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*****Due back to your teacher:​ March 28th​*****

The theme is​….. 
Conservation of the Chesapeake Bay!  
The Chesapeake Bay is the ​largest estuary​ in the ​United States​ and the ​third largest​ in the ​world​. An 
estuary is a body of water that is brackish (water consisting of a fresh and saltwater mix.) Half 
of the Bay’s water volume comes in from its freshwater tributaries, while the other half pours in 
from the Atlantic Ocean 
The Bay is also home to over​ 3,600 different species​ and populations of plants and animals, 
creating multiple ecosystems. These habitats, include the bay itself, tributaries, rivers, forests, 
and wetlands which create a rich environment.  
Current Problems in Conservation: 
1. Increased Pollution​- Excess nutrients that runoff from the land or come from people’s
trash depletes the quality and health of the Bay and its habitats and exhaust the necessary
oxygen that the 3,600 species need to survive.
2. Development​- The biggest factor of the watershed’s land loss, which led to the loss of air
and water filters and had a negative impact on the wildlife’s habitat.
3. Climate Change​- Because the Bay has a low-lying topography, the Chesapeake Bay is
especially vulnerable to the dangers of climate change, making the waters in the
Chesapeake Bay rise at a steady pace, which is sinking coastal lands.
Conservation in the Bay is ​crucial​ to the health of the ecosystems and inhabitants.  
Do you know what conservation is even more important?  
What is an Elasmobranch??? 
Within this genus, there are ​sharks​ and ​rays,​ amongst other cartilaginous animals. These animals 
do not have a bony skeleton, instead, their bodies are made up of cartilage.  
Why are they important??? 
When it comes to the ecology and the status of elasmobranchs, there are multiple threats facing 
these specific types of animals, and the loss of these species and the resulting detrimental 
Due to the data deficit facing these animals, the long-term ecological effects from the depletion 
of these species are unknown but are projected to have a large impact because of their 
importance to almost every marine habitat.  
Sharks  Rays 
*​ ​important apex predators that help keep the balance of populations  * ​13+ species in the Chesapeake Bay 
* ​keeps the ocean’s different systems functioning  * an abundance of cownose rays from 
* ​14+ species in the Chesapeake Bay   the loss of sharks 
* ​estuaries of the Chesapeake Bay serve as birthing and nursing   
grounds for the animals 

***If there are any questions, please feel free to contact me, Katie Stevens, at ​​***
*****Due back to your teacher:​ March 28th​*****
With the importance of conserving the Bay at an all-time high, it is ​imperative​ that 
we bring awareness to these issues. The Bay is not only our home but the home 
to 3,600 other species. It is our duty to conserve.  
With this art contest, it is your task, as the artist, to bring awareness to the people 
who aren’t aware of the significance of conservation.  
You must create an original work of art that has to do with the theme: 
Conservation of the Bay.​ Your art and your artist’s statement will be submitted 
and put on display. At the exhibition, the piece and the statement will be 
judged and voted on to see which is the best, most influential creative 
- Bring awareness to the importance of Bay  
-Bring awareness to the importance of elasmobranchs 
- Grow young minds using creativity to learn the ways of conservation and advocacy  
* Works of both fine and design arts are accepted, including, but not limited to: ceramics, 
collage, computer-generated images and/or graphics, crafts, drawing, fashion clothes and 
jewelry, fiber work, mixed media, painting, printmaking, and sculpture. 
** Works must be submitted by March 28th, 2019 to your teacher. Artist’s statement must be 
submitted with the work of art by the same date.  
*** The work of art MUST be an original piece. Only new pieces of artwork inspired by the 
theme may be submitted. Reproductions or enlargements of other artwork are not accepted. 
Each entry must be the original work of one student only 
* These works of arts will be displayed on ​April 1st, 2019 ​from ​3 p.m. to 5 p.m.​ at ​Brock 
Environmental Center​ (​3663 Marlin Bay Dr. Virginia Beach VA 23455​).  
** During the art exhibition at the gallery, each work will be able to be “voted on” for most 
influential. Each voter will drop a dollar (or more if you want!) in front of the work.  

***If there are any questions, please feel free to contact me, Katie Stevens, at ​​***

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