Higgins Kindergarten Observation LP

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Lesson Plan for the Elementary Class Session

 Kindergarteners will warm up their voices using a call and response phrase; “Have you
brought your _______ voice?” “Yes, I have. Yes, I have.” They will follow Ms. Higgins
for the entirety of this warm-up, using multiple voices and navigating multiple pitches,
speeds, and types of voices.
 Kindergarteners will sing “Mister Sun,” a song from their curriculum plan, to begin
singing slightly longer songs and sing with actions.
 Kindergarteners will move to “My Poor Hand is Shaking” a song from their curriculum
plan, to identify, move and isolate different body parts, and work on listening skills and
 Kindergarteners will sing “All Around the Buttercup” and play the movement game that
corresponds with the song.

Standards Being Addressed:

 MU:Cr1.1.Ka With guidance, explore and experience music concepts (such as beat and
melodic contour).
 MU:Pr4.2.Ka With guidance, explore and demonstrate awareness of music contrasts
(such as high/low, loud/soft, same/different) in a variety of music selected for
 MU:Pr5.1.Ka With guidance, apply personal, teacher, and peer feedback to refine
 MU:Pr6.1.Kb Perform appropriately for the audience.
 MU:Re7.2.Ka With guidance, demonstrate how a specific music concept (such as beat or
melodic direction) is used in music.

Materials of Instruction:
 Mister Sun – GamePlan Kindergarten Curriculum Book
 My Poor Hand is Shaking – GamePlan Kindergarten Curriculum Book
 All Around the Buttercup – Music and track from my CT
 iTunes (tracks/music for movement activity)
 Foam Microphone
 ‘Eyes on Me’ Sign
 Piano
 Music Stand
 Seating Chart/Pencil/Golden Paws/Purple Paws
Lesson Sequence:
Entry Activity/Transition: T will greet students as they enter the room, giving those with good
bubbles/quiet signs a cushion to sit on in class.
T: “Hello, how are you?”
S: “Very well, thank you!”
T: “Hello Mrs. Walker’s class! Happy Friday! Today we are going to start with a warm-up!”

Activity #1: Kindergarteners will warm up their voices using a call and response phrase; “Have
you brought your _______ voice?” “Yes, I have. Yes, I have.” They will follow Ms. Higgins for
the entirety of this warm-up, using multiple voices and navigating multiple pitches, speeds, and
types of voices.
1. T: “Have you brought your speaking voice?”
S: “Yes, I have. Yes, I have.”
T: “Have you brought your whispering voice?”
S: “Yes, I have. Yes, I have.”
T: Repeats using high, low, fast, slow, swoopy, cat, humming and singing.
Students respond accordingly.

Assessment: Did students participate in the warm-up? Did they sit with nice, tall posture?
Did students respond in the correct voice?

T: “Listen to my song. If you recognize it, give me a yes hand!”

Activity #2: Kindergarteners will sing “Mister Sun,” a song from their curriculum plan, to begin
singing slightly longer songs and sing with actions.
1. Teacher will begin by singing whole song.
“Oh mister sun, sun, mister golden sun,
Please shine down on me.
Oh mister sun, sun, mister golden sun,
Hiding behind a tree.
These little children are asking you
To please come out so we can play with you.
Oh mister sun, sun, mister golden sun,
Please shine down on me.”
2. T: “I see a lot of yes hands for friends who remember my song! Now, be my echo
T: “Oh mister sun, sun, mister golden sun”
S: “Oh mister sun, sun, mister golden sun”
T: “Please shine down on me.”
S: “Please shine down on me”
T: “Oh mister sun, sun, mister golden sun”
S: “Oh mister sun, sun, mister golden sun”
T: “Hiding behind a tree”
S: “Hiding behind a tree”
T: “These little children are asking you”
S: “These little children are asking you”
T: “To please come out so we can play with you.”
S: “To please come out so we can play with you.”
T: “Oh mister sun, sun, mister golden sun”
S: “Oh mister sun, sun, mister golden sun”
T: “Please shine down on me.”
S: “Please shine down on me.”
a. Repeat as necessary to clarify words and pitches.
3. T: “Lets do some longer phrases now! Eyes on me.”
T: “Oh mister sun, sun, mister golden sun,
Please shine down on me.”
S: “Oh mister sun, sun, mister golden sun,
Please shine down on me.”
T: “Oh mister sun, sun, mister golden sun,
Hiding behind a tree.”
S: “Oh mister sun, sun, mister golden sun,
Hiding behind a tree.”
T: “These little children are asking you
To please come out so we can play with you.”
S: “These little children are asking you
To please come out so we can play with you.”
T: “Oh mister sun, sun, mister golden sun,
Please shine down on me.”
S: “Oh mister sun, sun, mister golden sun,
Please shine down on me.”
a. Repeat as necessary to clarify words and pitches.
4. T: “You’re really getting the hang of it! Let’s try half of the song. I’ll go first.”
T: “Oh mister sun, sun, mister golden sun,
Please shine down on me.
Oh mister sun, sun, mister golden sun,
Hiding behind a tree.”
S: “Oh mister sun, sun, mister golden sun,
Please shine down on me.
Oh mister sun, sun, mister golden sun,
Hiding behind a tree.”
T: “These little children are asking you
To please come out so we can play with you.
Oh mister sun, sun, mister golden sun,
Please shine down on me.”
S: “These little children are asking you
To please come out so we can play with you.
Oh mister sun, sun, mister golden sun,
Please shine down on me.”
a. Repeat as necessary to clarify words and pitches.
5. T: “Now its time for the whole sha-bang sha-bang! You got this.”
T: “Oh mister sun, sun, mister golden sun,
Please shine down on me.
Oh mister sun, sun, mister golden sun,
Hiding behind a tree.
These little children are asking you
To please come out so we can play with you.
Oh mister sun, sun, mister golden sun,
Please shine down on me.”
S: “Oh mister sun, sun, mister golden sun,
Please shine down on me.
Oh mister sun, sun, mister golden sun,
Hiding behind a tree.
These little children are asking you
To please come out so we can play with you.
Oh mister sun, sun, mister golden sun,
Please shine down on me.”
6. T: “Great singing, everyone! Please watch me while we sing this time and see what I do
differently. One, two, ready, sing”
All: “Oh mister sun, sun, mister golden sun,
Please shine down on me.
Oh mister sun, sun, mister golden sun,
Hiding behind a tree.
These little children are asking you
To please come out so we can play with you.
Oh mister sun, sun, mister golden sun,
Please shine down on me.”
a. Teacher will be doing actions as students sing.
i. Make a circle with arms for any time they say “Oh mister sun, sun, mister
golden sun.”
ii. Motion for “please” on “please shine down on” Thumbs in to “me” for
iii. Put hands over eyes for “hiding behind a tree.”
iv. “These little children” thumbs in to self, “are asking” please motion again,
“you” point out.
v. “Please come out so we can” is the please motion, “play” is doing the
monkey, and “you” is again out.
vi. Repeat earlier movements.
T: “What did I do that time?”
S: “Movements!” (Answers will vary).
7. T: “That’s right! This time, you try! Be my mirror.”
a. Repeat singing the song, this time with students also doing the actions.

Assessment: Did kindergarteners recognize the song? Were kindergarteners able to learn
the song? Did students participate? Did students respond well to teacher feedback? Were
students able to add the motions to the song?
Transition: T: “Great job learning that song, kindergarten friends! Take a listen to this
next song and see if you know what it is asking you to do.”

Activity #3: Kindergarteners will move to “My Poor Hand is Shaking” a song from their
curriculum plan, to identify, move and isolate different body parts, and work on listening skills
and cues.

1. T will sing whole song for students.

a. “My poor hand is shaking and I can’t make it stop. My poor hand is shaking and I
can’t make it stop. Oh help me mama, I can’t make it stop. My poor hand is
shaking and I can’t make it stop. Stop!”
i. Teacher will model hand shaking while singing.
b. T: “What did my song say?”
c. S: “My hand is shaking!!!”
d. T: “Yes! Now, lets see what other body parts are shaking!”
2. T sing again, changing hand to a variety of words/body parts.
a. Elbow
b. Shoulders
c. Knees
d. Foot
e. Head
f. Whole Body

Assessment: Were students able to understand which body part to move? Did students
isolate and shake the correct body part? Did students keep the rest of their bodies under
control and make expected choices?

Transition “My kindergarten friends will be in a circle and sitting on their pockets in 5…
4… 3… 2… 1…”

Activity #4: Kindergarteners will sing “All Around the Buttercup” and play the movement game
that corresponds with the song.

1. Teacher will play the track and sing the song for the students.
a. T: “All around the buttercup,
1, 2, 3.
If you want another friend
Just choose me.”
b. T: “Do you recognize this song?”
i. Some kids will recognize because (as I was later informed) the kiddos did
this in the summer when school started.
S: “Yes!” or “No!”
2. T: “Be my echo please! All around the buttercup.”
a. S: “All around the buttercup.”
b. T: “1, 2, 3.”
c. S: “1, 2, 3.”
d. T: “If you want another friend.”
e. S: “If you want another friend.”
f. T: “Just choose me.”
g. S: “Just choose me.”
3. T: “Okay let’s try a little bit longer one!”
a. T: “All around the buttercup, 1, 2, 3.”
b. S: “All around the buttercup, 1, 2, 3.”
c. T: “If you want another friend, just choose me.”
d. S: “If you want another friend, just choose me.”
4. T: “Now its time for the whole sha-bang sha-bang! All around the buttercup, 1, 2, 3. If
you want another friend Just choose me.”
a. S: “All around the buttercup, 1, 2, 3. If you want another friend Just choose me.”
5. T: “Let’s sing it together with the recording!”
a. T will turn on recording.
b. On the first time through, teacher will just ask students to sing. On the second
time, teacher will ask students to find the steady beat. The third time they will
continue with steady beat.
c. They will do it once more and watch the Teacher model the activity.
i. Teacher weaves through students and chooses a student to join the snake
on “Just choose me.”
ii. Repeat until the line gets long.
6. T: Let’s have a friend lead our game.”
a. Teacher chooses student to lead the game. Repeat until line gets long.
b. Choose a new line leader (or the teacher if it is becoming unfair or all are not
getting turns).
c. Repeat as needed.

Assessment: Were students able to learn the song? Could students find the steady beat?
Were students able to sing and play the game at the same time? Could students play game
on their won?

“Great job today! I loved your focus and it was so great to see you. Have a wonderful
weekend! Goodbye class.”

Summative Assessment:
The biggest takeaways today are the success level of students Mister Sun. Were students able to
get this whole song down? This is a longer song thatn they have done really in the majority of
Kindergarten. Students are really starting to work on moving and singing at the same time, and
keeping bodies under control as they prepare to move into first grade.

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