoors and outdoors and during any longer-term
investigations in progress. Seek answers to questions and test predictions using simple
experiments or research media (e.g., cracking a nut to look inside; putting a toy car in water to
determine whether it sinks).

SCI.PK.5.1.3 - [Indicator] - Use basic science terms (e.g., observe, predict, experiment) and
topic-related science vocabulary (e.g., words related to living things [fur, fins, feathers, beak,
bark, trunk, stem]; weather terms [breezy, mild, cloudy, hurricane, shower, temperature];
vocabulary related to simple machines [wheel, pulley, lever, screw, inclined plane]; words for
states of matter [solid, liquid]; names of basic tools [hammer, screwdriver, awl, binoculars,
stethoscope, magnifier]).

SCI.PK.5.1.4 - [Indicator] - Communicate with other children and adults to share observations,
pursue questions, make predictions, and/or conclusions.

SCI.PK.5.5.1 - [Indicator] - Identify and use basic tools and technology to extend exploration in
conjunction with science investigations (e.g., writing, drawing, and painting utensils, scissors,
staplers, magnifiers, balance scales, ramps, pulleys, hammers, screwdrivers, sieves, tubing,
binoculars, whisks, measuring cups, appropriate computer software and website information,
video and audio recordings, digital cameras, tape recorders).

Learning Goals: SWBAT Demonstrate the knowledge of:

 Identify where seeds can be seen

 Examine and differentiate seeds by size and color

 Learn how seeds travel
 Predict and recognize what seeds need to grow

With the accuracy of 80%


Academic Language:

Examine the learning goals to complete the chart below. Plan supports for at least 2 identified

Identified Language Demands Planned Language Supports

Vocabulary (Parts of seeds ,plants and how the Burst, drift, gently, desert, drown,
seeds travel) neighbor, and travel.

Language Function The teacher will show the students

through the story of how the seed travel
from one place to another and introduce
the new vocabulary words. The teacher
will assist and encourage the students to
say their answers the general questions
about the story in a complete sentence


Discourse (Small group and large group) The teachers will constant watch and pay
attention what the students are saying to
each other. If they needs any assistance
expressing or explaining their thoughts to
their peers.


Examine the learning goals, essential questions, and NJCCCS Standards to complete the chart

Duration Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks Assessment

 Overal  Include anticipatory set, procedure, guided practice,  Include

l time independent practice, and closure. formative
for  Use evidence-based practices AND cite sources (in-text and
each citations with reference list under materials section) to summative
section support why you chose to do, what you chose to do.
of the
5- 10 Opening Group: Class
Mins. participation
The T will tell students that sometimes we do not plant the
and oral
seeds, she will explain that there are weeds in our garden or
we do see on our playground, no one has planted those but
somehow grew there. The T will tell the students that seeds
travel; She will ask the students if they think how seeds go
one place to another. The T will encourage students to
participate and answers. The T will read “The Tiny Seed” by
Eric Carle.

40 Mins. Large Group Practice: Class

The T will tell students that today we will going to take
oral responses,
Virtual Feld Trip to a Farm Journeys to Hinton Farms in
Dover, Florida, and explores the farming process from
planting to distribution.

5 Mins. The students will sit together, and the T will ask them to
explain what they learned from the VFT .The T will take all
the responses from the students.


Include adaptive and assistive tech/software/web-supported learning with specific skill areas.

Identified Support for …… Specific Planned Accommodation(s)

(ELL, advanced student, struggling These are the changes to
student, student with IEP or 504). “how” the student learns the
content. The student achieves
Put one student per box below.
the learning goal of the lesson.

ELL No ELL students N/A

Jaden with ADHD Strength; Jaden is a While teaching Jaden the

very energetic and teacher will give lots of Visual
and verbal cues.
happy young boy.
• Given small breaks where
Need: Easily get he can play a game on the
distracted, Prompting iPad.
to stay focused on the
• Preferential sitting, Next to
task. Jaden will
the teacher.
require one step
simple direction. • Allow extra time to
complete the independent
hands-on activates.

• The teacher will frequently

be checking for understanding.

Jason with Autism Strength: Jason is a Break down a task into small
very sweet and parts.
independent boy.
Needs: However, has • A student can work in a
difficulty small group.
transitioning between
one tasks to the next. • Preferential sitting, Next to
Require redirection
the teacher.
and direction to
complete the given
• The teacher will frequently
be checking for understanding.

Modifications for Students with Disabilities:

None may be needed so just state that in the “planned modifications” section.

Identified Support for …… Specific Planned Modification(s)

(see list above and include These are changes to “what” the student
ONLY those with learns. The learning goal is changed to
disabilities) meet the learner’s strengths or needs.

Put one student per box


Not Required

Materials / Use of Instructional Technology:


 Technology- Smart Board and iPad


Home School connection

What we are leaning in class!

The following activities you can do with your child.
Please help your child to can make a seed collection at
 Use empty egg carton and try to find one seed for

each pocket.

 Don't forget to look in fruits, vegetables, and also in

kitchen cupboards,

 The kids can sort the different kinds of seeds,

compare and contrast (Size, Shape, and Color)

 Plant a seed and observe it’s growth

Please review with your child the parts of plants and seeds.

Discovery Education, 2014. Soil from the Ground Up: From Soil to Store Virtual Field Trip.
[Full Video]. Available from

100% Educational Videos, 2000. Plant Parts and Their Uses. [Full Video]. Available from

100% Educational Videos, 2000. Seed. [Video Segment]. Available from

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