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N479 Professional Activity Evaluation Form

Name: Hayley Comrie Date of Activity: 1/4/19, 3/5/19 Faculty name: Linda Perez

Describe the community service/professional activity/s you attended or participated with (be

specific about the purpose and your role):

On the 4th of January I volunteered in the SILC lab at the University of Arizona College

of Nursing. I assisted with preparation tasks for start of the semester by setting up blood draw

kits, tracheostomy cleaning kits, filling IV bags, and cleaning any equipment that was

particularly dusty or dirty. On the 5th of March I attended a Basic Life Support (BLS) course for

four hours taught by Desert Fire. During this course I was partnered with another student and we

shared mannequins to learn resuscitation protocols for infants, children, and adults.

Where was this held and what was was program/activity length?

The first activity was held in the SILC lab at the College of Nursing and was four hours

long. The second activity was a BLS course with Desert Fire CPR and First Aid, which was four

hours long and held in a school classroom.

Discuss the value of this experience to you (be specific).

I really enjoyed my time in the SILC lab because it showed me just how much work goes

into the preparation for the clinical portion of class. I knew that this preparation took time, but I

had no idea how much effort each of the stations takes to make perfect for students to use. I was

also able to experience the scheduling challenges of the SILC lab between different semesters,

especially at the start of a semester when many students need to review skills and learn new

skills during front-loading. I also enjoyed my time in my BLS course, which was taught very
well by the firefighters. I was able to refresh my memory about appropriate CPR protocols and

learn new evidence-based practices that will be applicable in my everyday job as a future nurse. I

was also able to make a connection with one of the instructors who offered a low-cost

ACLS/PALS course for a group of nursing students in the future.

Would you recommend this specific communnity/professional experience in the future; why or

why not? (Describe)

I would recommend both of these experiences to future students because I was able to

learn about the structure of the education nursing students receive from the SILC lab and I was

able to maintain a certification that will help me get jobs as a new nurse. Setting up the

equipment in the SILC lab also helped remind me of skills that I had not done in a few weeks or

months. I reminded myself of correct tracheostomy and blood draw protocol.

Brochure or proof of attendance obtained? Yes Signature on validation of clinical hours

form obtained? Yes

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