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Sedimentology (2002) 49, 335–362

Facies architecture of a submarine fan channel–levee complex:

the Juniper Ridge Conglomerate, Coalinga, California
*Department of Geology, University of St Thomas, St Paul, MN 55105, USA
Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-2115,


The Upper Cretaceous Juniper Ridge Conglomerate (JRC) near Coalinga,

California, provides a rare, high-quality exposure of a submarine channel to
overbank transition. The facies architecture of the JRC comprises a thick,
predominantly mudstone sequence overlain by a channellized conglomerate
package. Conglomeratic bounding surfaces truncate successions of interbedded
turbiditic sandstones and mudstones both vertically and laterally. Thick-
bedded, massive sandstones are interbedded with conglomerates. Facies
architecture, palaeocurrent indicators, slump features, sandstone percentages
and sandstone bed thickness trends lead to the interpretation that these
elements comprise channel and overbank facies. A vertical sequence with
conglomerate at the base, followed by thick-bedded sandstone, and capped by
interbedded turbiditic sandstone and mudstone form a fining-upward
lithofacies association that is interpreted as a single channel-fill/overbank
system. Three similar lithofacies associations can be related to autocyclic
processes of thalweg migration and submarine fan aggradation or to
allocyclically driven changes in sediment calibre.
Keywords Channel–levee systems, deep-water conglomerates, facies archi-
tecture, Great Valley Group.

INTRODUCTION processes, channel geometries and lateral facies

relationships (Stanley & Kelling, 1970; Maldona-
Submarine fan channel–levee complexes have do et al., 1985; Pickering et al., 1986; Masson,
long been recognized as components of deep- 1994; McHugh & Ryan, 2000), but supply little
water depositional systems (Buffington, 1952) information on the vertical stacking patterns and
and, in some areas, deep-water sequences inter- internal facies architecture of these deposits. In
preted as ancient channel–levee complexes host addition, the value of modern studies is compro-
important hydrocarbon accumulations (King mised somewhat by the limited resolution of
et al., 1994). A range of depositional styles within remote sensing techniques used to gather data,
these systems and details of their facies architec- such as side-scan sonar, bottom profiling and
ture have been explored in shallow seismic, shallow cores.
outcrop and modern morphological studies, Outcrop analyses of ancient deep-water sedi-
particularly in fine-grained, sand-rich deposi- ments provide a better opportunity to document
tional environments. Coarse-grained, conglomer- the facies and architecture of submarine fan
atic channel–levee systems have received less channel–levees (Hein & Walker, 1982; Clifton,
scrutiny. 1983; Hill, 1983; Walker, 1985; Morris et al.,
Studies of modern submarine channel–levee 1989; Morris & Busby-Spera, 1990; Pimpirev &
systems provide information about depositional Sarmiento, 1993; Cronin et al., 2000; Kirschner &
 2002 International Association of Sedimentologists 335
336 T. A. Hickson and D. R. Lowe

Bouma, 2000). One of the more problematic channels that tended to occupy the topographic-
aspects of channel–levee complexes is the iden- ally low areas on the basin floor. The JRC is the
tification of unambiguous levee and overbank stratigraphically highest conglomeratic unit in
deposits, in part because there are relatively few this sequence and is composed of at least nine
areas where channel–levee transitions and geom- lenticular conglomerate bodies (Fig. 1A; Mans-
etries are exposed. Although levees are thought to field, 1971). The best exposures of the JRC lie near
consist mainly of thin-bedded sandstone and its southern limit, where Juniper Ridge intersects
mudstone sequences, it is often difficult to State Highway 198 (Fig. 1B); the exposures in this
distinguish between levee deposits and other, area are termed the ‘Maloney Ranch Section’
lithologically similar fan units, such as lobes. The (MRS). At this locality, the conglomeratic units
Upper Cretaceous Juniper Ridge Conglomerate pinch out almost entirely, and laterally related
(JRC) of central California provides an excellent sandstone units can be traced. The MRS serves as
opportunity to study a well-exposed channel– the principal focus of this study.
levee complex. The facies and architecture of the
JRC in the channel-to-levee transition are des-
cribed in this paper. FACIES ARCHITECTURE OF THE

THE JUNIPER RIDGE CONGLOMERATE Architectural element method

A hierarchical architectural element classification
is used here to organize complex stratigraphic
The JRC lies within the Upper Jurassic to Upper
and sedimentological observations and express
Cretaceous Great Valley Group (GVG) (Mansfield,
stratigraphic, facies and sedimentological rela-
1971; Ingersoll, 1990; Moxon, 1990) that is
tionships at a range of scales. Such a classification
exposed along the western margin of the Central
also provides a structure for subsequent palaeo-
Valley of California as an east-dipping homocli-
environmental interpretation and reconstruc-
nal to broadly folded sequence of predominantly
tion. Miall (1985) subdivided fluvial sedimentary
siliciclastic strata up to 15 km thick (Ingersoll,
sequences into eight basic architectural elements,
1976; Moxon, 1990). The Upper Cretaceous JRC
each a lithosome defined by ‘grain size, bedform
crops out in a north-west to south-east-trending
composition, internal (lithological) sequence,
belt »9 miles west of Coalinga, CA (Fig. 1A). The
and, most critically, external geometry’. Architec-
GVG in this area is »8500 m thick and includes at
tural elements are therefore fundamentally des-
least five major units of conglomerate and coarse-
criptive and quasi-objectively defined geometric
grained sandstone interbedded with thick units of
rock units. Their interpretation is appended only
mudstone (Fig. 2). All these units are character-
after they are defined.
ized by a deep-marine fauna, showing mostly
Although architectural element analysis has
middle to lower bathyal water depths (Mansfield,
been applied successfully to fluvial and shallow-
1971; Ingersoll, 1976; Pessagno, 1976). The JRC is
marine deposits (Miall, 1985, 1992; Miall & Tyler,
stratigraphically bracketed by the lower and
1991), it has been used less frequently in deep-
upper Waltham Shales, and its age is constrained
water sequences (Ghosh & Lowe, 1993; Pickering
by a Late Cenomanian to Turonian ammonite
et al., 1995). Architectural elements sensu stricto
fauna within the surrounding mudstones (Fow-
are defined based on their three-dimensional
kes, 1982).
geometry. For fluvial systems, the linkage bet-
Few previous studies have focused on the JRC.
ween two-dimensional outcrop exposures and
Mansfield (1971) compiled clast composition data
three-dimensional geomorphic features is reason-
from the JRC and briefly described the sedimen-
ably clear. This is because there is an abundance
tology of the conglomerates, and Fowkes (1982)
of ancient fluvial sequences with extensive two-
briefly described the JRC but provided limited
and partial three-dimensional exposure, and
sedimentological data or detailed interpretation.
modern geomorphic components of the fluvial
Moxon (1990) noted that most of the coarse-
system can be investigated in detail and related
grained units in the Coalinga area had lenticular
to outcrop. In deep-water depositional systems,
geometries, with the thickest portions of the
however, this linkage is much less clear. Struc-
lenses overlying the thinner margins of underly-
tural dismemberment limits the three-dimensional
ing lenses. Moxon (1990) suggested that this was
exposure of many ancient deep-water sequences,
caused by lateral shifting of large submarine
 2002 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 49, 335–362
Architecture of a submarine fan channel–levee complex 337

Fig. 1. (A) Lithofacies map of the Juniper Ridge Conglomerate (JRC) and related units. The Maloney Ranch Section,
which comprises the focus of this paper, is highlighted and detailed in (B). (B) Schematic lithofacies map of the
Maloney Ranch Section. Dashed areas marked ‘1’ (central MRS) and ‘2’ (western MRS) cover areas referenced in
Figs 6 and 11.

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338 T. A. Hickson and D. R. Lowe

Fig. 2. Generalized stratigraphic

column for the area west of Coalinga,
CA, and schematic stratigraphy of the
Juniper Ridge Conglomerate
(Mansfield, 1971; Moxon, 1990).
Thicknesses are approximate.

and the data set of observations on modern on their two-dimensional geometry (lens, tabular,
submarine geomorphic systems is of low resolu- etc.), and their three-dimensional geometry is
tion and only weakly linked to outcrop observa- inferred.
tions (Pickering et al., 1995; Clark & Pickering, This study uses the architectural element
1996). Although it is expected that this linkage method of Ghosh & Lowe (1993). In this scheme,
will become firmer in the future, at present it is no a priori interpretive descriptors are appended
only possible to hypothesize about the three- to architectural elements at any level in the
dimensional character of ancient deep-water hierarchy. Genetic interpretations are appended
architectural elements. As a consequence, in this to the elements after they have been described,
study, architectural elements are defined based which follows the methodology of Miall (1985).
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Architecture of a submarine fan channel–levee complex 339

Pickering et al. (1995) proposed a system that marizes the lithofacies associations that charac-
specifically defines architectural elements gen- terize the architectural elements of the JRC. Six
etically and interpretatively, referring to their main orders of architectural elements are recog-
planform elements as channels (CH), nested nized within the JRC. Vegetation cover, difficul-
channels (NCH) and mounds/lobes (M/L). These ties in access and faulting prevented detailed
authors also intermix descriptive with genetic mapping of first- and second-order elements,
terminology at the same level in their classifica- except in limited areas. Third-order architectural
tion (cf. channel, sheet, lens, sigmoid, inclined, elements therefore form the basic mapping unit of
irregular, scour, scour-and-fill, waveform). This this study.
system was not used in this study because (1) it Third-order elements are designated ‘IIIy’,
runs counter to the spirit of Miall’s (1985) where ‘y’ is replaced by a code that represents the
scheme; (2) there is insufficient evidence, even dominant lithology of the architectural element.
in many of the best outcrops of deep-water rocks, The MRS consists of four principal third-order
to distinguish between mounds, lobes, nested units: IIImd includes mud-rich units containing
mounds and channels (for instance, a low aspect subordinate thin sandy turbidites (Fig. 4A); IIIss/md
ratio channel might be indistinguishable from a comprises interbedded sandstone and mudstone
lobe or mound); (3) a genetic and interpretive (Fig. 4B–D); IIIss consists of thick-bedded sand-
classification may bias both the author and the stone (Fig. 4E and F); and IIIcg encompasses layers
reader in favour of one interpretation over alter- of pebble and cobble conglomerate with <5%
native explanations; and (4) the linkage between thick-bedded sandstone (Fig. 5A–D). Table 1 sum-
two-dimensional outcrop geometry and three- marizes the lithofacies and geometries of each of
dimensional planform geometry is extremely these third-order elements. Further observations
weak for deep-water sequences and, hence, no and interpretations of their sedimentology are
linkage should be implied by the choice of provided below.
terminology or classification system.
Ghosh & Lowe (1993) considered first-order
Characteristics of third-order elements
elements as the smallest-scale lithologic units,
ranging up to fifth-, sixth- or higher order ele- Figure 6 is a detailed map of the central MRS,
ments at the largest scale. Hence, the scheme is made from large-scale, down-dip aerial photomo-
‘open-ended’ at the largest scale. Figure 3 sum- saics. The outcrop was mapped at the scale of

Fig. 3. Generalized facies associations that comprise the architectural elements of the Juniper Ridge Conglomerate.
Scales on the vertical axes are approximate. This architectural element scheme is similar to that of Ghosh & Lowe
(1993), in which lower order bounding surfaces bound the most vertically and laterally restricted lithosomes. Ta to Te
notation refers to Bouma sequence divisions (Bouma, 1962).

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340 T. A. Hickson and D. R. Lowe


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Architecture of a submarine fan channel–levee complex 341

Fig. 4. (A) Close-up of thin-bedded

sandstones (light beds at 0Æ12, 0Æ15,
0Æ25 and 0Æ28 m; scale in dm) within
the IIImd element; most are ripple
laminated. The intervening mud-
stones are typically massive, and
shale is uncommon. (B) Overview of
bedding style within the IIIss/md ele-
F ment; the stratigraphic top of the
section is to the right. Lenticular,
thicker bedded sandstone bodies are
highlighted. (C) Complete Bouma
sequence in IIIss/md turbiditic sand-
stones; circled letters represent
Bouma divisions. (D) Thin-bedded,
Bouma Tc–d turbidites (pen is 13 cm).
(E) Thick-bedded, turbiditic sand-
stones of the IIIss element exposed at
the south-east end of the Maloney
Ranch Section. Letter ‘a’ represents
amalgamation surfaces with sand-
on-sand contacts. Letter ‘b’ represents
laterally continuous mudstone inter-
beds with flat bases and tops. (F)
Thick-bedded sandstone showing
amalgamation (a), mudstone inter-
beds (b) and a large mud clast near
the base of a bed (c).

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342 T. A. Hickson and D. R. Lowe

Fig. 5. IIIcg element. (A) Interbedded

conglomerates and massive sand-
stones. R2 (inversely graded), R3
(ungraded) and S3 (massive sand-
stone) refer to Lowe (1982) divisions
of high-density turbidity current
deposits. (B) Erosional base of the
lowest conglomeratic unit exposed at
the Maloney Ranch Section, showing
1 m of truncation of IIIss/md elements.
(C) Strongly developed imbrication in
conglomeratic units; palaeocurrents
C are from right to left. (D) Topography
(depositional or erosional) developed
on top of a conglomeratic sedimenta-
tion unit with infilling sandstone.
Note the relatively flat base of the
conglomerate package. (E) Detail of
the basal contact of the lowest IIIcg
unit (a), showing compensational-
style bedding of thick sandstones
within conglomerates (b). Bases of
sandstone lenses tend to be
concave-up with relatively flat upper
contacts, suggesting either an
erosional topography or infilling of
depositional bar relief (b). Also note
the onlap of second-order bounding
surfaces (c) on the erosional,
third-order bounding surface that
dips uniformly towards the right

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Architecture of a submarine fan channel–levee complex 343

Fig. 5. (Continued).

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Table 1. Third-order architectural elements of the Juniper Ridge Conglomerate exposed at the Maloney Ranch Section, Coalinga, CA.
T. A. Hickson and D. R. Lowe

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Architecture of a submarine fan channel–levee complex 345

Fig. 6. Third-order facies architecture of the Juniper Ridge Conglomerate at the Maloney Ranch Section corres-
ponding to area ‘1’ on Fig. 1B. (A) North-west to south-east-oriented, down-dip aerial photomosaic of the main
portion of the Maloney Ranch Section. Numerous normal faults cross-cut the section, as can be seen by the offset of
the lowest conglomerate (dark grey, cliff-forming units in left-centre of the photo). (B) Third-order facies architecture
mapped on the above photomosaic. Measured section localities are provided (MS 1 to MS 9).

third-order elements, using a high-powered tele- of IIImd, is continuous across the outcrop and
scope. Second-order stratal geometries were continues for over 30 km along strike to the
noted where possible, and stratigraphic relation- north-west of the MRS (Mansfield, 1971). The
ships were field checked where accessible. The remaining elements, except the uppermost IIIss,
stratigraphically lowest element, a thick sequence interfinger with one another, showing rapid facies
 2002 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 49, 335–362
346 T. A. Hickson and D. R. Lowe

changes along strike. Exposure of the upper IIIss stone drape (Fig. 5B). This element also contains
element is poor, and its lateral variability in minor sandstone bodies with low aspect ratio,
thickness is unclear. concave-up, channel-form geometries. These
The thickness of third-order elements at the geometries suggest that they fill broad, slightly
MRS varies considerably along strike. Two of the asymmetric depressions within the conglomerate
IIIcg elements range from over 80 m thick in (Fig. 5E). In some cases, the lower surfaces of
the north-west to <10 m thick to the south-east. these sandstone bodies truncate conglomeratic
The lowest IIIcg element pinches out altogether bounding surfaces, whereas others show con-
near the middle of the MRS and lies in erosional glomerate stringers feathering into the sandstones
contact with the underlying IIImd and IIIss/md within low-angle stratification.
elements (Figs 5B and E and 6). A relatively Palaeocurrent indicators within the IIIcg ele-
thin IIIss/md element lies stratigraphically above ments, based primarily on clast imbrication, are
the sequence exposed at the MRS and is in strongly south-west directed (Fig. 7). Palaeocur-
gradational contact with the underlying IIIss rent indicators on thin turbidites in IIImd below
element. This IIIss/md grades upwards into the IIIcg and IIIss/md elements also indicate palaeoflow
Upper Waltham Shale. towards the south-west, similar to that of the
Where the basal contact of a IIIcg element is in channelized conglomerates, suggesting that the
contact with an underlying, finer grained facies, regional palaeoslope was towards the south-west.
the contact is abrupt, stepped and lacks a mud- Palaeocurrent data from the IIIss/md element

Fig. 7. Palaeocurrent data from the lowest fourth-order element, IV1, at the south-eastern end of the Maloney Ranch
Section (see Fig. 1B for location). Bidirectional indicators generally derive from parting current lineations. The large
dot on each rose diagram provides the probable palaeocurrent direction of bidirectional indicators as constrained by
sole marks, cross-stratification and other unidirectional indicators.

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Architecture of a submarine fan channel–levee complex 347

Fig. 8. Correlation diagram for the Juniper Ridge Conglomerate at the Maloney Ranch Section, lowest channel/
overbank element (IV1). The thick, vertical, black bar to the right of measured section 5 delimits the portion of the
section covered in Fig. 12. Bed thicknesses are from the actual measured sections and are not drawn schematically.
The datum for this correlation lies at the contact between the IIImd and IIIss/md elements. Position of measured
sections shown on Fig. 6.

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348 T. A. Hickson and D. R. Lowe

indicate a strong divergence of palaeocurrent The lowest portion of the IIIss/md element
indicators from laterally equivalent IIIcg elements shows a remarkably consistent vertical trend in
(Fig. 7). This divergence is strongest nearest the sandstone:mudstone ratio that is present across
contact with the adjacent IIIcg element and the mapped portion of the MRS. Where the
gradually shifts back towards the south-west in transition from IIImd to IIIss/md is visible (sections
a south-easterly direction along strike. 2, 3a, 4, 7A, 8a and 9, Fig. 9), the sandstone:
mudstone ratio tends to increase then decrease
abruptly over the bottom 8–10 m of the IIIss/md
Lateral and vertical variation
element. The ratio then tapers off gradually to
in the IIIss/md element
values near unity towards the contact with the
Detailed measured sections from the MRS offer a overlying IIIcg or IIIss element (Fig. 9).
unique opportunity to examine lateral trends in The lateral variability within the lowest
sandstone bed thickness and sandstone percent- 8–10 m of the IIIss/md element shows that
ages within the IIIss/md element. The sections sandstone bed thickness initially increases but
cover the lowest and most accessible portion of then decreases away from the erosional contact
the element (Fig. 6). Figure 8 provides a correla- with the adjacent IIIcg element (Fig. 10). The
tion diagram of these sections, with reference to stratigraphically higher IIIss/md interval, which
the adjoining IIIcg and IIIss elements. correlates with the basal 16 m of section 5, shows
For the purpose of this study, sand bed lateral sandstone bed thickening but not the
thickness refers to the thickness (in metres) of thinning seen in the lower units (Fig. 10). This
the well-indurated, fine sand and coarser grained upper interval cannot be correlated further than
portions of a sedimentation unit, excluding the section 9 (Fig. 6), and it is therefore not known
recessive-weathering silts and shales. The sand- whether sandstones in this interval thin further
stone:mudstone ratio is defined, for the purposes along strike. Similarly, sandstone percentages in
of analyses of vertical trends, as the ratio between the lower 8–10 m of the IIIss/md element increase
the total thickness of sandstone and the total then decrease away from the channel margin
thickness of siltstone plus shale over a 20-bed- (Fig. 10). This trend is less well defined for
thick moving-average window. When considering stratigraphically higher portions of the IIIss/md
lateral variability, this ratio is defined as the ratio element, but is still detectable (Fig. 10).
of total sand thickness to total thickness.

Fig. 9. Vertical and lateral trends in the sandstone:mudstone ratio in the IIIss/md element. Sandstone:mudstone ratio
is defined as the ratio between total sandstone and mudstone bed thickness. Measured section locations 1–9 are
shown in Fig. 6. Note the change in x-axis scale range for section 5.

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Architecture of a submarine fan channel–levee complex 349

Fig. 10. Lateral variation in sandstone:mudstone ratio and mean sandstone bed thickness within the IIIss/md element.
Lower levee refers to the lowest 8–10 m of the element, measured upwards from its lower contact with the under-
lying IIImd element. The upper levee corresponds to the stratigraphically higher IIIss/md interval, which correlates
with the basal 16 m of section 5 (Fig. 6).

system than the IIImd element. As interpretation

Sedimentary processes in third-order elements
of the environment of deposition of IIIss/md
The IIImd element represents the deposits of elements relies on architectural relationships
low-concentration, low-velocity, mud-rich tur- between the other third-order elements, a detailed
bidity currents. Within numerous, thin (3–5 cm) interpretation will be provided below.
sandstone beds, normal grading from very fine Massive, predominantly structureless, deep-
sand to silty shale indicates waning flow (Table 1, water sandstones of the IIIss element (Table 1,
row 1). Underlying units are not truncated, row 3) have been interpreted as the deposits of (1)
suggesting that the flows that deposited these collapsing, turbulent, highly sediment-charged
beds had insufficient turbulent energy for erosion. clouds (Lowe, 1982, 1988); (2) relatively continu-
The geometry of many of the sandstone units ously fed, long-duration turbidity currents (Knel-
suggests that they may have filled subtle bottom ler & Branney, 1995; Vrolijk & Southard, 1997); or
topography (Table 1). Hemipelagic suspension (3) cohesive, sandy debris flows (Shanmugam &
settling produced the minor, thin shales. Flows Moiola, 1995). At the MRS, the presence of cross-
were unchannellized, sheet-like and far from the stratification suggests sustained, quasi-steady,
locus of coarse-grained deposition. tractional flow and strongly argues against a
The IIIss/md element is characterized by first- sandy debris flow interpretation, because this
and second-order elements that suggest high stratification forms solely beneath turbulent,
concentration and high velocity flows (Bouma tractional flows. The low detrital matrix content
Ta and Tb divisions; Table 1, row 2). Flows were (»3–5%) of the MRS turbidites (Hickson & Lowe,
sufficiently competent to transport medium- to 1996) further detracts from a sandy debris flow
coarse-grained sand, and convolute bedding sug- origin. At this time, it is not possible to ascertain
gests rapid suspension settling, where water is whether the massive sandstones were deposited
trapped within the rapidly depositing sediment rapidly through collapse or gradually through
mass and escapes upwards, disturbing overlying sustained turbidity current flow.
primary sedimentary structures. In some cases, flat, non-erosional bases of
These observations indicate that the IIIss/md sandstone beds indicate that turbulence near the
element represents the deposits of a more prox- base of the flows was damped, and sediment fall-
imal, higher energy part of the depositional out rates were high, suppressing the erosional
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350 T. A. Hickson and D. R. Lowe

ability of the flow. In other areas, these sandstones Basal, stepped contacts of the IIIcg element
are highly amalgamated, although concave-up suggest a relatively short time lag between erosion
lower bounding surfaces are not discernible. The and deposition, where the underlying, presumably
presence of mud clasts near the base and top of soft and less stable fine-grained material, did not
some beds suggests erosive, energetic flows have sufficient time to be smoothed through
upstream that then evolved into primarily non- processes of slumping and the passage of subse-
erosive, rapidly depositing flows at the position of quent currents (Morris & Busby-Spera, 1990). The
the MRS. ‘Floating’ mud clasts near the tops of lack of a mud drape also suggests that there was
some massive sandstone beds have been cited insufficient time to accumulate a thick cap of
as evidence for plastic, debris flow behaviour hemipelagic sediments over the contact.
(Shanmugam & Moiola, 1995) yet, as mentioned
above, sedimentary structures and textures within
Characteristics of fourth-order elements
the massive sandstones of the MRS argue strongly
against this interpretation. Mud clasts are easily Fourth-order architectural elements are char-
eroded and transported as part of an active bedload acterized by regular associations of third-order
layer and can be deposited at any vertical position elements. The MRS contains three fourth-order
within a bed (Lowe, 1997), therefore they do not elements termed IV1, IV2 and IV3 (Fig. 11).
serve as adequate indicators of flow plasticity. These elements are defined as fining-upward
Within the IIIcg element (Table 1, row 4), the sequences of third-order elements, typically
cohesionless matrix, pervasive imbrication and showing an erosional base. Each varies consid-
clast-supported fabric suggest that the flows that erably in character along strike.
deposited these conglomerates had little or no The lowest of these elements, IV1, shows a
yield strength, arguing against a debris flow vertical succession of IIIcg, overlain by IIIss,
origin. It is more likely that very energetic, sandy followed by IIIss/md near the middle part of the
turbidity currents transported conglomerate clasts MRS (Fig. 12). This fourth-order element loses the
as bedload. The sandy portions of these flows IIIss/md element »300 m towards the north-west
bypassed the site of conglomerate deposition or and amalgamates into a single IIIss/md element
were eroded and remobilized by subsequent about 50 m towards the south-east (Fig. 11). Sec-
turbidity currents. These tractional flows pro- ond-order bounding surfaces within the IIIss/md
duced inverse grading and clast imbrication within element seem to be in slight angular discordance
the conglomerates. Inverse-grading, nearly always with underlying thin-bedded sandstones of the
at the scale of »10–15 clast diameters in the MRS, IIImd element, suggesting a minor south-easterly
may be produced as a moving bedload layer is dip component. Second-order bounding surfaces
sheared and grain-to-grain interactions generate within the conglomerate appear to dip slightly
sufficient dispersive pressure to displace larger towards the basal contact, suggesting a very low
clasts upwards (Bagnold, 1954; Lowe, 1982). amplitude, progradational barform geometry
Several lines of evidence suggest that the con- (Fig. 5E). It is not possible to ascertain whether
glomerates were deposited within a single- or this dip is real or an artifact of scale distortions on
multiple-channelled braidplain. First, low-angle the oblique aerial photomosaics.
stratification and small-scale interfingering of con- Element IV2 is less conglomeratic than IV1,
glomeratic stringers in massive sandstone (Fig. 5) with a single, 25-m-thick IIIcg element at its base
are highly suggestive of barforms encountered that is subsequently overlain by a thick (75 m)
in many braided fluvial settings (Miall, 1992; IIIss unit. This latter element contains a few, 2- to
Collinson, 1996). Secondly, thick intervals of con- 3-m-thick conglomerate beds but, as sand-
glomerate show pervasive, multidirectional imbri- stone completely dominates this element, it is
cation (Fig. 7 and Table 1), also characteristic of assigned a IIIss classification. This element, as
coarse-grained braid bars (Schlee, 1957; Byrne, with IV1, amalgamates into a single IIIss/md
1963). Thirdly, the multiplicity of small-scale, element towards the south-east.
high width:depth ratio, nearly symmetric sand- The IV3 package was not investigated in detail
filled channels within the conglomerate (Table 1) because of extensive vegetation cover and extre-
are very similar to those formed by relatively mely steep slopes. Where exposed, however, this
straight channels in braided fluvial systems element is composed of the same third-order
(Galloway & Hobday, 1983). If these were highly elements as IV1, in the same vertical sequence
sinuous or meandering channels, lower width:depth (IIIcg–IIIss–IIIss/md). The major difference between
ratios and more asymmetry would be expected. IV1 and IV3 is the thickness of the IIIss element
 2002 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 49, 335–362

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Fig. 11. (A) Fourth-order architectural elements superimposed on third-order architecture. Thicknesses on the two north-western sections were estimated
from outcrop photographs. The leftmost section is derived from an outcrop »300 m north-west of the main part of the Maloney Ranch Section (area 2 in
Fig. 1B), whereas the middle section corresponds to the left edge of the mapped area. Note the rapid lateral lithofacies changes within each of the elements. (B)
Outcrop photograph of the north-westernmost section in (A). (C) Third-order elements superimposed on the photograph in (B).
Architecture of a submarine fan channel–levee complex
352 T. A. Hickson and D. R. Lowe

Fig. 12. Representative lithostratigraphic section through IIIss/md, IIIcg and IIIss units. This section is located at the
south-eastern edge of the lowest IIIcg element (measured section 5, Fig. 6). IIIss/md units (A) are erosionally truncated
by a IIIcg (B) bounding surface. Thick-bedded, mostly massive IIIss units abruptly overlie the conglomeratic unit and
show thin, laterally discontinuous mud layers (C) with thinner bedded turbidites encased within mudstone.
The scale of these thick-bedded sandstones decreases upwards (D) and, eventually thins to turbidites showing
soft-sediment deformation (E) and thin, Bouma Tc turbidites (F).

above the conglomerate. Where State Highway similar characteristics and lateral facies relation-
198 crosses the outcrop belt (Fig. 1B), the IIIcg ships, suggests that there were at least three
element of IV3 is <3 m thick, whereas the over- ‘cycles’ of waning energy. The upward-thinning
lying IIIss element may be as much as 130 m and -fining succession at the top of IV3 suggests a
thick. Although this thickness may be somewhat decrease in energy of the entire JRC system as a
overestimated on account of repetition of section result of either (1) an increase in relative water
from faulting, it appears to be reasonable based on depth and backstepping of the system; or (2)
mapping (Fig. 6). This IIIss element, in turn, lateral movement of the sediment feed system
grades rapidly over 2–3 m to a succession of away from this location. The best-exposed and
IIIss/md, followed by a rapid vertical transition most accessible fourth-order element is IV1. This
into the Upper Waltham Shale (Fig. 2). element is interpreted as a channel–levee
sequence based on the two-dimensional geometry
of third-order elements, facies relationships
DISCUSSION between third-order elements, palaeocurrents
within third-order elements, deformation features
Interpretation of fourth-order elements within the IIIss/md element and bed geometries
within IIIss/md elements.
The fining-upward succession of the fourth-order
The geometry of the IIIcg element within IV1
elements implies a decrease in the energy of the
indicates that it was deposited within a channel
local depositional system. The vertical sequence
(Figs 1 and 6). The element is lenticular, and its
of the three fourth-order elements, all with
base lies in erosional contact with the under-
 2002 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 49, 335–362
Architecture of a submarine fan channel–levee complex 353

lying sediments, in this case IIImd and IIIss/md the Cretaceous Wheeler Gorge sequence (thick-
elements. The apparent south-west dip of second- ness ¼ 100 m; Walker, 1985).
order bounding surfaces within the conglomerate The JRC channel dimensions are also consis-
suggests a very low amplitude, progradational tent with channels in modern channel–levee
or laterally accreting bar-like geometry (Fig. 5E). systems such as the Cascadia (aspect ratio ¼ 34),
If this dip exists, it suggests that the channel Astoria (aspect ratio ¼ 18), Grand Banks (aspect
filled from the north-west to the south-east. If ratio ¼ 20) and Baltimore/Washington channels
the bounding surfaces do not dip towards (aspect ratio ¼ 33) (Clark & Pickering, 1996).
the basal contact, then the channel filled aggrada- Furthermore, an estimate can be made of the
tionally. planform geometry of the JRC channels based on
Erosional relief is of the order of 50–80 m near the geometry of modern systems. Data from Clark
the south-eastern margin of the lowest conglom- & Pickering (1996 and Fig. 13) demonstrate that
erate (Fig. 6). The north-western channel margin there is a negative power-law correlation between
is not exposed, but the lowest conglomeratic lens channel width and sinuosity (r2 ¼ 0Æ66, RMS
can be traced for at least 4 km to the north-west error ¼ 0Æ07; Fig. 13) of the form:
on air photos. This geometry indicates a channel
with vertical dimensions of the order of 100 m sinuosity ¼ 919ðwidth04 Þ
and lateral dimensions of at least 3–4 km, leading
to channel aspect ratios of the order of 30–40. A The relationship between sinuosity and channel
number of ancient, deep-water, conglomerate- depth, although weaker (r2 ¼ 0Æ30, RMS error ¼
filled channels show similar geometries, inclu- 0Æ11), has a similar power-law form:
ding those found in the Cretaceous Rosario
Formation (aspect ratio ¼ 24–32Æ5; Morris et al., sinuosity ¼ 316ðdepth015 Þ
1989; Morris & Busby-Spera, 1990), Ordovician–
Silurian Caban Conglomerate (aspect ratio ¼ 20– Using representative width and depth values for
37; Davies & Waters, 1995), Cretaceous Cerro Toro the JRC of 3500 m and 100 m, respectively, leads
Formation (aspect ratio ¼ 29–32; Winn & Dott, to estimated sinuosities between 1Æ3 and 1Æ6, both
1979), Jurassic–Cretaceous Fossil Bluff Group relatively low values, suggesting that the chan-
(aspect ratio ¼ 32; Macdonald et al., 1995) and nels were straight to moderately sinuous.

Fig. 13. Width and depth of modern submarine channels, plotted vs. their maximum sinuosity (ratio of stream length
to valley length; Schumm, 1963). Data are from Clark & Pickering (1996). A power-law best-fit curve is also shown.
P, Porcupine; IA, Indus ‘A’; GBW, Grand Banks West.

 2002 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 49, 335–362

354 T. A. Hickson and D. R. Lowe

Field mapping indicates that the thick-bedded Medium-bedded sandstone units (20–40 cm)
sands (IIIss) that overlie the lower conglomerate within the IIIss/md element are commonly lenti-
onlap the erosional base of the channel (Fig. 6). In cular, whereas thinner sand beds are tabular
a partially covered interval between measured (Fig. 4). This bed geometry suggests aspects of
sections 5 and 6, a distance of only 10–12 m, a both channellized and sheet-like flow within this
4Æ5-m-thick sandstone element (6–11 m on the element. Sheet-like flows are probably the prod-
section in Fig. 12) vanishes completely, suggest- uct of flows overspilling the channel margins over
ing an onlap relationship with the channel broad areas without significant erosion (Peakall
margin. These relationships imply that the et al., 2000) or through flow-stripping at channel
flows that deposited the IIIss elements were at bends (Normark & Piper, 1992). The channellized
least partially confined by a channel, although sandbodies point toward at least local erosion of
overspill (sensu Peakall et al., 2000) into over- the levee and, by analogy with fluvial systems,
bank areas was likely. may represent small-scale crevasse channel fills
The transition from this thick-bedded sand- and point sources for some of the distal levee
stone to the overlying IIIss/md element is grada- sandstones.
tional (Fig. 12). The 0Æ3- to 0Æ5-m-thick sandstone Vertical sandstone bed thickness and sand-
beds that overlie the thick-bedded sandstone stone percentage trends (Fig. 9) are consistent
(12–14 m on the section in Fig. 12) can be traced with observations of fine-grained levees on the
between sections 5 and 6, but not to section 7 Amazon Fan (Manley et al., 1997) and in ancient
(Fig. 8), suggesting that they too may onlap the leveed channels. The Amazon levees coarsen
channel margin. Cover between sections 6 and 7, abruptly, then fine upwards towards the next
however, makes this relationship less certain, channel or levee package where another abrupt
and an alternative possibility is that these thin- coarsening occurs. Manley et al. (1997) attributed
ner beds overlap the margin, thinning into the this grain-size trend to channel avulsion and
laterally associated IIIss/md package. Indeed, the overspill processes (Hiscott et al., 1997; Peakall
medium-bedded sandstones of the overlying et al., 2000). In the autocyclic model described by
IIIss/md element (14–18 m on the section in Manley et al. (1997), avulsion into an interchan-
Fig. 12) seem to thin laterally, although bed- nel area leads to the establishment of a new
by-bed correlation is not possible because of cover. channel with low relief, which subsequently
The intimate lateral association between the confines turbidity currents poorly, thus leading
IIIcg and IIIss/md elements implies a genetic link to overspill of the lower and coarser fractions of
between them, with the conglomerates occupying the sediment load. As the channel begins to
channels and the interbedded sandstones and establish higher levees, channel relief increases
mudstones comprising a laterally related over- and turbidity current overspill becomes restricted
bank facies. A similar relationship exists between to progressively higher and finer grained portions
the IIIss and IIIss/md elements, with the thick- of the flow, leading to finer grained overbank
bedded sandstones occupying a broader channel deposition. It is likely that vertical trends in sand
that has mostly been filled by the underlying bed thickness and sand:mud ratios are controlled
conglomerate. by a similar process. Overspilling flows that tap
When comparing laterally equivalent IIIcg and the lower portions of the main flow are thicker,
IIIss/md elements, palaeocurrent indicators more energetic and longer lived than those that
suggest that overbank flows exiting the channel- are drawn from the dilute tops of turbidity
lized portions of the IIIcg element diverged at currents. The former flows should lead to the
high angles relative to the flow within the deposition of thicker beds and more sand than the
channel (Fig. 7). The flows appear to have more confined latter flows.
turned gradually parallel to the regional slope Piper & Deptuck (1997) explained their obser-
direction (south-west) further away from the vations of lateral grain-size change on the Ama-
channel margin. Furthermore, slumping and zon Fan using the same levee growth model
soft-sediment deformation within the IIIss/md outlined above (Manley et al., 1997). Overspil-
elements suggests that they accumulated on a ling flows are unconfined and, therefore, their
slope, with subsequent failure leading to folding velocity decreases abruptly away from the chan-
(Morris & Busby-Spera, 1990). Palaeocurrent nel. These flows drop most of their coarse load
indicators and evidence for a local slope there- on the levee flanks, which leads to a concentra-
fore also partially support a levee interpretation tion of sand deposition near the channel,
of the IIIss/md element. whereas silt and mud deposition is restricted to
 2002 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 49, 335–362
Architecture of a submarine fan channel–levee complex 355

more distal interchannel environments. How- Based on their coarse grain size, it is tempting
ever, this model fails to explain the initial to interpret the conglomerates as a very proximal,
increase in sandstone:mudstone ratio and mean submarine canyon fill. However, three lines of
sandstone bed thickness encountered at the evidence suggest that these conglomerates were
MRS. more likely deposited in proximal to medial
One possible interpretation of the lateral sand- positions in a deep-water fan channel. First, they
stone and mudstone trends in the MRS is that are intimately associated, both laterally and
both sides of the levee are preserved and the vertically, with distal mudstones of the IIImd
peaks encountered in Fig. 10 represent the levee element that were probably deposited in a distal
crest. Field relationships fail to support this environment well downstream of the point at
interpretation because stratal dips are negligible which the canyon debouched onto the sea floor.
to very slightly dipping away from the channel Secondly, they are laterally linked with more
margin. There is no stratal evidence that the levee proximal levee sandstones of the IIIss/md element
crest is preserved. An alternative hypothesis, in (Fig. 6) that tend to form on the proximal to
which numerous, small and mud-rich flows medial portions of modern submarine fans, rather
deposit more fine sediment on the proximal levee than within the submarine canyon itself (e.g.
flanks, might explain these trends. Astoria and Monterey Fan channels described by
Levee deposition derives from some combina- Clark & Pickering, 1996). Thirdly, the position of
tion of large and small turbidity currents that the Turonian–Cenomanian shelf break at the
deposit beds of variable thickness; even the latitude of Coalinga, although poorly constrained,
smallest flows are likely to have a dilute, turbu- lies between 20 and 50 km east of the position of
lent, muddy cloud above them that is capable of the JRC (Ingersoll, 1976), which places the JRC
depositing some mud on the levee crest and near the base of the continental slope and not
adjacent outer flank. Although the magnitude/ embedded within it.
frequency relationships for turbidity currents are The upper IV2 and IV3 elements, although not
largely unknown, it is reasonable to assume that investigated in detail, are similar to IV1. IV2, in
the system experiences far more small events than particular, shows similar facies changes along
large ones, by analogy with subaerial flood strike to those found in IV1 (Figs 6 and 11), but
frequency distributions. This implies that numer- these facies are shifted towards the north-west.
ous, small, muddy flows will deposit most of their IV3 comprises the same third-order elements as
load on portions of the levee nearest the channel; IV1, but the sandy portion of the system is
these flows do not have sufficient density contrast volumetrically more significant than in the other
to travel further. Such conditions could lead to fourth-order elements, representing an extended
the deposition of more mud in the proximal period of channel stability and thick-bedded
portions of the levee. Less frequent, large events sandstone deposition.
will deposit their coarsest load on the levee
flanks, but they will also be capable of transport-
Evolution of the JRC depositional system
ing coarser load further, particularly if they result
from channellization associated with crevassing, Within a sequence stratigraphic framework, allo-
resulting in a zone of coarser grained deposition cyclic forcing mechanisms, such as changes in
slightly away from the proximal levee. From this relative sea level, have been called upon to
point on, levee construction behaves much in the explain the genetic evolution of many deep-
way outlined by Piper & Deptuck (1997). water sequences (Posamentier & Vail, 1988; King
It should be noted that the Amazon Fan and et al., 1994). Contrary to this view is the hypo-
the JRC are not directly comparable systems, thesis that autocyclic processes, such as avul-
although their mechanisms of levee growth may sion, thalweg migration and lobe switching, are
be similar. These systems are profoundly differ- responsible for creating the facies architecture of
ent in terms of scale, channel geometry, grain size these sequences (Davies & Walker, 1974; Hein &
and, possibly, sinuosity. The Amazon Fan is a Walker, 1982). Ultimately, it cannot be shown
mud-rich system, whereas the JRC is mud poor. conclusively which mechanism is dominant
The former tends to produce larger, better devel- without very precise temporal and geometric
oped levees than the latter (Reading & Richards, control. Such controls are typically absent in
1994). Even with these apparent disparities, the rocks as old as the JRC. The following discussion
internal characteristics of the levees are remark- outlines a model that calls upon the autocyclic
ably similar. process of channel thalweg migration or avulsion
 2002 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 49, 335–362
356 T. A. Hickson and D. R. Lowe

to describe the deposition and resultant archi-

Fig. 14. Genetic evolution of the lowest fourth-order
tecture of the lowest fourth-order element (IV1) element, IV1. Sandstone stipple pattern schematically
at the MRS (Figs 14 and 15). This type of model depicts an active sediment-gravity flow; circles with
is favoured based on broader scale stratigraphic dots depict sediment-gravity flow direction out of the
relationships. Figure 1A shows a thick conglom- plane of the paper (towards the viewer). IIImd elements
erate package to the north-west of the study area are deposited by dilute, low-energy turbidity currents
that is laterally equivalent to the conglomerates in (A) on a low-relief distal submarine fan surface. A
channel is eroded into the IIImd element by high-en-
exposed at the MRS. This package appears to be
ergy, sand-rich turbidity currents in (B). As the channel
the principal locus of conglomerate deposition widened or migrated towards the south-east (C), IIImd
and, most likely, the zone of maximum flow and IIIss/md elements were consumed by bank erosion.
energy in the JRC. The rocks of the MRS, at the As the thalweg shifted to the north-west, or as the
margin of this larger system, appear to be a system was temporarily abandoned in this area (D),
sensitive ‘recorder’ of subtle lateral shifts in this the principal locus of coarse-grained (conglomeratic)
locus of deposition. deposition shifted, allowing for the deposition of thick-
bedded, structureless sandstone along the lateral edges
Deposition of IIImd (Fig. 14A). The initial phase
of flows. With further north-westward migration or
of deposition was characterized by low-density abandonment (E), thick-bedded sandstone deposition
turbidity currents in either distal downslope or gave way to the deposition of thinner bedded, IIIss/md
interchannel areas. These flows deposited thin- elements. Finally (F), IIIss/md deposition ceases, and
bedded turbidites and turbiditic mud, mainly as IIIss elements are deposited along the channel margin
Bouma Tcd sequences. Sedimentation rates were as in (D). This last episode of IIIss deposition corres-
relatively low. These IIImd elements were prob- ponds to the basal units of the next, stratigraphically
higher fourth-order element.
ably deposited near the distal fringe of a fan and
may represent the deep-marine component of the
highstand systems tract. Mulder & Syvitski, 1995), individual flows may
Erosion of the channel and deposition of IIIss/md have been capable of transporting clasts from
(Fig. 14B). A drop in relative sea level or areas near the shelf/slope break, 20–50 km east
avulsion of the primary feeder channel caused of the study area, to the MRS locality and
high-energy turbidity currents to become the beyond. Alternatively, the flows may have been
dominant sediment transport mechanism. These short-lived, collapsing turbidity currents (sensu
flows were erosive, and most of the sediment Lowe, 1982) and would have transported con-
bypassed the channel in the vicinity of the MRS. glomerate in pulses. In this case, conglomerate
The sediment that was deposited within the may have arrived at the MRS locality as a kind of
channel was either not preserved (eroded by ‘wave.’
subsequent flows) or deposited only along the Initial channel widening or local thalweg shift-
lateral margins of the channel and sporadically ing (Fig. 14C). The lateral extent of erosion of the
preserved. It is likely that these erosive flows north-western edge of the levee sequence (Figs 5B
were not completely contained within the chan- and 8) appears to have been somewhat limited,
nel scour and that some overbank sedimentation suggesting that the channel may have widened
occurred. However, the within-channel and cres- somewhat or experienced a local shift in the
tal portions of these first levee deposits were thalweg position. At this time, conglomerate
probably consumed by subsequent limited lateral deposition may already have begun in the north-
migration or widening of the channel. Initial west, as suggested by the overall thickening of the
levee formation therefore probably began while conglomerate towards the north-west (Fig. 1A). It
the channel was actively eroding and had is thought that the channel fill is the product of a
relatively low relief. Levee-forming flows single- or multiple-channel braidplain, with the
were low-density turbidity currents, leaving channel thalweg(s) migrating over the width of
Bouma Tabcd and Tbcd sequences of the IIIss/md the confined portion of the system. Turbidity
element. currents are often highly stratified flows, the
Observations of the basal contact of the lowest lower layer having a higher concentration than
IIIcg element suggest that conglomerate depos- the dilute upper layer (Peakall et al., 2000). Such
ition came soon after erosion, suggesting that the flows may be capable of forming multiple, high-
flows that eroded the channels were actively velocity thalwegs within their high-concentration
transporting conglomerate as bedload. If the lower parts, while essentially occupying the
erosional flows were long-lived, hyperpycnal entire primary channel with the overlying, lower
turbidity currents (Kneller & Branney, 1995; density flow.
 2002 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 49, 335–362
Architecture of a submarine fan channel–levee complex 357

 2002 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 49, 335–362

358 T. A. Hickson and D. R. Lowe

Fig. 15. Schematic representation of the evolution of the JRC at the Maloney Ranch Section at the scale of
fourth-order elements. The architecture of the system can be partially explained by the lateral shifting of a channel–
overbank system in (A–C). In (D), the uppermost sequence most probably records the abandonment of the
depositional system and a return to fine-grained, mud-dominated sedimentation.
 2002 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 49, 335–362
Architecture of a submarine fan channel–levee complex 359

North-west thalweg migration (Fig. 14D and E).

Fourth-order system evolution
Conglomerate deposition ceased in the vicinity
of the MRS and was replaced by sand depos- The previous discussion summarizes the evolu-
ition along the margins of the channel, suggesting tion of only the lowest fourth-order element, IV1.
(1) that the channel thalweg, as tracked by the Figure 15 depicts the evolution of the entire JRC
locus of coarse-grained conglomerate deposition, at the MRS. Above the IV1 element, many of the
either migrated laterally to the north-west, taking facies relationships are conjectural. For example,
with it the locus of conglomerate deposition; or (2) it is unclear whether the IIIss elements feather out
that there was a complete system-wide cessation into a IIIss/md element along strike or onlap a
of conglomerate deposition. The JRC becomes relatively high-angle levee margin. Some of these
almost completely conglomeratic »3 km north- IIIss to IIIss/md facies changes appear to occur over
west along strike (Fig. 1A), providing support for very short lateral distances, often less than 20 or
the former interpretation. Within the study area, 30 m, suggesting that an onlap relationship is
sand was deposited as broad sheets, possibly as more reasonable. Over such short distances, the
part of a sandy braidplain system, as suggested flows that deposited thick-bedded sandstones
by the amalgamated character of these sandstones. probably did not evolve into the low-density,
Alternatively, these sheet sands may have been relatively dilute flows that deposited the inter-
deposited by rapidly expanding flows down- bedded sandstone and mudstone. Unfortunately,
stream of the mouth of a leveed channel as part much of the outcrop that could clarify these
of a lobe. These sands appear to onlap the levee facies relationships is covered, faulted or inac-
first, then overlap it and thin away from the cessible.
channel axis into facies that are very similar to the Element IV3 may be interpreted as a channel–
levee facies sandstones of the IIIss/md element levee sequence similar to IV1. Alternatively, this
(Fig. 6). upper element may represent the deposits of a
An abrupt shift in the position of the IIIss to backstepping submarine fan system. If the latter
IIIss/md lateral facies change indicates that the is the case, then the JRC may be interpreted as a
locus of sand deposition migrated further to channel–levee complex overlain by an abandon-
the north-west (Fig. 14E). The relationship of ment facies association. Geologic maps record
second-order bounding surfaces across this pinch-outs of the JRC »20 km north-west and
facies change is unclear because they are inac- <1 km south-east of the MRS (Fig. 1A). This
cessible. The IIIss may onlap the IIIss/md, as might lateral variability may record the extent of the
be encountered at a levee margin. Alternatively, entire channel–levee complex or possibly the
the IIIss element may thin and gradually become limits of a single submarine fan system analogous
a IIIss/md element, implying that this facies to the coarse-grained, high-gradient fans of the
change may record the temporary abandonment Forties Formation, North Sea (Hill & Wood,
of the system within the study area. The former 1980).
interpretation is preferred because the base of The depositional model for the MRS is specific
this IIIss/md element has a higher sandstone to the margin of the JRC, but it may have more
percentage and greater bed thickness than the general applicability to other conglomeratic,
IIIss/md elements immediately below it (section 5, leveed, deep-water depositional systems. Walker
Figs 6 and 9) and appears to represent the (1985) proposed a less detailed and laterally
beginning of another fining-upward levee pack- unconstrained model to explain the stratal stack-
age (Manley et al., 1997). ing patterns encountered in the Wheeler Gorge
South-east thalweg migration (Fig. 14F). A conglomerates. Walker (1985) relied more strongly
south-eastward shift in the deposition of thick- on channel avulsion than thalweg migration to
bedded sandstone (IIIss) reflects a similar shift explain vertical facies changes, but there is no
in the channel thalweg position. This IIIss strong evidence to prefer one mechanism over the
element is the base of the next fourth-order other. Similar processes may have played a role
element, IV2. Lateral facies relationships at the in the evolution of the Kirkgeçit formation of
south-eastern margin of this IIIss element are eastern Turkey (Cronin et al., 2000) as well as in
unclear. These sandstones may be confined to a fine-grained channel–levee–overbank systems
very low aspect ratio channel and may onlap like the Tanqua Karoo of South Africa (Kirschner
the contact with the adjacent IIIss/md element, or & Bouma, 2000).
they may feather out gradually into a IIIss/md
 2002 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 49, 335–362
360 T. A. Hickson and D. R. Lowe

CONCLUSIONS architecture is controlled allocyclically by chan-

ges in relative sea level.
The Juniper Ridge Conglomerate provides a
superb example of a deep-water, channel–levee
complex. The clear exposures of the lateral margin ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
of the channel system, critically important in
terms of understanding the two-dimensional The authors would like to thank Will Schweller,
facies architecture and genetic evolution of the Kai Anderson, Steve Graham and Lisa Lamb for
system, provide a rare insight into this type of their critical input to this work. Two reviewers,
coarse-grained, deep-water channel deposit. The Jeff Peakall and Kevin Pickering, provided
Juniper Ridge Conglomerate represents an episode critical and very insightful comments and
of coarse clastic sedimentation within the Great improved the focus of this work immensely.
Valley Supergroup and records the emplacement This research was funded by the Stanford
and lateral migration of a channel–levee complex Project on Deep-water Depositional Systems
across a distal, outer-fan slope or basin floor. (SPODDS), the Stanford University Department
A return to fine-grained sedimentation records the of Geological and Environmental Sciences Shell
abandonment of the channel–levee complex, as a fund, the Stanford School of Earth Sciences
consequence of either a major shift in the depo- Dorothea McGee fund and NASA’s Minnesota
centre or a rise in relative sea level. Space Grant program.
The MRS is composed of four principal third-
order elements: (1) IIImd, a mudstone-dominated
element that represents deposition in distal REFERENCES
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