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The Importance of 

Educational Brochure
By: Cooper Clawson 


Fine Arts in Schools 

The Fine Arts in schools are very important. Across the United States, 
the Fine Arts continue to be defunded because of the importance of 
standardized testing in today’s schooling. When the No Child Left 
Behind Act was passed by the Clinton Administration in 2001, this made 
standardized testing the most important thing in schools, rather than 
the quality of the education. Ever since, schools, especially in areas 
with higher rates of poverty, continue to defund The Arts, although it 
is proven that The Arts have a lot of benefits in students learning.  



What the Fine Arts do for 

The Fine Arts impact students in multiple ways. For 
example, they increase varying social developments, improve 
learning in different subjects, and help provide students with a 
structure for learning. Not only do the Fine Arts help students 
in school, but they also provide multiple different skill sets 
and teach students creativity. Creativity not only leads 
students to be more inquisitive, but it also helps provide 
students with critical-thinking skills, which is very important 
in a students academic career. Overall, they are vital for 
providing students with skills they will need for their entire 
schooling experience.  




Who is in charge? 
The problem with Fine Arts being taught in schools in the 
issue of how money is provided to different school districts. 
Although some schools can still afford to keep the Fine Arts in 
their schools, standardized testing is still the main focus in 
this generations schooling. However, the school districts with a 
higher poverty rate are the ones who have to defund the Fine 
Arts because they can’t afford it. This then puts the districts 
in charge of the Fine Arts being in schools. ALthough it comes 
back on the school districts, it is still somewhat the United 
States government to blame because of the No Child Left Behind 
Act of 2001 being passed. This has manipulated what the kids are 
being taught, and that is why schools only focus on standardized 
testing. Henceforth is why schools defund the Fine Arts before 
any other schooling program. 


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