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Received: 12 November 2015 Revised: 11 January 2016 Accepted article published: 25 January 2016 Published online in Wiley Online Library: 1 March 2016

( DOI 10.1002/jsfa.7644

Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp), a renewed

multipurpose crop for a more sustainable
agri-food system: nutritional advantages
and constraints
Alexandre Gonçalves,a Piebiep Goufo,b Ana Barros,b
Raúl Domínguez-Perles,b Henrique Trindade,b Eduardo A S Rosa,b* Luis
Ferreiraa and Miguel Rodriguesa

The growing awareness of the relevance of food composition for human health has increased the interest of the inclusion of
high proportions of fruits and vegetables in diets. To reach the objective of more balanced diets, an increased consumption
of legumes, which constitutes a sustainable source of essential nutrients, particularly low-cost protein, is of special relevance.
However, the consumption of legumes also entails some constraints that need to be addressed to avoid a deleterious impact on
consumers’ wellbeing and health. The value of legumes as a source of nutrients depends on a plethora of factors, including
genetic characteristics, agro-climatic conditions, and postharvest management that modulate the dietary effect of edible
seeds and vegetative material. Thus, more comprehensive information regarding composition, especially their nutritional and
anti-nutritional compounds, digestibility, and alternative processing procedures is essential. These were the challenges to write
this review, which focusses on the nutritional and anti-nutritional composition of Vigna unguiculata L. Walp, an emerging crop all
over the world intended to provide a rational support for the development of valuable foods and feeds of increased commercial
© 2016 Society of Chemical Industry

Keywords: legumes; cowpea; nutritional content; anti-nutrients; digestibility

INTRODUCTION to fulfilling the growing requirements of dietary proteins for

During the last decade, legumes have emerged as an interest- humans.
ing and balanced source of nutrients. In this sense, although The occurrence of anti-nutrients such as phytic acid and protease
so far soybean has attracted the most attention worldwide, inhibitors has been stressed as a serious constraint for the dietary
field pea, common beans, faba bean, cowpea, spring vetch, utilisation of cowpea,13 – 15 requiring further development of pro-
and lentils are also cultivated and consumed throughout the cessing alternatives that may allow the production of foods with
world.1,2 lower impact on human health.
From the most important cultivated legumes, cowpea (Vigna In this way, given its nutritional value as well as the reduced
unguiculata L. Walp) has shown several agronomic, environmen- environmental impact of the production systems, intense research
tal and economic advantages, contributing to further improve the efforts must be redirected to the evaluation of nutrients and
diets and incomes of peasant farming across Africa, Asia and South anti-nutrients of cowpea, its digestibility and behaviour during
America.3 – 5 Cowpea has its origin on the southern African region processing, as well as its potential contribution to human nutrition.
but has spread and is now cultivated in more than 100 countries
between 40∘ N and 30∘ S latitudes.5 – 7 The environmental advan-
tage of cowpea arises from its ability to grow in semi-arid regions ∗ Correspondence to: E Rosa, Centre for the Research and Technology of
with low input requirements.3,8 Due to its recognised nutritional Agro-Environmental and Biological Sciences, University of Trás-os-Montes and
Alto Douro, (UTAD-CITAB), Quinta de Prados, 5000–801 Vila Real, Portugal.
value (high protein and low fat content), which is related to the the
prevention of diverse metabolic and cardiovascular diseases, the
whole above-ground cowpea plant is a multipurpose crop, being a The Animal and Veterinary Research Centre, University of Trás-os-Montes and
consumed for its leaves, green pods, green beans, mature beans, Alto Douro, (UTAD-CECAV), Department of Veterinary Sciences, Quinta de
or processed into paste or flour and used as a food ingredient.9 – 12 Prados, 5001-801 Vila Real, Portugal
These positive traits have allowed global production to increase b Centre for the Research and Technology of Agro-Environmental and Biological
from 1.3 to 7.0 million tons between 1981 and 2013,5 whilst, under Sciences, University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, (UTAD-CITAB), Quinta

the current changing climate, cowpea is expected to contribute de Prados, 5000-801 Vila Real, Portugal

J Sci Food Agric 2016; 96: 2941–2951 © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry A Gonçalves et al.

Table 1. Amino acid composition of cowpea above-ground Table 2. Fatty acids composition cowpea seeds
Total fat
Seeds Leaves
Degree of ×10−3
Amino acid (g 16 g−1 N) Ref. (g 16 g−1 N) Ref.
Fatty acid unsaturation % g kg−1 DW Ref.
Isoleucine 3.9–4.5 27,31 – 38 9.8–11.1 39
Lauric acid C12:0 0.1–0.2 13–26 19,30,31,50,57
Leucine 7.5–7.8 17.9–19.6
Myristic acid C14:0 0.6–3.1 65–95
Lysine 3.5–7.9 10.3–16.3
Myristoleic acid C14:1 0.5–2.2 65–286
Methionine 1.1–3.5 2.9–4.5
Pentadecanoic acid C15:0 0.1–0.2 18–38
Phenylalanine 4.1–5.7 12.6–14.4
Palmitic acid C16:0 20.6–67.1 4 747–8 949
Tyrosine 3.4–4.5 6.5–9.3
Palmitoleic acid C16:1 0.2–3.6 18–26
Threonine 3.4–4.0 7.8–10.8
Heptadecanoic acid C17:0 0.4–0.8 65–133
Tryptophan 1.1–1.3 2.4–4.1
Stearic acid C18:0 2.9–14.0 780–1 273
Valine 4.5–6.2 11.5–12.8
Oleic acid C18:1 4.4–16.2 1 242–1 710
Aspartate 11.4–13.2 17.0–26.7
Vaccenic acid C18:1 0.2–0.4 16–57
Glutamate 16.5–18.8 24.3–45.3
Linoleic acid C18:2 20.8–40.3 2 821–5 562
Glycine 4.1–4.4 8.5–12.6
Linolenic acid C18:3 9.6–23.1 1 248–3 024
Alanine 4.2–4.5 5.8–9.8
Arachidic acid C20:0 0.1–1.9 195–323
Cysteine 0.6–2.4 1.0–2.9
Paullinic acid C20:1 0.3–0.7 54–95
Serine 4.0–5.2 11.4–11.6
Eicosadienoic acid C20:2 0.0–0.1 5–26
Histidine 2.7–3.4 6.6–8.6
Arachidonic acid C20.4 ≥1.3 –
Arginine 6.8–10.8 16.1–17.3
Behenic acid C22:0 0.1–3.0 324–513
Proline 3.1–6.2 10.4–15.9
Erucic acid C22:1 ≤0.9 ≤117
Information in bold text indicates the most essential amino acids in the cowpea. Docosadienoic acid C22:2 ≥0.7 –
Ligniceric acid C24:0 ≥0.2 –
Total monounsaturated fatty acids 7.5–24.0 1 512–2 291
Total polyunsaturated fatty acids 32.4–64.8 4 074–8 592
NUTRITIONAL COMPOSITION OF COWPEA Total saturated fatty acids 25.1–90.3 6 335–11 350
Protein and amino acid content DW, dry weight.
With respect to the value of cowpea seeds as a source of proteins,
values in the range 203–394 g kg−1 have been reported, which
with the exception of soybean protein, is close to the content of acids, average 23.3, 35.6 and 55.2%, respectively, suggesting that
the major and under-utilised legumes.1,16 – 23 On the other hand, cowpea meals have the potential to cover human nutritional
cowpea leaves, which constitute an under-utilised vegetative part requirements.11,30
of this legume, compare well with cowpea seeds, with a protein It is important to point out that 5.0–37.0% of the total protein
content ranging from 215 to 437 g kg−1 .24 – 26 in cowpea (mainly globulins) has been reported to be nutritionally
Most of cowpea proteins consist of globulins (vicilins or unavailable.28,47 Nonetheless, bioactive peptides with antioxidant
7S globulins; 44.7–797 g kg−1 protein; 109 g kg−1 seed), fol- activity are successfully obtained from enzymatic proteolysis of
lowed by albumins (150–393 g kg−1 protein; 96 g kg−1 seed), cowpea proteins, indicating an interesting potential to be used as
glutelins (54–248 g kg−1 protein; 21 g kg−1 seed), and prolamins functional food ingredients.11,48,49
(13–131 g kg−1 protein; 18 g kg−1 seed).27 – 30 However, the rela-
tive content of the separate proteins is closely dependent on the
cultivar under consideration.28 Crude fat and fatty acids
Nutritionally, cowpea seeds protein shows a prevalence of glu- Recently, cowpea has been stressed on a low fat content
tamine/glutamic acid (16.5–18.8 g 16 g−1 N), asparagine/aspartic (31–304 g kg−1 ), comparatively to other legumes (chickpea,
acid (11.4–13.2 g 16 g−1 N), and phenylalanine + tyrosine split pea, lentil, green gram and lupine).18,19,22,44 This fact, accord-
(7.5–10.2 g 16 g−1 N), as well as a secondary prevalence of argi- ing to nutritional guidelines, suggests a potential application
nine, leucine, lysine, valine and proline.27,31 – 38 The same ranking in weight restriction diets.1,16,20,21 In addition, the lipid profile
is observed in leaves, even though cowpea leaf protein, based on of cowpea indicates a predominance of triglycerides (41.2% of
their amino acid content, is more than two-fold higher (Table 1) to total fat), followed by phospholipids (25.1% of total fat), mono-
that described for seeds (24.3–45.3, 17.0–26.7, and 19.1–23.7 g glycerides (10.6% of total fat), free fatty acids (7.9% of total fat),
16 g−1 N, for glutamine/glutamic acid, asparagine/aspartic acid, diglycerides (7.8% of total fat), sterols (5.5% of total fat), and
and phenylalanine + tyrosine, respectively).39 hydrocarbons + sterol esters (2.6% of total fat).50,51
When evaluating essential amino acids, diverse reports on With respect to fatty acids, palmitic acid is the predominant
this issue have shown that the limiting amino acids in cow- one (20.5–67.1% of total fatty acids), followed by linoleic
pea are methionine + cysteine, followed by tryptophan and (20.8–40.3% of total fatty acids), linolenic (9.6–30.9%), and
threonine,7,13,20,28,40 – 43 whilst cowpea is an excellent source of stearic acids (2.9–14.0%). The bulk of fatty acids consist of polyun-
lysine.44 – 46 The content of total amino acids in cowpea seed, the saturated fatty acids that range from 40.1 to 78.3% of total
ratio of essential amino acids relative to total amino acids, and the (Table 2).19,30,31,50 – 57 This high level of unsaturated fatty acids is a

ratio of the essential amino acids relative to non-essential amino nutritionally desirable feature.36 © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry J Sci Food Agric 2016; 96: 2941–2951
Nutritional aptitude of cowpea

Most plants of the Fabaceae family are reported to contain Carotenoids, precursors of vitamin A, are also present in
𝛽-sitosterol as the dominant sterol, followed by stigmasterol,19 cowpea contributing to the antioxidant compounds provided
whilst in cowpea, stigmasterol is present in highest amounts by this legume. Among the carotenoids present in cowpea
(40.8–43.3% of total sterols), followed by 𝛽-sitosterol (27.6-39.5%), seeds, lutein makes up over 70.0% (0.5 × 10−3 g kg−1 ).93 Other
campesterol (8.6–15.1%), Δ-5 avenasterol, Δ-7 campesterol, carotenoids present in cowpea are 𝛽-carotene (0.056–0.183,
Δ-7 avenasterol, Δ-7stigmasterol, cholesterol, and brassicast- ≤0.156, and 0.1–0.6 × 10−3 g kg−1 in seeds, pods and leaves,
erol (0.5–3.4%).50 – 52,58 Triterpenic acids such as oleanolic acid, respectively),69,74,76,85,87,92,94 𝛾-carotene (0.1 × 10−3 g kg−1 in
maslinic acid, and ursolic acid have also been reported in cowpea, seeds), and cryptoxanthin (<0.1 × 10−3 g kg−1 in seeds).93
with contents of up to 3 × 10−3 g kg−1 .19,58 Lastly, from the various vitamin E vitamers present in cowpea,
𝛿-tocopherol has been observed with the highest concen-
tration (15.1–109.7 × 10−3 g kg−1 ), followed by 𝛾-tocopherol
Carbohydrates and dietary fibre
(4.3–92.3 × 10−3 g kg−1 ), and 𝛾-tocotrienol (0.7–3.4 × 10−3 g
In general, cowpea is characterised by a high proportion of carbo-
kg−1 ).27,50,51,95 The vitamin E composition of cowpea seems to
hydrates (504–658 g kg−1 ), being recognised as a potential source
differ significantly from that of most legumes, where 𝛾-tocopherol
of dietary fibre and resistant starches.1,19,59 Dietary fibre content in
cowpea ranges from 160 to 209 g kg−1 .60 In this regard, it has been
reported that pigmented varieties contain more than twice as
much fibre as unpigmented varieties.61 Furthermore, when com- Mineral content
pared with other legumes, the highest values of starch content Studies aimed at assessing the mineral composition of cowpea
and in vitro starch hydrolysis are usually observed with cowpea seeds have shown a wide variation depending on the specific
(223–665 g kg−1 ).18,22,23,30,56,60 cultivars evaluated,32,36,40,46,56,67,96 whilst a gap of information on
Eight sugars have been reported in cowpea, namely, the effect of diverse agro-climatic conditions is clearly noticed.
stachyose (17–60 g kg−1 ), sucrose (11–19 g kg−1 ), verbascose Thus, potassium is the most abundant mineral in seeds and
(6–13 g kg−1 ), raffinose (5–10 g kg−1 ), glucose (4–5 g kg−1 ), leaves, with contents ranging from 1.9 to 28.9 g kg−1 . Of partic-
fructose (1–2 g kg−1 ), galactose (≤15 g kg−1 ), and maltose ular importance are the high contents of calcium (383–10 620
(≤11 g kg−1 ).22,55,59,62 – 66 It is widely known that the oligosac- and 398.0–8050.0 × 10−3 g kg−1 in seeds and leaves, respectively),
charides stachyose, verbascose and raffinose are causative agents zinc (8.1–118.0 and 3.4–129.1 × 10−3 g kg−1 in seeds and leaves,
of flatulence in humans, due to the lack of 𝛼-1,6-galactosidase in respectively), and iron (6.9–218.0 and 16.2–772.9 × 10−3 g kg−1 in
the intestinal mucosa.67,68 This constitutes a constraint linked to seeds and leaves, respectively).27,30,31,33,34,38,55,61,97 – 100 This mineral
cowpea dietary consumption that requires further investigation composition emphasises the value of cowpea fulfilling the recom-
on new processing alternatives, contributing to reduce their mended daily intake in a similar way as other legumes.18,23,37,44,84
content and deleterious effects on the digestive system. Still, there is a dearth of information on the mineral composition
of cowpea pods, an under-exploited material from legumes in gen-
eral, and current data shows lower contents compared with seeds
and leaves.25,74,85,86,101 Thus, as an example, this difference regard-
ing the mineral composition of cowpea pods ralteive to sedes and
Apart from a relevant source of essential macronutrients, cow- leaves has been demonstrated with respect to calcium and iron,
pea constitutes an interesting source of micronutrients.18,69 – 72 which have been reported in pods in concentrations of 0.60 and
The major vitamins present in cowpea are those belonging 0.04 g kg−1 , on average, respectively.87
to the B complex, being reported in the following decreas-
ing order: niacin (7.0–40.0 × 10−3 g kg−1 ) > panthothenic
acid (17.0–22.0 × 10−3 g kg−1 ) > thiamine (2.0–17.0 × 10−3 PHYTOCHEMICAL COMPOSITION
g kg−1 ) > pyridoxine (2.0–4.0 × 10−3 g kg−1 ) > folic acid
(1.0–4.0 × 10−3 g kg−1 ) > riboflavin (1.0–3.0 × 10−3 g kg−1 ) > biotin
(0.2–0.3 × 10−3 g kg−1 ) > cobalamin (traces).35,65,67,73 – 81 It is The presence of some types of phenolic compounds in legumes
important to mention that the segregation of cowpea varieties can be nutritionally troublesome since they might interact with
into groups on the basis of the seed coat shows the ‘brown type’ macro- and micronutrients, impairing their proper absorption
with a higher content from B complex vitamins as compared with throughout the diverse phases of the digestion process.38,97 This is
the ‘black type’ and ‘blue-eye type’.82,83 The folic acid pattern has particularly relevant when concerning proanthocyanidins, which
revealed 5-methyltetrahydrofolate as the predominant folate form are often referred as ‘anti-nutrients’. However, other compounds
in cowpea.70 This is, however, in contrast with Yarbaeva et al. who that affect the bioavailability of nutrients, including phytic acid and
found tetrahydrofolate as the most abundant B vitamin in Tajik enzyme inhibitors, also represent the anti-nutritional composition
cowpea accessions.84 Concerning vegetative tissues, the partial of cowpea.
characterisation performed so far showed that the total folic acid
content in leaves was up to five-fold higher to those described in Proanthocyanidins
seeds (3.3–20.1 × 10−3 g kg−1 ).85,86 The anti-nutritional features of proanthocyanidins are largely
Cowpea appear to be a particularly good source of vitamin C, dependent on their conformation. The structural characteristics
with levels in seeds and pods ranging from 52.0 to 554.0 × 10−3 of these compounds confer them ability to chelate metals and
g kg−1 ,33,65,67,69,76,87 – 89 and in leaves from 292.0 to 4100.0 × 10−3 bind to proteins, which, in turn, is closely related to the degree
g kg−1 .34,85,90 – 92 It is important to note that the total vitamin of polymerisation. Thus, proanthocyanidin monomers and dimers
C content in leaves at the maturity stages (4 and 6 weeks) is are mostly devoid of binding properties.102 The recent descrip-
mostly in the form of dehydroascorbic acid, an oxidation product tions on the phenolic composition of cowpea with respect to

of L-ascorbic acid, which exhibits a lower biological activity.90 anti-nutritional compounds have shown that cowpea is unlikely

J Sci Food Agric 2016; 96: 2941–2951 © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry A Gonçalves et al.

Table 3. Anti-nutritional composition of cowpea seeds

Anti-nutritional factor Units Content (×10−3 ) Refs

Phenolic compounds
Total proanthocyanidins monomers g kg−1 827–3 104 19,25,121,146

Catechin g kg−1 17–297 19,25,121,146

Catechin-3-O-glucoside g catechin kg−1 ≤2 19,25,121,146

Catechin-7-O-glucoside g catechin kg−1 770–2 553 19,25,121,146

Epicatechin g catechin kg−1 ≤11 19,25,121,146

Epicatechin-3-O-glucoside g catechin kg−1 ≤0.3 19,25,121,146

(Epi)afzelechin-3-O-glucoside g procyanidin C1 kg−1 ≤243 19,25,121,146

(Epi)afzelechin-4′ -O-glucoside g procyanidin C1 kg−1 ≤243 19,25,121,146

Total proanthocyanidin dimers g kg−1 40–554 19,25,121,146

Total proanthocyanidin trimers g kg−1 140–633 19,25,121,146

Total proanthocyanidin tetramers g kg−1 120–241 19,25,121,146

Total proanthocyanidin pentamers g kg−1 17–223 19,25,121,146

Total proanthocyanidins hexamers g kg−1 93–769 19,25,121,146

Total proanthocyanidin heptamers g kg−1 ≤90 19,25,121,146

Total proanthocyanidin octamers g kg−1 ≤447 19,25,121,146

>10 proanthocyanidin polymers g kg−1 131–842 19,25,121,146

Enxyme inhibitors
Phytic acid g kg−1 2 640–15 240 13, 30, 31, 36, 40, 61, 62, 65, 98, 114--116

Trypsin inhibitor activity g trypsin inhibited kg−1 3 400–67 080 7,14,27,62,65,114,119,129,146

Chemotrypsin inhibitor activity g chemotrypsin inhibited kg−1 ≤1 600 47,61,121

𝛼-Amylase inhibitor activity g 𝛼-amylase inhibited kg−1 140–8 950 26,34,121

Other compounds
Haemagglutinating activity HUI kg−1 40 000–640 000 24,26,27,47,59,121,145

Cyanogenic glucosides g hydrogen cyanide kg−1 26–800 22,36,101,114

Oxalic acid g kg−1 420–7 700 1,36,77

3, 4-Dihydroxyphenylalanine g kg−1 10 000–23 000 30,65

Total saponins g diosgenin kg−1 2 510–37 160 1,12,91,104

to contain different types and amounts of proanthocyanidins vitamin niacin, potentially contributing to the deficiency disease
that might be nutritionally disadvantageous to humans. In this pellagra. Furthermore, phytic acid is associated with the devel-
concern, cowpea proanthocyanidins are mostly constituted by opment of the hard-to-cook defect found in cowpea and other
monomers and low molecular weight oligomers (degree of poly- beans.110 – 112 Still, some potential positive effects of phytic acid
merisation 2–4) (Table 3), unlike the typical proanthocyanidins have also been described. In this regard, phytic acid has been
profile reported for most plant foods where oligomeric and poly- shown to function as an antioxidant, as a hypocholesterolaemic
meric units are dominant.103 – 107 This calls into question the clas- agent, and as a suppressor of iron-dependent oxidation.113
sification of cowpea proanthocyanidins as ‘anti-nutrients’, which This phytochemical compound is a characteristic and abundant
was further supported by Plahar et al. and Chang et al., who constituent of legume seeds. The phytic acid content of cowpea
did not find a relationship between proanthocyanidin content seeds,13,30,31,36,40,61,62,65,98,114 – 116 pods,87 and leaves91,117 is compa-
and mineral absorption/protein digestibility in cowpea.43,102 Addi- rable to that of many other legumes,12,18,22,23,59,64,97,103 ranging
tionally, diverse cowpea varieties have unusually high levels of from 2.6 to 15.2 g kg−1 and representing between 29.0 and 52.0%
(epi)afzelechin glycosides at the expense of (epi)catechins,107 of total inositol phosphates.18,76,118,119 Most of the phytic acid in
which might be beneficial in terms of improved micronutri- cowpea seeds is located in the cotyledons.120
ent bioaccessibility. On the other hand, additional studies have Several studies indicate that cowpea contains more than 80.0%
pointed out the higher amounts of tannins in cowpea compared of its inositol phosphates in the inositol hexaphosphate form,
with other legumes,108 as well as the fact that their capacity while inositol pentaphosphate is the second predominant com-
for complexing with proteins, polysaccharides and other macro- pound belonging to this class (15.0%). The relative percent-
molecules contributes to the reduction of protein digestibility.109 ages of inositol triphosphate and tetraphosphate are lower than
3.0%.60,103,121 – 123 The phytic acid output from cowpea leaves is
Phytic acid reported to be about two-fold lower in comparison with seeds,
Phytic acid is the principal storage form of phosphorus, although it which could indicate higher bioavailability of minerals in cowpea
is not bioavailable for humans. In the human gut, phytic acid low- leaves than in seeds.24
ers the bioavailability of minerals and limits the digestibility of pro-
teins and starch by inhibiting proteases and amylases. Specifically, Enzyme inhibitors
phytic acid is known to form complexes with the dietary essential Another important concern regarding the anti-nutritional char-
minerals calcium, zinc, iron and magnesium, making them biolog- acteristics of cowpea is the presence of enzyme inhibitors. Pro-

ically unavailable for absorption. Phytic acid can also chelate the tease inhibition activities are essential in plant physiology because © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry J Sci Food Agric 2016; 96: 2941–2951
Nutritional aptitude of cowpea

of its contribution to plant resistance to pests. Due to its effi- beneficial to human health. However, the long cooking times, the
ciency, the trypsin inhibitor cowpea gene, CpTi, has been stud- presence of anti-nutrients, the beany flavour, and the presence of
ied and successfully transferred to tobacco, rice, oil palm and oligosaccharides causing flatulence are frequent causes limiting
cotton plants.124 – 127 However, these compounds are also related the use of whole cowpea dry seeds as food.130,134,135
with a decreased activity of trypsin, chymotrypsin, and 𝛼-amylase The agronomic characterisation of different cowpea culti-
in the gastrointestinal tract, and have shown a strong variabil- vars is pursued regularly while the chemical, nutritional and
ity among diverse cultivars. For instance, Marconi et al. assessed anti-nutritional properties are often overlooked. A negative corre-
the trypsin and chymotrypsin inhibitor content in 22 cultivated lation between the amounts of anti-nutrients described above and
cowpea varieties from the International Institute of Tropical Agri- the nutritional value of cowpeas has been shown.110,130 In fact, this
culture germplasm bank and showed that the values changed is observed specifically between the quantity of anti-nutritional
from minimums of 9.0 × 106 trypsin inhibited units per kg (TIU factors (phytic acid, tannins, and protease inhibitors) and the pro-
kg−1 ) and 7.1 × 106 chemotrypsin inhibitor units per kg (CIU kg−1 ) tein and starch digestibility, with negative correlation coefficients
to a maximum of 46.7 × 106 TIU kg−1 and 55.8 × 106 CIU kg−1 , available in some studies of cowpea and also other species.18,136,137
respectively.128 The inhibition of these enzymes entails a negative Thus, in breeding programmes, in vitro protein digestibility could
impact on amino acids, peptides, and free sugars availability after be an important parameter as a fast and reliable tool to evaluate
ingestion. The evaluation of the trypsin inhibitor activity of cow- the nutritional value of food products and sub-products.
pea seeds has allowed a negative correlation with the content in As mentioned before, although for human consumption cowpea
proanthocyanidins to be shown, whilst it seems to be positively is grown primarily for its edible seeds, its leaves and green pods
correlated to phytic acid and haemagglutinin contents.129 are also harvested and consumed. Therefore, the nutritional value
of these products should also be considered. The nutritive value
of cowpea grains, leaves and haulms is very high. Cowpea leaves
Other anti-nutrients shows similar nutritional values to those reported for other tropi-
Several other factors in cowpea have been related with major neg- cal leaf vegetables like Solanum nigrum, Amaranthus sp., Cucurbita
ative physiological effects due to their toxicity once in the blood, moschata and Ipomoea batatas, with the crude protein content of
like the presence of haemagglutinins,7,13,14,27,103,119,129 cyanogenic cowpea ranging from 22.0 to 30.0% in the grain and leaves on a
glucosides,22,36,101,114 oxalic acid,1,36,76 3,4-dihydroxyphenylala- dry weight basis and from 13.0 to 17.0% in the haulms.138,139 When
nine,30,65 and saponins.1,12,91,104 With respect to these compounds, comparing cooked cowpea seeds and leaves, the latter presents
cowpea does not seem to accumulate quantities that can be toxic seven times more calcium and three times more iron.138 In addi-
to humans. Nonetheless, decreasing or removing anti-nutrients tion, although the phosphorus content of cooked cowpea leaves
that lead to an improved nutritional quality should be pursued is 50.0% smaller than in cooked seeds, the phosphorus in leaves
for an efficient utilisation of cowpea in human nutrition.130 In is not present as phytic acid, thus there is a superior bioavailabil-
this regard, legumes in general, and particularly concerning cow- ity of minerals in cowpea leaves.140 Additionally, cowpea leaves are
pea seeds, are heated or hydrated before being consumed by good sources of 𝛽-carotene and ascorbic acid.138
humans. These processes have been reported to reduce the level As in cowpeas leaves, the nutritional composition and digestibil-
of anti-nutritional factors.15,116 ity of cowpea pods, and the influence of different postharvesting
methods in these parameters, have been rarely studied. Deol and
Bains87 showed that in vitro protein digestibility of green pods
COWPEA DIGESTIBILITY from the dual-purpose cowpea variety ‘CL-367’ (Punjab Agricul-
Cowpea production and its acceptance by consumers might be tural University, Ludhiana, India) picked at the 9th day after flow-
affected by the combination of some biotic and abiotic con- ering is 72.2%. This value is comparable to those reported among
straints that affect the productivity of cowpea, the presence of raw cowpea seeds from other varieties, averaging 74.8%.130,141
anti-nutritional factors such as protease inhibitors, lectin, phytic These numbers, together with the data reporting smaller amounts
acid, tannin, among others, and also the presence of indigestible of anti-nutrients present in green-tissues, enlightens towards the
compounds inducing flatulence.5,131 Consequently, besides nutritional importance of these products as viable sources of pro-
overcoming the productivity constrains (e.g. viral, bacterial and teins and dietary fibre.
parasitic diseases) the human digestibility of cowpea must Another concern affecting cowpea’s acceptance by consumers
be studied through different approaches (e.g. plant breeding, is the flatulence caused by the oligosaccharides stachyose, verbas-
post-processing methods and others), which in turn might help cose and raffinoses, which are ubiquitous in legume seeds.67,68 To
improve cowpea nutritional value and, thus, a wider acceptance overcome this constraint, food-processing techniques including
by consumers. dehulling, boiling and soaking, have been evaluated in order
Research aimed at breeding and enhancing cowpea cultivars to determine their potential in reducing the fermentability of
for early maturity, high yield, resistance to insects and diseases indigestible carbohydrates in cowpea and thus reducing the
have been pursued.132,133 The efforts put in by plant breeders associated flatulence.131 Complementary to the breeding efforts,
led to several high-yielding cultivars of cowpea being developed. several postharvest processing techniques to improve the nutri-
Nonetheless, the significance of this work may be amplified if these tional value of cowpea food-products, like the starch and protein
cultivars are evaluated nutritionally, since new varieties might not digestibility, have been investigated.
differ in their nutritional value from the traditional varieties.110,130
Cowpea seeds are characterised by a high proportion of car-
bohydrates, with starch being the main component and energy POSTHARVEST MODIFICATION
source. Similar to other legumes, cowpea starch is more slowly OF THE NUTRITIONAL VALUE OF COWPEA
digested than starch from cereals, producing less abrupt changes The improvement of currently existing postharvest processing

in plasma glucose and insulin upon ingestion, which is extremely techniques including conventional storage and methods such as

J Sci Food Agric 2016; 96: 2941–2951 © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry A Gonçalves et al.

drying, irradiation, dehulling, soaking, germination, fermentation,


NS20 ; ↑37

↓73 ; NS37
cooking and roasting, may contribute to nutritionally enhance the

cowpea final products.87







These processes have been shown to alter in varying degrees
the nutrients (Table 4) and anti-nutrients (Table 5).15 Haemag-

↓30,37,60,84,85,87,94,98,143 ; NS31,60,99 ; ↑60

glutinins, for example, are completely eliminated by boiling and

↓29,31,60,85,87,98 ; NS30,37,94,99,110
autoclaving, while proanthocyanidins and phytic acid are only

↓60,70,71,75,77,78,84 – 86,94,99 ; ↑86

partly affected.63,119 In order to overcome this constraint, gener-
ally, a combination of treatments is applied that allow greater

↓31,94,98 ; NS30,35,37 ; ↑20

anti-nutrient losses than single treatments.14

The maximum reduction in proanthocyanidins has been

↓37,60,87 ; NS30,99

NS30,87,94,99 ; ↑60
described after dehulling, as compared with fermentation or

↓87 ; NS94 ; ↑85


↓85,87 ; NS94
cooking.62,68 Regarding the retention of phenolic compounds, dry

heated samples of cowpea showed the highest retention among

dry-heating, soaking and autoclaving treatments.142 When com-

paring three cooking methods, it is observable a higher phytic

acid reduction in the boiling method, followed by autoclaving and

↓60 ; NS60 ; ↑24,55

microwave cooking.59
A reported optimum-water cooking method did not cause any

↓55,60 ; ↑55

↓95 ; ↑60,95
↓95 ; NS55

↓56 ; ↑56
↓60 ; ↑55
significant change in the mineral and riboflavin contents of cow-



pea, as compared with the in-excess-water method, which causes


a decrease in these nutrients.31,75

NS41 ; ↑17,18,37,67
↓18 ; NS41 ; ↑17,37
Postharvest processing may allow reducing the concentration

↓18 ; ↑17,33,37,67
NS35,37,41 ; ↑33

↓17,18,41 ; NS37

↓63,67,146 ; ↑17

of anti-nutrients in cowpea, however this reduction is frequently
accompanied by nutrient losses (Table 4 and Table 5).110,143


Processing method

Nonetheless, when done under controlled conditions, processing


can prevent damage, and even enhance the nutritional quality of
cowpea, causing for instance an improved bioavailability of some

compounds namely 𝛽-carotene.144 In a similar way, fermentation ↓13 ; NS37,98 ; ↑59

can increase the total essential amino acids available.20

↓37,98 ; NS143

↓71,147 ; NS75
↓66,98 ; NS37
The consumption of cowpea is also challenged by the issues
of beany flavour, flatulence and a long cooking time; the latter NS66 ; ↑37




is either due to a hard-coat or to the hard-to-cook defect result-
ing from storing cowpea at elevated humidity and temperature.145

↓37 ; NS31,75 ; ↑13,18

↓35,75 ; NS35 ; ↑18,35

Steaming has been shown to reduce the beany flavour in cowpea,4
↓13 ; NS31,35,37
↓13,18,31 ; NS37

and fermentation was found to be the most single effective treat-

↓13,37 ; ↑18

ment in removing flatus-causing oligosaccharides, as compared


with soaking, cooking or germination.55,146




The seed coat appears to be the principal anti-cook factor in
cowpea.31 Steaming cowpea for some minutes, followed by drying
↓16,42 ; NS78,145

↓79 – 81 ; NS78

before storage has been reported to reduce the hardness of

Table 4. Effect of processing methodologies on cowpea’s nutrients


↓47 ; NS78

cowpea, although this process negatively altered the appearance

↓58 ; ↑58

of the cooked meal.4 Several alkaline solutions such as ash, ‘kanwa’,







potash, sodium bicarbonate, sodium hydroxide, lime, or calcium

↓, decrease; ↑, increase; NS, not significant; NA, not available.

hydroxide have also been used, with varying degrees of success,


to overcome the hard-coat and the hard-to-cook phenomenon

in cowpea.120,147,148 These treatments caused losses of vitamins,






while no deleterious effect has been demonstrated on the protein

content (Table 4 and Table 5).75,78,120,149

In order to maximise the current processing and utilisation



of cowpea, recent studies have highlighted the effectiveness of








the response surface methodology and the principal compo-

nent analysis for selecting suitable combinations of processing

↓24 ; ↑24




↓8 6







Unravelling the chemical composition and nutritional properties

Amino acids

Fatty acids

of cowpea has been the subject of several studies. Cowpea has an

Vitamin A

Vitamin C
Vitamin B

Vitamin E


interesting composition in macro- and micronutrients, but also in


anti-nutrients. The chemical composition together with the agro-


nomical traits associated to this species (Vigna unguiculata L.), in © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry J Sci Food Agric 2016; 96: 2941–2951
Nutritional aptitude of cowpea

terms of resistance to biotic and abiotic stress, may constitute


a valuable advantage in comparison with other legumes. How-

↓20 ; ↑43
ever, there is the need to update the currently available chemical






data. Furthermore, the variability in the levels of cowpea phyto-

chemicals are dependent on the cultivar and the interaction with
the environment where it is grown, an area of research that has
received little attention.
A substantial amount of work has been done on cowpea seeds

↓60 ; ↑20,78,87,98,99,110,145,148
as a source of nutrients, but the information on cowpea leaves

and pods is scarce. In this regard, it has been shown that properly
processed cowpea leaves and pods could provide a sustainable
and equivalent source of protein and vitamins compared with


Cowpea could contribute valuably to fulfil the basic nutritional



requirements of humans; however, it provides relatively few calo-

ries, covering, on average, 8.0% of a 2000 kcal daily energy intake.19

↓59,62 ; ↑60,146
Since cowpea is usually eaten as a protein complement in cereal-
and tuber-rich diets, this should not have serious nutritional
↓60 ; ↑20

implications. In addition, cowpea flour as a supplement is able







to provide additional vitamin A activity and zinc in cereal-based


weaning foods. Nonetheless, establishing the outcome of cowpea

flour supplementation is an area that requires further research.

↓18,63,119,146 ; ↑103

Traditionally, food-processing methods are primarily aimed at

NS41 ; ↑17,18,35

making food-products more palatable and improving their flavour.


However, new approaches like germination, heating treatment,

Processing method


soaking, dehulling, fermentation, among others, need to be opti-




mised to increase the nutritional composition of cowpea seeds


and vegetative materials and their digestibility, whilst decrease the


anti-nutritional content.
Research studies showed that the accumulation of proteins,

proanthocyanidins, haemagglutinins, phenolic compounds, or

NS98,148 ; ↑59,149

phytic acid in cowpea is genetically controlled. Coupled to its high


adaptability to drought and heat, the nutritional composition


makes cowpea an interesting candidate for genetic improvement





programmes, which could ultimately lead to a higher absolute


amount of nutrients absorbed after dietary intake. In this sense,


it exists sufficient variability in cowpea germplasm for start-

Table 5. Effect of processing methodologies on cowpea’s anti-nutrients

NS35 ; ↑18

NS43 ; ↑18

ing breeding programmes focused on the nutritional aspects.

Nonetheless, human absorption studies with cowpea are rare, and




therefore are in need before such targeted breeding programmes

are initiated.










↓65 ; NS123
↓123 ; ↑65

This work was supported by national funds from FCT - Portuguese

NS, not significant; NA, not available

Foundation for Science and Technology, under the projects






UID/AGR/04033/2013 and POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006958, and the

↓119 ; ↑91

European Project EROLEGUME (Seventh Research Framework



Programme of the European Union - FP7 research project n∘







613781). RDP was supported by a Postdoctoral contract from the

Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology within the

framework of the National Scientific and Technologic System. The

authors declare no conflict of interests.






Haemagglutinin activity
Chymotrypsin inhibitor

Cyanogenic glucosides

↓, decrease; ↑, increase;
𝛼-Amylase inhibitor


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