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PEOPLE VS ABRAZALDO  Suddenly, Delfin Guban, who

was then drunk, went to his
Facts of the case: house and shouted at him,
 On July 15, 1995, at about 10:00 saying, Get out Feding I will kill
o’clock in the evening, at you!
Barangay Pogo, Mangaldan,  When accused-appellant went
Pangasinan, accused-appellant, out, Guban hit him with an iron
then intoxicated, attempted to pipe. Accused-appellant ran
hack his uncle, Bernabe Quinto, towards his house and got his
but instead, hit the post of the two children. Guban, now
latter’s house. armed with a knife, followed
 The incident was reported to the him and they grappled for its
barangay authorities, prompting possession. In the course
Delfin Guban, Rosendo Fajardo, thereof, both fell down. It was
Sr., Alejandro Loceste (all are then that the knife held by
members of the barangay Guban accidentally hit him.
tanod), and Cesar Manaois to Accused-appellant did not
rush to the scene. know which part of Gubans
 Fajardo heard accused- body was hit. Thereafter, he got
appellant shouting at his uncle, I the knife in order to surrender it
will kill you! Thereafter, he saw to the police.
accused-appellant coming out of
Quintos house with blood oozing RULING OF THE REGIONAL TRIAL
from his forehead. COURT
 Guban tried to assist accused-  The Court finds accused
appellant. However, for Federico Abrazaldo @ Peding
unknown reason, accused- guilty beyond reasonable doubt
apellant and Guban shouted at of the crime of Murder under
each other and grappled face to Article 248 of the Revised Penal
face. Accused-appellant pulled Code, as amended by Republic
out his knife, stabbed Guban at 7659
the abdomen and ran away.
 When Fajardo got hold of RULING OF THE SUPREME COURT
Guban, the latter said, I was  DETERMINATION THROUGH
stabbed by Feding Abrazaldo. SELF-DEFENSE PLEA: The
Fajardo, together with the other Solicitor General, in the
barangay tanod, rushed Guban Appellees Brief, asserts that in
to the Gov. Teofilo Sison pleading self-defense, accused-
Memorial Hospital where he was appellant admitted he killed
operated by Dr. Alberto the victim and, therefore, he
Gonzales, a Medical Officer III. must rely on the strength of
But after a few hours, Guban his own evidence and not on
died. the weakness of that of the
 DEFENSE OF THE prosecution
APPELLANT: On July 15, 1995  Evidence shows that he and
at about 10:00 in the evening, he Guban shouted at each other
was making fans inside his and struggled face to face
house at Barangay Pogo, before the stabbing incident.
Mangaldan, Pangasinan. Thus, the assault was not
sudden. Likewise, the Solicitor
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General is convinced that course of action was to assist

accused-appellant did not the victim, or at the very least,
purposely and deliberately seek report the incident to the
nighttime to perpetrate the authorities. Certainly, the
commission of the crime. justifying circumstance of
 Contrary to his testimony that self-defense or the exempting
Guban hit him on his forehead circumstance of accident
with a pipe, Marites declared cannot be appreciated
that accused-appellant considering accused-
sustained the wound on his appellants flight from the
forehead when he accidentally crime scene and his failure to
bumped an artesian well. inform the authorities of the
Instead of fortifying her brother’s incident. Furthermore, that he
defense, she virtually affirmed did not surrender the knife to the
the prosecutions story by authorities is inconsistent with a
testifying that he created clean conscience and, instead,
trouble in their compound, indicates his culpability of the
attempted to kill his uncle crime charged.
Bernabe Quinto and killed  The trial court did not err in
Guban. relying on the testimony of
 While he admitted the Fajardo, an eyewitness. Time
commission of the crime in order and again, we have said that
to preserve his own life, he we will not interfere with the
maintained that Guban judgment of the trial court in
accidentally stabbed himself. determining the credibility of
This shows ambivalence witnesses unless there
(doubt). Accident presupposes appears on record some facts
lack of intention to stab the or circumstances of weight
victim, while self-defense and influence which have
presumes voluntariness, been overlooked or the
induced only by necessity. significance of which has
 It is incumbent upon the been misinterpreted. This is so
accused to prove by clear and because the trial court has the
convincing evidence that (1) advantage of observing the
he is not the unlawful witnesses through the different
aggressor; (2) there was lack indicators of truthfulness or
of sufficient provocation on falsehood.
his part; and (3) he employed  ACCUSED-APPELLANT
reasonable means to prevent FEDERICO ABRAZALDO IS
and repel an aggression. On DECLARED GUILTY BEYOND
appeal, the burden becomes REASONABLE DOUBT OF
even more difficult as the HOMICIDE DEFINED
accused must show that the o No sufficient evidence
court below committed was offered to prove that
reversible error in appreciating accused-appellant
the evidence. Accused- deliberately sought the
appellant miserably failed to cover of darkness to
discharge the burden. accomplish his criminal
 Indeed, if there is truth to design
either of his claim, his natural

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