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Number the Stars

O: Conflict O: Climax
O: Exposition O: Falling Action
O: Rising Action O: Resolution

September-October 1943
The Nazi begin to seize the city and capturing the Jewish community. During
these two months the we are given a lot of character development as well as
process of escaping the country for the Jewish families that are still there.

September 25, 1943 October 15, 1943 August 29,

October 16, 1943 October 16, 1943 1945
Nazi Soldier stops A death in the
Annemarie her sister family. With the With Annemarie in a race against time to All in the same day Uncle The War is
and Ellen after they death of an get a special handkerchief to her Uncle Hernrick was able to over the
bump into him. This is imaginary aunt in Hernrick before they make it to the docks successfully smuggle everyone families that
the start of the story. the family, the she abruptly stopped in the woods by on the ship across the sea into fled begin the
main protagonists Nazi soldiers and their hounds. With the the uncontrolled land where the transition
were able to get as fear of God in her heart she forced to do Jewish people were free. back into
many Jewish the only thing she could think of and play Hernrick made it back by the their old
families together in stupid. By acting like her sister and the end of the day and told lives.
order to get them use of the handkerchief she is able to get Annemarie everything that
into neighboring by quickly. happened after she gave him
countries. the package.

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