Guía Problemas Resueltos - Unidad 2

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Adjective: a Word used to tell you more about

a thing, such as its appearance, color, size or
other qualities: e.g. a pretty blue dress.

Adverb: a Word that gives more information

about when, how, where or what circumstances
something happens: e.g. quickly, now,
immediately, sometimes. There are several
different kinds of adverbs, adverbs of degree,
manner, place, time, duration and frequency.

Adverb of degree: it‟s an adverb indicates the

amount or extend of a feeling or quality; e.g.

Adverb of duration: it‟s an adverb or adverbial

indicating how long something last; e.g. briefly,
for a long time.

Adverb of frequency: it‟s an adverb or
adverbial indicating how often something
happens; e.g. often. twice a week, once a
month, many times per year.

Adverb of manners: it‟s an adverb indicating

the way in which something happens or is
done, e.g. carefully.

Adverb of place: it‟s an adverb indicating or

giving more informationabout position or
direction, e.g.; get closer, open wider.

Adverb of particle: it‟s an adverb used as part

of a phrasal verb; e.g. hide out, sit up, turn
around, turn verb, flip over.

Collective noun: a noun that refers to a group

of people, animal or things; e.g. committee,
group, bunch.

Common nouns: a noun used to refers to a

person, animal or thing, e.g.; sailor, computer,
glass it is compared with proper noun.

Focusing adverb: it‟s a sentence adverb that
indicates the most relevant thing involved; e.g.
only, mainly, especially.

Future: the use of will or shall with the base

form of the verb to refer to future events; e.g.
she will go tomorrow; we will arrive early next

Future progressive: the use of will be or shall

be and an ring participle to refer to future
events; e.g. she will be going soon, this is also
called future continous.

Future perfect: the use of will have or shall

have and an “ed” participle to refer to future
events e.g ; i shall have finished tomorrow she
will have done her homework next week.

Future perfect progressive: the use of will be

or shall be and an “ing” participle to refer to the
future event; e.g. i will have been walking for
three hours by then.


………….. a sheep
………….. ten sheep

- bison - crossroads
- deer - dice
- elk - fruit
- Green fly - gallows
- grouse - grapefruit
- moose - insignia
- reindeer - mews
- sheep - offspring
- cod - series
- fish - species
- golden fish - bourgeois
- halibut - chassis
- mullet - corps
- salmon - patois
- shellfish - précis
- trout - rendezvous
- whitebait
- aircraft
- hovercraft
- space craft


Make the students use the dictionary and after

they know the meaning of each Word of the
following vocabulary, make them to build
sentences, do not give them the meaning of any
Word, let them work as a brainstorm.

- basic - Lice
- clergy - brief
- essentials - dungarees
- greens - trousers
- handcuffs - trunks
- headquarters - nutcrackers
- poultry - scissors
- premises - pliers
- procedes - tongs
- rates - tweezers
- resources
- supply
- tracks
- troops
- braces

1.The _____ is good by the Tanana River.
3.Canada is ______ of Alaska.
4.Many towns in Alaska are __________.
5.The highest mountain in the U.S. is Mount _______.
6.McKinley was a U.S. president; now his mane is on a _____.
7.A city in inland Alaska.
9.Part of Alaska is inside the _______ circle.
11.Summers in Fairbanks can be _________.
13.The Pacific is an ________.
1 2 3 4

6 7

8 9 10 11



14 15

16 17

1. The Pacific Ocean winds bring a ______ of rain.
2. Fairbanks is in the Tanana River __________.
7. Alaska has too ______ days in the summer to grow
8.In winter, the nights are long and _______.
10.Anchorage, Sitka, and Juneau are _________ or Faribanks.
12.North America is a __________.
14.The Yukon is a _______:
15.The state in the U.S. that is the farthest north.
16.A summer month.
17.A river in Alaska.



The Pelican

A wonderful bird is the pelican.

His bill will hold more than
His velican [“belly can”]
From Dixon Merritt (1879-1954)

A pelican is a bird with a very large bill, or beak. He uses his beak to
pick up a lot of fish. He can‟t eat all the fish at one time. He must hold
them in his beak until his stomach is ready. Of course, this doesn‟t
bother the pelican at all. It is his habit to eat this way. However, it
seems strange to the poet Dixon Merritt.
People have food habits and customs, too. These are activities that
we do all the time. But people are different from pelicans. We tell our
children not to take too much food. “Your eyes are bigger than your
stomach,” we say. It is too bad to take more food than we can eat.
Other food customs tell us not to eat certain kinds of food. The
health food movement is new, but it is popular. These people don‟t eat
much sugar, and they don‟t drink strong coffee, tea, or alcohol.
Vegetarians don‟t eat meat. There are many reasons for this. They
don‟t want to kill animals. They don‟t want to become fat, and meat has
a lot of fat. Some vegetarians just don‟t like the taste of meat.
We have another saying about food: “One man‟s meat is another
man‟s poison”



-Anxious - loud
- Appropriate - heavy
- Bright - light
- broad - lucky
- dangerous - narrow
- dark - odd
- dull - pale
- dirty - plain
- fair - proud
- flat - rough
- frightened - sharp
- funny - wild
- kind - weak
- likely - tiny
- loose - suitable

Have the student to look for the meaning of

these adjectives do not give them any meaning
afterwards make them to make sentences with each
of them.



Mary and Walter Kramer don‟t live in town. They have a small farm-
house in northern Vermont. Mr. Kramer built the farmhouse himself
twenty years ago. It has an oil heater and fireplace. Winters are very
cold in Vermont and oil is expensive, sometimes they use the oil heater,
but often they burn wood in the fireplace. They don‟t pay for the wood
because they have trees on their own land. They cut down the trees
and saw them into smaller pieces.
The Kramers enjoy working outside. They like to spend time together.
Today they‟re working outside on an important job. They‟re cutting fire-
wood for next winter. Mr. Kramer holds a log, and Mrs. Kramer uses an
electric saw. Then they carry the logs back to the house. They put them
on a woodpile next to the farmhouse. All winter they use the wood from
the pile to keep warm. In this way they try to save a lot of money.


Select only one topic and let the debate begins

1. Venezuela should implement the death penalty,

yes or not and why?

2. The corruption in Venezuela is so high that the

law should has a mandatory article to take as much
properties as the stolen money.




1. Basic math operations

1.1 add or addition

it’s represented by the (+) plus sing

9+ 25 + 456 + 35679 +
5_ 39_ 567 3967
921_ 2341_

1.2Subtraction or Minus

it’s represented by the (-) minus sing

456700 -
6- 18 - 356 - 23254_
5_ 12_ _27

1.3 Division or Divided by

it’s represented by the (/) sing

1.4 Times or Multiplied by

it’s represented by the (x) sing

2x2 ; 4x4; 45x12; 75679x423

The professor must explain all these basic math

operations to the students very carefully and then
make them to come to the board and solve some of
the problems.

He or she must check the problem and talk aloud

and clear, so every body can understand.



Howard Allen and David Foster have an insurance company, and

the employ 2000 people. Their company is growing fast, so they need a
new office building. Mr. Allen wants to build in the city, but Mr. Foster
likes the suburbs.
Allen: Well, Dave. Good news. I have an offer from the old
Northeastern Bank Company. They want to sell us their old building for
$50 million. You know their location; it‟s in the center of the city!
Foster: Wait a minute, Howard. Land is really expensive in the city.
There is not enough room for us in that building, and there is no room
for growth, isn‟t there any other location we can use?
Allen: What do you have in mind?
Foster: You know, there is a lot of room outside the city. Land is
cheaper there. In the suburbs there is no pollution, there is little traffic,
and there is no noise. There‟s a lot of room for parking cars. Our
workers don‟t like to drive into the city every day.
Allen: That‟s true. In the city there are parks, museums, restaurants,
theaters, stores…
Foster: Our workers have no time to use those things during the week.
And by the weekend, they‟re sick of driving. I have an offer here for
office space in the new industrial park. Ten million dollars. There are
lots of offices, so we can continue growing. Is there any reason to say
Allen: Great! I‟m sick of the city myself. Now I can enjoy it on


Addition rule: to add two numbers of like signs, we

add the absolute values of the numbers and give
the sum the common sign. To add two numbers of
unlike signs we find the difference of their absolute
values and give the result the sign of the number of
large absolute value.

Solve the following examples:

1.- (+6) + (+2)

2.- (-6) + (-2)
3.- (+6) + (-2)
4.- (-6) + (+2)
5.- (+12) - (10)
6.- (-25) – (6)
7.- (+30) + (-5)

Subtraction rule: to subtract one signed number

“b” from another signed number “a” we change the
sign “b” and them add it to “a” using the addition

Solve the following examples:

1.- (+8) – (+5)

2.- (+8) – (-5)
3.- (-8) – (+5)
4.- (-8) – (-5)





(Fairbanks) Last Saturday at the Tanana Valley Fair, Oscar

Lindstrom won first prize for a sixty pound cabbage. Lindstrom grows
the cabbages in Alaska, just outside the city of Fairbanks.
Lindstrom says, “I don‟t have any secrets for growing big cabbages.
They always grow big. The land along the Tanana River is good, and
the weather is warm here.”
Many people think that Alaska is always cold, but it isn‟t. Ocean
winds bring warm air to the outer parts, so they are mild. The inside
part of the state has cold winters (-23 to -34 ºC), but summers can be
hot. The temperature is usually between7 and 24ºC near Fairbanks.
Winter comes early, so the growing season is short. The ground
freezes in October, and winter lasts until May. Lindstrom has only 89
growing days, but that is enough. In summer the days are long, and
nights are short. Each night is only a few hours long, so Lindstrom‟s
cabbages receive a lot of sunlight. They grow without stopping.
People at the fair talk about the cabbages every year: “Big
cabbages!” “Enormous cabbages!” “Enormous, delicious, leafy green
Alaskans may grow more vegetables in the future, but now good
land is limited. Mountains cover the land, or trees grow on it. Most of
the state‟s food comes from the outside, so prices are high. Alaskans
work hard, and they like their wild state. Alaska is still new; so many
young Americans are moving there. The state‟s motto is: “North to the


- Agitated - Abandoned
- Alarmed - Blocked
- Amused - Boiled
- Appalled - Broken
- Astonished - Canned
- Bored - Condemned
- Confused - Cooked
- Delighted - Drawn
- Deprived - Dried
- Depressed - Established
- Deprived - Farnished
- Embarrassed - Haunted
- Inhibited - Hidden
- Puzzled - Torn
- Attached - Wasted
- Concerned

It is important the students prepare this lesson

before coming to class; so the profesor will make
sure they investigate the meaning of each Word,
memorize and build sentences with each one.


Here each student should select one topic, prepare it

right here in the classroom and each one has to defend

1.- Venezuela Government

2.- Venezuela‟s School System
3.- Venezuela‟s Economy
4.- Baseball Game
5.- Venezuela‟s Touristic places
6.- How to get your first job
7.- Apure state economy
8.- Apure state touristic places
9.- Why the sky is blue
10.- Description of the plains men



Announcer: this is flight 865 from San Fernando, Apure

State to Sidney, Australia, Now boarding at gate Nº 13ª,
departure time is 8: 45 am, please get ready to board the

Few minutes later and inside the airplane the flight

attendant have food and drinks for all the passengers.

Mr. And Mrs. Heavy rocks are seating nice and cozy
inside the plane when the flight attendant cames and


Flight attendant: something to drink?

Mr: heavy rocks: What do you have?
Flight attendant: we have coffee , tea and soft drinks.
Mr. Heavy rocks: do you have any orange juice?
Flight Attendant: Yes, we have pineapple juice, grape
juice and tomato juice.
Mr. Heavy rocks: do you have any orange juice?

Flight Attendant: No, I am sorry sir, we don‟t have any
Mr. Heavy rocks: no oranges, orange juice, those
passengers over there, have orange juice.
Flight Attendant: Oh, orange juice yes, of course, we
have orange juice.
Mr. Heavy rocks: well, I am waiting.
Flight attendant: here you are sir!
Mr. Heavy rocks: thank you!
Flight attendant: something to drink?
Mr. Heavy rocks:what do you have?

A beautiful voice sounds on the speakers of the


We are arriving to Australia International Airport, please

fasten your seat belt and remain seated until the plane
is completely still, don`t forget your luggage in the plane,
if you have any complain, please talk to the captain,
thank you for flying with us, we appreciate your
preference. Have a nice day.

UNDERSTANDING: (True or False)

1. Mr. and Mrs. Heavy rocks are on an aircraft.

2. Mr. and Baby Heavy rocks are on a plane to Australia.
3. The flight attendant has mangoes and oranges.
4. Mr. and Mrs. Heavy rocks are good workers.
5. Mr. and Mrs. Heavy rocks are flight attendants.
6. Mr. and Mrs. Heavy rocks are passengers.
7. The airplane can flight and jug.
8. Mr. and Mrs. Heavy rocks are naked and dancing.
9. The airplane doesn‟t have fuel.
10. The pilot of the plane is taking a nap.
11.- The aircraft is blue and white
12.- The airplane is nice and cozzy
13.- Is there a kidnaping in the plane?
14.- What size, shape, and brand is the airplane?
15.- What is the name of the airplane?



The corner grocery store was an American tradition, but now it is

dying out. In older times there was a small grocery store in every
neighborhood. Every day the housewife went to the store to buy milk,
fresh bread, and other food. Now most corner stores are gone, or they
are closing. They are losing business to large supermarkets.
Supermarkets are bigger than corner stores. The corner store is a
family business, a “Ma and Pa” operation. Supermarkets like Shop-Rite
or Super Value employ more people. They are newer, more modern,
and larger amounts of food, so they can offer lower prices. Most
supermarkets are in large shopping centers. They may be one, two, or
ten miles from people‟s homes. Now housewives shop less often. They
go to the supermarket once or twice a week.
Many people miss the old corner store. It was smaller, friendlier,
and closer to home. But small businesses can‟t compete with large


The student must know the meaning, pronunciation

and how to make sentences with the following

- Arise - creep
- awake - anoy
- bear - bug
- beat - amuse
- bend - creep
- bet - deal
- gamble - dig
- bleed - dip
- burst - dive
- cast - feed
- catch - strive
- choose - swear
- climb - sweep
- cling - swing
- tease - drug






1st Persons I You Me You My, Mine

Your, Yours

3rd Persons She Her Her, Hers

He His Your, Yours

It Its Their, Theirs


1st Persons We Us Our, Ours

You You Your, Yours

They Them Their, Theirs

Relative and Interrogative

Singular and Plural

Who Whom Whose


1. My book is on the desk; yours is on the shelf.

2. The TV set on the table is mine.
3. Her doctor appointment is tomorrow morning; his is in
the afternoon.
4. This blue house is my house; but the yellow one is not
5. Those are her shoes; these over here are theirs.
6. Who is that tall manover there?
7. It was they who telephone last night.
8. This red Camaro belongs to John, and then whose car
is this?
9. For whom are these books?
10. To whom did you buy this car?

The teacher has to make sure each students

understands the sentence, if not make them repeat it.
Meke sentenses with: Who, Whom and Whose


1. To end or terminate a statement use a period, a

question mark or an exclamation point.

- Snow flurries were predicted.

- Have you been home?
- What a surprise!

2. To introduce, use a comma, a colon or a dash.

- He needed only one thing, encouragement.

- My purpose is simple; to succeed in life.
- My goal in life is simple – success.

Period ( . ):It is used at the end of a declarative


- School will be dismissed early today.

- Ralph prefers driving to flying.

End Stops ( . ): It is a punctuation appearing at the end

of a sentence, sometimes called “terminal marks” end
stops include periods, question marks and exclamation
- Use a period at the end of a declarative sentence.
- Use a period after most abbreviations.

- Use three spaced periods to indicate an
intentional omission.

-Mr. and Mrs. Collin Taylor.
- Dr. Frank Pains.
- St. , Av. And Rd.

Exclamation Points ( ! ¡ ):It is used to express surprise,

command, emphasis or strong emotion.
- What nerves you have!
- I tell you only once! Let me alone!
- So, you have changed your mind after all.

Question Marks ( ¿ ? ):it‟s used at the end of every

direct questions.
- Are you marrying me?
- Is your brother Carlos?
- Do you care for a piece of cake?
- Who‟s going to volunteer?

The Dash ( - ): it is most often used to indicate a sudden

interruption in thought.

- Use a dash to indicate a sudden brake or shift in


- Use a dash to introduce a word or group of words that
you wish to emphasize.
- Use a dash to indicate omission of letters and words
and to connect combinations of letters and figures.

Hyphen ( _ ):It is used to indicate an specific idea, it may

most of the time confuse with the dash.

- Teaching – Learning process.
- San Fernando – Caracas High Way
- Do not forget the buying – paying day

The Comma ( , ): Because the comma serves many

different purposes, it is the most widely used of all the
punctuation marks.

The Apostrophe ( `) : Has three uses:

1. To show omission of a letter or letters from words and

of a figure or figures from numerals.
2. To form the possessive (genitive) case of nouns and of
certain pronouns.
3. To indicate the plural of letters, numerals, symbols and
certain abbreviations.
- John‟s Car
- didn‟t

- don‟t
- ‟78 model car
- the summer of „76

Semi Colon ( ; ) : it is a mark of separation, or division, it

is never used to introduce, enclosure, or end a

- Use semicolon to separate independent clause not

joined by a coordinating conjunction (and, but, or, nor,
- Use the semicolon to separate indeed pendent
clause joined as conjunctive verb and adverb.
- Use a semicolon to separate the members of a
series if any of them contain commas.

The Colon ( : ): The main purpose of the colon, is to tell

the reader to watch for what is coming.

Single Quotation Marks ( ` ` ): They are used to

enclosure a quotation within a quotation.

- “Tell me”,Janice asked Mary after the surprise party,
“My mothersaid,the party was lovely”

- Our English teacher said, “when you say I‟ll bring my
papers tomorrow, I expect it tomorrow , not sometimes
next week”

Double Quotations ( `` `` ): Are used principally, to

mark the beginning and end of material quoted.

Parenthesis ( ) : Are curved marks principally used to

enclosure incidental explanatory material. Such material
is important; but could not be part of the main statement.

Brackets ( ) : it‟s is one of two marks, brackets always

appear in pair, used primary for the purpose of enclosing
material not part of a quoted passage.



Make all the student to gather around the table, they

must select only one topic from the list below and each
one must take part in the discussion, the professor has to
make sure everybody gives his or her personal opinion.

- Apure State is the 3rd more important state which

produces fish in Venezuela; why less than 10 % of the
population here consumes fish?

- Why more than 67,8 % of the Young people in

Apure is getting killed, what could we do in order to stop
this fact?

- Is the security system trustable in this state? Give

you opinion and examples.



Look around you-what do you see? What do you hear?

What do you smell? If you live in a city, you probably see many
people. You hear the noise of traffic, and you smell the pollution
from cars and factories.
We are entering a new time in the history of the world.
Before this, most people were farmers. They lived in the
country. Now many people are leaving the farms and moving
into the cities. They are looking for jobs. The cities are growing
very quickly.
Most cities are very crowded. People are driving more cars,
burning more fuel, using more water, eating more food, making
more garbage, and producing more things in factories than ever
before. Life is becoming difficult.
Some governments are trying to plan for the future. They
are building new roads, putting up new houses, looking for
more water, and limiting growth in certain areas. Still, city
planners are getting worried. People are crowding into the cities
faster than the cities can take them. The cities are running out
of room. What is the answer to this problem?



The written word does not always indicate

pronunciation, that is to say you do not always spell
words as they sound, respelling helps student to improve

Pronounce the following words in unison according to
their sound spelling and then make meaningful
sentences with each word.

- quay - naphtha
- Almond - municipal
- garages - architect
- prestige - apricot
- sergeant - licorice
- cello - Popocatepelt
- glacier - sequoia
- leisure
- rotation
- leicester
- boatswain
- chiropodist
- diphtheria


When do you What is full in the Because

throw lettuce At the bottom. day time and their heads
and tomatoes empty at night? are so far
around the away from
kitchen? their bodies.
When they Who raises How do you catch
beat the eggs things without an elephant in the A farmer.
and whip the lifting them? jungle?
A pair of boots Where is the When you
When are Pacific Ocean the want to toss
cooks mean? deepest? a salad.

Which burns Why do giraffes By the smell of Neither one.
longer-a black have such long peanuts on its Both burn
candle or a necks? breath. shorter.
White candle?

IV. Grammar. Possessives with things.

You have learned to show possession by adding ‟s or s‟ to
a person‟s name. For instance, John has hands – John‟s
hands. However, when the hands belong to an object – such as
a clock – we do not use „s. We use the preposition of to show
possession: the hands of the clock.
Many objects are compared to people so that we say
objects have hands, eyes, mouths, tongues, and heads. Use
the structure the (noun) of the (noun) in each problem below.

Example: We say that a clock has hands, the hands of the clock.
1. We say that a needle has an eye.
2. We say that a table has legs.


At this part; all the student had selected a topic

previously so, they can use it for the oral presentation.

Each student has to prepare a paper for his or her

oral part, it does not matter if a pendrive is going to be
used for the final oral presentation 6 minutes could be
aceptable and the assistance of the teacher is very
important so, lef them to do this practice.



The good answers should be so clear and complete

that it makes sense independent of the questions. This
standards rejects all answers not given in sentences and
also rules out Vague pronouns uses or short cuts like,
etc. Write clearly write completely; wirte in sentences.

Let‟s Practice:

During the Middle Ages much of the surgery for the

common people was performed by barbers. The barber‟s
pole is a relic of those days. It is said that the red stripes
indicate blood and the staff which the pat cut holding in
his hand for certain operations. It may have evolved in
some way from the traditional staff of the medicine. The
barbers of the old days putt he pole outside with
bandages hanging to it as sign of their profession. The
staff has always been one the symbols of medicine.
Barbers did much of the necessary operating on wounds
during the wars of the middle ages. Theygenerally
accompanied armies for that purpose.


1. Why did barbers usually accompany armies in the

middle ages?
2. What is a relic of barbering in the middle ages?
3. What do the red stripes and the White stripes indicate?
4. What does the pole represent?
5. What is a symbol of Medicine?
6. How did the Barbers of the old days advertise?
7. What Jobs do barbers do this day?
8. Describe the Job of a barber.
9.- What instruments do barbers use nowdays?
10.- How often do you go to a barber?
11.- Would you like a barber to perform a small operation
on you, Why?


A: What is full of holes, and holds water?

A: Who shaves many times a day, and still has a beard?

A: What is full at night and empty in the daytime?

A: When is a piece of wood like a king?

A: When does water stop running downhill?

A: Where was Bill when the lights went out?

A: Why does a cow wear a bell?

A: Which hand do you use to stir soups – the right hand or the
left hand?

A: How do you catch elephants?

A: How many lions can you put in an empty cage?


1.The BusinessLetter.
Uses the same kind of Language as you use in a
business conversation.

The Attitude of the business Letter.

In this letter the writer is Ior We and the reader is you.
The reader likes to see the wordsyouoryour in the letter
because they apply to him.
He is not so interested in the words I or We as they refer
to the writer, so it is recommended to use you wherever
possible in the letter.

2. Letter of Request.
In it you ask one or more question about something you
want to know. Make these questions pointed and
accurate so, it doesn´t leave any doubt in the reader‟s
mind on what information is desired.

3. Letter Asking for Adjustments.

It is a form of request; in it you are requesting someone
to correct a mistake that he has made, you must be clear
and courteous in your explanation of the error.

4. Letter of Application. This letter is used to sell your
services to fit into a position. As such as your letter
represents you, this letter advertises your good or bad

5. An Order Letter.
It asks the receiver to send you something that you want
such a letter should describe your wants clearly and

6. A Friendly Letter.
It consists of news that is interesting both to writer or
reader note how a group of news ítems get into

VIII. Vocabulary and Spelling. Puns
Some riddles are funny because they are puns. Puns are
made with words that have double meanings. A pun doesn‟t
make sense until you know both meanings of the word. Read
the riddles below and then write the two meanings of each
underlined word.

Example: A: When is a car not a car?

B: When it is turning into a driveway (4,7)
Turning into means turning to enter and becoming,

A: When did the blind man see?

A: What has four legs and flies?

A: When is a piece of Wood like a King?

A: Why does a cow wear a bell?

A: Who raises things without lifting them?

1. hard, curved bones on the outside of a cow‟s head.

2. Moves in the air.
3. a tool for cutting wood
4. Turning to enter
5. a loud instrument for making noise.
6. insects that disturb picnics
7. becoming, transforming
8. past of see
9. to grow vegetables
10. a straight piece of wood for measuring.
11. the leader of a country
12. to elevate, to move something higher.
Some puns are made with homonyms. Homonyms are word
that sound the same but are spelled differently. These riddles
and puns are not so funny in writing. You need to say them out
loud in order to understand them completely.


Punctuation is a method by which the meaning of

written communication is made clear through the use of
certain marks…

. Period
? Question Marks
! Exclamation point
--- Dash
- hyphen
„ Apostrophe
, comma
; semi colon
: colon
“ ” double quotation marks
( ) parenthesis
[ ] bracket

Any time you find one punctuation you must make a

smooth stop, and then continue.



All the students must practice as it was the final

oral presentation.

The professor has to check the time,

pronunciation, grammar, topic and other item; so,
He or she could do an excellent performance the
day of the exam.

The ILSV wishes the best for all our beloved

students Good Luck and Do your best.

God bless you all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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