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Activity 006

Coralyn B. Cosicol

Rodrigo R. Duterte:

Rodrigo Duterte, a leader that will save Philippines. He will remove crimes, corruption and all
the bad things that Philippines have. His every word is holy, including the inappropriate ones,
he is just being himself. I think this is how most of his supporters perceived him. I like him back
then, but his words are fickle, he said back then that he has no plan to ran for president but
went through all the dramatics to run anyway. His obsessive focus on drugs that many people’s
mindset now are drug user=deserves to die. Drugs that are done by drug addicts, alcoholics,
gambler, or just plain sober people.

During 2016 presidential election, I was glad that they were trying to convince Duterte to run
because they want him emulate what he has done with Davao City to the whole country . I was
in favor of implementing the deployment of the Davao Death Squad to the whole country to
eliminate criminality. I’m also in favor in disposing underage criminals since I believe that these
young criminals only have a slim chance of changing for the better if given a chance to redeem
So Duterte won, for his first few months, I was happy because of the humility he had shown to
the world. Down-to-earth person that is why ordinary Filipinos love and adore him. Yes,he is
not refined and not very compose the way he speaks in public; Filipinos do not mind , only the
elite politicians and the foreign media as they cannot get Mr. Duterte’s essence and humour.
His doing everything to please every Filipino equally and uplifting the moral and values of the
whole country. I was proud of him since he was able to garner so much admiration when he
visits other countries like Indonesia.
But everything changed when DDS policy went abusive. Again, I am all in favor disposing
criminals both petty and hardcore. But his boys should have not included the innocent just so
they could increase their kill rate.
According to Wikipedia, The "Philippine Drug War", or "War on Drugs", refers to the drug policy of
the Philippine government under President Rodrigo Duterte, who assumed office on June 30, 2016.
According to Philippine National Police Chief Ronald dela Rosa, the policy is aimed at "the
neutralization [ie., killing] of illegal drug personalities nationwide".[16] Duterte has urged members of
the public to kill suspected criminals and drug addicts.[17] Research by media organizations and
human rights groups has shown that police routinely execute unarmed drug suspects and then plant
guns and drugs as evidence. Philippine authorities have denied misconduct by police
The policy has been widely condemned locally and internationally for the number of deaths resulting
from police operations and allegations of systematic extrajudicial executions. The policy is supported
by the majority of the local population, as well as by leaders or representatives of certain countries
such as China, Japan and the United States.[20][7][21]
Estimates of the death toll vary. News organizations and human rights groups have put the figure at
over 12,000.[22][23] The victims included 54 children in the first year.[23] The government claimed 4,200
have been killed as of April 30, 2018.[22]Opposition senators claimed in 2018 that over 20,000 have
been killed.

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