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World Of Tomorrow

South German Brutality

Genre: Beatdown
Label: Bleeding Nose Records
Catalog Number: BNRCD013
Release Date: 15.12.2017


World of Tomorrow: Beatdown with Slam fury

13 songs - straight outta hell. Like slow-motion-punches uncountable Beatdown passages hurl
themselves right in the pit of your stomach. Low-pitched guitars squeeze through unrestrained
squawking and rasping. At times aggressively like Nasty only to curb to Black Tongue slow
motion. Sounds like New York making, comes from Mannheim. World of Tomorrow partially
shift down to quarter time only to accelerate massively shortly after. The Moshpit burns. The
collective sweat flows from the walls. Plain hardcore.

1. World Of Tomorrow - Born Into Bondage 0:52
2. World Of Tomorrow - Ex Inferis 1:56
3. World Of Tomorrow - No Salvation 2:46
4. World Of Tomorrow - World Of Tomorrow 3:18
5. World Of Tomorrow - Life And Death 2:44
6. World Of Tomorrow - Dead End 2:22
7. World Of Tomorrow - Hypocrite (feat. DCA) 2:51
8. World Of Tomorrow - South German Brutality 3:13
9. World Of Tomorrow - Addiction (feat. Drown in Hate) 3:03
10. World Of Tomorrow - Deadwalk 1:19
11. World Of Tomorrow - Descension (feat. Blood For Betrayal) 3:20
12. World Of Tomorrow - 68 Brotherhood 2:55
13. World Of Tomorrow - Six Ft Deep 2:08

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Contact information:
Bleeding Nose Records - Vordere Alm 7 - 71522 Backnang - Germany -

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