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Orthopedic Reviews 2014; volume 6:5618

Intramuscular lipoma: a review Moriconi, which differentiated between lipo-

mas based on whether they were located Correspondence: Ivan Chernev, ARH Southern
of the literature between or within the muscles.8,9 WV Clinic, 250 Stanaford Road, Beckley, WV,
Subsequently, it was also recognized that 25801, USA.
Shane McTighe,1 Ivan Chernev1,2 intramuscular lipomas can present as infiltra- Tel.: +1.304.254.2646, +1.304.254.2650 -
Fax: +1.304.254.2794.
West Virginia School of Osteopathic tive, well-defined/non-infiltrative and mixed
Medicine, Lewisburg, WV; 2Beckley (with areas of infiltration and well-defined
Appalachian Regional Healthcare, areas) variant.10,11 Key words: lipoma, intramuscular, deep-seated.
Beckley, WV, USA The authors of this article use the terms
intramuscular lipoma and intermuscular lipo- Contributions: the authors contributed equally.
ma, reserving the term infiltrating lipoma
when there is clear radiological, surgical or Conflict of interests: the authors declare no
microscopic evidence of infiltration of muscle potential conflict of interests.
Abstract or other adjacent structure. Of note is that
Received for publication: 28 August 2014.
many of the intermuscular and a small number Accepted for publication: 4 October 2014.
Lipomas are the most common type of soft of the intramuscular lipomas will grow by
tissue mesenchymal tumors. They are typically expansion and enclosure of other structures This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
located subcutaneously and consist of mature rather than infiltration. It is sometimes diffi- Attribution NonCommercial 3.0 License (CC BY-
fatty tissue. When they occur under the enclos- cult to define the exact location of origin, espe- NC 3.0).
ing fascia, they are called deep-seated lipomas. cially when encountering a large lipoma aris-
Infrequently, lipomas can arise inside the mus- ing from a small muscle with a large extra- ©Copyright S. McTighe and I. Chernev, 2014
cle and are called intramuscular lipomas. Licensee PAGEPress, Italy
muscular component or intermuscular lipoma
Orthopedic Reviews 2014; 6:5618
Intramuscular lipomas have been commonly which secondary infiltrated the adjacent mus- doi:10.4081/or.2014.5618
investigated and categorized in the same cle. Because many clinicians are still unaware
group as other deep-seated and superficial of the significance of a lipoma arising within
lipomatous lesions. Their clinical, histological the muscle, knowledge of this pathology can
and imaging characteristics may resemble help the physician to provide appropriate care lar lipomas are located within a single muscle
well-differentiated liposarcomas, further and counseling for the patient and prevent (solitary) with only a few cases reported
adding to the difficulties in the differential anxiety and fear from malignancy. This article involving two or more muscles.8,13,14 Co-exis-
diagnosis. This article summarizes the avail- reviews the characteristic epidemiological, tence of intramuscular lipoma with other lipo-
able literature and describes the typical epi- pathological, clinical, and imaging features of matous and non-lipomatous tumors such as
demiological, pathological and clinical features intramuscular lipomas, as well as outlining spindle cell lipoma, parosteal lipoma, well-dif-
of intramuscular lipomas, as well as delineat- their treatment and outcome after treatment. ferentiated liposarcoma and laryngeal squa-
ing their treatment and prognosis. mous cell carcinoma in the same patient have
been reported on occasion.14-18
Epidemiology Age distribution
Intramuscular lipomas may occur in all age
The precise epidemiological and demo-
groups, from childhood to old age. However,
Lipomas are benign mesenchymal tumors. graphic characteristics of intramuscular lipo-
the majority of them occur between the ages of
They are the most common type of soft tissue mas are not very well defined. The fact that
40 and 70 years.6,10 The average age at presen-
tumors.1 Usually, they are localized superficial- intramuscular lipomas are relatively uncom-
tation has been reported as 58.7 years,19 54
ly to the enclosing fascia in the subcutaneous mon and have been commonly investigated
and categorized in the same group as other years,20 50 years,21 49 years,22 and 48 years.23
tissues (subcutaneous lipoma). However, lipo-
mas may be localized deep under the enclosing deep-seated and superficial lipomas, con- Furthermore, Fletcher et al. found that the
fascia; these are called deep-seated lipomas. tributed to the difficulties in better defining average age for infiltrative subtype was 51.5
Intramuscular lipomas are deep-seated lipo- the typical epidemiological and demographic years and for the well-circumscribed subtype
mas which originate within the muscle. characteristics of these tumors.2,3 Another con- was 47.25 years.10
Although there are numerous papers dis- tributing factor is that many of the old studies
cussing intramuscular lipomas, and some investigating lipomatous tumors lack cytoge- Gender distribution
authors have tried to differentiate them from netic testing which may have misdiagnosed Clear gender predilection has not been cur-
other lipomatous lesions for over a century, low-grade liposarcomas for intramuscular lipo- rently established. However, there is female
there is still great deal of confusion regarding mas based on histology alone, further adding predominance in the majority of studies where
their characteristic features and the use of to the inaccuracy of the data in these studies. intramuscular lipomas were separately evalu-
terms when referring to them. Intramuscular ated.5,10,19-25 In contrast, other large studies
lipomas have been commonly investigated and Prevalence have shown that men were affected more often
categorized in the same group as other deep- Intramuscular lipoma is a relatively uncom- than women.3,26 For example, Ramos-Pacua et
seated and superficial lipomatous lesions.2,3 mon condition and accounts for just over 1.8% al. found that among 50 patients with intra-
In 1853, Paget described a lipoma infiltrated of all primary tumors of adipose tissue and less muscular and intermuscular lipomas, 62%
into the trapezius muscle and in 1946, Regan et than 1% of all lipomas.10,12 Furthermore, were men and 38% women.3 However, these
al. introduced the term infiltrating lipoma.4-7 Fletcher et al. found that 83% were of the infil- studies did not calculate separately the gender
Later, Greenberg et al. recognized that infil- trative type and 17% were the well-defined distribution among different lipoma subtypes,
trating lipomas may be either intermuscular or type.10 Lipomas are estimated to be multiple in which most likely distorted the accuracy of that
intramuscular using the classification of 5-15% of patients.1 However, most intramuscu- demographic characteristic.

[page 156] [Orthopedic Reviews 2014; 6:5618]


most of which were the infiltrative type. In divided into the infiltrative type, well- circum-
Anatomical distribution addition, the patterns of fiber atrophy were not scribed type, and mixed type (with areas of
Although it is generally believed that intra- confined to the areas of fatty infiltration but infiltrative margins and well-circumscribed or
muscular lipomas primarily occur in the large were also detected in the peripheral muscle encapsulated areas). The histological features
muscles of the limbs and the trunk,6,27 they can fibers where tumor involvement was not of infiltrative intramuscular lipomas are dis-
occur in almost any anatomical site.28-43 The prominent. In half of these tumors, they found tinctive. They have relatively uniform appear-
exact topographical distribution has not been type II (fast fiber) dominant pattern atrophy ance characterized by mature uni-vaculoated
calculated and has varied among different and in the other half type I (slow fiber) domi- adipocytes of fairly uniform size and shape
studies. Nishida et al. found that the most nant pattern atrophy. These findings strongly which irregularly infiltrate between muscle
common location was the thigh followed by the suggest association with focally neurogenic or fibers and, in many places, completely replac-
shoulder.19 Basset et al. found that 47 % of myogenic disorders in the lesion. The authors ing the muscle bundles. Rarely, intramuscular
intramuscular lipomas arose in the upper limb also suggested that these changes may modu- lipomas may infiltrate not only the muscle but
or chest wall.20 In addition, Fletcher et al. found late the infiltrating growth characteristic of also the fascia and tendon.26 When cut in cross
that of the infiltrative subtype 38% were locat- intramuscular lipoma.75 section there is a checkerboard-like appear-
ed in the trunk, 20% in the head and neck, 18% ance and, in longitudinal section, a striped
in the upper limb and 10% in the lower limb. In appearance (Figure 1). Adipocytes’ nuclei are
contrast, from the well-circumscribed type, small, flattened and peripherally situated. They
87.5 % were located in the trunk and 12.5% in Gross pathoanatomy and do not display nuclear atypia and there is no
the head.10 In the head and neck regions, histopathology increased mitosis, hyperchromasia, pleomor-
involvement of different muscles such as the physim or multinucleation of fat cells.
neck muscles, tongue, cheek, orbicularis mus- Intramuscular lipomas present with typical Lipoblasts are not identified. Individual muscle
cle and temporalis muscle have been described gross pathological and histopathological fea- fibers are normal or often atrophic, but do not
with the tongue being one of the most com- tures which can establish the diagnosis in the show the striking reactive changes, such as
monly involved sites.6,44-69 Intramuscular lipo- majority of cases. In histologically questionable increased nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio and multi-
mas of the hand and foot are rare.70-73 cases, cytogenetic testing may be very useful in nucleation, often seen at the advancing edge
establishing the correct diagnosis and differen- of desmoid fibromatoses or many
tiate them from other lipomatous lesions. sarcomas. Muscle fibers may be widely sepa-
rated.13 A delicate connective tissue stroma
Etiology and pathogenesis Gross pathological features may be focally present. The tumor vasculature
is very scanty and consistent of occasional
On gross examination, the majority of intra-
The exact etiology and pathogenesis of thin-walled capillaries. Larger vessels, which
muscular lipomas are seemingly circum-
intramuscular lipomas remains unclear. are always solitary, are exceedingly rare. In
scribed, masses of uniform, yellowish adipose
Similar to other lipoma subtypes, intramuscu- some tumors, histology may reveal areas of fat
tissue with mottled tan areas and a soft consis-
lar lipomas most likely have neoplastic patho- necrosis, hemorrhage and cyst formation.10,25
tency. Often the mass has lobulated surface.
genesis and represent a true neoplasm directly The areas of fat necrosis are associated with
Some of them are attached to obvious skeletal
originating from multipotent mesenchymal lipid-laden macrophages and chronic inflam-
muscle. Their shape is typically round or
cells. Reactive pathogenesis have been pro- matory cell infiltrate, composed entirely of lym-
fusiform. They can vary in size from 1 cm to 25
posed as well. Trauma, chronic irritation, obe- phocytes. These foci are often associated with
cm.10,20Usually they are non-capsulated
sity, developmental disorders, endocrine, dys- adjacent fibrosis, but irregular fibrous septa or
although small number of masses may be cap-
metabolic and genetic factors provoking the significant paramuscular fibrosis is never
sulated. Nishida et al. found that a capsule
uncontrolled growth of lipomas have all been seen in the absence of degenerative, inflam-
separating the lesion from the surrounding
suggested to play a possible role in the devel- matory features.10 The well-circumscribed
muscles was recorded in only 12.5 % of the
opment of intramuscular lipomas.3,25,47,74 intramuscular lipomas are composed solely of
cases.19 The intramuscular lipoma with extra-
Ramos-Pascua et al. suggested that body mass a discrete mass of uniform, mature adipocytes,
muscular component may have a capsule at
index may be related to the development of which are clearly delineated from the sur-
the extramuscular margin (the outer margin)
intramuscular lipomas as two-thirds of their rounding muscle. No fatty infiltration of adja-
and not on the margin in the muscle. On cross
cases were overweight or obese.3 Bjerreagaard cent muscle fibers and entrapped muscle is
section, the cut surface can vary from yellow to
et al. suspected hormonal imbalance; however, typically evident within the tumor itself. In
dark tan. Some tumors may have a grayish,
all tests for estrogen receptors in their study firm surface. In the infiltrative type, bundles of these cases, fibrous stroma condenses toward
were negative.25 To the best of our knowledge, muscle fibers can be noticed passing through the borders of the tumor forming a capsule.26
no familial cases of intramuscular lipomas the tumor.19 Interestingly, Fletcher et al. did not Similar to the infiltrative type, there is no
have been reported. Further studies using notice obvious muscular tissue macroscopical- adipocytic atypia and lipoblasts are never seen.
molecular techniques are needed to under- ly within the fat in any of their tumors.10 Blood vessels are scarce and uniformly small.
stand the exact mechanism of the underlying Entrapped muscle fibers are typically not Chondroid or osseous metaplasia is occasion-
benign growth or neoplastic transformation. observed in the well-encapsulated intramuscu- ally encountered within intramuscular lipo-
Similarly, the mechanisms of infiltrative lar lipomas. Occasionally, focal calcification mas, particularly if they are long-standing.27,77
growth of intramuscular lipomas are not fully can be observed.10,76 Usually, no macroscopic Ossification presents as haphazardly distrib-
understood. Aberrant high mobility group pro- evidence of necrosis or hemorrhage is noted.10 uted and interlacing thin lamellar bone struc-
teins have been reported to play a role during tures which can be disseminated throughout
the development of lipomatous tumors.75 the tumor or concentrated at the periphery of
Histological and cytological fea-
Furthermore, Mori et al. reported type-selec- the mass.13,76,77 Thin trabeculae of mature bone
tive muscle fiber atrophy or degenerative tures (microscopic pathological can be also found in the fibrous septae as
changes in 70% of intramuscular lipomas features) well.77 Frequently, there are peripheral
examined by immunohistochemical analysis, Histologically, intramuscular lipomas can be osteoblasts surrounding the mature bone.

[Orthopedic Reviews 2014; 6:5618] [page 157]


Normally, there is no nuclear atypia or ities. Karyotypically, two cases each have Pierron et al. studied a single case of a 5-year-
increased rate of mitosis.77 A single case of iso- shown aberrations affecting 8q and 12q; one of old boy with intramuscular lipoma of the but-
lated (localized) idiopathic granulomatous the latter was combined with 13q abnormality. tock and found a translocation involving the
vasculitis characterized by transmural inflam- The remaining two lesions showed aberrations short arm of chromosome 9 and the long arm
matory cell infiltrate composed of epitheloid affecting other chromosomes. None had nor- of chromosome 12 [karyotype 46,
histiocytes, multinucleated giant cells and lym- mal karyotype. They also concluded that there XY,t(9;12)(p22;q14)].83 Furthermore, they
phocytes isolated to the intramuscular lipoma are no consistent cytogenetic differences found rearrangement of both HMGA2 and NFIB
has been reported as well.78 between subcutaneous, subfascial and intra- genes with HMGA2-NFIB fusion. Bao et al.
Histological and cytological differential muscular lipomas of ordinary type. reported a case of a three-way translocation
diagnosis of intramuscular lipoma is mainly Sreekantaiah et al. reported that in their t(1;4;12)(q25;q27;q15) as the sole chromoso-
versus well-differentiated liposarcoma. Well- series of lipomas, all patients with intramuscu- mal abnormality in an 8-year-old girl with an
differentiated liposarcomas are distinguished lar lipomas had abnormal karyotypes.82 intramuscular lipoma.84
from intramuscular lipomas by the presence of Furthermore, they reported that the depth of Although further knowledge is needed to
atypical cells or vacuolated lipoblasts admixed the lipoma was significantly related to the better understand the spectrum of cytogenetic
with fibroblasts-like spindle cells, frequently finding of complex abnormality as four of the 9 characteristics of lipomatous tumors generally
located in the septa. Compared to intramuscu- patients with complex changes in their series and intramuscular lipomas in particular, it is
lar lipomas, well-differentiated liposarcomas of 109 lipomas had intramuscularly-situated clear that cytogenetic analysis can be of diag-
have more and thicker fibrous septae with lipomas.82 In a study of 106 lesions (55 classi- nostic value in hystologically borderline or dif-
some large and small blood vessels.24,79 fied as intramuscular lipomas and 51 classified ficult cases. Because it appears that based on
Inflammatory cell and myxoid areas are fre- as atypical lipomatous tumors) Bassett et al. histology alone, it is possible to misdiagnose
quently observed near the septa.80 The other found that the cytogenetic studies of intramus- intramuscular lipoma with well-differentiated
lesion with which intramuscular lipomas may cular lipomas revealed simple translocations liposarcoma, cytogenetic testing may be very
be confused histologically is intramuscular or loss of chromosomal material involving the useful in these cases. In contrast to intramus-
hemangioma. Intramuscular hemangiomas q14-15 region on chromosome 12, paracentric cular lipomas, well-differentiated liposarcomas
often show a prominent adipose tissue compo- or pericentric inversions of chromosome are typically associated with supernumerary
nent replacing adjacent muscle. However, the 12q14-15, aberrations involving 6p21-22, or ring or giant marker chromosomes.81,85,86 While
extensive vascular component will render the loss of material from the q12-14 or q22 region histological diagnosis is the gold standard for
diagnosis simple.10 Primary muscular diseases of chromosome 13.20 The rearrangements diagnosis in lipomatous tumors, cytogenetic
that may result in fatty degeneration and fatty involving 12q14-15 and 6p21-22 lead to over- analysis is quickly becoming an integral part of
replacement of the muscle are excluded by the expression of HMGIC and HMGIY, respectively. the diagnostic work up. Additionally, cytoge-
clinical presentation and dystrophic changes The proteins encoded by these genes are high netic analysis may potentially be useful in pre-
characterized by fiber size variability, fiber mobility group proteins that are involved in dicting the disease course. In general, tumors
necrosis, regeneration, inflammation and con- determining chromosomal structure and are with complicated chromosome aberrations are
nective tissues deposition. A single case of known to affect gene expression globally.20 associated with a poor disease course.84
spindle-cell lipoma inside an intramuscular
lipoma has been reported, presenting as a sin-
gle heterogeneous mass. In this case, a second
well-circumscribed tumor consistent of mix-
ture of mature fat cells and uniform, small
spindle cells with scant, elongated cytoplasm

was described.15 Careful examination of the
entire mass with sufficient numbers of histo-
logical samples will provide the correct patho-
logical diagnosis and prevent mislabeling
other fat containing lesions, which may
require a different treatment approach.

Cytogenetic profile
The advancement and development of better
cytogenetic methods in the last few decades
resulted in the cytogenetic characterization of
a number of soft tissue tumors including lipo-
matous tumors. Cytogenetic abnormalities
have been found to be common in lipomatous Figure 1. A) Histological appearance of the infiltrative intramuscular lipoma. Mass of
tumors and to correlate reliably with morpho- mature uni-vacuolated adipocytes of fairly uniform size, which irregularly infiltrate
logical subtypes.81 Specific chromosomal between muscle fibers. Transverse section showing chequerboard-like appearance.
Reproduced with permission (D’Alfonso™, 2011; Copyright 2011 College of American
abnormalities have been described in intra- Pathologists).37 B) Histological appearance of the infiltrative intramuscular lipoma. Mass
muscular lipomas. Fletcher et al. reviewed the of mature uni-vacuolated adipocytes of fairly uniform size, which irregularly infiltrate
karyotype of 178 lipomatous tumors.81 Six between muscle fibers. Longitudinal section showing the striated appearance of the mus-
cases were classified as intramuscular lipomas cle fibers caused by the proliferation of fat cells. Reproduced with permission (Kindblom
of ordinary type. All cases arose in the extrem- LG, 1974; Copyright 1974 American Cancer Society).27

[page 158] [Orthopedic Reviews 2014; 6:5618]


have been reported with intramuscular lipoma cular lipomas are difficult to differentiate from
Clinical presentation of the superior oblique muscle.6 Headache has other benign (neoplastic and non-neoplastic)
been reported with intramuscular lipoma of and malignant masses occurring in the soft
Clinically, intramuscular lipomas most often the temporalis muscle.51 Clinically, intramus- tissues. Differential diagnosis should include
present as a slowly growing asymptomatic
mass or swelling with no palpable mass. Pain

is a late and uncommon symptom, usually in
deep and very large lipomas and is most likely
due to compression or expansion of the adja-
cent soft tissues or compression of the adja-
cent peripheral nerve.13,33,34,39,43 Paresthesias
and nerve distribution neurological deficit due
to nerve impingement can be encountered as
well.22,26,46 A small number of patients may com-
plain of occasional cramping. Dysfunction of
the engaged muscle due to extensive infiltra-
tion has been reported.26,46 When the mass
increases in size, decreased range of motion

or functional limitation due to mechanical
restriction may be an associated complaint.
Duration of symptoms before diagnosis may
vary from a few months to years.
Physical examination shows a palpable
mass or soft tissue swelling of fairly soft con-
sistency. However, consistency can vary with
the density of the fibrous tissue stroma. In
some cases the tumor changes its consistency
and form when the engaged muscle is con-
tracted. In this case, the tumor may become
more readily palpable, firmer and more spher-

ical. However, in some cases the tumor can be
firm even with the muscle relaxed.33 The tumor
is usually not tender to palpation, but may be
tender in some cases. The mass is freely mov-
able and not fixed to the bone or overlying
skin. Some intramuscular lipomas may exhibit
diminished mobility due to their infiltration to
the muscle. The skin and vessels overlying the
mass show no changes even in the presence of
a fairly large mass.28 However, superficial
venous congestion caused by peripheral vascu-
lar compression has been reported in a large
deltoid intramuscular lipoma.33 Nonetheless,
this is not typical and is usually a sign of
malignancy. No associated lymphadenopathy is
usually detected.
Other specific symptoms and clinical pres-
entation depend on the location and the vol- Figure 2. A) Ultrasound imaging of intramuscular lipoma showing hyperechoic (com-
ume of the tumor. They can mimic other more pared to adjacent muscle), relatively well-defined mass with fine internal echoes.
common pathologies in that specific region Reproduced under the Creative Commons Attribution License from Chernev I, 2013.71
B) Ultrasound imaging showing heterogeneous thenar intramuscular lipoma with irreg-
and can be misdiagnosed initially. When ular margins and interdigitations within skeletal muscle that create the typical striated
encountered in the supraspinatus muscle, appearance. Reproduced with permission of the American Institute of Ultrasound in
intramuscular lipoma may cause impingement Medicine (Zamora MA, 2005; Permission conveyed through Copyright Clearance Center,
syndrome.35,36 When encountered in the pec- Inc).92 C) MRI of intramuscular lipoma of the thenar eminence. Note the fat signal inten-
toralis muscle, it may mimic breast can- sity and homogeneous appearance of the mass. Reproduced under the Creative Commons
Attribution License from Chernev I, 2013.71 D) MRI intramuscular lipoma of the tibialis
cer.29,37,38 When encountered in the chest wall, anterior muscle. Note the heterogeneous appearance of the mass with streaky intralesion-
it may imitate a pulmonary nodule.12 When al structures. Reproduced with permission (Nishida J, 2007; pending permission from
encountered in the muscles of the retropha- Springer Science and Business Media).17 E) MRI showing a mass with increased signal
ryngeal space, the patient may present with intensity infiltrating the thenar muscles. The lesion appears isointense relative to subcu-
taneous fat and is compatible with a deep infiltrating intramuscular lipoma. Reproduced
dysphagia and dysphonia due to compression with permission of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (Zamora MA, 2005;
of the recurrent laryngeal nerve or mass Permission conveyed through Copyright Clearance Center, Inc).92 F) MRI of intramuscu-
effect.47,55,60 When reported in the tongue, it lar lipoma of the thenar eminence. Note the bilobular appearance of the tumor.
can cause difficulties with deglutition, masti- Reproduced under the Creative Commons Attribution License from Chernev I, 2013.71
cation and speech.46,62-64 Proptosis and diplopia

[Orthopedic Reviews 2014; 6:5618] [page 159]


hematoma, muscle herniation, ganglion cyst, pendently. However, Paunipager et al. investi- areas of hazy amorhous density, usually
heterotopic ossification, angiolipoma, hae- gated the ultrasound features of 64 deep-seat- accompanied by both thick and thin streaky
mangioma, fibrous myositis, primary muscular ed lipomas: the majority of them (56%) were soft tissue densities.19 The streaky lesions are
disease with fatty infiltration, liposarcoma, intramuscular.93 In their study, they found that occasionally interrupted.
fibrosarcoma and other soft tissue masses. shape varied and was roundish, ovoid,
Large intramuscular lipomas also need to be oblonged and geographical. The majority of Magnetic resonance imaging char-
differentiated from lipomatosis, a process of lipomas had well-defined margins but a small acteristics
diffuse overgrowth of mature adipocytes, percentage had ill-defined margins. On ultra-
MRI is very useful in distinguishing fat-con-
which presents with extensive infiltration of sound, the overall echogenicity was hypere-
taining tumors from other soft tissue
muscle and subcutaneous tissue. Patient with choic compared to muscle in the majority of
tumors. MRI is also an excellent imaging
lipomatosis are affected at a much younger cases, but it was also hypoechoic and isoechoic
modality to distinguish among lipomatous
age and typically the entire body region is in a small fraction of the sample. Acoustic
masses. On MRI, intramuscular lipomas may
involved. transmission compared to adjacent muscle
present with a spectrum of imaging character-
was increased in the majority of cases but was
istics. The shape of the mass may vary from
found to be equal and decreased in some
round, ovoid and fusiform to irregularly polyg-
cases. Most of the lipomas presented with fine
onal.19,23 Very occasional dumbbell-shaped
Imaging characteristics internal echoes oriented parallel to the long
masses can be present.19 The fatty tissue in the
axis of the tumor. The majority of lipomas had
intramuscular lipomas demonstrates high sig-
Imaging is important to establish a diagno- no internal vascularity on ultrasound although
nal intensity on both T1- and T2- weighted
sis, define the size, location and relationship some of them expressed mild and minimal vas-
images. Fat-suppressed sequences demon-
with adjacent anatomical structures as well as cularity. Tumors with entrapped muscle fibers
strate signal suppression similar to normal fat.
to determine an operative plan. Different stud- may appear heterogeneous and will have inter-
Intramuscular lipomas can be homogeneous
ies have tried to identify the imaging charac- nal striations on ultrasound imaging. Zamora
with intensity similar to subcutaneous fat or
teristics of lipomas and differentiate them et al. reported a case of infiltrative intramus-
heterogeneous with intermingled muscle
from other fat containing tumors.80,87-90 cular lipoma with irregular margins and inter-
fibers and other types of tumor tissue (Figure
However, very few of them have tried to inves- digitations within skeletal muscle that created
2C,D). The intermingled muscle fibers are
tigate the spectrum of imaging characteristics a typical striated appearance (Figure 2B).92
isointense to normal muscle on both T1- and
of intramuscular lipomas independently from Although ultrasonography is a good initial
T2-weighted images. Interdigitations with
other lipoma subtypes.19,23 diagnostic modality and may suggest the fatty
skeletal muscle showing the characteristic
nature of the mass, computed tomography
striated appearance is pathognomonic for
(CT) scan and magnetic resonance imaging
Roentgenographic imaging charac- intramuscular lipoma and has not been
(MRI) are significantly superior for the confi-
teristics described with other lipomatous tumors
dent identification of adipose tissues in lipo-
The plain radiographs may either be unre- (Figure 2E).1 The MRI findings of intermingled
mas. Furthermore, complete anatomical rela-
markable or may demonstrate a radiolucent fat and muscle fibers do not correspond com-
tionship of the lipoma with the adjacent struc-
soft-tissue mass of fat opacity. Most cases are pletely to the infiltrative type determined by
tures is more difficult to assess with ultra-
sharply outlined and in some cases the enclos- histological findings.23 Some tumors may only
sonography compared to CT scan and MRI.
ing fascia can be identified as a thin layer of show microscopic infiltration at the edges
higher density.26 Relatively opaque streaks which is difficult to pick up on imaging. Tumor
Computed tomography imaging margins can be well-defined when the lesion is
caused by muscle bundles can be seen within
the tumor area.26 In some cases, the bundles
characteristics sharply demarcated and infiltrative (irregular)
may dominate to such an extent that the true CT scan is very suitable for the diagnosis of when the neoplastic fatty tissue infiltrates the
nature of the lesion may be misjudged. Soft tis- lipoma. The CT scan appearance of intramus- surrounding muscle tissue. Capsule may be
sue calcifications can occasionally be cular lipomas reveals a hypodense mass situat- occasionally encountered and it may be found
ed within the muscle with Hounsfield values in only on the outside part of the intramuscular
noticed.12,76,77 On angiography, increased vas-
the negative range.29 Attenuation is similar to lipoma and not on the side of the muscle. In
cularity, abnormal vessel formation and early
that of fat tissue. The shape of the mass may addition, capsule may not be distinguished
venous filling are not usually apparent.5,34 In
vary but is usually ovoid or fusiform. The mass from the surrounding muscle even if present.1
cases of masses located in the breast area
may be well-circumscribed or have poorly Encapsulated intramuscular lipomas do not
where mammography is performed, radiolu-
defined margins.46 Thick and thin soft tissue usually have muscle fibers incorporated in the
cent mass of fat density can be noticed in the
density streaks are commonly found inside the main mass. The majority of intramuscular lipo-
pectoralis muscle.29
lesion. The thickness of the streaks varies and mas present as a single nodule (uninodular)
they are interrupted occasionally.19 These although occasionally binodular masses are
Ultrasonographic imaging charac- streaky structures are more distinctive on CT encountered (Figure 2F).23,71 Both thick and
teristics scan than on MRI.19 If ossification is present, thin linear structures can be observed in intra-
Ultrasongraphy has played a major role in CT scan can better delineate it. Some lesions muscular lipomas. They can be present within
the study of lipomatous tumors.91 In contrast, may present as an area of radiolucency sur- the nodes or between the nodules.
the ultrasound features of intramuscular lipo- rounded by a radiodense zone, consistent with Although other masses may present with
mas have been noted in occasional case ossification, separate from the adjacent bone.77 lipomatous components, they are easily recog-
reports or grouped together with superficial In these cases, differential diagnosis includes nized on MRI studies. Similar to histological
lipomas (Figure 2A).29,37,71,92,93 Similar to super- myositis ossificans or other calcified tumors. differential diagnosis, the main differential
ficial lipomas, they have presented with a In contrast to intramuscular lipomas, the diagnosis, when imaging, is versus well-differ-
spectrum of ultrasound characteristics. There shape of well-differentiated liposarcomas is entiated liposarcoma, which sometimes can be
are no large studies evaluating the ultrasound more often oblong or dumbbell-shaped. The CT difficult to differentiate from intramuscular
characteristics of intramuscular lipomas inde- scan typically reveals a fat density mass with lipoma. On MRI, liposarcomas tend to be larger

[page 160] [Orthopedic Reviews 2014; 6:5618]


than intramuscular lipomas, however size toms referable to the lesion. Conservative treat- previously reported; however this needs fur-
alone is not a good predictive factor for malig- ment has a limited role in the treatment of ther investigation. Recurrence can occur many
nancy.87 In contrast to intramuscular lipomas, symptomatic intramuscular lipomas. If the lipo- years after excision.10,21 Fletcher found a range
liposarcomas are usually multilobular and ma is small and does not cause functional limi- from 14 months to 19 years.10 The median time
have more and thicker septae with nodules. tations, simple observation and reassurance of between primary excision and first recurrence
They may also contain globular areas of other the benign nature are sufficient. Although there was 6 years.10 Studies which reported short
tumor tissue different from muscle and that are some reports of successful treatment of lipo- term recurrence rates, most likely did not rep-
can be easily distinguished on MRI.23,94 Some mas with intralesional injection of products resent the true recurrence rate of intramuscu-
authors have suggested surgical biopsy or fine- such as steroid in animal studies, the role of lar lipomas. Of note is that none of the well-cir-
needle aspiration cytology of heterogeneous that type of treatment in humans is not very cumscribed tumors recurred locally in the
deep lipomatous masses directed at nonadi- clearly defined.100 Surgical excision is the treat- study by Fletcher.10 Furthermore, the median
pose nodular or globular components to diag- ment of choice when the patient is symptomatic size of the infiltrative lesions which recurred
nose well-differentiated liposarcoma.24,95 and also for cosmetic purposes. Marginal exci- locally was not significantly different from the
Controversy exists regarding entrapped mus- sion of the well-circumscribed area and wide rest of the group.
cle fibers in lipomatous tumors as a sign of excision with free margin in the infiltrative Despite their infiltrative nature and their
malignancy or benignancy. Hosono et al. areas, whenever possible, will help preventing tendency to recur locally, intramuscular lipo-
reported that the septum-like structures con- recurrences.21 Debulking is also an acceptable mas are benign lesions, which do not have
tained entrapped muscle fibers pathological- option if in an unsuitable area for complete malignant potential and do not
ly.96 Donoto et al. also reported intermingled excision or if complete resection will lead to a metastasize. However, malignant transforma-
muscle fibers in two cases of liposarcoma.97 significant functional impairment. Chemothe- tion of intramuscular lipoma has been sug-
However, both of their cases were recurrences. rapy and radiotherapy are not generally recom- gested even though no definite evidence is
In contrast, Matsumoto et al. did not find any mended for the treatment of intramuscular lipo- available. Matsumoto et al. reported a case of a
muscle tissue in the septum-like structures in ma due to the benign character of this tumor. liposarcoma coexisting with multiple intra-
his cases.94 Regardless of this controversy, the Currently, the disease recurrence rate of muscular lipomas, and suggested that the for-
typical infiltrative striated MRI appearance of intramuscular lipoma is believed to be very mer may have resulted by malignant transfor-
some intramuscular lipomas is so characteris- low.3,20,21 However, the recurrence rate after mation from one of these benign lesions.14
tic and combined with other MRI characteristic treatment has been historically reported in the Nevertheless, Murphy et al. believe that malig-
may be pathognomonic in the majority of literature between 3 and 62.5% depending on nant transformation of lipomas is nonexistent
cases. Occasionally, intramuscular lipomas the investigators.13,20,62,65 Recurrence can occur and the rare reported cases likely represented
have to be differentiated from lipomatosis, and is thought to be due to incomplete removal sampling errors or misdiagnosis at initial
which also has infiltrative characteristics. On of lipoma during surgery. This is most likely investigation.1 Primary spreading to adjacent
MRI, lipomatosis shows the characteristics of due to the proximity of the tumor to important muscle is unusual and it is not clear if these
lipomatous lesion which is poorly circum- anatomical structures or fear of disabling func- cases represent intramuscular lipomas or dif-
scribed and affects both the subcutis and deep tional limitations with complete resection of fuse intramuscular lipomatosis sparing the
soft tissues.98 the involved muscle. Su et al. treated surgically subcutaneous tissues.8,13
8 patients with intramuscular lipomas at dif-
Nuclear medicine imaging charac- ferent locations and no local recurrence was
teristics noticed in an average follow up period of 40
months. They performed marginal excision Conclusions
Although malignant tumors typically demon-
around the well-encapsulated border area and
strate intense uptake, whereas benign lesions
wide excision in the infiltrating areas. The Intramuscular lipomas are relatively uncom-
show less uptake, nuclear medicine imaging
infiltrating areas were identified by preopera- mon lipoma subtype. Due to the unfamiliarity
has not been used extensively in the diagnosis
tive MRI. Subsequently, frozen sections exam- with that pathology, they have been commonly
of intramuscular lipomas. Otsuka et al. studied
inations were performed intraoperatively.21 misclassified and misdiagnosed with other
91 patients with soft tissue tumors with
Ramos-Pascua et al. did not have any recur- benign and malignant lesions. Careful clinical,
Thallium-201 chloride scintigraphy; among
rences in their patients, although two of the histological, imaging and cytogenetic exami-
them 16 lipomas (14 pathologically proven and
patients who presented initially to their center nation can reveal the typical characteristics of
2 not proven) with none of them showing high intramuscular lipomas and be pathognomonic
for recurrences had small tumor remnants
uptake in any phase.99 Unfortunately, they did in the majority of cases. This can further allow
detected on MRI at six months
not report how many of these were intramuscu- appropriate treatment and prognosis.
postoperatively.3 Bjerregaard et al. treated 12
lar vs. other lipoma subtypes. Ramos Pascua et
patients surgically by wide resection. During
al. reported on a single deltoid intramuscular
follow up averaging seven years, the tumor
lipoma, where the Tc 99 scan was normal.33 At
recurred in five patients.25 Basset et al. inves-
this time, the role of nuclear medicine imaging References
tigated 55 patients with intramuscular lipoma
for the diagnosis of intramuscular lipomas is
and only two (4%) had disease recurrence.20
limited and not very well established.
Studies that reported a high rate of local dis-
ease recurrence were performed at a time 1. Murphey MD, Carroll JF, Flemming DJ, et al.
when lipoblasts were required for the diagno- From the archives of the AFIP: benign mus-
sis of well-differentiated liposarcoma. culoskeletal lipomatous lesions.
Treatment, recurrence and Therefore, these studies likely misclassified Radiographics 2004;24:1433-66.
prognosis many patients with well-differentiated liposar- 2. Billing V, Mertens F, Domanski HA, Rydholm
coma as having intramuscular lipoma.20 It is A. Deep-seated ordinary and atypical lipo-
Treatment of intramuscular lipomas depends possible that the true disease recurrence rate mas: histopathology, cytogenetics, clinical
on the tumor location, size and clinical symp- of intramuscular lipomas is much lower than features, and outcome in 215 tumours of the

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