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HIMNO NACIONAL DEL that tried to lengthen his oppression.

To his effort the crickets jumped

PERÚ and the grooves that it repaired itself,
CHORUS he was fueled by hatred and revenge
We are free, let's always be that he will inherit from his Inca and
and before deny your lights the Sun, Lord.
that we miss the solemn vow
that the Fatherland to the Eternal
Stanza V
raised. Countrymen, no more see her slave
If humiliated for three centuries he
Stanza I moaned,
Long the oppressed Peruvian forever swore free,
The ominous chain dragged; maintaining its own splendor.
Condemned to a cruel servitude Our arms, until today unarmed,
Long time silently moaned. are always priming the barrel,
But barely the sacred cry that one day the beaches of Iberia,
Freedom! on its shores it was heard, they will feel the terror of their noise.
the indolence of slave shakes,
the humiliated cervix lifted.
Verse VI
Let's excite Spain's jealousy
Stanza II Well, it senses with diminution and
Already the roar of strings chains fury
that we heard three centuries of That in competition of great nations
horror, Our homeland will be comparable.
from the free to the sacred cry In the list of these forms
who heard the world astonished, We will fill in the line first,
ceased. That the ambitious tyrant Iberino,
Everywhere San Martin inflamed, That the whole America ravaged.
Freedom, freedom, pronounced,
Stanza VII
and rocking its base the Andes
they announced it, also to a voice. At its top the Andes hold
the flag or bicolor flag,
Stanza III that to the centuries announce the
With its influence the peoples effort
awaken to be free, he always gave us.
and what spoke the opinion; In his shadow we live quietly,
from the isthmus to the land of fire and when the sun rises from its
from the fire to the frozen region. summits,
Everyone swear to break the link let's renew the grand oath
what nature to both worlds denied, that we surrender to the God of
And break that scepter that Spain, Jacob.
I reclined proudly in both.
Stanza IV
Lima, fulfills his solemn vow
and, severe, his anger showed
the impotent tyrant throwing,
Cusco, Cusco is your sacred name
like the sun of the immortal inkario
everyone takes you in the chest
Like song and triumphal flag.
Invincible bastion of your race,
You greet the people standing up;
and the homeland that is honored in
your lineage
of placed on the forehead a laurel.

Eternal Cusco, your golden relics.
they worked goldsmiths of the sun.
Your deeds carved the centuries
your image the glory sculpted
Let the nations stand up
that shoot their star song
and may the world pay tribute to you
Inclining your banner in your honor.
HIMNO A LA PROVINCIA DE they were canchinos, rebellious
CANCHIS cholos,
who set fire in the Andes.
Canchis, my brave and proud people
all legend, clamor and longing
you are history made in granite
You are the flag that loves the

You have the lineage of the warriors
who made themselves great to their
for us you are an example;
for the future you are bonfire.

Canchis, my liberating land,

banner to the top, battle light,
bugle bugle, hymn of glory,
glare that you light songs at dawn.

Canchis, my Canchis, for your

you are a cry of rebellion,
you are the spark of their heartbeats,
the light that indicates the direction
of their lives.

Sun, victory sings in your temples

and whose fire burns my blood;

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